Unit 7 Summer holiday plans-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:00284).zip

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Learning plans and aims 学习计划与目标学习计划与目标 Checkout time & ticking timeWe will ask and answer questions with“will”. 我能用will来问答相关话题。 We will know about some great cities in the world.我知道世界的一些著名城市。We will writewrite andand shareshare summersummer holidayholiday plans.plans.我能正确书写自己和他人的旅游计划。WhatWhat areare youryour summersummer holidayholiday plans?plans?I I willwill 预学查异预学查异How to make a holiday plan?WhereWhere? ?willWhen?When?Who?Who?What?What?HowHow long?long?How?How?试着根据一些特殊疑问词来说!预学查异预学查异Childrens summer holiday plansPair Work: 同桌两人每人选择一个人物,以问答的方式 回忆他/她的暑假计划。注意will的使用!Lets talk!初学适异初学适异Childrens summer holiday plansGuess: Who am I ?四名学生分别扮演文中一个人物,全班需通过向他们提问来猜出他们的角色( Will you? ), 但不可直接问城市名。 Lets guess!初学适异初学适异Learning plans and aims 学习计划与目标学习计划与目标 Checkout time & ticking timeWe will ask and answer questions with“will”. 我能用will来问答相关话题。 We will know about some great cities in the world.我知道世界的一些著名城市。We will writewrite andand shareshare summersummer holidayholiday plans.plans.我能正确书写自己和他人的旅游计划。Lets tick!1. 能正确使用6-7个“will” 的不同句式进行问答交流。2. 能正确使用3-5个“will” 的不同句式进行问答交流。3. 能正确使用1-2个“will” 的不同句式进行问答交流I I willwill knowknow aboutabout _in_in thethe world.world.greatgreat citiescitiesGreatGreat citiescities in in thethe worldworld你知道世界上有哪些著名城市吗?预学查异预学查异BeijingBeijing Opera Roast DuckGreat Wall初学适异初学适异Well find /see /eat _ in _.GreatGreat citiescities in in thethe worldworldHong KongDisneylandOcean ParkVictoria Harbor初学适异初学适异GreatGreat citiescities in in thethe worldworld初学适异初学适异GreatGreat citiescities in in thethe worldworldWell find /see /eat _ in _.New York初学适异初学适异Places ?Food ?Sports or others ?GreatGreat citiescities in in thethe worldworldWell find /see/eat _ in _.Sydney初学适异初学适异Places ?Food ?Animals or others ?GreatGreat citiescities in in thethe worldworldLearning plans and aims 学习计划与目标学习计划与目标 Checkout time & ticking timeWe will ask and answer questions with“will”. 我能用will来问答相关话题。 We will know about some great cities in the world.我知道世界的一些著名城市。We will writewrite andand shareshare summersummer holidayholiday plans.plans.我能正确书写自己和他人的旅游计划。Lets tick!1. 能说出8个以上世界主要城市名称及相关信息。2. 能说出5-7个世界主要城市名称及相关信息。3. 能说出2-4个世界主要城市名称及相关信息。the Great Barrier Reef123Lets say!Bobbys summer holiday plansWhere will he go? First. Next Then What do you think of his plan? Its full of _.joy初学适异初学适异Look at the little _.Riding a horse with _.He really is so happy.He will _ the holiday.oyLets say!cowboyjoyenjoy研学导异研学导异Lets thinkBobby wants to go to the UK with Sam by taxi.Is it a good idea?Bobbys summer holiday plansHow will they get there?研学导异研学导异Lets help Bobby finish his plan! My holiday plan for the UK I will go to the UK with_. We will go there by_. We will do many things there. We will_ _ _ _ _ We will have a wonderful holiday!Samplane 研学导异研学导异 What will they do in the UK? 30秒内参考图片说一说他们在英国可以做哪些事。Lets talk (30 seconds Non-stop talking)研学导异研学导异 My holiday plan for the UK I will go to _ with_.We will go there by_.We will do many things there.We will_We will have a wonderful summer holiday!Samthe UKplane visit some interesting places, for example, Big Ben , London Eye and Stonehenge. We will have some traditional food , like fish and chips and English afternoon tea. We will also watch football games and buy some teddy bears. Lets help Bobby finish his plan! 