Module 4 Planes, Ships and trains-Unit 2 What is the best way to travel -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:c08e4).zip

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Module 4 Unit 2 What is the best way to travel?学习目标:学习目标:1.巩固学习交通方式的词汇。2.能读懂关于旅游和交通工具的文章,运用阅读策略获取信息。3.能使用形容词最高级描述事物特征。学习重难点:学习重难点:1.形容词最高级的应用学习过程:学习过程:Step 1:Revision1、Speak out the transportation2、Ask and answer. -What is the most comfortable way to travel? - I think travelling by . is the .Step 2:Lead in1、 Where would you like to visit?2、 How do you get there?3、 Whats the cheapest way to get there?4、 Whats the most comfortable way to get there?Step 3:ReadingTask 1:SkimmingSkim the passage and answer the questions.(略读短文,回答问题)How many ways are there from London to Amsterdam? What are they?Task 2:Fast-ReadingRead and choose the best answer.1、What is the cheapest way to travel? train B. by coach C. by car and by ship D. by plane 2、How long does it take you to go there by coach?A.twelve hours B. about twelve hours C. over twelve hours D. less than twelve hours3、According to the passage, which is right. A. A journey by coach is more relaxing than by train,B. You may have to wait for hours at the airport because of the traffic.C. If you want to go there fast, the best way is by train.D. The second cheapest way to travel is by plane.Task 3:Careful-ReadingRead and complete the table.WaysGood pointsBad pointsTrainCar and shipCoachPlaneSummary 1:1、The most expensive way is by .2、The second most expensive way is by .3、The third most expensive way is by . 4、The least expensive way is by . Task 4:Reading1、Read and complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.choice cost fast however journey outsideThere are four ways to travel from London to Amsterdam. The first (1) _ is by train because the (2) _ takes only four hours. (3) _, it is quite expensive. Going by coach does not (4) _ as much as going by train. When you go by car and by ship, remember that parking in Amsterdam is not cheap, so it is best to stay (5) _ the city centre and travel in by bus or by train. Going by plane is the (6) _, but you need to go to the airport. It also takes time.2、Group work:Whats the best way to travel from London to Amsterdam in your idea?Step 4:DiscussionA:Whats the cheapest way to travel from London to Paris?B:The cheapest way is by coach.A:Whats the quickest ( the most comfortable/the most interesting ) way to?B:.Step 5:SummaryStep 6:HomeworkWrite a passage: Write a passage about ways of travelling from London to Paris. Use the information in Activity 5 and the passage in Activity 2 to help you.You can go from London to Paris by coach, plane or train. Travelling by plane is the fastest but also the most expensive way. Traveling by coach is Ways of travellingCostTimeComfortableInterestingcoach2010 hours*plane801 hour*LondontoParistrain603 hours*1.巩固学习交通方式的词汇。2.能读懂关于旅游和交通工具的文章, 运用阅读策略获取信息。3.能使用形容词最高级描述事物特征。Transportationtransportationbyplane/airbybikebyship/seabysubwaybytaxibybuswalk/onfootbytrainAsk and answer-Whatisthemostcomfortablewaytotravel?-Ithinktravellingbyisthethemostenjoyablethemostexpensivethemostexcitingthefastestthesafestthecheapest.Wherewouldyouliketovisit?Howdoyougetthere?Whatsthecheapestwaytogetthere?Whatsthemostcomfortablewaytogetthere?ImplanningtotravelfromLondontoAmsterdam.Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹,mstdmAmsterdamisthecapitaloftheNetherlands.ItisalsothelargestcityinNetherlands.WhatisthebestwaytotravelfromLondontoAmsterdam?Task1SkimmingSkimthepassageandanswerthequestions.(略读短文,回答问题)1. HowmanywaysaretherefromLondontoAmsterdam?Whatarethey?Tip1:Skimming:Readthepassagefastandpayattentiontothefirstsentenceorthelastsentenceofthepassageoreachparagraph.Skim:略读文章,关注文章的首尾句和每一段的首尾句Read and choose the best answer.1)What is the cheapest way to travel? train B. by coach C. by car and by ship D. by plane 2)How long does it take you to go there by coach?A.twelve hours B. about twelve hours C. over twelve hours D. less than twelve hoursCBTask 2 Fast-Reading3)According to the passage, which is right. A. A journey by coach is more relaxing than by train,B. You may have to wait for hours at the airport because of the traffic.C. If you want to go there fast, the best way is by train.D. The second cheapest way to travel is by plane.D Read and complete the table. Train Car and shipGood points Waysmore relaxing than by coachthe most comfortable way to travelBad pointsmore expensive than by coachthe most expensive way to travelTask 3 Careful-ReadingCoachPlaneWaysGood points Bad pointscheapestcrowded in summer; taking a long timefastest and not very expensivemay have to wait for hours at the airport because of bad weatherTip 2:Scan: Read the passage carefully and find out the details.Skan :细读文章,找出所需细节信息。