外研版八年级上册英语期末复习:Module 7-Module 12 共6套学情评估检测试卷汇编(含答案解析).docx

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外研版八年级上册英语期末复习:Module 7-Module 12 共6套学情评估检测试卷汇编(含答案解析).docx_第1页
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1、外研版八年级上册英语期末复习:Module 7-Module 12 共6套学情评估检测试卷汇编Module 7 学情评估检测试卷(满分100分,限时60分钟).单项选择(每小题2分,共20分)1.When I looked outside, I found a bird flying the window and going into the room. A.acrossB.throughC.onD.along 2.What color do you like?I like . Many girls seem to love it.A.geographyB.pink C.musicD.tenn

2、is3.Look at the ground. It is very because it hardly rains in this area all year round. A.dryB.wetC.highD.low 4.I want to read the novel Little Women. Im going to the school library to borrow it. A.callB.calledC.callingD.to call5.(2022河北中考)At this time yesterday, I a science exam here.(E8107002)A.ta

3、keB.was taking C.am takingD.will take6.【思维品质推断思维】The girl was which club to join. Her mother advised her to join the English club.A.looking afterB.thinking aboutC.taking awayD.looking for 7.(2023重庆南岸区期末) I bought for my grandparents during my vacation. A.something specialB.special anythingC.special

4、somethingD.anything special 8.My mother chose to be a housewife because of my little sister. She wasyoung take care of herself.A.such;thatB.so;thatC.too;to D.enough;to 9.The boy is crying over there. What happened to him?He and was badly hurt.A.wrote downB.fell downC.took down D.cut down10.【人与自我学校生活

5、】(2022辽宁本溪、辽阳、葫芦岛中考改编) Before handing in your paper, check your name and number are correct. A.ifB.whenC.whatD.who.完形填空(每小题3分,共30分)【新独家原创】Long long ago, there was a farm and some chickens lived there. Beside the farm there was a cliff (悬崖). Two eagles (鹰)11their nest (巢) at the top of the cliff. The

6、y laid their eggs inside the nest. On a windy day, one egg fell down into the 12. Some chickens saw the13and took it home. They took care of it. Soon, a baby eagle was born 14 the egg. The chickens thought he was a chicken. The baby eagle thought he was a chicken, too. When he grew up, he walked on

7、the ground like the chickens. He never thought about flying 15chickens couldnt fly. One day, the eagle was playing with the chickens. He16 and saw some eagles flying in the sky. He said, “How I wish I would 17 like them!” The chickens laughed at him and said,“You are18. You are a chicken and chicken

8、s can 19fly in the sky!” After he thought for a while, he20with the chickens and said they were right. Before he died, the eagle still thought he was a chicken.11.A.leftB.lostC.cleanedD.built12.A.farmB.gardenC.townD.village13.A.eggB.chickenC.eagleD.baby14.A.outB.fromC.withD.of15.A.ifB.althoughC.beca

9、useD.while16.A.looked backB.looked overC.looked downD.looked up17.A.flyB.runC.jumpD.walk18.A.cleverB.sillyC.lazyD.brave19.A.usuallyB.oftenC.neverD.always20.A.refusedB.disagreedC.shookD.agreed.阅读理解(每小题3分,共30分)A(2022山东聊城茌平区期末)Neil is a taxi driver. He is busy carrying passengers (乘客) every day. Some o

10、f his passengers are forgetful(健忘的). An old lady is one of them.One day, Neil picked up an old lady in front of a restaurant. The old lady said that she had to arrive at the airport at three oclock. On the way to the airport, the old lady said to Neil, “Sir, I left my glasses on the restaurant table

11、. I must get them back.”Neil had to drive back to the restaurant. The lady was very old, so Neil went into the restaurant and helped her to get back her glasses. He saw the glasses on the table. He took them back and gave them to the old lady. She said thanks to Neil.They got to the airport at 2:40

12、pm. When the old lady got out of the taxi, she suddenly asked again,“Did you see my scarf in the restaurant?” (E8107003)21.Where did Neil first meet the old lady?A.In front of the restaurant.B.In front of the airport.C.Behind the restaurant.D.Next to the airport.22.Neil saw the glasses .A.on the cha

13、irB.on the tableC.in the taxi D.in the car23.They got to the airport earlier than what the old lady asked.A.20 minutesB.30 minutesC.40 minutesD.50 minutes24.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Neil is a taxi driver.B.The old lady left her glasses at the restaurant.C.The old

14、 lady went into the restaurant and took her glasses back.D.The old lady left her scarf at the restaurant, too.25.After reading the story, we can know that Neil is .A.funnyB.braveC.lazyD.helpfulB【人与自我职业精神】(2023广东广州骏景中学期末) A doctor quickly entered the hospital after being called in for surgery (外科手术).

