Unit 4 Road safety-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:c0c04).zip

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    • 6下Unit4 Road safety
      • 01.wav
      • 02.wav
      • 03.wav
      • 04.wav
      • 10 What should.wav
      • 1Do you know.wav
      • 2.If we.wav
      • apavemen.mp3
      • aroad.mp3
      • azebracr.mp3
      • cross.mp3
      • easily.mp3
      • energy.mp3
      • follow.mp3
      • greenman.mp3
      • laoshi.jpg--点击预览
      • light.mp3
      • lookoutf.mp3
      • must.mp3
      • pavement.mp3
      • redman.mp3
      • road.mp3
      • rule.mp3
      • safe.mp3
      • safely.mp3
      • safety.mp3
      • stand up (champions theme) 站起来_消除人声.mp3
      • stay.mp3
      • summer 钢琴 久石让.mp3
      • Thumbs.db
      • trafficl.mp3
      • U401.swf
      • U4Stor01.mp3
      • U4Stor02.mp3
      • U4Stor03.mp3
      • U4Stor04.mp3
      • U4Stor05.mp3
      • U4Stor06.mp3
      • U4Stor07.mp3
      • U4Stor08.mp3
      • U4Stor09.mp3
      • U4Stor10.mp3
      • U4Stor11.mp3
      • U4Stor12.mp3
      • U4Stor13.mp3
      • U4Stor14.mp3
      • U4Stor15.mp3
      • U4Stor16.mp3
      • U4Story.mp3
      • 卡农 - 钢琴曲.mp3
      • 天空之城.mp3
      • 欧美 - A Little Love.mp3
      • 禁止.png--点击预览
      • 背景音乐 阳光舞甜橙.mp3
      • 轻快的钢琴曲_clip.mp3
      • 轻松欢快的背景音乐 nre50 下载.mp3
      • 轻音乐 班得瑞 极度放松睡眠轻音乐.mp3
      • 辛德勒的名单剪切.mp3
    • 教案c0c04.docx--点击预览
    • 译林英语六下Unit4 Story time.ppt--点击预览


让学,助力让学,助力思维深度的英语教学思维深度的英语教学教学内容:教学内容:译林英语六下 Unit4 Road safety(Story time)第一课时教学目标:教学目标:知识目标:知识目标:1.能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语 You must. You must not.。2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇 road, must, safe, follow, light;能听懂、会说、会读词汇 safety, cross, safely, zebra, crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rule, stay。能力目标:能力目标:1.初步理解 Story time 的内容,理清文本脉络。2. 能正确使用情态动词进行规则和规定的表达。3. 能简单区分 safe, safety 和 safely。情感目标:情感目标:让学生了解交通规则,树立安全意识。教学重难点:教学重难点:重点:重点:1.能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语 You must. You must not.。2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇 road, must, safe, follow, light;能听懂、会说、会读词汇 safety, cross, safely, zebra, crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rule, stay。难点:难点:1.初步理解 Story time 的内容,理清文本脉络。2.能正确使用情态动词进行规则和规定的表达。3.能简单区分 safe, safety 和 safely。学情分析:学情分析:“行路安全”话题与学生的生活紧密相关,学生有丰富的生活经验,语篇中出现的核心句式学生大都已经接触过。因此在教学时,教师可以通过游戏活动帮助学生复习,唤醒学生的记忆库,并通过由扶到放的教学策略,让学生边学边用,学以致用,达到掌握。教学过程:教学过程:Step1. Warming up 1. Greetings.2. Play a game “Read and judge.” Rules: Read the sentences together then judge. If safe, say“safe.”. If unsafe, say “unsafe”(PPT 出示句子和图片)a. They can play on the road.b. The can throw rubbish on the road.c. Green light, go.d. He can drink the wine and drive.e. Cross the road with teacher.f. They can drive so fast.h. They can cross the rails.Step2. Pre-reading 1.T: (承接上述游戏中的图片)Look at these pictures. Where are the people? S: Theyre on the road.教师板画 road,出示词条 boat,教学 road 2.T: There are many busy roads in the city. What can we see on the road? S: We can see.结合学生回答,教师随机板画并教学新词汇 pavement, traffic lights, zebra crossing(1)pavement: 出示词条 save,教学 pavement。T: Look at this pavement. Whats on the pavement?S: There are some people and a tree.T: Can you walk on the road or the pavement?S: We can walk on the pavement.(2)crossing, zebra crossing:(PPT 出示 crossing, zebra crossing 图)T:(板画 crossing)This is a crossing.教学 crossingT:(板画 zebra crossing)This is a zebra crossing.