Project 1 Being a good student-Part B & C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:50347).zip

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ProjectProject 1 1 BeingBeing a a goodgood student(PartBC)student(PartBC) Name Class Story 1 Family chores1. Read and chooseMaria Matilde Daniel 2. Read and judgea. Maria wants to play the violin. ( )b. Daniel wants to play football. ( )c. Daniel often cleans the table and washes the dishes. ( )d. Matilde always breaks dishes. ( )e. They do their chores at last. ( )Story 2 Healthy eating1. Read and matcha. hamburgers and juice dinner b. an apple, sometimes a piece of bread lunch c. vegetables, fish, eggs, sausages, cheese and soup breakfast2. Read and answerQ: Is Judys diet healthy or not? Whats the doctors advice? Story 3 Riding a bike1.Read and finisha. Bikes can break down. You need to .b. Bikes use the roads. You need to . You should . So that the drivers can see you easily.c. Riding a bike can be dangerous. You must . When you are riding a bike, you need to be all the time.2.Think and writeRiding a bike is really exciting. You can go to places far from your house, and you can go out to play with your friends.You can You can .a sweep the floor b wash the dishes c do homework d mow the lawne feed the dog f weed the garden g make the bedProject (Part B and Part C)Te eaching o obje ectsI I cancan describedescribe thethe posterposter BeingBeing a a goodgood studentstudent. .I I cancan learnlearn toto bebe a a goodgood studentstudent fromfrom EnglishEnglish reading.reading.I I cancan readread a a fewfew storiesstories andand finishfinish thethe exercises.exercises.Gue essing gamemeWhosWhos he/she?he/she?听提示,猜班级人物。听提示,猜班级人物。Le ets talk kBeing a good student Healthy diets Good habits Road rulesHowHow to o be e a gooood stude ent?注意哪些方面,才能成为好学生?Sharere yo our r po ostererA A goodgood studentstudent shouldshould gogo toto schoolschool earlyearly. .A A goodgood studentstudent mustmust followfollow roadroad rulesrules. .A A goodgood studentstudent mustntmustnt playplay onon thethe roadroad. .A A goodgood studentstudent should/must/mustntshould/must/mustnt The e fir rst storory FamilyFamily choreschoresMariaMaria hashas a a brotherbrother DanielDaniel andand a a sistersister MatildeMatilde. .AfterAfter schoolschool theythey oftenoften shareshare thethe chores.chores.Re ead and choooose ea a sweepsweep thethe floorfloorb b washwash thethe dishesdishesc c dodo homeworkhomeworkd d mowmow thethe lawnlawne e feedfeed thethe dogdogf f weedweed thethe gardengardeng g makemake thethe bedbedNameFamily choresMariaMatildeDaniel Reading tips: 快速阅读故事,准确选择杂务快速阅读故事,准确选择杂务。 Re ead and choooose eMariaMaria hashas a a brotherbrother andand a a sister.sister.AfterAfter schoolschool theythey oftenoften shareshare thethe chores.chores. FamilyFamily choreschoresOneOne dayday theythey sawsaw thisthis notenote onon thethe table:table: Maria,Maria, pleaseplease sweepsweep thethe floorfloor andand weedweed thethe MatildeMatilde, , pleaseplease washwash thethe dishesdishes andand feedfeed thethe Daniel,Daniel, pleaseplease mowmow thethe lawnlawn andand makemake youryour bed.bed. AllAll ofof you,you, DODO YOURYOUR HOMEWORK!HOMEWORK! WeWe areare atat thethe grocerygrocery storestore. . MotherMother andand Father.Father.MariaMaria lookedlooked atat MatildeMatilde. . MatildeMatilde lookedlooked atat Daniel.Daniel. DanielDaniel lookedlooked atat hishis sisters.sisters.“I “I wantwant toto playplay thethe piano!”Mariapiano!”Maria said.said.“I “I wantwant toto playplay football.”football.” DanielDaniel said.said. “ “CanCan youyou mowmow thethe lawnlawn forfor me,me, MatildeMatilde?”?”