15、 He changed his clothes and went directly to the surgery room. He saw the boys father walking back and forth in the hall waiting for the doctor.On seeing the doctor, the dad shouted, “Why did it take so long for you to come? Dont you know that my sons life is in danger?” The doctor smiled and said,

16、“Im sorry. But I came as fast as I could. Now I wish youd stay relaxed so that I can do my work.” “Stay relaxed? If your son were in this room right now, would you stay relaxed?” said the father angrily. The doctor smiled again and answered, “Just go and wish your son the best. We will do our best.”

17、 The surgery took some hours. Then the doctor went out happily and said, “Thank God! Your son is saved!” And without waiting for the fathers answer, he ran away. “Why is he in such a hurry?” asked the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left. The nurse answered, “His son died yeste

18、rday in an accident. He was at the funeral (葬礼) when we called him for your sons surgery.”(E8107003)26.What did the father do when he saw the doctor?A.He welcomed the doctor.B.He questioned the doctor.C.He thanked the doctor.D.He played with the doctor.27.What did the doctor want the father to do?A.

19、Go home and wait.B.Get into the surgery room.C.Stay relaxed and wait.D.Talk to other people around him.28.What would the doctor probably do after finishing the surgery?A.Go to another surgery room.B.Go back to the funeral.C.Go home and relax. D.Continue his vacation.29.【新考法事件排序题】 Which is the RIGHT

20、order?The doctor did surgery.The father talked with the nurse.The father talked with the doctor.The father walked nervously in the hall.A.B.C.D.30.How would the father most likely feel after hearing the nurses words?A.Bored.B.Sorry.C.Excited.D.Happy.书面表达(共20分)【语言能力表达能力】狼来了是我们从小就耳熟能详的故事,根据图片内容,写一篇80词

21、左右的小故事。要求:字迹工整,语言流畅,表达准确,逻辑清晰。提示词:shepherd 牧羊人;villager村民;wolf狼;sheep羊(E8107004)Once upon a time, there lived 答案全解全析.1.B先根据“穿过窗户”可排除选项C和D;和window搭配,表示“从立体空间穿过”时要用through,故答案为B。2.B问句的含义是“你喜欢什么颜色?”,pink“粉色”符合题意。故选B。3.A根据题干中的“这个地方一年到头几乎都不下雨”可推断,地面很“干”,所缺的词是dry。4.B第一句句意:我想读那本叫小妇人的小说。过去分词短语called Little

22、Women作后置定语修饰the novel。5.B本题考查动词时态。根据At this time yesterday可知,对应的时态是过去进行时,was taking符合题意。6.B四个选项的含义分别是:look after照顾;think about考虑;take away带走;look for寻找。根据本题语境可知,那个女孩在“考虑”加入哪个俱乐部,故选B。7.A句意:休假期间我给我的爷爷奶奶买了一些特别的东西。形容词修饰复合不定代词时,形容词要后置,先排除选项B和C,在肯定句中要用something,故答案为A。8.C根据第二空之后的动词原形take可先排除选项A和B,再根据本题语境可知

23、,我妈妈选择做家庭主妇是因为我妹妹,她太小了,还不会照顾自己,根据too.to.的结构可知答案为C。9.B四个选项的含义分别是:write down写下;fall down跌倒,摔倒;take down记下,取下;cut down砍倒,减少。根据本题语境可知,他摔倒了,伤得很严重,表示“跌倒;摔倒”要用fall down,故答案为B。10.A根据本题语境可知,在你交论文之前,检查一下你的姓名和电话号码“是否”正确,if符合题意,此时if表示“是否”。.语篇解读一个鹰蛋从鸟巢里掉下来,被一些鸡发现带到了农场。幼鹰破壳而出之后,一直觉得自己是鸡,也从来没有想过自己是会飞的鹰。11.D两只鹰在悬崖顶

