Unit 2 After school-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:d0020).zip

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      • Bobby .jpg--点击预览
      • C 1.jpg--点击预览
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      • fun.swf
      • Monday Tuesday.mp3
      • U2 cartoon.swf
      • U2 Fun time & Cartoon time.doc--点击预览
      • U2Song.swf
      • U2_ct_001.mp3
      • U2_ct_002.mp3
      • U2_ct_003.mp3
      • U2_ct_004.mp3
      • U2_ct_005.mp3
      • U2_ct_006.mp3
      • U2_ct_007.mp3
      • U2_ct_008.mp3
      • WISH1.WAV
      • 佚名 - 轻松欢快的背景音乐.mp3
      • 作业纸Read and choose.doc--点击预览
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      • 轻快的钢琴曲_clip.mp3
    • U2 Fun time.ppt--点击预览
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AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Unit 2 After schoolFun time &Cartoon time 淮安市淮阴实验小学淮安市淮阴实验小学 吴海涛吴海涛译林牛津小学英语四年级下译林牛津小学英语四年级下AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Enjoy a songAfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Non-stop talkingweekHow many?What?What lessons?头脑风暴头脑风暴 说出与说出与week相关的内容相关的内容 比比谁说得又快又正确比比谁说得又快又正确AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2 There are seven days in a week. We have Chinese, English, PE and Maths on Monday. Monday is the first day of a week. We have four lessons every day. We go to school on Saturday and Sunday.Lets judge!Yeah!Yeah! Yeah!No!No!No!AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Tips 大家一起喊大家一起喊stop 转盘停下大家向他转盘停下大家向他提问提问What day is it today?What lessons do you have? timeAfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Predictsleepy 困倦的What time 起 床AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Watch and findBobbyBobby g ge etsts u up p atat _._.sixsixAfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Read and answerA: :When do you get up?atat sixsixatat fivefive B: I get up at Tips1.速读故事,找出速读故事,找出公鸡公鸡起床时间起床时间2.同桌用所给句型以同桌用所给句型以问答问答的方式的方式 展示答案。展示答案。AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Think and say WhyWhy?Tips细读故事,说说为什么细读故事,说说为什么Bobby这副表情?这副表情?AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Imagine and sayWhat will Bobby say?What can Bobby do?Tips想象想象Bobby会说些什么会说些什么?或者会做些什么?或者会做些什么?AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Get up !Get up !Read and imitateAfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Good morning, Bobby.When do you get up every day?At six.每天每天Read and imitateAfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2What lessons do you have today ?What day is it ?Ah! I dont have any lessons on Saturday!Read and imitateAfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Show time 小组内分角色表演 体会人物的心理 有感情地表演课文 注意表情和动作噢! 发挥想象创编故事AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Homework: (1) Read cartoon time 3times and recite. 朗读Cartoon time3次并试着背诵。 (2) Practice the sentences you have learned today after class. 课后和同学操练所学的句型。AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2ThankThank you!you!AfterAfter schoolschoolUnitUnit 2 2Lets review 1Teaching design of “ Unit 2 After school ”I.Teaching content Unit 2 After school Fun time & Cartoon timeII. Background informationMaterial Analysis: Fun time and Cartoon time are very interesting, they can activate students interests. Ss Analysis: The Ss of Grade 4 have certain basic English knowledge. And they are active and curious.III. Aims and Objectives:1. Understand the main idea of the story. 2. Read, recognize and use the new words and sentence structure: When do you .? I at; every day 3. Act the story vividly and creatively. 4. Use “ What day is it today? What lessons do you have ? ” to talk about the days of the week and the lessons they have correctly and fluently. 5. Experience the feeling of success and cooperate with others in activities.IV. Focus and predicted area of difficulty:1. Read, recognize and use the new words and sentence structure: When do you .? I at; every day 2. Act the story vividly and creatively.V. Teaching methods: Task-based methods, Audio-visual methods and communicative methodsVI. Teaching aids: Multimedia computer, BlackboardVII. Teaching procedures: Pre-reading (10mins) Step 1 Warming up and leading in 1. Sing a song2 T: Boys and girls, lets sing a song first, OK? Are you ready, lets go!T: What is the name of the song?Ss: “Days of the week”T: Good. (Purpose: This song can not only stimulate Ss interest in this lesson but also set a lively and active atmosphere to get ready for the next step.) 2. Brain storming:T: Can you say something about the “week”? such as What? How many? Ss: There are seven days in a week. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We have on Monday. 3. Play a game: Lets judge.T: Wow! Well done, boys and girls. To praise you, lets play a game. (Purpose: Brain storming and the judging task here can help the students remind and review what they have learned in the story time, activate Ss prior knowledge , it also can get students mind ready to the text to be learn.)Step 2 Fun time (5mins)31. Ask and answerT: Wow, you did a very good job in judging. Now, let me see whether you can talk about the “week” well. T: What day is it today? S: Its T: What lessons do you have this morning? S: We have2. Practice T: OK. Lets practice more. Ill ask some students to turn the turntable, and you say “stop” together. When it stop, Lets ask the students these two questions, OK? (板书)(板书) Q1: What day is it today?Q2: What lessons do you have? (Purpose: Give a T-S model to the students before they talk, so they can make the dialogue easily.)Step 3 Cartoon time (20mins)1. Think and Predict:T: Oh, look at Bobby. He has his schoolbag. He wants to go to school.But look at him. What do you think of Bobby? /How is he? Try to guess.S: He is sad/hungry/angry/sleepy/ T: Let me tell you. He is sleepy.(Purpose: Predicting is an important reading skill. Guiding Ss to predict can activate their learning desire and make them have a clear purpose of the following reading.)2. Watch and find T: When do you get up, Bobby? (板书)(板书) Lets watch the cartoon and find the answer.4 Q: Bobby gets up at _.3. Read and answerT: What about Mr Cock. When does Mr Cock get up?(1) Read and find the time(2) Ask and answer in pairsA: When do you get up, Mr Cock?B: I get up at . (Purpose: Apply the skimming skill to get the key information of the passage. Build up the certain confidence of the reading.) 4. Think and say T: Look at these two pictures. First, Bobby is sleepy. But why he has that face at last? S: Because its Saturday. Bobby doesnt have any lessons on Saturday. (Purpose: Ss will scan the text for detailed information. This step is one of the most important parts in this lesson. It is used to train the Ss ability to scan the text for detailed information.) 5. Imagine and sayT: Oh, its Saturday. Bobby doesnt have any lessons today. But he gets up at six. Please imagine: What will Bobby say? Or what will Bobby do now?5(Purpose: This is a very open question. Students try to create some different ends of the story. It is good to stimulate their imagination and creation.) 6. Read and imitate (1) Listen and imitate. (2) Teach the word phrases: every day (Purpose: It can improve Ss pronunciation and intonation. the students are supposed to read vividly and fluently. Besides, the word and phrases are taught in the context, it helps the students understand them well. ) 7. Show timeT: Its show time. Work in groups and act in roles. Try to act vividly and creatively. Others watch carefully and give them your suggestions after their performance.Step 4 Homework (1) Read cartoon time 3times and recite. (2) Practice the sentences on the blackboard after class.Blackboard design:Unit 2 After schoolWhat day is it today?What lessons do you have?When do you get up?dont have any lessonsIts Saturday.1Teaching design of “ Unit 2 After school ”By Wu Haitao from Huaiyin Experimental Primary School I.Teaching content Unit 2 After school Fun time & Cartoon timeII. Background informationMaterial Analysis: Fun time and Cartoon time are very interesting, they can activate students interests. Ss Analysis: The Ss of Grade 4 have certain basic English knowledge. And they are active and curious.III. Aims and Objectives:1. Understand the main idea of the story. 2. Read, recognize and use the new words and sentence structure: When do you .? I at; every day 3. Act the story vividly and creatively. 4. Use “ What day is it today? What lessons do you have ? ” to talk about the days of the week and the lessons they have correctly and fluently. 