“Listen“Listen toto yourself!”yourself!” MatildeMatilde said.said. “I “I wantwant toto readread mymy storybook.storybook. YouYou spendspend allall youryour freefree timetime playingplaying AndAnd I I alwaysalways havehave allall thethe hardhard chores!”chores!”“I “I oftenoften cleanclean thethe tabletable andand washwash thethe dishes,”dishes,” saidsaid Daniel.Daniel. “But“But youyou alwaysalways breakbreak a a dish,”dish,” saidsaid MatildeMatilde. . “I “I helphelp cookcook suppersupper.” .” “And“And youyou alwaysalways burnburn thethe soup!”soup!” saidsaid Maria.Maria. TheyThey talkedtalked andand talked.talked. NoNo oneone diddid anyany chores.chores. “Did“Did youyou finishfinish youryour chores?”chores?” askedasked Mother.Mother. “We“We areare goinggoing toto thethe beachbeach whenwhen youyou do!”Threedo!”Three childrenchildren lookedlooked atat eacheach otherother .Then,.Then, theythey allall ranran toto dodo theirtheir chores!chores!Re ead and choooose eMaria a a sweepsweep thethe floorfloorb b washwash thethe dishesdishesc c dodo homeworkhomeworkd d mowmow thethe lawnlawne e feedfeed thethe dogdogf f weedweed thethe gardengardeng g makemake thethe bedbedMatilde Daniel a a sweepsweep thethe floorfloorf f weedweed thethe gardengardenc c dodo homeworkhomeworkb b washwash thethe dishesdishese e feedfeed thethe dogdogc c dodo homeworkhomeworkd d mowmow thethe lawnlawng g makemake thethe bedbedc c dodo homeworkhomeworkAll of you, DO YOUR HOMEWORK! OneOne dayday theythey sawsaw thisthis notenote onon thethe table:table: Maria,Maria, pleaseplease sweepsweep thethe floorfloor andand weedweed thethe MatildeMatilde, , pleaseplease washwash thethe dishesdishes andand feedfeed thethe Daniel,Daniel, pleaseplease mowmow thethe lawnlawn andand makemake youryour bed.bed. AllAll ofof you,you, DODO YOURYOUR HOMEWORK!HOMEWORK! WeWe areare atat thethe grocerygrocery MotherMother andand Father.Father.Re ead and judge ea a MariaMaria wantswants toto playplay thethe violinviolin . . Reading tips: 细致阅读故事,判断句子正误细致阅读故事,判断句子正误。c c DanielDaniel oftenoften cleanscleans thethe tabletable andand washwash thethe dishes.dishes.b b DanielDaniel wantswants toto playplay d MatildeMatilde alwaysalways breaksbreaks dishesdishese e TheyThey dodo theirtheir choreschores atat last.last.pianopianoDanielDanielThe e 2nd stororyJudyJudy didntdidnt feelfeel well.well.SheShe wentwent toto seesee thethe doctordoctor onon Friday.Friday.SheShe toldtold thethe doctordoctor thatthat sheshe thoughtthought theretherewaswas somethingsomething wrongwrong withwith hishis stomachstomach. . HealthyHealthy eatingeatingJudyJudyRe ead and mmatch1.1. hamburgershamburgers andand juicejuice dinnerdinner 2.2. anan apple,apple, sometimessometimes a a piecepiece ofof breadbread lunchlunch 3.3. vegetables,vegetables, fish,fish, eggs,eggs, sausages,sausages, cheesecheese andand soupsoup breakfastbreakfast WhatWhat doesdoes JudyJudy usuallyusually eateat forfor herher threethree mealsmeals everyevery day?day? Reading tips: 快速浏览故事,准确连线三餐快速浏览故事,准确连线三餐。Re ead and mmatch HealthyHealthy eatingeating TheThe doctordoctor examinedexamined herher carefully.carefully. TheThe hehe saidsaid,“ “Well,Well, dodo youyou eateat regularlyregularly everyevery day?day?” ” “Sure!“Sure! I I havehave goodgood eatingeating habits!”habits!” “Then“Then whatwhat dodo youyou usuallyusually eateat forfor youryour threethree mealsmeals everyevery day?”day?” “I “I havehave anan appleapple forfor breakfastbreakfast andand sometimessometimes a a piecepiece ofof bread.bread. ForFor lunch,lunch, I I usuallyusually havehave hamburgershamburgers andand juice.juice. DinnerDinner is is veryvery important,important, soso I I havehave a a bigbig dinnerdinner everyevery day!day! I I alwaysalways havehave vegetables,vegetables, fish,fish, eggs,eggs, sausages,sausages, cheesecheese andand