Unit 1 The lion and the mouse-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:200e8).zip

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译林小学英语六下 Unit1 过关卷班级_ 姓名_一、英汉互译。1.小声地说 2.from then on_3.吵醒狮子_ 4.just then_5.走过,路过_ 6.the next day_7.让他走 8.cheer for 9.把水倒进洞里 10.伤心地问 11.又大又壮 12.用他锋利的牙齿咬网_二、根据中文提示完成下列句子1.他昨天很虚弱。He _ _ yesterday.2.第二天两个男人用网捉住了狮子。 Two _ _ the lion _the net the day.3.从那以后,他们成了好朋友。_ _ _ ,they _ _ _ .4.老鼠帮助狮子逃了出来。The mouse _ the lion _ _ .5.谁叫醒了狮子?_ _ _ the lion?6.他是一个开心的男孩。他笑得很开心。He _ a _ _.He _ _ .7.不要担心。我能帮助你。_ _ . I can _ _ .8.你真的善于打乒乓球。You are _ _ _ table tennis.9.洞太深了,我不能够着球。The _ is _ _, I _ _ it.三按要求完成下列各题1.The lion bit the net hard.(改一般疑问句) the lion the net hard?2.Dad is taking him to an office in the shopping centre.(改为一般过去时) Dad him to an office in the shopping centre.3.The girl is shouting excitedly.(对画线部分提问) is the girl shouting?4.They are going to eat tangyuan this evening.(对画线部分提问) are they going to this evening?Lets review!a The lion caught the mouse, but he let the mouse go.d The mouse woke the lion up.b The lion and the mouse became good friends.e The mouse helped the lion get out.c The lion could not get out from the net.dacebLion: Im and Animals: Here comes the lion. Run!认真观看,注意观察认真观看,注意观察人物表情动作哦!人物表情动作哦!Fun time!Fun time!1.打开课本P10,同桌两人进行讨论。3.可以选择一幅或多幅图片进行讨论哦!2.仿照视频,表演对话。Fun time!Lion: Im and Animals: Here comes the lion. Run!Fun time!Lion: What are you doing here, Little Mouse? Im going to !Mouse: Please dont , Lion. I can some day.Lion: Ha! Ha! Youre so How can you help me?Fun time!Lion: Help! Help! Please help me.Mouse: Dont be , Lion. I can help you!Lion: , Little Mouse!quietlyloudlysadlyhappilyexcitedly 听录音,用听录音,用一个词一个词来形容一下这四幅图中的狮子和老鼠吧!来形容一下这四幅图中的狮子和老鼠吧!quietloudsadexcitedhappyadjectives形容词形容词adverbials 副词副词?The lion laughed loudly, “Haha, Im so strong.”The mouse said quietly, “Please dont eat me!”The mouse said happily, “I can help, help you.”The lion asked sadly, “Who can help,help me?”They ran excitedly, “Haha, we are free now!”Lets chant!小组小组PKPK赛开始啦,比一比哪一组说的最整齐最响亮!赛开始啦,比一比哪一组说的最整齐最响亮!excited-excitedlyquiet-quietlysad-sadlyslow-slowlybeautiful-beautifullycareful-carefullyquick-quicklyThink and say!Hes a happy boy.He laughs happily.你能列举出更多像这样的词吗?你能列举出更多像这样的词吗?Write and talk!excited-excitedly quiet-quietly beautiful-beautifully quick-quickly sad-sadly careful-carefullyslow-slowly nice-nicely good-well参考以下词汇,小组合作完成短文填空并读一读。参考以下词汇,小组合作完成短文填空并读一读。汇报时汇报时,每每组组可可选择选择 自己自己喜欢的方式喜欢的方式,如:派一名代如:派一名代表,组表,组 内接龙内接龙,小组,小组集体汇报等集体汇报等。 2、 I can say and use the adverbials. 我能说并使用副词我能说并使用副词。 3、I can feel the happiness of learning English. 我能体会到学习英我能体会到学习英语的语的 快乐快乐。1、I can understand and act the story. 我能正确理解、并我能正确理解、并表表演故事演故事。课后学习活动:课后学习活动:excitedlyquietlysadlyslowlybeautifullycarefullyquicklyslowlynicely6B Unit1 The lion and the mouse单元教材分析单元教材分析本单元的主要教学内容是一则寓言故事。要求学生能正确使用形容词和副词,同时复习一般过去时以及动词过去式。涉及句型 The lion asked sadly / laughed loudly / said happily / 为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的句型和词汇,教师在教学过程中应启发学生多观察、多运用,鼓励学生能从寓言故事中明白一定的道理。学习目标学习目标知识目标1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词large, strong, quietly, weak, loudly, happily2.能听得懂、会说、会读词汇 mouse, walk by, wake up, some day, letgo, the next day, net, bite, sharp, sadly, just then, soon, from then on, cheer, hit, deep, reach, pour into, quickly3.