研学导异研学导异Places景点Food 美食Sport运动Gifts礼品Lets make a plan!思考并讨论:写计划时有哪些书写注意事项?w wi illll 后动后动词词用原形;用原形;可用可用一一些连接些连接词,如词,如 forfor examexamp ple,le, l li ike,ke, and,and, alals so,o, tootoo 等等。Tips:如有其他疑问可以问老师!?国家名、城市名首字母大写国家名、城市名首字母大写?一一段时间用段时间用i in,n, 具体某具体某一一天用天用onon?研学导异研学导异Lets share plans!四人一组交流暑期计划,并记录下来,也许你能找到伙伴结伴出游呢!STEP 1调查人结束时可以说:OK, I see.Sounds great!Thats exciting / wonderful Have a good holiday!研学导异研学导异整理小伙伴的回答,并尝试介绍彼此计划。可以用上城市的相关图片哦。STEP 2如和你的组员有相同的计划,你也可以说:My friends and I have the same plans for the summer holiday.We will研学导异研学导异Lets share plans!Well整理小伙伴的回答,并尝试介绍彼此计划。可以用上城市的相关图片哦。研学导异研学导异Lets share plans!WellSTEP 1STEP 2Learning plans and aims 学习计划与目标学习计划与目标 Checkout time & ticking timeWe will ask and answer questions with“will”. 我能用will来问答相关话题。 We will know about some great cities in the world.我知道世界的一些著名城市。We will writewrite andand shareshare summersummer holidayholiday plans.plans.我能正确书写自己的旅游计划并合他人分享交流。Lets tick!Lets discuss!拓学展异拓学展异How to make our holiday plans perfect? 还可以将哪些内容纳入假期计划?伦伦敦敦PlaceFoodGameShoppingHotelTipsNotesHomework: 阅读相关书籍或上网查阅有关你想去的城市或景点的相关信息,进一步丰富你的summer holiday plans.Unit 7 Summer holiday plans (checkout time)Ask and say四人一组,询问并简要记录组员们的暑假计划,然后说一说彼此的计划是否相同。Who?Where?When? How?How long? What?My friends and I have different /same plans for summer holiday.Ill We llShell / Hell 1教学设计个人信息姓名单位联系方式设计者教学基本信息课题Unit7 Summer holiday plans (checkout time & revision)学科英语学段 小学低段年级六教材译林出版社英语六年级下册指导思想与理论依据作为小学英语课堂教学的重要课型之一,复习课在小学英语教学中占有重要的地位。它是巩固和发展知识、技能的重要课型。既能帮助学生对所学知识和基本技能进行梳理和沟通,理出良好的认知结构,又能帮助学生加深理解、增强记忆,使知识条理化、系统化。在实际的教学中,很多教师的复习课随意性较大,采用默写单词,背诵课文,做练习等机械形式,学生的进步甚微。同时学生在能力、兴趣、气质、性格等方面存在差异,如果教师将学生看成单一的群体,就会出现基础差的学生听不懂,基础好的学生参与活动积极性不高的现象。在复习课中,教师应当尊重差异,开展有效的差异教学活动,帮助学生复习和巩固已学的知识,使不同层次的学生的英语语言能力在原有的基础上都有所提高。教学背景分析 本单元谈论的话题是暑假出游计划,涉及到了世界著名城市和景点的教学内容,本单元的语法延续了前一个单元的语法项目,即一般将来时,重点是一般将来时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。本单元的目标词汇是有关城市的地点名词和景点名称。教学目标基础性目标:基础性目标:1. 学生能够掌握世界著名城市和相关景点的名称,并能说出相关城市的美食、运动、动物等信息;2. 学生会用 will 一般疑问句和特殊疑问句与他人讨论假期计划;3. 学生能够书写自己的假日计划,并能介绍自己或他人的计划。挑战性目标挑战性目标:1. 学生能够说出更多的城市名及对应的景点、美食、动物等相关信息;2. 学生能够多方面描写自己的假日计划中要做的事情,能够尝试用一些连词使文章更加流畅。教学重点、难点教学重点教学重点:1. 学生能够熟练运用 We will find /see/ eat说出相关城市的美食、运动、动物等信息;2. 学生会用 will 一般疑问句和特殊疑问句与他人讨论假期计划;3. 学生能够准确书写自己的假日计划,并能介绍自己或他人的计划。教学难点教学难点:1. 学生能够说出更多的城市名及对应的景点、美食、动物等相关信息;2. 学生能够讨论总结计划书写的注意事项,并能正确书写。教学过程Step1 Warm up1. Listen to a song “Travel around the world”2. Show learning plans and aims3. Lets talk: What are your summer holiday plans?【设计意图:以世界环游主题歌曲热身,迅速切入话题情境,有利于激发学生的语言储备。同时以 plan 这个词引出本节课的学习计划和学习目标,为下面的学习做好充分准备。 】Step2 Revision and consolidation1. Think and say : How to make a holiday plan?Ss: Where will you go? When will you go to? How will you go to? Who will you go with? How long will you stay in? What will you do?32. Review childrens summer holiday plans.(1)Talk in pairs about ones plan in the storytime with key questions.(2) Guess: Who am I? T: Now lets play a guessing game. I want 4 students to be these children. And I wont tell you who they are. But you can ask them questions begin with “will you?” . Dont mention the name of the city.