Unit 3 A healthy diet-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:a4f2c).zip

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A healthy diet(Sound time & Cartoon time)1.I can understand, read and act the story. 我能理解,会读并能表演故事。2.I can know the sound of “ou” 我能了解ou在单词中的发音。3.I can know healthy diet and help others to form(养成) healthy diet. 我能懂得什么是健康的饮食并帮助他人养成健康的饮食习惯。4.I can practice(练习) by myself and work with classmates. 我能自我练习并和同学合作。Aims for this lesson: The rule: Try to follow the teacher. (尽量模仿老师)Drink a little water.Dont like vegetables.Like rice very much.Have a lot of meat.Small and weak.Can bite the net.He wants to make some new friends.Where does he want to go?(他要去哪里他要去哪里?)Mrs LiTheres a little mouse In her house.Mrs Li shouts,“Get out! Get out!”Mrs LiTheres a little mouse In her house.Mrs Li shouts,“Get out! Get out!”Tip: ou在单词里的发音是什么?在单词里的发音是什么?ou / a/about(关于)shout(大喊)house(房子)out(出去)mouth(嘴)/ a/Tip:根据发音规律试读单词。根据发音规律试读单词。about(关于) mouth(嘴) house(房子) out(出去) shout(大喊)cloud(云)cloudy(多云的) blouse (女衬衫) trousers(裤子) loudly(大声地)Can you make some new rhymes with these words?你能用这些词来编新的小诗吗?Little mouse shouts,“I want to go out!”He shouts loudly,In the house.He wants to make friends with Sam.Why?Watch and answer.1.What do they buy? 2.Are they healthy food?Watch and answer.What do they buy ? Are they healthy?colaa small bottle of colaa big bag of ricea big fishYou shouldnt drink too much cola.Do they have a healthy diet?They have a healthy diet.They have healthy bodies.SummaryRead and complete. Sam and his mother want to go to the supermarket. Because it is not (many/much) food in the fridge. Sam sees some (drink/drinks), he wants some (cola/colas). His mother says he should drink (a little/a few) cola. They need ( a lot of /many)rice, so he takes a big bag. They buy a big fish, too. But at last, the fish runs away.1.仔细阅读仔细阅读cartoon time,文中的语句会给你一定的,文中的语句会给你一定的帮助。帮助。2.在小组内讨论,选择适当的词完成短文。在小组内讨论,选择适当的词完成短文。Learning tips:much drinks cola a little a lot of 不可数不可数 名词名词记得要模仿语音语调哦。记得要模仿语音语调哦。记得要模仿语音语调哦。记得要模仿语音语调哦。记得要模仿语音语调哦。记得要模仿语音语调哦。Happy reading.小组选择一种喜欢的方式读一读。小组选择一种喜欢的方式读一读。 Read in roles.(分角色读分角色读)Read together.( (齐读齐读) )Read in paragraghs.( (分段落朗读分段落朗读) )小组合作,看哪组表演的更有创意!Happy acting.Imagine 想象 Think and say:Make an ending.你能想象一下故事的结局吗?你能想象一下故事的结局吗? ?Here you are.Thank you. Tips1.6人小组讨论健康小贴士。人小组讨论健康小贴士。2. 每人在纸上写每人在纸上写1-2条条,并贴并贴在纸上。在纸上。3.组长组织语言,进行汇报。组长组织语言,进行汇报。Hey! You can/should.can make us.Dont .Please eat. (写健康小贴士写健康小贴士)Discuss and write healthy tips. I can understand,read and act the story.I can know healthy diet and help others to form healthy diet . I can learn by myself and work with classmates.I can know the sound of “ou” ExcellentVery goodGood Self-evaluationEat more healthy food! 多吃健康的食物Do more exercise! 多做运动Have a healthy life!拥有健康的生活!Health is wealth! 健康 就是 财富!Homework1. Read the cartoon time fluently, try to retell the whole story.熟练朗读卡通,复述整个故事。2.Try to have a healthy diet with your family.和家人一起养成健康的饮食习惯。