24、部“建造”了自己的巢,built符合题意。12.A根据上下文可知,一个蛋掉到了“农场”,farm符合题意。13.A鸡看到了那个“蛋”,把它带回家了,egg符合题意。14.B一个小鹰从蛋里出来了,from符合题意。15.C设空前意为“他从来没有想过飞行”,设空后意为“鸡不会飞”,根据设空前后的因果关系可知,所缺的词是because。16.D四个选项的含义分别是:look back向后看,回顾;look over检查;look down向下看;look up向上看,查找。根据上下文可知,他“向上看”,看到一些鹰在空中飞,looked up符合题意。17.A他当时说的是“我多么希望我可以像他们一样飞

25、行!”,fly符合题意。18.B四个选项的含义分别是:clever聪明的;silly愚蠢的;lazy懒惰的;brave勇敢的。根据上下文可知,那些鸡嘲笑他,说他很“愚蠢”,silly符合题意。19.C根据上下文可知,那些鸡说的是“你很愚蠢。你是一只鸡,鸡从来不会在天空中飞行!”,never符合题意。20.D他想了一会儿之后,“赞同”了那些鸡的话,说他们是对的,agreed符合题意。. A语篇解读本文讲的是一位司机与一位健忘的老妇人的故事。21.A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“One day, Neil picked up an old lady in front of a restaurant.

26、”可知,Neil是在饭店门口接到那位老妇人的,故答案为A。22.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“.Neil went into the restaurant and helped her to get back her glasses. He saw the glasses on the table.”可知,她的眼镜在桌子上,故答案为B。23.A推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The old lady said that she had to arrive at the airport at three oclock.”以及第四段中的“They got to the airport at 2:40

27、pm.”可知,他们比老妇人要求的时间提前20分钟到达了机场,故答案为A。24.C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The lady was very old, so Neil went into the restaurant and helped her to get back her glasses.”可知,Neil帮那位老妇人去饭店取眼镜了,故选项C是错误的描述。25.D推理判断题。根据第三段的描述可推断,Neil乐于助人,故答案为D。B语篇解读本文讲的是一位医生离开儿子的葬礼,奔赴医院挽救另一名男孩的故事。26.B细节理解题。根据第二段的描述可知,那位父亲见到医生的时候,他责问了医生为什么来得

28、这么晚,故答案为B。27.C细节理解题。根据第三段中医生说的“Now I wish youd stay relaxed so that I can do my work.”以及第四段中的“Just go and wish your son the best.”可知,医生要那位父亲放松并等待,故答案为C。28.B推理判断题。根据最后一段的描述可知,医生做完手术后可能会回到他儿子的葬礼,故答案为B。29.A事件排序题。通读全文可知,正确的顺序是:父亲紧张地在走廊走来走去,随后父亲和医生交谈,然后医生做手术,最后父亲和护士交谈,故答案为A。30.B推理判断题。通读最后一段可推断,那位父亲得知真相后,

29、很可能会觉得很“抱歉”,故答案为B。.One possible version:Once upon a time, there lived a shepherd. He was bored with watching sheep. One day, he wondered if there was something fun to do. After a while, he came up with an idea, and he began to cry out, “Wolf! Wolf!” The villagers came running. The boy was happy when

30、 he saw them running, and he said to them,“I just told a lie.” The villagers left angrily. The next day, the boy lied again, and the villagers came again. They told the boy,“We wont believe you anymore.”However, some time later, a wolf really appeared. Although the boy cried out, the villagers didnt

31、 come. The wolf ate his sheep.外研版八年级上册英语Module 8 学情评估检测试卷(满分100分,限时60分钟).单项选择(每小题2分,共20分)1.Before you run across the street quickly, think of the of an accident. A.attentionB.riskC.luckD.choice2.She said she would attend the meeting, but she didnt in the end.A.appearB.throwC.returnD.get 3.(2022辽宁大连高

32、新区期末) 下列单词中,重读在第二个音节的单词是。A.journey B.attentionC.dictionaryD.shoulder4.【学习能力学习策略】 Youd better pay attention these words correctly. Try not to make mistakes. A.spellB.spellingC.to spellD.to spelling5.There are two books on the ground. Please and give them to the librarian.A.pick up it B.pick it upC.pi

