Project 2 A party-Part A , B, C, & D-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:00b78).zip

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I can call my friends and invite them to the party.我能打电话邀请朋友参加聚会。我能打电话邀请朋友参加聚会。I can make and talk about the clothes for the party.我能为聚会制作服装并互相谈论。我能为聚会制作服装并互相谈论。I can use some sentences from Unit 5 to unit 8 to talk.我能运用我能运用5到到8单元的部分句型进行操练。单元的部分句型进行操练。I can get to know more about parties.我能尝试知道更多关于晚会的信息。我能尝试知道更多关于晚会的信息。Tim I want to have a party this afternoon.What can we do at the party ?We can sing and dance.We can eat nice food.We can play games.Lets playRules(规则)(规则):快速读出快速读出你你看到看到的单的单 词或图片词或图片。看到看到 ,就拍手就拍手。hungryillsadthirstyhappytiredWhats the matter with you ?Im feelings 感受感受/him他他/Hes/her她她/Shes Whats the matter with you ?I have a Im sorry to hear that.illness 疾病疾病/him/her/He has/ She hasWatch and answerTim Amy Can Amy come to the party?Can Tom come to the party?T : Hello, this is Tom. may I speak to Alice?A : Hello, Tom. This is Alice.T : Can you come to my party this afetrnoon?A : Id love to.T : Can Helen come to my party too?A : No, she cant.T : Whats the matter with her?A : Shes ill. She has a cold.T : Im sorry to hear that.Call Time != Id like to. 我愿意。我愿意。S1: Hello, may I speak to ?S2: Hello, S1: Can you come to my party this Sunday?S2: Id love to.S1: Can come to my party too?S2: No, he/she cant.S1: Whats the matter with him/ her?S2: Hes/ Shes ill. He/She has S1: Im sorry to hear that.Call Time !clothes 友情提醒:请小朋友们尽可能多的说说服饰单词哦! 友情提醒:请找到这些衣服的家,要仔细观察,要注意单复数哦!A .Whose is this? Its s B.Whose are these? Theyre s.Whose is this? Its sWhose are these?Theyre s. 友情提醒:请小朋友们仔细观察选择合适的句子来提问!1、小组内由一人提问,其他同学猜;小组内由一人提问,其他同学猜;2.小组间相互提问,就行猜答小组间相互提问,就行猜答。Its summer. Its hot. This is my skirt for the party. Its _. These are my clothes for the party. This is a yellow _ , and these are black_.greenT-shirtshorts1.Stick your clothes on the paper. (把你的衣服贴在纸上。)把你的衣服贴在纸上。)2. Describe your clothes and write down on the paper. (描述你的衣服,然后在纸上写下来描述你的衣服,然后在纸上写下来。)。) 友情提醒:请小朋友们带着自己做好的服饰上台介绍!Look at my This is/These are my for the party.Its/Theyre Homework 1.作文小练笔:介绍个人的衣服。作文小练笔:介绍个人的衣服。2.上上网网搜搜集集各各国国不不同同节节日日的的更更多多内内容容,下节课来分享下节课来分享!Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容: Project 2 A partyTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1、能听懂、会读、会说句型:Id love to. Whats the matter with you/ him/ her?2、在情境中帮助学生复习 58 单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用68 单元的单词和句型。3、以” A party”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点:1. 综合运用第 5 至 8 单元的词汇、句型等语言知识进行交流。2. 灵活运用所学语言知识完成书上的交际任务。学情分析学情分析:小学四年级的学生和低年级学生相比具有比较强的自行探究的能力,学生在观察能力、思维能力、语言表达能力方面都有了较好的提高,有着强烈的好奇心与动手操作的能力。他们喜欢在自己的探索中获取知识,喜欢在玩中学,喜欢在做中学,喜欢在想中学,喜欢在用中学。对周边的事物产生着浓厚的兴趣,有着强烈的学习愿望,但不能自觉地从生活中进行学习。在学习的方式上,存在着单一式的学习,缺乏合作学习的习惯,不能做到与人交流,与人对话。喜欢受到表扬或赞美,喜欢发表自己的见解,有时是很幼稚的见解。Step 1: Presentation and practiseEnjoy a videoT:Whats the video about? (揭题: Project 2 A party.)2. 出示人物图:Whos he? (Tim)T:Tim wants to have a party this afternoon.What can we do at the party?Ss :We can sing and dance.We can eat nice food.We can play games.Play a game(Revise the vocabulary of Unit7)Rules: Say the words when you see the words. Clap your hands when you see the“clown”. 3.Ask and answer about feelings.A : whats matter with you/him/her? B : Im/Hes/Shes Ask and answer about illness. A: Whats the matter with you/him/her?B: I have /He has/She has aStep 2:Part A:1、T: Tim would like to invite his friends to come to his party. Now he is making some telephone calls.Watch and answer :Can Amy come to his the party?Can Tom come to his the party?2. Amy can come to the party. How do you know? Tom cant come to the party. Why?Present Part A: Underline the key sentences.To learn: Id love to. = Id like to.3. Now you are Tim . Lets invite the other friends.First T make a model with a student.Then have Ss work in pairs.Step 3: Part B.CT: We all want to come to Tims party. We should choose beautiful clothes for the party.1.Brainstorm Say some words about clothes? 2.T: You have many nice clothes, right? Please take out your beautiful clothes. (T take some clothes from the Ss )T: Whose dress is this? Guess!S: ItsT: Whose shorts are these?S: Theyre3.Work in groups. (小组成员将自己制作的服装放在桌子上,背面写上自己的名字,轮流选择其中一件衣物进行猜测。看看谁猜对的最多!)A:Whose is this/ are these?B: Its/ Theyres.Step 4: Part D1.Listen to the 1st of Part and learn to say :This is my skirt for the party.The same way to learn : These are my clothes for the party.(1)T make a model: I have beautiful clothes for the party. Look,(2) Have Ss choose the clothes for the party and describe it, then write down. (3) Show time 1. Pair work: Introduce the clothes2. Show the clothes and describe them, then stick on the Bb.3. T: Boys and girls, are you ready for the party. Lets go to Tims party, OK? Sing a song If you are happyStep 4: Homework板书设计:板书设计: Project 2 A partyThis is speaking. May I speak to ?Is there?
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