教学 zebra crossing(3)traffic lights:板贴红绿灯T: How many traffic lights can you see?S: I can see three.T: What colour are they?S: They are red, green and yellow.T:(PPT 出示红、黄、绿灯)Yes, we call a red man. S: A yellow man and a green man.T: What does the green man mean?S: It means we can go.T: What about the red man?S:It means we cant go.T: It means we mustnt go. It means we must stop. 教学 must 和 mustnt=must notT/S: The yellow man means we should wait.PPT 出示关于 must, mustnt, can, should 的小贴士,学生轻声朗读。Step3. Leading in the titleT:(承接上面交通灯意思) These are traffic rules. They are about road safety. Today well discuss on the road safety. (揭题,教学 safety,组词) PPT 出示句子解释 road safety It means we should keep safe on the road.It means we should stay safe on the road.It means we should cross the road safely.S: (跟读选择中文)A. 安全(名词)B. 安全的(形容词)C.安全地(副词)教学辨析 safe,safety, safelyHow can we cross the road safely?教学句型Step4. While-reading1. Watch and judgeT: How can we cross the road safely? Lets watch the cartoon and judge.PPT: 1. We should cross the road at the zebra crossing. ( )2. We can cross the road at any time.( )2. Learn P36When you see a zebra crossing, how can you cross the road safely?(1) Listen and fill(2) Read and say: How can you cross them safely? First , then 3. Learn P37Sometimes, you cannot find a zebra crossing near you, how can you cross the road safely?(1)Read and answerWhere must we wait before we cross the road?How should we look out for the traffic?Is it a good idea to cross the road with other people? Why?(2)Check the answer.(3)Read and fill(4)Try to say.S: There is no zebra crossing near us, we should wait on the .(5)Think and talkT: We know a lot about road safety. What else must we do?(PPT 出示第三部分插图)We mustnt play football,What else must we not do? (教学 What must we not do?)S:We mustnt.T:(追问)Why?S:Because this is not safe.(教学 This is not safe.)4.Reading timeStep5.Post-reading1.SummaryS: (结合板贴及 PPT 图片)We must/ mustnt .2.德育 Never forget about safety.Safety is as simple as ABC- Always Be Careful.3.ProductionMake a video of road safety S: You must/mustnt .(拓展更多交通法规:攀爬栅栏,遵守路标,骑车上路,)Step6.Homework.1. Read this story and try to recite.2. Tell your friends about how to cross the road safely.3. Know more about “Road safety”.4. Copy the new phrases 2 times.板书设计:板书设计:Unit 4 Road Safety 译林版小学英语六下Rules 规则读句子,判断人们行为是否安全。读句子,判断人们行为是否安全。如果是安全的,请大声说如果是安全的,请大声说“safesafe”,如果是不安全的,请大声说如果是不安全的,请大声说“unsafeunsafe” 。They can play on the road.They can throw rubbish on the road.Green light, go.He can drink the wine and drive.Cross the road with teacher.They can drive so fast.They can cross the rails.(安全)(安全)Unit4 Road safetyroad traffic 道路交通道路交通 roadpavementcrossingzebra crossingtraffic lights traffic lightsWe can go.Tips:情态动词情态动词 cancan的意思是的意思是 “可以可以 ”。shouldshould的意思是的意思是 “应该应该 ”。 mustmust的语气较强,意思是的语气较强,意思是“必须必须 ”,mustnmustnt t的意思是的意思是 “禁止禁止 ”通常用于法律法规的要求。通常用于法律法规的要求。We must stop.We should wait. We mustnt go.yellow man red man green man road safetyWe should cross the road safely. 穿过穿过安全安全地地( (副词副词) )安全安全( (名词名词) )学校安全食品安全交通安全school safetyfood safetytraffic safetyWe should keep safe on the road.安全安全的的 ( (形容词形容词) ) Watch and judge1. We should cross the road at the zebra crossing.( )2. We can cross the road at any time.