soup.soup. SometimesSometimes I I eateat iceice creamcream andand pudding.”pudding.” TheThe doctordoctor smiledsmiled andand said,said, “Im“Im afraidafraid youyou areare notnot right,right, madammadam. . DinnerDinner is is important,important, butbut youyou shouldntshouldnt eateat tootoo much.much. YouYou mustmust eateat lessless in in thethe evening.evening. AndAnd youryour breakfastbreakfast is is reallyreally notnot goodgood enoughenough. . InIn factfact, , breakfastbreakfast is is thethe mostmost importantimportant meal!”meal!” “What“What shouldshould I I eateat then?”then?” “First,“First, itsits goodgood forfor youyou toto drinkdrink somesome milkmilk everyevery morning.morning. ThenThen youyou maymay havehave differentdifferent choiceschoices everyevery YouYou maymay choosechoose eggs,eggs, bread,bread, sandwiches,sandwiches, noodles,noodles, vegetablesvegetables andand fruit.fruit. I I thinkthink youyou willwill getget betterbetter.” .”Re ead and mmatch1.1. hamburgershamburgers andand juicejuice dinnerdinner 2.2. anan apple,apple, sometimessometimes a a piecepiece ofof breadbread lunchlunch 3.3. vegetables,vegetables, fish,fish, eggs,eggs, sausages,sausages, cheesecheese andand soupsoup breakfastbreakfast WhatWhat doesdoes JudyJudy usuallyusually eateat forfor herher threethree mealsmeals everyevery day?day?Re ead and answerwer Is Is JudysJudys dietdiet healthyhealthy oror not?not? WhatsWhats thethe doctorsdoctors advice?advice?两人旁白两人扮演2.小组讨论,回答问题。1.分工合作,朗读对话。 TheThe doctordoctor smiledsmiled andand said,said, “Im“Im afraidafraid youyou areare notnot right,right, madam.madam. DinnerDinner is is important,important, butbut youyou shouldntshouldnt eateat tootoo much.much. YouYou mustmust eateat lessless in in thethe evening.evening. AndAnd youryour breakfastbreakfast is is reallyreally notnot goodgood enough.enough. InIn fact,fact, breakfastbreakfast is is thethe mostmost importantimportant meal!”meal!” “What“What shouldshould I I eateat then?”then?” “First,“First, itsits goodgood forfor youyou toto drinkdrink somesome milkmilk everyevery morning.morning. ThenThen youyou maymay havehave differentdifferent choiceschoices everyevery YouYou maymay choosechoose eggs,eggs, bread,bread, sandwiches,sandwiches, noodles,noodles, vegetablesvegetables andand fruit.fruit. I I thinkthink youyou willwill getget better.”better.”The e thir rd storory RidingRiding a a bikebikeRidingRiding a a bikebike is is reallyreally exciting.exciting.YouYou cancan gogo toto placesplaces farfar fromfrom youryour house,house,AndAnd youyou cancan gogo outout toto playplay withwith youryour friends.friends.YouYou cancan Re ead and finish1.1. BikesBikes cancan breakbreak down.down. YouYou needneed toto . . 2.2. BikesBikes useuse thethe road.road. YouYou needneed toto . . YouYou shouldshould . . SoSo thatthat thethe driversdrivers cancan seesee youyou easily.easily. 3.3. RidingRiding a a bikebike cancan bebe dangerous.dangerous. YouYou mustmust . . WhenWhen youyou areare ridingriding a a bike,bike, youyou needneed toto bebe . . Reading tips: 精读故事,精读故事,划出划出填空内容,将其准确填在横线上填空内容,将其准确填在横线上。Re ead and finish ButBut beforebefore youyou go,go, learnlearn somesome tipstips aboutabout bikes:bikes: YouYou needneed a a bikebike ofof a a rightright sizesize. . RidingRiding tootoo bigbig is is notnot BikesBikes cancan breakbreak downdown. . YouYou needneed toto learnlearn toto looklook afterafter youryour BikesBikes useuse thethe road.road. YouYou needneed toto learnlearn thethe rulesrules ofof thethe road.road. YouYou shouldshould wearwear brightbright colourscolours overover youryour clothes,clothes, soso thatthat thethe driversdrivers cancan seesee youyou easily.easily. RidingRiding a a bikebike cancan bebe dangerousdangerous. . YouYou mustmust wearwear a a helmethelmet toto protectprotect youryour head.head. YouYou needneed toto keepkeep yourselfyourself safesafe whenwhen youyou areare ridingriding a a YouYou needneed toto bebe carefulcareful allall thethe time.time. RidingRiding a a bikebikeRe ead and finish1.1. BikesBikes cancan breakbreak down.down. YouYou needneed toto . . 