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1、人教版 高二选修八 Unit 1 A Land of Diversitywarming up and reading 教学设计Teaching objectsKnowledge and skill1.Enable the students to talk about things about the USA and California.2.Help the Ss learn the huge diversity of races and cultures in America, especially inCalifornia. Therefore, Ss can better underst

2、and why America is called “meltingpot”.Process and method1. Enable Ss to develop their ability of analyzing and summarizing through making mindmaps on their own.2. Enable Ss to get information accurately and quickly through skimming andscanning.3.Activate Ss to do self-study by assigning before-clas

3、s tasks.Emotional attitude and value1.Further develop Ss cross-cultural awareness.2.Guide Ss to cultivate their awareness of cooperation.Teaching important and difficult points1. Learn the huge diversity of races and cultures in California.2. Make mind map.3. Know how to deal with cultural conflicts

4、.Teaching methodsThe first-posting teaching, Task-driven method, Situated language teachingTeaching aidsA blackboard and a computerTeaching proceduresStep 1Before classAsk Ss to do self-study before class. They should surf the Internet and find someinformation about California. For instance, you sho

5、uld know more about its politics,economics, geography, culture, history and so on. They may make powerpoint files todisplay their findings.Step 2Warming-upAsk Ss to do presentations in front of the class. They should display their products,introducing California with the assistance of the multimedia

6、.The teacher should give appropriate feedback in time.设计意图:通过自学,可以锻炼学生的搜集、挑选、整理、呈现信息的能力,使学生具备基本的有关本节课的背景知识。同时,利用课堂展示的机会,学生可以大幅度地提升个人的自信,提高口语表达能力,增强自己以及其他人的学习兴趣。Step 3 Mini-lectureIn this step, we will have a mini-lecture. In this mini-lecture, we will first learn someessential concepts, and then kno

7、w more background knowledge of California, for instance,the history of immigrants. After that, we will watch a short video introducing Americascultural characteristics. After the mini-lecture, Ss will ask a question: What is the mostevident character of America? The possible answer is “multicultural

8、”.设计意图: 利用微课,扫除学生知识上的盲点。强调美国的历史、文化特点,突出文化多样性这一关键词,能够让学生在试听过程中充分体会到美国的特色,提升学生的跨文化意识的同时,能够极大地调动他们的学习兴趣。Step 4 Mind mapSs think about one questionHow can we get to know a new place?and they mayhave discussions with each other. After discussion, Ss give opinions, while the teacherpresents some viewpoint

9、s mentioned by Ss on the screen. Under the guidance of theteacher, Ss can make a mind map.arriv设计意图:通过制作思维导图,能够让学生明白如何快速地、有逻辑性地整理有用信息,训练他们的思维。同时学生能够知道当进入到一个新的环境中时,我们应当如何快速了解当地的各方面信息,拓宽他们的全球化视野。Step 5Fast readingSs read the text quickly, adopting several reading skills, such as skimming andscanning.

10、While reading, they should think about the following questions.1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. Who play an important role in the forming of California?3. How does the passage develop?Suggested answers:1. The history of California2. The immigrants there.3.In time order.Step 6Detailed readi

11、ngSs read the text carefully, paying special attention to the following aspects.Then Ss figure out the history of immigrants of California. Finish the chart below.3. Fill in the blanksyears ago, the firstsettlerscrossed fromAsia.In thecenturyarrived, they broughthere, and the NativeAmericans.In thec

12、entury,ed in South America. In theIn the early 1800s,settled inCalifornia.century, the Spanishsettled in the US, and the majority oftheSpanish in California wereIn, MexicoSpain, andCaliforniaMexico.In, the USMexicoand won the war.influence ?Californiathe US and there isstrongin the state.In 1850, Ca

13、lifornia.In,wasdiscovered in California. In order to,andcame first, they werefollowed by.influence ?Some of them.Most of them.In the1860s, large numbers ofarrivedin California to build. Nowlive in “” of Los Angeles andSan Francisco.stagetimepeopleeventLaterArrivals1800smoved from Mexicolate 1800sIta

14、liansjob:&1911Dane(丹麦人)early 20thfarmers1920sJewishattracted by19421945Africansworked in&RecentArrivals1970sIndians&Pakistanisworked inrecent decadesimmigratedTheFuturein the futurepeople from allover the worldPeople are attracted by.California has become aofnationalities, and a mixture

15、ofand.设计意图:速读和精读相结合,让学生了解文章主旨大意的同时,能对具体的细节有所了解。通过填写加利福尼亚历史发展进程的表格,学生可以直观地了解加州的历史,以及在特定时间点的关键事件。此过程可以教会学生如何梳理一片遵循时间顺序的文章。Step 7 Group discussionThink about the following questions:1. Why is California a multicultural state?2.What problems might arise in such a multicultural state? Why?(tips: cultural

16、 conflict, discrimination歧视, misunderstanding,different customs习俗,beliefs, characters, dreams, experiences.)3. China has 56 nationalities, and we also live in a country of diversity,whatshould we pay attention to when getting along with others? Why?(tips: patient, peaceful, polite)Ss should exchange

17、 their ideas with each other and summarize their ideas.设计意图:阅读过后,学生反观这篇文章,重新思考、总结加州特定历史所造就的特定的文化特点。同时提出本节课的重点问题:生活在一个多元文化的国家中,会出现哪些问题?中国作为一个多元文化的国家,生活在此的我们在于不同民族交往时应该注意些什么?这一环节的讨论,将使学生的思维得到碰撞,跨文化意识得以进一步提高。Step8 SummaryCalifornia is a microcosm of America, and the formation of California shows us why

18、America is multicultural and like a melting pot. When living in a community like this, weshould think well before we act.Step 9 AssignmentPeople from different places have various customs and beliefs. They also have their ownexperiences and opinions. What should you do when you get along with them?

19、Write anarticle to express your opinions.设计意图:通过这种写作练习,可以锤炼学生的思维,提升学生对英语的综合运用能力。同时,该主题的写作练习,可以有效提高学生的跨文化意识。板书设计:A Land of DiversityAmerica is a multicultural country.When we want to know more about a new place, we should know its.thefollopoliticscultureHow to now a new place?economyIf thgeeotgerxapthfyollows the time order, we should pay special attention towing aspects:historywhenwherewhohowwhat


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