(新教材)人教版(2019)必修第三册高中英语Unit2 Reading and Thinking ppt课件(含视频).rar

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Mother of Ten Thousand BabiesUnit 2Morals and Virtues Lead in Do you know who she is? What choices had she once made? Zhang Shuzhen(张淑贞), in order to take care of the revolutionary descendants of the wartime nursery(战时托儿所), put aside her newborn daughter to eat soup, and fed milk to the nursery children, who were younger and in poor health. Facing the question why so cruel to her family, Zhang Shuzhen said: “Our own children, if lost, we can still give birth to, but if the comrades lose their children, I am afraid they will lose their blood line. Even if we lose our lives, we cannot let the martyrs(/mtz/ 烈士) die without descendants.“ All of the more than 40 children in the nursery were brought up safe and sound, but four children of herself and her sister-in-law(弟媳) died of malnutrition(死于营养不良). Skimming1. what hard choices was Doctor Lin faced with in her life? Underline the sentences in the text. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine; Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer; Thinking of all the people still in need of help. Dr Lin opened a private clinic; She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors. 2.what were the results of her choices? She did not get married; she did not stay in the US; she opened a private clinic; she spent her time tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors rather than government work. Skimming 3.what does the author want to explain by talking about her life choices? The author wants to tell what it means to live a selfless life, caring for others. SkimmingThe main idea of the text is Dr Lin Qiaozhis _and her_ to the society. great contributionlife choiceGet the main idea of the text. SkimmingRead the text again and answer:What was the main principle guiding Dr Lin through the choices in her life?The principle was to put others first. Reading for details 2. What kind of person is Lin QiaoZhi?Lin appeared to have been a very kind woman who was passionate about helping others Reading for details1.What does Dr Lin Qiaozhi think is the most important?2.What carried Dr Lin through a life of hard choices? 1.She thinks nothing is more important than life.paragraph 12.Her belief in the preciousness of life carried her through a life of hard choices. Reading for detailsparagraph 2 Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected by _.So unlike the majority of girls who followed the traditional path of _,she chose to _.Although his brother thought _ was her best choice,she wouldntchange her mind. her mothers deathmarriagestudy medicinefinding a good husbandComplete the following paragraph. Reading for detailsTimeImportant eventsHer choiceAt age 26She graduated from college and became a _ .In 1939She was sent to study in the_.She _ the offer to stay in the US and went back to China to serve_.In 1941She became the first_ to be appointed director of OB-GYN department of PUMC Hospital.During the warHer department was _.She opened a_to help those in need.She _to treat patients and_for poor patients.From 1954 to 1983She was_to the first National Peoples Congress and held many_.She was more interested in_, _ ,and_.resident physicianUSrejectedthe women and children Chinese womanclosed private clinic charged low feesreduced costs elected important positionstending patients publishing medical researchtraining new doctorsparagraph 3-5 Reading for detailsChoose the best answer.1.Why was Lin Qiaozhi known as“mother of ten thousand babies”?A.She adopted and cared for ten thousand babies.B.She opened a lot of kindergartens through her life.C.She delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.D.She saved ten thousand babies lives.3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Lin married very late. B.Lin adopted many babies.C.Lin died while working. D.Lin founded a kindergarten.2.How did she deal with her money?A.She bought medicine.B.She left the money to her family.C.She built a lot of schools.D.She left her savings to a kindergarden and new doctors.paragraph 6 Reading for details We all know about the COVID-19,During The period of Anti-Pandemic, How did the people make choices? Watch the video and think deeply.DiscussionHomeworkWrite a story about “My Opinion about Dr Lins story”
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