2.2. BikesBikes useuse thethe road.road. YouYou needneed toto . . YouYou shouldshould , , SoSo thatthat thethe driversdrivers cancan seesee youyou easily.easily. 3.3. BikesBikes cancan breakbreak down.down. RidingRiding a a bikebike cancan bebe dangerous.dangerous. YouYou mustmust . . WhenWhen youyou areare ridingriding a a bike,bike, youyou needneed toto bebe . . Reading tips: 精读故事,精读故事,划出划出填空内容,将其准确填在横线上填空内容,将其准确填在横线上。learnlearn toto looklook afterafter youryour bikebike learnlearn thethe rulesrules ofof thethe roadroad wearwear brightbright colourscolours overover youryour clothesclotheswearwear a a helmethelmet toto protectprotect youryour headheadcarefulcareful ButBut beforebefore youyou go,go, learnlearn somesome tipstips aboutabout bikes:bikes: YouYou needneed a a bikebike ofof a a rightright size.size. RidingRiding tootoo bigbig is is notnot BikesBikes cancan breakbreak down.down. YouYou needneed toto learnlearn toto looklook afterafter youryour BikesBikes useuse thethe road.road. YouYou needneed toto learnlearn thethe rulesrules ofof thethe road.road. YouYou shouldshould wearwear brightbright colourscolours overover youryour clothes,clothes, soso thatthat thethe driversdrivers cancan seesee youyou easily.easily. RidingRiding a a bikebike cancan bebe dangerous.dangerous. YouYou mustmust wearwear a a helmethelmet toto protectprotect youryour head.head. YouYou needneed toto keekee yourselfyourself safesafe whenwhen youyou areare ridingriding a a YouYou needneed toto bebe carefulcareful allall thethe time.time. Think k and say WhichWhich storystory dodo youyou likelike reading?reading? Why?Why?说说你最喜欢读的故事,并说明理说说你最喜欢读的故事,并说明理由由I I likelike readingreading FamilyFamily choreschores. . TheThe storystory toldtold usus toto shareshare thethe choreschores atat home.home. A A goodgood studentstudent shouldshould bebe helpfulhelpful. . FamilyFamily choreschores RidingRiding a a bikebike HealthyHealthy eatingeatinghelpfulcarefulwell-balancedStoriesStories areare funfun. .StoriesStories makemake usus cleverclever. .WeWe learnlearn fromfrom stories.stories.LetLets s gogo andand readread moremore. .Enjoy the Stories2. Talk about your poster with your classmates and read more English stories.Homework:1. Design your healthy diets and write down on P21.1Project1Project1 BeingBeing a a goodgood student(PartBstudent(PartB andand PartC)PartC)教学内容:教学内容:六下 Project1 Being a good student教学目标:教学目标:1. Ss can describe the posters aboutBeing a good student. 2. Ss can read a few stories and finish the exercises.3. Ss can learn to be a good student from English reading.教学重点:教学重点:1. Talk about the posters ofBeing a good student.2. Read and learn stories aboutBeing a good student.教学难点:教学难点:Read and understand the stories aboutBeing a good student.教学准备:教学准备:教学课件, 火花英语阅读 ,思维导图板书等教学过程:教学过程:StepStep 1 1 TeachingTeaching objects:objects: T: Lets look at todays teaching objects.1. I can describe the posters aboutBeing a good student.2. I can can read a few stories and finish the exercises.3. I can learn to be a good student from English reading.StepStep 2 2 WarmingWarming upup T: Now, lets play a guessing game : Listen and guess, whos he /she?1. Shes a lovely girl. She has many good habits. She always listens to teachers carefully in class and does well in English lessons. She is good at singing Wuxi Opera. She is a child s
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