33、ck up themD.pick them up6.Dont these books. They are new and you can give them away to poor children.A.throw awayB.go awayC.take away D.run away7.What happened to the boy?He his bike and hurt his legs.A.put offB.fell offC.set offD.took off8.Did you catch the train yesterday? Yes, we did. We took a t

34、axi and got to the train station . A.at times B.in timeC.all the timeD.for the first time9.(2023北京朝阳区期末) I my homework when my mother got home yesterday afternoon.(E8108002) A.do B.was doingC.am doingD.will do 10.【新独家原创】Its very cold this winter. We will go to Sanyathe winter holiday starts.A.as soo

35、n asB.even thoughC.so that D.as if.完形填空(每小题3分,共30分)(2021四川广元中考)Many people have to work on the weekend. Some people do not mind. Other people think it is terrible.One man thinks that working on the weekend can be11. He is Graham Coates. Mr. Coates worked in an office in Brighton, England. One Saturd

36、ay, he went to the 12 to do some work. When he got in the lift to go home, it13between floors. Mr. Coates could not get out of the lift. He was stuck! He did not have a cell phone, 14 he started to shout. However, no one heard him. Then Mr. Coates remembered that Monday was a holiday. No one was goi

37、ng to come to work until15!There was16for Mr. Coates to do. He had to wait until one of his workmates came to work and found him. With nothing to eat17drink, Mr. Coates ended up sleeping for most of the time.Early on Tuesday morning, the president of the company came into work and found the lift was

38、 not18. When someone19opened the lift, Mr. Coates came out and he felt cold, weak, and 20. He had been in danger for sixtytwo hours!11.A.interestingB.happyC.dangerousD.harmful12.A.schoolB.officeC.shopD.home13.A.wentB.stoppedC.movedD.ran14.A.becauseB.ifC.soD.although15.A.ThursdayB.WednesdayC.MondayD.

39、Tuesday16.A.somethingB.anythingC.everythingD.nothing17.A.orB.andC.norD.but18.A.doingB.turningC.workingD.repairing19.A.finallyB.reallyC.firstlyD.recently20.A.excitedB.tiredC.surprisedD.relaxed.阅读理解(每小题3分,共30分)A(2022广西柳州期末改编) Here is a report of an accident. AccidentA car hit a woman while she was wal

40、king across the road.PlaceZhongshan Road, ShanghaiWeatherThere was a heavy rain. Conditions (状况)of victims (伤者)Mrs Green fell down and hurt her knee.Time of the call9:40 pmDate of the callNovember 3The callerThe driverActionPolicemen arrived at 9:50 pm and sent the victim to the hospital at 9:55 pm.

41、 The reason (原因)It was too dark for the driver to see the woman.(E8108003)21.Where did the accident happen?A.On Renmin Road.B.On Zhongshan Road.C.On Nanjing Road.22.【新考法图片理解题】 What was the weather like that day? A B C23.What happened to Mrs Green?A.She hurt her head.B.She hurt her hand.C.She hurt he

42、r knee.24.When did the driver call the police?A.At 9:40 pm.B.At 9:50 pm. C.At 9:55 pm.25.Which of the following is TRUE?A.A car hit a woman while she was waiting for the bus.B.The accident happened because Mrs Green couldnt see the car.C.The policemen arrived 10 minutes later and sent the victim to

43、the hospital.B(2023广东珠海九中期中改编) Last Sunday evening my parents went out for a walk with my sister. But I studied alone at home because I would have an English test. Suddenly, I saw bright light in my neighbors kitchen. I thought he was cooking so I went on studying.Soon, there was a terrible smell in

44、 the air and I thought something was wrong. I went out and saw fire coming out of my neighbors kitchen. So I shouted “Fire!Fire!” But no one heard or came out.I ran quickly into my house to call 119. Then I rang my neighbors doorbell and knocked at the door, but there was no response. I got into the

45、 house through the window and found my neighbor sleeping in his bedroom. I woke him up and we rushed out of the house together. We tried our best to pour water through the kitchen window, but the fire was too heavy. Luckily, the firemen came and put out the fire quickly. When my parents came back, they found I was dirty and tired. After my neighbor told them the


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