(3) Ticking time: Can you ask and answer questions with will? 3. Review great cities in the world.(1) Show Bobby and his travel bookQ1: What does Bobby like doing? Ss: He likes travelling.Q2: Look! What is he doing now? Ss: He is reading a travel book.Q3: What will he know from this book? Ss:He will know about great cities in the worldQ4: What great cities do you know? Ss: I know London in the UK. I knowin(2) Guess and talk about some citiesa. This city is the capital of China. =Beijing. What will you do there? =Well find/see/eat. b. This is a special city in China. Listen and guess. =Hong Kong.(Record: Its in the south of China. We will find Disneyland and Ocean Park there. A lot of people like shopping there. And at night you can watch fireworks near Victoria Harbor. Its view is fair.)c. This city is the US. Watch a video and then guess. = New York. Talk: We will find /see /eat/ in d. This is the biggest city in Australia. But its near the capital. =Sydney Talk: Youll find/see/eat/in .(3) Ticking time : Wow! You know a lot about the great cities. Well done!【设计意图:整节复习课以 Bobby 这个人物为主线,串起单元相关的语言知识点。首先学生总结梳理讨论暑期计划的相关特殊疑问句,并利用这些疑问句与同伴问答回忆出课文中的相关情节。这样既有利于学生能够有条理地、有逻辑地进行话题交流,同时也为后续的暑期计划分享做好语言铺垫。接着,教师借 Bobby 在 cartoon time 故事中阅读旅行书的情节,引出世界著名城市和相关信息的复习和拓展,教师通过看图说城市、听录音猜城市、看视频猜城市等多种形式,让学生从景点、美食、动物、运动等不同方面进行城市介绍,这样的方式兼顾了不同学生的特点,扩大了学生参与面。】4. Review Bobbys holiday plans(1) T: Bobby knows a lot of great cities in the world. Then he has some plans. Where will he go ? S: First, next, then(2) What do you think of his plan? =Its full of joy.(3) Say some words with “oy” (4) Use some words with “oy” to finish a poem about Bobby. Look at the little cowboy /Riding his horse with joy. / He really is so happy / He will enjoy the holiday.(5) T: Bobby also wants to go to the UK with Sam. But he wants to go there by taxi. Is it a good idea? How should they get there?3(6) 30 seconds NON-STOP talking: what will Sam and Bobby do in the UK? (7) Finish Bobbys plan. 【设计意图:通过回忆 Bobby 和 Sam 的出行计划,教师利用书中插图,巧妙地利用文本情境,启发学生用 Sound time 中有 oy 的单词补全小诗,这样就很好的在语言情境中高效检测与反馈了学生对 oy 单词的运用能力;接着通过让学生讨论 Bobby 在英国可能会做的事情,自然引出 Bobby 的暑期计划书,并引导学生从景点、美食、运动、礼品购买等多种角度表达暑期出行计划,为后续学生完成 checkout time 中 My summer hoiday plans 作好了充分的思维铺垫。 】 Step3 Production1. Write summer holiday plans(1) Discuss: how to write a holiday plan well? (2) Check and finish the summer holiday plans 2. Share summer holiday plans(1) Ask and answer in pairs. Then write down key notes.(2) Introduce their plans3. How to make perfect holiday plans ? T: we can plan for places, food, sports or games, shopping ,gifts, what else can we plan for? Ss: hotels, travel tips, travel notes.【设计意图:在输出环节,首先让学生思考并合作讨论暑期计划书的书写注意事项,这样就能够扫清学困生在书面表达上的障碍,有利于提高学生作业完成的效率。随后的计划分享活动中,学生可以根据自己的能力选择喜欢的方式进行自我及他人计划的介绍。最后教师还总结拓展了其他出行计划内容,比如酒店预定,查阅旅游攻略和游记等,拓展了学生的思路。 】Homework:阅读相关书籍或上网查阅有关你想去的城市或景点的相关信息,进一步丰富你的 summer holiday plans.板书设计 Unit7 Summer holiday plans (Checkout time & Revision time)Where will you go?When will you go to?How will you go to?Who will you go with?What will you do?How long will you stay in?Where will you live?PlacesFoodSports & GamesGiftsHotels
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