1、<p>课题:课题:Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations (Reading for Writing)一、教学文本分析一、教学文本分析本单元以节日和庆典为主题,本板块选取了一篇关于“那达慕大会”的日记供学生阅读和模仿写作,主题是 “写你的节日经历” (Write about your festival experience) 。 从活动标题可知, 该板块延续了前一板块 Listeningand Talking 的 话题。听说板块(Listening and Talking)要求学生就各自的过节经历进行口头交流,写作板块的最终目的是要将交流的内
2、容转化为文字,完成一篇有关节日经历的文章。通过阅读和学习这篇日记,学生不仅能够了解我国蒙古族“那达慕大会”这一传统节日,还能从文中感受到蒙古族人民的性格特色、娱乐精神及其浓厚的文化氛围,这也有助于培养学生的文化意识,让学生学会欣赏和珍惜多姿多彩的民族文化。该日记描述了作者在内蒙古自治区与朋友共度“那达慕大会”的经历。文章结构清晰,开篇段落介绍了“那达慕大会”的主题和整体感受,然后重点叙述了节日欢庆仪式前的情景、摔跤比赛和赛马比赛,最后对这一节日的经历予以总结。日记文体属于记叙文性质的应用文。写英文日记需要特别注意以下几点:1. 日记要以第一人称写。2. 日记中所记叙的事情常发生在过去,所以常用
3、过去时态。如果是描写景色、再现对话引语、议论某事或畅想未来等,可以使用现在时或将来时。3. 日记一般按照时间顺序或事情发展的经过来写。4. 除了叙事以外,日记中大多还包含作者的心理活动、 情绪、 感受等。 该板块共有四个活动, 活动 1 检测学生对文本内容的理解,了解文本中“那达慕大会”的相关基本信息;活动 2 的两个步骤分别让学生关注日记的开篇句以及表达情感的句式,目的是引导学生在写作中模仿运用;活动 3 展示写作流程,布置了写作任务,提供了框架支持和写作标准。在这个活动中,学生需将之前讨论的内容进行整理,列入写作提纲,灵活运用所学语言,完成初稿撰写;然后与同伴互相批改,修改定稿;活动 4
4、是作品展示环节。因此,总的活动设计逻辑是理解文本内容、分析文本结构、完成初稿写作、互相批改和评价和修改完稿。二、教学目标二、教学目标By the end of this class, students will be able to write a dairy about festival experience by using structure and languagefeatures of the diary.三、教学策略选择三、教学策略选择情景教学法、任务型教学四、教学重点及难点四、教学重点及难点教学重点:引导学生写一篇日记,介绍自己的节日经历。教学难点:启发学生在写作中自觉运用本单元
5、的重点语言结构。引导学生写出信息完整、语言整洁的开篇句。五、教学资源五、教学资源教材、多媒体课件、白板、白板笔。六、教学过程六、教学过程步骤步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图核心素养提升点核心素养提升点Step 1 Warming up2 minutesAim: to arousestudents curiosityabout the place InnerMongoliaAutonomous Region.1.Shows a pictureof Inner MongoliaAutonomousRegion. Asksstudents to guesswhere it is.
6、1. Look at the pictureand guess where it is.利用图片,引起学生注意,激发学生好奇心。Step 1 Pre-reading2 minutesAim: to lead studentsto the topic of theNaadam Festival andinstruct the newwords.1. Shows a picture ofNaadam Festival andasks students whatthey know about thisfestival.2. Shows two morepictures for studentsto
7、know about theNaadam festival.1. Look at the pictureand express what theyknow about theNaadam festival.2. Look at the picturesand get to know moreabout the festival bylearning the newwords.利用图片和问题,引导学生尽快进入主题,并输入文本新词汇,fancy, robe ,eagle.Step 3 While-reading3 minutesAim: To enablestudents to scan fors
8、pecific informationand to equip studentsto read for finding outdetailed information.To lead students tohave a clearunderstanding of thestructure of a diary.1.Asks students toread paragraph 1and answerfollowing twoquestions: when is1. Read paragraph 1and answer followingtwo questions: whenis Naadam f
9、estivaland what are themajor events of theNaadam festival?2. Read the diaryquickly and answerthe four questions inexercise 1.3. Answer teachers锻炼学生的略读 和 扫 读 能力,主要是通过扫读确定特定 信 息 的 能力。Step 3 Pre-writingStep 4 While-writing2 minutesNaadam festivaland what are themajor events ofthe Naadamfestival?2. Asks
10、 students toread the diaryquickly and answerthe four questionsin exercise 1.3. Asks students howmany parts thediary can bedivided into. andleads students tohave a betterunderstandingabout the structureof a diary.Aim: to enablestudents be able towrite an openingsentence and to usewords they find tode
11、scribe feelings andemotions.1.Asks students torewrite theopening sentenceof the article byusing sentencepatterns given inexercise 2.2.Asks students tounderline thesentences thatdescribe thewriters feelingsand emotions.3.Provides studentsquestions and get toknow the structure ofthis diary.1. Rewrite
12、theopening sentence ofthe article by usingsentence patternsgiven in exercise 22. underline thesentences thatdescribe the writersfeelings and emotions.3. Learn more usefulsentence patterns andStep 5 Post-Writing8 minuteswith more usefulsentence patternsand lead studentsto review thestructure of adiar
13、y again.4.Asks students tobegin to write adiary aboutfestivalexperience byfirstly makingnotes of theirideas in the tableand then writingtheir drafts.Aim: to enablestudents to self-checkand peer-checkwhether their writingshave met therequirements.1. Asks students toexchange draftswith a partner. Uset
14、he checklist givenon the slide to givefeedback onpartners draft.review the structure ofa diary again.4. Begin to write adiary about festivalexperience by firstlymaking notes of ideasin the table and thenwriting their drafts.1. Exchange draftswith a partner. Use thechecklist given on theslide to give
15、 feedbackon partners draft.Homework八、板书设计八、板书设计Unit 1 Festivals andCelebrationsImprove and upgrade the writings according to the checklist after class.1. exciting2. amazing3. moved4. absolutely enjoyed5. surprised6. a little worriedOpening:topicBody:preparationsactivitiesClosing: summary锻炼学生互相批改和评价。学习能力:合作学习能力。Reading for Writing</p>