Unit 3 A healthy diet-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:32dde).zip

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My dietBreakfast: some bread, an egg and some milk Lunch: some a few(几个) a lot ofDinner:My diet(饮食)somea lot ofhealthy(健康的健康的) or unhealthy(不健康的不健康的) a little(一点) Lets learnTips1: You should know some key words and sentences about the healthy diet.Tips2:You should learn how to write .你需要了解有关健康饮食的一些单词和句型。你需要了解有关健康饮食的一些单词和句型。你要学习怎么样写。你要学习怎么样写。 GroupGroup workwork: 1 WhatWhat dodo youyou havehave forfor breakfast/lunch/dinner?breakfast/lunch/dinner? I I have.forhave.for .2 跟其他同学用a a few/afew/a littlelittle ,some,some ,a,a lotlot ofof讨论饮食习惯。Talk about food.Mike and YangLings dietsMike likes eating sweets, cakes and ice cream. He does not like drinking water. He only drinks a little water every day. Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, he has a lot of rice, some fish and some meat. He has a few eggs every week.Does Mike have a healthy diet?自读短文,圈出关键词。自读短文,圈出关键词。Like eating.breakfastLunch dinnerRead and circle the key words.Tips:了解他喜欢吃什么,早餐、午餐、晚餐吃什么:了解他喜欢吃什么,早餐、午餐、晚餐吃什么 YangLing often has a lot of noodles for breakfast. She sometimes eats an egg too. For lunch and dinner, she eats some meat and some vegetables. She only eats a little rice. YangLing likes sweet food too, but she eats a little at a time. She eats some fruit every day.Does YangLing have a healthy diet?Read and finish the passageTips:Learn how to write the whole passage. 了解整个文章的结构。YangLing likes eating too. In the morning, she has a lot of for breakfast. She sometimes has . For lunch and dinner, she has some and some . She only eat a little .She also eats a little and some every day. I think she has a/an diet. noodles an egg meat vegetablesrice sweet food fruithealthyTips:Learn how to write the whole passage. 了解整个文章的结构。 vegetable & fruit grains谷物谷物protein蛋白质蛋白质sweet food甜食甜食beans & protein food豆类和蛋白质豆类和蛋白质In the healthy diet, we should . a lot of. .some. . . a few. and a little. .a lot ofa lot ofsomea few/a littleWhat is the healthy diet?膳食金字塔膳食金字塔 a lot of a lot of some a few some a littleTips:When you are writing, pay attention to your words and sentences.在写作过程中,要注意单词拼写以及句型的在写作过程中,要注意单词拼写以及句型的使用。使用。Here are some tips for you:2.Evaluate the diet. 1.Write three meals a day.3.Give suggestions.给予评价给予评价. 给出建议给出建议书写一日三餐的饮食书写一日三餐的饮食。 I want to be more healthy. So I make a healthy diet for myself. I.for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, I.I.every day.Tips:Check your writing and Evaluate others writing.检查下自己的文章,并对别人的文章进行评价检查下自己的文章,并对别人的文章进行评价。书写认真书写认真,正确,正确,整洁整洁字母大小字母大小写书写正写书写正确确语篇结构语篇结构完整完整文章不少文章不少于于6句话句话无语法错无语法错误误总评总评 Give stars to each other. 给彼此的作文打星吧! Writing 请以A healthy diet为题,利用所学词汇和句型介绍自己或者朋友的饮食习惯,并对其饮食习惯做出评价,然后给出一些建议,不少于6句话。 同同桌桌评评价价教教师师评评价价junk food(垃圾食品) A healthy diet. A happy life(生活). A bright future(未来).1.Introduce the Food Pyramid to your family.(向你的家人介绍食物金字塔)2. Write 1-2 suggestions on healthy diet for your friends. (请给你的好友写1-2条健康饮食的)Thank you.Bye-bye! 小学英语写作教学设计 - A healthy diet 一、 教学内容本教学设计是苏教版小学六年级学生练习写的一篇英语小作文。以 A healthy diet为题,利用所学词汇和句型介绍自己或者朋友的饮食习惯,并对其饮食习惯做出评价,然后给出一些建议,不少于 6 句话。 二、教学目标 1、 知识目标:(1)学生能掌握有关食物类单词: healthy,diet ,meat,vegetables, junk food, soft drinks(2) 学生能掌握运用句型:What do you have for breakfast/lunch/supper ?(3) 学生能熟练运用句型:Does she/he have.?2、能力目标:(1)学生能熟练掌握本课所涉及到的单词以及句型。 (2) 在饮食金字塔图的帮助下尝试叙述自己或他人的饮食,了解 a few、a little 的区别。(3)培养学生初步的写作能力、学会运用食物名称以及句型叙述有关健康饮食方面的事。3、情感目标:(1) 通过这一写作,培养学生基本的英语写作能力,并通过讨论和书写健康饮食习惯,倡导健康饮食。 (2)通过表演活动和小组活动,学生学会协助与合作,从而提高学习效果,合作学习的意识得到进一步加强。三、教学重点:(1)通过对阅读内容的理解,培养学生基本的造句的能力,掌握一些固定的英语语言表达。 (2)学生能够初步学会运用食物名称以及句型叙述有关健康饮食方面的事。 四、教学难点:(1)学生能够熟练掌握并运用本课的词汇和句型 (2)学生能够通过本课的写作,掌握一定的英语写作方法和能力。五、教学准备光盘、PPT、课堂练习、图片等。