junk food(垃圾食品)No Discuss and write healthy tips. 1教学案例 六年级下册六年级下册 Unit 3 A Health Diet (Sound time, Cartoon time and Checkout time) Unit 3 A Health Diet (SoundSound time,time, CartoonCartoon timetime andand CheckoutCheckout timetime)教学目标:教学目标:1.能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师2的指导下表演故事。2.能根据自己的饮食特点,来深刻理解健康饮食的含义,养成健康饮食,健康生活的习惯。3.阅读策略的学习,学生能自我练习并和同学合作。4.了解 ou 在单词中的发音。教学重点:教学重点:1.能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。2.能根据自己的饮食特点,来深刻理解健康饮食的含义,养成健康饮食,健康生活的习惯。教学难点:教学难点:1.阅读策略的学习,学生能自我练习并和同学合作,培养学生的发散思维。教学过程:教学过程: Step1. Warm up1.Greetings.2.Lets know the teaching aims:a.I can understand, read and act the story. 我能理解,会读并能表演故事。b.I can know the sound of “ou” 我能了解 ou 在单词中的发音。c.I can know healthy diet and help others to form healthy diet. 我能懂得什么是健康的饮食并帮助他人养成健康的饮食习惯。d.I can practice(练习) by myself and work with classmates. 我能自我练习并和同学合作。3.Brain storm:T:What do you think of me?Ss Say something about new teacher:You are.(kind/strict/tall/a good teacher)You like eating.T:I hope well be good friends in this lesson.OK? In Unit 1,we have two animal friends.Who are they?(PPT shows the picture of the lion and the mouse.)T:Now lets say more about the lion and the mouse.3设计意图:通过头脑风暴谈一谈对老师的认识,发散思维,融入课堂,尤其是通过头脑风暴谈一谈对老师的认识,发散思维,融入课堂,尤其是谈论第一单元的老鼠和狮子,复习旧知,通过谈论狮子和老鼠的饮食,引入本谈论第一单元的老鼠和狮子,复习旧知,通过谈论狮子和老鼠的饮食,引入本节课谈论的话题。同时,老鼠将是本节课贯穿始终的主线,起到承上启下的作节课谈论的话题。同时,老鼠将是本节课贯穿始终的主线,起到承上启下的作用。用。Step 2. PresentationSound time:1. A.T: One day ,the mouse says :“Goodbye” to the lion .He wants to make some new friends.Where does he want to go?Ss: He wants to go to the park/zoo/city/supermarket/snack bar.设计意图:由老鼠要去哪里,要和谁交朋友展开谈论,发散学生的思维。设计意图:由老鼠要去哪里,要和谁交朋友展开谈论,发散学生的思维。2.T:Look,wheres the mouse now? Look at the picture, can you try to say something about the picture?Ss:There is not much food in the kitchen.Mrs Li is standing on the chair and shouting.B.PPT shows the rhyme:Mrs Li shouts, “Get out! Get out! ” There is a little mouse in her house. T: Try to listen and read it. Look at the words in red,how to pronounce “ou”? Ss discuss in pairs and answer.Ss: ou-/ a /4Different way to read the rhyme.3.T:Can you say some other words just like this? Ss: about(关于) ,mouth(嘴) ,house(房子) ,out(出去) ,shout(大喊),cloud(云),cloudy(多云的) ,blouse (女衬衫) ,trousers(裤子) ,loudly(大声地),sound(声音)etc. 4.T:Can you read and make some new rhymes with these words?Discuss in groups.Group show:Ask some groups to show the rhyme out.Choose some rhyme to read together.Good rhyme: Little mouse shouts, “I want to go out!” He shouts loudly, In the house.设计意图:语音教学,通过学生多种形式的读,帮助学生找出发音规则,并通语音教学,通过学生多种形式的读,帮助学生找出发音规则,并通过说出其他发音规则的词进行巩固,用过说出其他发音规则的词进行巩固,用 ou 组合的单词编小诗,即帮助学生巩固组合的单词编小诗,即帮助学生巩固了发音规律,又培养的学生的创造能力,给学生提供发展的平台。了发音规律,又培养的学生的创造能力,给学生提供发展的平台。Step 3. Cartoon time1.T: Mrs Li is afraid of the mouse. He is sad now. But he is thinking of Sam.He wants to make friends with Sam. Why?Ss:Because Sam has a mouse friend./Because Sam is in the supermarket./Because.T:Lets watch the cartoon and try to answer some questions. a.What do they buy? b.Are they healthy food? c. Do they have a healthy diet?Ss watch the cartoon and answer: They buy a small bottle of cola,a big fish and a big bag of rice.2.Read and find.T: Can Sam drink too much cola?Read and answer. You can underline the key words.Ss: Sam cant drink too much cola. Mum says you shouldnt drink too much cola.PPT:You shouldnt drink too much cola.