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型 The lion asked sadly / laughed loudly / said happily / 4.了解朗读中语调的基本要求5.了解国内外著名寓言故事集技能目标1. 能熟练运用一般过去时讲述英文故事2. 能运用所学句型及日常交际用语谈论人物的状态。情感目标1、懂得信守承诺,再弱小的事物都有发挥大作用的时候。2、学会从寓言故事中明白一定的道理。学习重点:学习重点:1.副词的构成及形容词和副词的正确使用。2.四会词汇:large, strong, quietly, weak, loudly, happily3.语音: 句子的升调和降调教学难点教学难点1. 形容词和副词的用法课时安排课时安排 六课时第一课时 Story time 第二课时 Story time II, Fun time, 第三课时 Grammar time, Checkout time(look and write)第四课时 Culture time ,Cartoon time,第五课时 Sound time, Checkout time(think and write)第六课时练和补讲评课时课时:6B12 课型课型:Story time II & Fun time主备学校:中山路小学主备学校:中山路小学 审核人:审核人: 集备主讲:钱雪集备主讲:钱雪 使用学校:使用学校: 使用教师:使用教师: 执教时间:执教时间:2.14【教学目标教学目标】1、进一步复习 story time, 能灵活运用故事中的词组2、学生能熟练运用动词过去式以及时间词条理清晰的复述故事。3、能充分发挥想象,以第一人称合作表演故事【教学准备教学准备】1PPT2学案【自主导学自主导学】1.常规预习常规预习2.知识解析:知识解析:(1)表演技巧讲、表演故事时要注意声音是有表情的,不同的声音代表着不同的内涵。语气、语调、语速的变化表达人物不同的情绪、情感。音色的区别代表人物不同的形象特征。(2)let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 (3) Dont +动词原形 Dont worry.Dont be+形容词 Dont be late/ afraid.【课堂互动课堂互动】Step1. RevisionRead the story检查课文阅读,开火车读,分段读,齐读Step2. Ask and answer1.呈现问题,生读题,理解含义2.同桌问答,交换提问;个人思考,提出问题,指名回答3.pair work, 师板书重点句型 The mouse woke the lion up. The lion didnt eat the mouse. He let it go. The men caught the lion with a large net. The mouse made a hole in the net with his teeth. They became friends. 两人一组将黑板重点句型与文本后 read and order 内容结合,试着复述课文4.复述课文(两人一组,一人一句;一人复述;卡火车复述)Step3. Fun time1.Talk about the pictures by themselves (1)Show the picture one by one (2)Look at the pictures and talk about the story by themselves 教师要求学生认真观察每幅图片,让学生思考,同桌讨论图片上的人物当时会说的话 教师引导学生以第一人称表述e.g. picture 1: Lion: I am large and strong. I want to eat you. You cant get away. Animals: Here comes the lion. Run!Run! Be quick. 教师可以适当板书学生讨论的结果2.Finish the sentences of the story3.Act the story in groups(可结合学生自己补充的句子) 1)Choose one picture to act 2)Act the whole story4.play a game 看到地鼠拍手,看到词组大声读出来(复习课文中的短语)【达标检测达标检测】1. 翻译词组又小又弱 又大又强壮 大声地笑 开心地唱歌 小声地说 锋利的牙齿 用他的牙齿弄一个洞 变成朋友 2.用所给词的适当形式填空1)The mouse walked by and (wake) the lion up.2)The film was funny. Mike laughed (loud).3)The little boy is hungry. He _(want) _(eat) noodles.4)One day , the lion _(not eat) the mouse, he _(let) it go.5) Its late. You should brush your _(tooth) quickly.3.联系上下文完成对话,每空一词Lion: What _ are you _, _ Mouse? Im going to _ _.Mouse:Please dont _ _, Lion. I can _ _ some day.( the next day)Lion: Help!Help! _ can help me?Mouse: Mr Lion, _ happened?Lion: Two men _ me _ a large net. I couldnt _ _.Mouse: Dont _ _, lion. I can help you.Lion: You? You look so _ and _. _ can you _ me?Mouse: I can _ my teeth to _ a hole in the net.(a moment later)Lion:Oh, ha!ha! Im free. Thank you , little mouse. We are _.【巩固延伸巩固延伸】按要求写句子 1)The lion bit the net with his teeth.(改否定句) The lion _ _ the net with his teeth. 2)The lion and the mouse became friends. (划线提问) became friends ?3)第二天,两个男人用一张大网捉住了狮子。 The _ day, two _ _ the lion _ a _ net.4)从那时起,约翰叔叔认真工作了。 _ then _, _ John _ hard. 5) “请不要吃我。 ”老鼠小声地说道。 Please _ eat me._ the mouse _.Step5 Homework1. Recite Story time2. Act fun time【板书设计板书设计】 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse The mouse woke the lion up. The lion didnt eat the mouse. He let it go. The men caught the lion with a large net. The mouse made a hole in the net with his teeth. They became friends.【教学随笔及典型错题教学随笔及典型错题】
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