5. Experience the feeling of success and cooperate with others in activities.IV. Focus and predicted area of difficulty:1. Read, recognize and use the new words and sentence structure: When do you .? I at; every day 2. Act the story vividly and creatively.V. Teaching methods: Task-based methods, Audio-visual methods and communicative methodsVI. Teaching aids: Multimedia computer, BlackboardVII. Teaching procedures: Pre-reading (10mins) Step 1 Warming up and leading in2 1. Sing a song T: Boys and girls, lets sing a song first, OK? Are you ready, lets go!T: What is the name of the song?Ss: “Days of the week”T: Good. (Purpose: This song can not only stimulate Ss interest in this lesson but also set a lively and active atmosphere to get ready for the next step.) 2. Brain storming:T: Can you say something about the “week”? such as What? How many? Ss: There are seven days in a week. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We have on Monday. 3. Play a game: Lets judge.T: Wow! Well done, boys and girls. To praise you, lets play a game. (Purpose: Brain storming and the judging task here can help the students remind and review what they have learned in the story time, activate Ss prior knowledge , it also can get students mind ready to the text to be learn.)3Step 2 Fun time (5mins)1. Ask and answerT: Wow, you did a very good job in judging. Now, let me see whether you can talk about the “week” well. T: What day is it today? S: Its T: What lessons do you have this morning? S: We have2. Practice T: OK. Lets practice more. Ill ask some students to turn the turntable, and you say “stop” together. When it stop, Lets ask the students these two questions, OK? (板书)(板书) Q1: What day is it today?Q2: What lessons do you have? (Purpose: Give a T-S model to the students before they talk, so they can make the dialogue easily.)Step 3 Cartoon time (20mins)1. Think and Predict:T: Oh, look at Bobby. He has his schoolbag. He wants to go to school.But look at him. What do you think of Bobby? /How is he? Try to guess.S: He is sad/hungry/angry/sleepy/ T: Let me tell you. He is sleepy.(Purpose: Predicting is an important reading skill. Guiding Ss to predict can activate their learning desire and make them have a clear purpose of the following reading.)2. Watch and find T: When do you get up, Bobby? (板书)(板书) 4Lets watch the cartoon and find the answer. Q: Bobby gets up at _.3. Read and answerT: What about Mr Cock. When does Mr Cock get up?(1) Read and find the time(2) Ask and answer in pairsA: When do you get up, Mr Cock?B: I get up at . (Purpose: Apply the skimming skill to get the key information of the passage. Build up the certain confidence of the reading.) 4. Think and say T: Look at these two pictures. First, Bobby is sleepy. But why he has that face at last? S: Because its Saturday. Bobby doesnt have any lessons on Saturday. (Purpose: Ss will scan the text for detailed information. This step is one of the most important parts in this lesson. It is used to train the Ss ability to scan the text for detailed information.) 5. Imagine and sayT: Oh, its Saturday. Bobby doesnt have any lessons today. But he gets up at six. Please imagine: What will Bobby say? Or what will Bobby do now?5(Purpose: This is a very open question. Students try to create some different ends of the story. It is good to stimulate their imagination and creation.) 6. Read and imitate (1) Listen and imitate. (2) Teach the word phrases: every day (Purpose: It can improve Ss pronunciation and intonation. the students are supposed to read vividly and fluently. Besides, the word and phrases are taught in the context, it helps the students understand them well. ) 7. Show timeT: Its show time. Work in groups and act in roles. Try to act vividly and creatively. Others watch carefully and give them your suggestions after their performance.Step 4 Homework (1) Read cartoon time 3times and recite. (2) Practice the sentences on the blackboard after class.Blackboard design:Unit 2 After schoolWhat day is it today?What lessons do you have?When do you get up?dont have any lessonsIts Saturday.Watch, read and choose同桌合作,读图画书,选出同桌合作,读图画书,选出 Mac 在其他三个季节的特征。在其他三个季节的特征。 (只填序号只填序号)(遇到不认识的单词,可以寻求老师帮助哦!)(遇到不认识的单词,可以寻求老师帮助哦!)I like because . get pink and white flowers get new leaveswinterautumnsummerspringA. grow bigger and bigger B. become redC. become colourful D. no leaves or apples anymore E. become greener and greener
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