Number the ways of travelling from the most expensive to the least expensive.4132Summary 1:The most expensive way is by_ _.The second most expensive way is by _.The third most expensive way is by_ . The least expensive way is by_ _ cartrainplanecoachReadaloudComplete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.choicecostfasthoweverjourneyoutsideTherearefourwaystotravelfromLondontoAmsterdam.Thefirst(1)_isbytrainbecausethe(2)_takesonlyfourhours.(3)_,itisquiteexpensive.choicejourneyHoweverGoingbycoachdoesnot(4)_asmuchasgoingbytrain.Whenyougobycarandbyship,rememberthatparkinginAmsterdamisnotcheap,soitisbesttostay(5)_thecitycentreandtravelinbybusorbytrain.Goingbyplaneisthe(6)_,butyouneedtogototheairport.Italsotakestime.costoutsidefastestRetellthepassageanddiscuss.WhatsthebestwaytotravelfromLondontoAmsterdaminyouridea?GroupworkWaysoftravellingCostTime Comfor-tableInterestingLondonPariscoach2010hours*plane801hour* *train 603hours*A:WhatsthecheapestwaytotravelfromLondontoParis?B:Thecheapestwayisbycoach.A:Whatsthequickest(themostcomfortable/themostintersting)wayto?Writeapassage:YoucangofromLondontoParisbycoach,planeortrain.Travellingbyplaneisthefastestbutalsothemostexpensiveway.TravelingbycoachisWriteapassageaboutwaysoftravellingfromLondontoParis.UsetheinformationinActivity5andthepassageinActivity2tohelpyou.Module 4 Unit 2 What is the best way to travel?教学目标:教学目标:语言知识目标(1)功能:给出旅游的交通选择的建议 (2)语法:掌握形容词、副词比较级与最高级的句型表达语言技能目标(1)说:能够谈论不同交通方式的及利与弊,做出合适的选择。 (2)读:能够读懂关于旅游和交通的文章并获取细节信息 (3)写:能够用书信方式给出旅游及交通选择的建议。 (4)运用:能旅游与交通开展讨论并给出建议。学习策略:能够发现并记录自己在英语学习方面的优势,充分发挥自己的优势,积极弥补自己的短处。能够与同学交流学习心得,共享学习策略。情感态度:在学习如何提出建议的过程中学会分析事物的不同及利与弊,作出适当的选择。教学重难点:教学重难点:1.形容词最高级的应用教学过程:教学过程:Step 1:Revision1、Words about the transportation (设计意图:复习交通方式)2、Ask and answer. -What is the most comfortable way to travel? - I think travelling by . is the . (设计意图:复习形容词比较级、最高级的用法,为本文交通方式对比做准备)Step 2:Lead in1、 Where would you like to visit this holiday?2、 How do you get there?3、 Whats the cheapest way to get there?4、 Whats the most comfortable way to get there?(设计意图:旅游话题引起学生学习兴趣,导入本文内容)Step 3:ReadingTask 1:SkimmingSkim the passage and answer the questions.(略读短文,回答问题)How many ways are there from London to Amsterdam? What are they?(阅读策略: 略读文章,关注文章的首尾句和每一段的首尾句)Task 2:Fast-ReadingRead and choose the best answer.1、What is the cheapest way to travel? train B. by coach C. by car and by ship D. by plane 2、How long does it take you to go there by coach?A.twelve hours B. about twelve hours C. over twelve hours D. less than twelve hours3、According to the passage, which is right. A. A journey by coach is more relaxing than by train,B. You may have to wait for hours at the airport because of the traffic.C. If you want to go there fast, the best way is by train.D. The second cheapest way to travel is by plane.Task 3:Careful-ReadingRead and complete the table.WaysGood pointsBad pointsTrainCar and shipCoachPlane(设计意图:通过表格形式,清晰展示不同交通间的优缺点,以便做出选择。)(阅读策略:细读文章,找出所需细节信息。)Summary 1:1、The most expensive way is by .2、The second most expensive way is by .3、The third most expensive way is by . 4、The least expensive way is by . Task 4:Reading1、Read and complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.choice cost fast however journey outsideThere are four ways to travel from London to Amsterdam. The first (1) _ is by train because the (2) _ takes only four hours. (3) _, it is quite expensive. Going by coach does not (4) _ as much as going by train. When you go by car and by ship, remember that parking in Amsterdam is not cheap, so it is best to stay (5) _ the city centre and travel in by bus or by train. Going by plane is the (6) _, but you need to go to the airport. It also takes time.(设计意图:更好的帮助学生理解文章内容)2、Group work:Whats the best way to travel from London to Amsterdam in your idea? Step 4:DiscussionA:Whats the cheapest way to travel from London to Paris?B:The cheapest way is by coach.A:Whats the quickest ( the most comfortable/the most interesting ) way to?B:.(设计意图:迁移应用,更好的应用形容词比较级、最高级,权衡利弊,做出最佳选择)Ways of travellingCostTimeComfortableInterestingcoach2010 hours*plane801 hour*LondontoParistrain603 hours*Step 5:SummaryStep 6:HomeworkWrite a passage: Write a passage about ways of travelling from London to Paris. Use the information in Activity 5 and the passage in Activity 2 to help you.You can go from London to Paris by coach, plane or train. Travelling by plane is the fastest but also the most expensive way. Traveling by coach is
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