(Different mood to read this sentence.)5T: Good. So Sam takes a small bottle. Summary: Sams family have healthy diet. They buy things according to their diet. They have a healthy diet, they have a healthy life. T:Cola is the junk food.Do you know some other junk food?Ss: Hamburgers, sandwiches,chips, chocolate,intent noodles.PPT shows some pictures of junk food.T:We should say “No!” to the junk food.3.T:There is a task for you: Read and complete. Sam and his mother want to go to the supermarket. Because it is not (many/much) food in the fridge. Sam sees some (drink/drinks), he wants some (cola/colas). His mother says he should drink (a little/a few) cola. They need ( a lot of /many)rice, so he takes a big bag. They buy a big fish, too. But at last, the fish swims away.Learning tips:(1).仔细阅读cartoon time,文中的语句会给你一定的帮助。(2).在小组内讨论,选择适当的词完成短文。4.Happy reading and acting:a.Repeat the dialogue,try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.b.Read the dialogue in groups.c.Show time: (3-4 groups show.) Read together./Read in roles./Act in roles.5.Think and say:Make a new ending.你能创编一个新的故事的结局吗?Ss discuss in groups and try to make a new ending.Show time:Ask some groups to show their endings.T:(PPT show)My ending :From then on, they become good friends. (Ss read together.)设计意图:卡通一直是学生所喜爱的内容,在学习中,通过观看卡通,找出卡通一直是学生所喜爱的内容,在学习中,通过观看卡通,找出Sam 一家要买的东西,并通过讨论一家要买的东西,并通过讨论 Can Sam drink too much cola?引出一系列引出一系列6的的 Junk Food,帮助学生对垃圾食品说:帮助学生对垃圾食品说:No!通过一个完形填空,巩固学生对通过一个完形填空,巩固学生对 a little ,a few, a lot of ,many ,以及不可数名词以及不可数名词 cola 等词的运用及区分。等词的运用及区分。Learning tips 的运用,教给学生学学习的技巧和方法,的运用,教给学生学学习的技巧和方法,Happy reading and happy acting ,给学生提供充足的空间,让学生尽情的展现自我。为故事创编新的结局,引导给学生提供充足的空间,让学生尽情的展现自我。为故事创编新的结局,引导学生运用所学句型,发挥学生的想象力。学生运用所学句型,发挥学生的想象力。Step 4 Consolidation:1.Sam and bobby are talking about the healthy diet together.Lets help them.Ss discuss and write healthy tips. Learning tips: 1. 4人小组讨论健康小贴士。 2.每人在纸上写1-2条,并贴在纸上。 3.组长组织语言,进行汇报。We can We should Because.We shouldnt Eat every day .can make us. Dont .Group show.2.Enjoy a video about healthy diet. Lets know: Eat more healthy food! Do more exercise! 多吃健康的食物! 多做运动! Have a healthy life!Health is wealth! 拥有健康的生活!健康就是财富! 设计意图: 通过帮助通过帮助 Sam 和和 Bobby 谈论谈论 healthy diet,复习本单元重要句型,复习本单元重要句型,同时,帮助学生深刻理解什么是健康饮食,播放健康饮食的短片,给学生正确同时,帮助学生深刻理解什么是健康饮食,播放健康饮食的短片,给学生正确的引导,帮助他们养成健康饮食,健康生活的好习惯。的引导,帮助他们养成健康饮食,健康生活的好习惯。 Step 4 .Homework:71. Read the cartoon time fluently, try to retell the whole story.2.Show the health tips to your family members.Try to have a healthy diet with your family.3.Make a new ending for the Cartoon Time,write a short passage.设计意图: 将课堂所学延伸到课外,把课上创编的新结局写成故事,训练学生将课堂所学延伸到课外,把课上创编的新结局写成故事,训练学生的写作能力,同时把课堂上自己小组的智慧结晶,带给自己的家人,帮助他们的写作能力,同时把课堂上自己小组的智慧结晶,带给自己的家人,帮助他们养成健康饮食,健康生活的好习惯,这就是学习的意义所在。养成健康饮食,健康生活的好习惯,这就是学习的意义所在。
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