六、教学过程.Step1Step1 Warm-Warm- upup andand lead-inlead-in1. Enjoy some picturesT: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Shen.T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you.T: First, lets enjoy some pictures.设计意图设计意图: 通过欣赏一些事物的图片,让学生复习已学习过的食物单词,一方面提高学生学习兴趣和集中力,另一方面为下面的内容作好辅垫。2Free talk.T: What are these pictures about? Ss: Food.T: Yes, you are right .So what food do you know? Lets talk about food and drinks. Please say as many words as possible. OK? Ss: Milk, pies ,hamburgersT: Good, what food do you like? Ss: I like.T: Different people like different food, but in the same place, maybe people sometimes have the same food. Ss: Yes.设计意图设计意图:通过真实的交际训练引出本节课要学习的内容,利用日常谈话为学生创设轻松的学习氛围, 消除学生的紧张情绪, 并由此自然地引出本课所要学习的话题。StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 1.1. ReviewReview thethe EnglishEnglish phrasesphrasesT: Maybe people have the same food for breakfast or lunch? What do you have for breakfast? Ss: I have. (1)Show some foods pictures . Meat, milk, egg, porridge, vegetables .设计意图设计意图:通过图片展示,以对话的方式讨论写作时用到的句型,既可以吸引学生的注意力,又有效地复习学生学过得的单词,让学生学习起来更生活化,更贴近生活更贴近自己,兴趣更浓厚。(2) Talk in pairs. T: What do you have for breakfast/lunch/supper? Ss: I have T: Do you think what you have is good for you? Do you have a healthy diet? 揭示主题 A healthy diet. 设计意图设计意图:通过看图进行问答训练,强化学生对句型的复习,把所说的句子转变成文字,提高书写能力,在小组合作上,还可以互相协助共同提高。 2. Read and answer T:Our friends Mike and Yang Ling are also talking about their diets. (1) Read the text and answer the questions.1.What does Mike like eating?2.What does Mike have for breakfast?3.What does Mike have for lunch and supper?4.What does Mike have every week? (3) Groups work. Have ss finish the blank. Mike likes eating. He has a lot of food every day. In the morning, He has some and for breakfast. For lunch and supper ,he has , and .His favourite food is , and .He likes very much. Show one groups answer on the blackboard, have ss check together.设计意图:通过阅读及回答问题,了解设计意图:通过阅读及回答问题,了解 Mike 的饮食习惯,然后让学生了解在描述饮食的的饮食习惯,然后让学生了解在描述饮食的结构是怎样的,同时判断结构是怎样的,同时判断 Mike 的饮食是否健康。的饮食是否健康。 3. Read and write a passage.Today, we knew how to write someones diet, now, lets read something about Yang Ling and write Yang Lings diet.(1) play the music, have ss write.Passage 1 : Yang Ling likes eating. She has a lot of food every day. In the morning, She has a lot of for breakfast. Sometimes she has . For lunch and supper ,She has some and some .She only has a little . She also has a little and every day.T: Do you think whose diet is healthy? Ss: Yang Ling. So How is the healthy diet?(2) 给出一个健康饮食的标准(3)Groups work Have ss write their own diet or their friends diets. Then read their writings one by one in groups, choose the best one in each group.(4) Share : Teacher give some comments on those good written works.设计意图:设计意图:通过学生有选择性仿写文章,形成阶梯及思维的拓展。让不同程度的学生都可以尝试描述饮食情况。在分享中,学生能养成口头表达的能力,促进写作的能力。Step3 Summary Show some pictures, have ss have a healthy diet.Step4 Homework1. Introduce the Food Pyramid to your family.(向你的家人介绍食物金字塔)2. Write 1-2 suggestions on healthy diet for your friends. (请给你的好友写 1-2 条健康饮食的) Blackboard design:Unit 3 A healthy dieta few/a little some a lot ofa lot of教学反思:根据新课程标准的要求,强调要激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。让学生主动有效地参与学习过程。为使学生成为课堂上的主人,因此本人在教学中运用情景教学法,创设情景帮助学生通过情景理解教学内容,逐步培养学生用英语思维的习惯,通过小组合作学习,创造一种和谐融洽学习氛围。本人通过歌曲从食物单词的引入,让学生对已学过的单词进行复习,再通过提问、小组讨论强化刚学过的句型来口头练习,为下面写文章垫定基础。接着通过阅读较短的文章,理解其描述的手法,让学生有初步认识,然后进行笔头的练习,让学生写起文章来有方向,有具体的模仿引导。本节课导入部分以图片和讨论一日三餐入手,在谈话的过程中不仅复习食物的单词,更是通过谈话引出今天的话题,并由自己的和学生的饮食习惯引入对健康饮食的思考,同时教学本单元的新单词:healthy 和 diet。学生对习惯和三餐的话题比较感兴趣,能讲的素材较多,有助于在课堂打开学生的思维。接着,通过阅读及回答问题,了解 Mike 的饮食习惯,然后让学生了解在描述饮食的结构是怎样的,同时判断 Mike 的饮食是否健康。然后通过对比杨玲的饮食习惯制定出一个健康饮食的标准,为接下去的写作做铺垫。本节课通过引导学生走入情景中,参与讨论的学习方式,即“探究学习、合作讨论、主体参与”,体现了教育要以人为本,要尊重学生的认知规律和情感发展规律。通过Music, Songs 等在课堂上的运用,让学生在学中玩,玩中学,融情入境,做到寓教于乐。在写小作文前,能充分让学生通过谈、说与讨论来进行多方位的练习,提高学生的口头表达能力。如:阅读后说一说;小组讨论后谈一谈。在写作文时,能有拓展性,设计有阶梯性练习,为各种层面的学生提供学习的机会。
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