( )“T” or “F”TFHowHow cancan wewe crosscross thethe roadroad safely?safely?ReadRead andand fillfillCompareCompare andand fillfilla zebra crossingHowHow cancan youyou crosscross thethe roadroad safely?safely? traffic lights At the zebra crossingFirstThenYou must look at the .You must wait for the .green manListenListen andand fillfillWhenWhen youyou cancan seesee a a zebrazebra crossing,crossing,firstfirst youyou mustmust,then,then youyou 1When you see the ,youmustnt cross the road.red manCompareCompare andand fillfillno zebra crossingHowHow cancan youyou crosscross thethe roadroad safely?safely? Questions:Where must we wait before we cross the road?How should we look out for(当心) the traffic?Is it a good idea to cross the road with other people? Why? Read and answerips: 阅读时,你可以用铅笔划下关键词或句。阅读时,你可以用铅笔划下关键词或句。You must wait on the pavement.You should first look left,then rightand then left again.Yes, it is. Because the drivers can see you easily. No zebra crossing You can wait on the and look out for . You must first look , then and then again. You can cross the road with .pavementcars and bikesleftrightleftother peopleReadRead andand fillfillSometimes,Sometimes, youyou cantcant findfind a a zebrazebra crossingcrossing nearnear youyou .To.To keepkeep safesafe2We must not /mustnt禁止LookLook andand saysayReadRead it it together.together.小组一起读。小组一起读。 ReadRead inin paragraphs.paragraphs. 组内分段读。组内分段读。 RetellRetell inin groups.groups. 合作来复述。合作来复述。 Reading timeI I cancan saysay ! !ToTo crosscross a a roadroad safely,safely, youyou mustmust youyou mustntmustnt SummarySummary timetimeSafety is as simple as(和(和一样简单)一样简单)ABC ABC: Always Be Careful.Never forget(忘记)(忘记) about safety. Try to rememberMake a video about road safety with the teacher. Call on more people follow the rules.合作学习,和老师一起做个宣传小视频合作学习,和老师一起做个宣传小视频号召更多的人遵守规则。号召更多的人遵守规则。MakeMake a a videovideo ofof roadroad safetysafety . .ShowShow timetimeMake a video of road safetyYou must You mustntMake a video of road safety.Show timeYou must look for a zebra crossing.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou must look at the traffic lights.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt run on the road.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou must follow the signs.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt take too many people.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt drive so fast.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt climb over the rail.Make a video of road safety.You must You mustntShow timeYou mustnt ride on the road.ShowShow timetimeCherish life Civilization trip关爱生命关爱生命 文明出行文明出行You must follow the signs.You mustnt take too many people.You mustnt drive so fast.You mustnt climb over the rail.You mustnt ride on the road.You mustnt run on the road.You must look for a zebra crossing.You must look at the traffic lights.Our video is ready!我们的视频制作成功!我们的视频制作成功!You must You mustntCherish life Civilization trip关爱生命关爱生命 文明出行文明出行You must follow the signs.You mustnt take too many people.You mustnt drive so fast.You mustnt climb over the rail.You mustnt ride on the road.You mustnt run on the road.You must look for a zebra crossing.You must look at the traffic lights.ShowShow timetimeTo keep safe.You must You mustntHomework1.Read this story and try to recite.2.Tell your friends about how to cross the road safely.3.Know more about “Road safety”. no zebra crossingHowHow cancan youyou crosscross thethe roadroad safely?safely? a zebra crossinglook for a zebra crossinglook at the traffic lightswait for the green manwait on the pavementlook out for cars and bikesfirst look left, then right and then left againcross the road with other people
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