Module 12 Help-Unit 3 Language in use-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:c00c9).zip

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1课题课题: M12 HelpUnit2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. 学习者姓名: 班级:八( ) 班 学习时间:2017 年 12 月 22 日【学习目标学习目标】1、能读懂并讨论关于地震话题的材料。2、能正确使用情态动词和祈使句表达“建议”和“指导” 。3、注重小组合作学习如何自救和施救。【课堂学习课堂学习】一温故而知新一温故而知新(TPR)通过热身游戏复习第一课时单词二话题引入(二话题引入(Pre-reading)背景知识激活并开启小组合作的前奏三话题探究三话题探究 (While-reading)What to do in an earthquake?Step1: Before an earthquakeStep2:During an earthquakeInside:Outside:Step3:After an earthquake2四四. 思想教育(思想教育(Post-reading)There is no way of knowing when disaster(灾难)will happen ,so there is no choice but to _;_;_.五知识拓展与课后作业五知识拓展与课后作业 (Consolidation & Homework) 【阅读理解练习,详看附件阅读理解练习,详看附件】六六. 课堂总结与课后自我检测(课堂总结与课后自我检测(Self-check)1、stay away from_2、move away from _3、run away from_4、keep clear of _5、keep calm_6、brave_7、helpful_8、be careful of_9、In short_10、fall on_3附件:附件: Reading Comprehension 阅读理解阅读理解What should you do if a big fire happens at home? Theres no much time to think. People need to act quickly. The following rules will be helpful:Shout out If you smell smoke or see fire, shout out “ fire” ! Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep at night.Call 119Never try to put out(扑灭)a fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or 119.Keep down close to the floor If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor.Check the doorCheck the door before you open it. Touch it with the back of your hand near the top. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it.Get outIf you can, get out of your home as quickly as you can. Do not stop to pick up anything. A fire can become very big in a few seconds!Dont use the liftNever use the lift during a fire. Always use the stairs. A lift may stop at a floor where the fire is burning(燃烧的). It may also go wrong and keep you inside.Dont go backNever go back into a burning building! Even if you have let your pet or favourite toy inside, do not go back for it.( ) 1. If there is a small fire in your room, you should _.A. put it out by yourself B. get help from your parents or 119C. use a lift to the ground as soon as you can D. open the door( )2. If there is a lot of smoke in your room, you should _.A. keep down close to the floor B. get some water on the floor at onceC. go back to your bed in a minute D. run out of the room( )3. If the door is very hot, you should _.A. get out of your home as soon as you can B. pick up your things and rush out(冲出去)C. open the door quickly D. not open the door( )4. Dont use the lift during a fire because _.A. a lift may not be easy to use B. a lift may be a very old oneC. a lift may go wrong and keep you inside D. a lift cant carry too many people( )5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. If you have something left in the burning building, get is as soon as possible.B. Always use stairs instead of(代替)a lift if there is a fireC. Call 119 at once instead of putting out the fire by yourself.D. Dont open the door if it is hot.1Module12 Help Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. 教学设计教学设计授课老师:授课老师: 授课班别:授课班别:八年 3 班时间:时间:2017 年 12 月 22 日 课时:课时:2 课型课型 :阅读课(一)(一) 教学目标教学目标1. 语言技能语言技能(1)能够读懂关于地震以及应对地震方法及措施的文章,理解文章大意,掌握细节信息。(2)能够使用情态动词和祈使句表达“建议”和“指导”。2. 学习策略学习策略 能够关心他人、为他人着想,在地震发生时,能够运用所学的急救知识提出解决办法。3. 文化意识文化意识 了解应对地震的方法和措施,增强防范意识和能力。4. 情感态度情感态度 培养学生在地震中的自我保护意识和应对突发事件的能力。(二)(二) 教学内容分析教学内容分析1.教材内容在本章节中的地位、作用、意义教材内容在本章节中的地位、作用、意义 本课是八年级上第十二模块的第二单元,为阅读课。本单元贴近学生生活以“突发事故和灾难”为话题,以常见的“地震”为载体开展语言教学,安全和急救方面的话题是学校教育不可或缺的一个重要部分,本单元的素材具有实用和可操作性强的特点,将以英语语言的形式呈现,既能培养学生综合运用语言的能力,也锻炼了学生的核心素养。2.教学重点教学重点 能够克服生词干扰,读懂文章内容并从中提取细节信息。3.教学难点教学难点能够正确使用情态动词和祈使句表达和总结地震中应对和急救措施并能运用。4. 教学设计思路教学设计思路(1)话题词汇复习与回顾。(2)话题背景知识的引入与激活。(3)小组合作对话题进行递进学习与提升。(4)总结与思想教育。(三)(三) 教学对象分析教学对象分析1.学生已有知识和经验学生已有知识和经验突发事件是人们日常生活中经常需要面对的问题。西方对于教育学生如何应对突发事件非常重视,但很多中国学生这方面的意识却比较薄弱,也缺乏相关的急救知识。2.学生学习方法和技巧学生学习方法和技巧小组合作与小组讨论2(四)(四) 教学过程(步骤、目的、教师活动、学生活动、媒介运用,板书设计)教学过程(步骤、目的、教师活动、学生活动、媒介运用,板书设计)教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动目的目的媒体运用媒体运用Step 1: Greetings and Game (5 minutes)1、师生相互问候。2、TPR 游戏,复习第一课时的词汇。通过该热身游戏,活跃课堂气氛,并重复指定动作,为下一步话题的引出做铺垫。Step 2:Topic and background information(5 minutes)1、观看有关“地震”的知识视频。2、观看“地震”相关图片。引入话题与激活背景知识。Step 3 Pre -reading (5 minutes)引导学生明确任务与活动目标,开展小组合作进行“地震前”的话题讨论。小组开展合作,讨论“地震前”的常识准备与相关内容。话题生活化,博采众长,集思广益。Step 4 While-reading (10 minutes) (10 minutes)指导学生进行小组合作,找出“室内与室外”应对地震的实用措施。学生根据任务要求,小组合作,组内讨论并找出“室内与室外”应对地震的实用措施。加深学生对本课话题内容的理解,拓展学生地震自救和施救的实际能力。Step 5 Post-reading (12 minutes)1、教师引导学生总结本单元所学的知识并教导学生“地震后”的正确态度及实际做法。2、引导学生完成知识拓展“阅读理解”。1、学生根据任务要求,小组合作,观看视频后讨论“地震后”的正确实际做法。2、知识拓展:阅读理解语言知识的提升与升华,培养学生良好的情感态度。Step 6 Summary (2 minutes)知识小结与思想教育。从所学知识中有所启发,并能在生活中从容、勇敢、睿智面对突发事件和灾难。面对突发事件和灾难,爱己及人,锻炼自救和施救的能力。Step 7 Homework (1 minute)作业要求说明。根据阅读理解,制作海报“火灾生存锦囊”。对本单元知识的综合提升和巩固。多媒体、投影仪、话题图片、教学视频及课件等3板书设计板书设计Module12 HelpUnit2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.(五)教学反思(五)教学反思1、教学环节有机结合和灵活处理教材内容为课堂服务,尝试运用思维导图进行板书,帮助学生了解与理解本课重点和内容。2、重视阅读课的整体发展,设计主线 “地震前”“地震中”“地震后”进行话题教学 ,既丰富教学知识,又能拓展学生的话题知识面,但今后应创设跟多情景、相关话题以及机会让学生在合作学习的基础下,进行有效的语言输入和输出。3、语言教学应当创设更多语境,激发学生的表达欲望、表演欲望以及分享欲望。4、更加重视教学环节的“信息差”,以确保每个教学内容的有效性。powerhelpfulclearbravecalmunderkeepinsidewarnliftfirecoverfirst aidearthquakehidefallSome earthquakes are very strong. And the results are very serious.Many people hurt or die.Many people lose their homes._a strong table/deskInside the roomHide underOutside the room_tall buildingsMove away fromIn the car / bus_ the car /busStay in In the building _the liftDont useDontDont . .YouYou mustmust . .YouYou mustntmustnt . .KeepKeep clearclear ofof . .StayStay awayaway fromfrom . .MoveMove awayaway fromfrom . .DontDont . .YouYou mustmust . .YouYou mustntmustnt . .KeepKeep clearclear ofof . .StayStay awayaway fromfrom . .MoveMove awayaway fromfrom . .HereHere somesome PeppasPeppas andand GeorgesGeorges ideasideas andand actionsactions aboutabout earthquake.earthquake. ( & )I hid under a table.George sat on his desk.When the earthquake starts,dont sit on the desk.You must hide under a strong table/desk.Peppa ran out of the building.When the earthquake starts,dont run out of the building.Leave the building quicklywhen the ground stops shaking.Peter and Helen stayed in their car.MyMy familyfamily ,peppa,peppa andand I I movedmoved awayaway fromfrom thethe beach.beach.Review What to do in an earthquake?If you are indoorsHide underSit onclose toIf you are indoorsyour headhands/armsStay away fromIf you are outdoorsthe open areaStay away fromIf you are outdoorsStay away fromKeep in mind!keepkeep calmcalmbebe bravebravebebe helpfulhelpfulIf If a a bigbig firefire happenshappens atat homehome, whatwhat mustmust wewe do?do?( ) 1. If there is a small fire in your room, you should _.A. put it out by yourself B. get help from your parents or 119C. use a lift to the ground as soon as you can D. open the door( )2. If there is a lot of smoke in your room, you should _.A. keep down close to the floor B. get some water on the floor at onceC. go back to your bed in a minute D. run out of the room( )3. If the door is very hot, you should _.A. get out of your home as soon as you can B. pick up your things and rush out(冲出去)(冲出去)C. open the door quicklyD. not open the door( )4. Dont use the lift during a fire because _.A. a lift may not be easy to use B. a lift may be a very old oneC. a lift may go wrong and keep you inside D. a lift cant carry too many people( )5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. If you have something left in the burning building, get is as soon as possible.B. Always use stairs instead of(代替)(代替)a lift if there is a fireC. Call 119 at once instead of putting out the fire by yourself.D. Dont open the door if it is hot.HomeworkHomeworkMakeMake a a poster:poster: FireFire SurvivalSurvival TipsTips
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