Unit 7 Summer holiday plans-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:90e0d).zip

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Story timeUnit 7 G ame timeRules:When you see the words, please read loudly!After reading, tell me which new words you see(看到哪些新单词).When you see the ,please clap your hands (拍手)and shout “Get out” !.the Great Wall Ocean ParkSummer PalaceTaipeimonth DisneylandwillPalace MuseumTower BridgeBig Benthe Great Wallthe Bundthe Summer Palacethe Shanghai Museumthe Sydney Opera HouseTiananmen SquareLondon EyeTaipei 101大声说出你所看到的景点名称,并运用句子表达大声说出你所看到的景点名称,并运用句子表达 Ill visit this summer holiday?Ill visit 101 in Taipei.TaipeiTaipei 101 is the tallest building in Taipei. It has 101 floors above ground and five floors underground. Disneyland迪士尼乐园Ocean Park海洋公园Ill go to Hong Kong by plane this summer holiday. Ill visit. A: How long will you stay there? 你将在那里停留多长时间?B: Ill stay there for .A: Will you go to Hong Kong for the summer holiday?B: Yes, I will. / No, I wont.wont=will notA: Where will you go for the summer holiday?B: Ill go toA: How will you go there? /Will you go there by?B: Ill go there by / Yes,I will. / No,I wont. Ill.Unit 7 暑假计划暑假计划The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday .Do you want to know something about their summer holidays?试着对孩子的暑假计划提一些问题吧Watch, match and sayWatch, match and say3124Watch, match and say1. Mike will go back to London. How long will he stay there? A. For a week. B. For a month. C. For three days.2.Who will YangLing visit in Beijing? A. Her friends. B.Her grandparents. C.Her aunt and uncle.3.How will YangLing go to Beijing? A. by plane B. by bus C.by trainListen and chooseWho will Mike visit in Lodon?回去回去1.SuHai will go to Disneyland and Ocean Park in HongKong. ( )2.LiuTao will go to Taipei with his classmates. ( )3.SuHai will show some photos to LiuTao after the holiday . ( )TFFRead and judgeT/F(P69)parentsLiuTaoSuHaiLiuTao: Where will you go for the summer holiday, SuHai?SuHai: Ill go to Hong Kong with my family.LiuTao: Will you go to Disneyland?SuHai: Yes,I will.Well go to Ocean park too. What about you, LiuTao?LiuTao: Ill go to Taipei with my parents.SuHai: Thats wonderful.I want to see the city too.LiuTao: OK.Ill show you some photos after the holiday.SuHai: Thanks!Tip:轻声朗读69页对话,然后判断, 用横线划出关键句。The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday.选择你喜欢的方式朗读课文。选择你喜欢的方式朗读课文。1. Read it together 齐读课文齐读课文2. Read in roles分角色朗读分角色朗读Londona monthaunt and uncletrainDisneylandOcean ParkTaipeiphotos Tyr to retell . Tip:复述课文内容时,可以借助课文插图和思维图板书。 Enjoy your travelling!享受旅游 Have great fun!乐在其中 Enjoy your summer holiday! 享受暑假 Have a happy life! 快乐生活 storytime 1. 我会读 Ocean Park photo/Disneyland/Taipei/stay/sound/go back to/how long2.我能理解掌握对话内容并能根据插图和板书进行简单复述。3.I know :be going to= will4.我能理解并表达句子: Will you?Where will you go for summer holiday?.及其答语Ticking time1.1. ListenListen toto thethe tapetape andand readread thethe texttext threethree times.times.听磁带熟读课文听磁带熟读课文3 3遍遍2.2. TalkTalk aboutabout youryour plansplans forfor summersummer holidayholiday withwith youryour friends.friends.和朋友讨论你的暑假计划和朋友讨论你的暑假计划 Homework3.3. FinishFinish Exercise1xercise1完成练习完成练习1/7Unit7 Summer holiday plans课题课题: 译林版六年级下册译林版六年级下册 Unit7 Summer holiday plans课时课时: The first period(Story time )教学目标:教学目标:(一)知识目标:(一)知识目标:1. 能理解、朗读并复述故事。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: go back to, how long, photo3.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:summer holiday, stay, sound, Disneyland, Ocean Park, Taipei3.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:Will you? Yes, I will. /No, I wont. Where/When/How long/What will you? I/We will (二)能力目标(二)能力目标:1.通过课文重点语言知识点的学习,能初步理解并朗读课文。2.能在理解课文的基础上复述课文。(三)(三) 情感目标:情感目标: 通过学习,让学生了解国内外著名城市的主要景点。n教学重点教学重点:1.能理解、朗读并复述课文。2.能正确掌握,灵活运用将来时句型表达于真实情景中。教学难点教学难点:1.能理解、朗读并复述故事。2.能自编类似情景。3.能理解运用一般将来时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。 2/7教学准备教学准备: 1.教师准备:光盘,ppt,板书。2.学生准备: 听磁带,初读课文,了解课文内容。教学步骤教学活动名 称活动组织活动目的活动时间二次修改Step 1arming up1) Greeting.2) Pre-reading Step1: Daily talk T:1.How many days are there in a week? What are they? Which day do you like best? Why? Ss: talks. T: That sounds great./ Thats great.2. T:How many months are there in a year? What are they? Which month do you like best? Why? Ss: talks. T: That sounds great./ Thats great.(教授)Step2: Pre-reading1.呈现本课学习目标(1)Know some great cities in the world.(2)Can understand ,read the story.(3)Can try to talk about your summer holiday plans.学生通过问答,既复习了旧知,也为本课学习做好铺垫、渗透。呈现学习目标,让学生对于本堂课所学内容一目了然。6/7Step2.Presentation3)While reading1.Listen and answer.2.Watch and choose.2.Guessing game: Which city is it?(1)Beijing(2)Hong Kong教授 Disneyland, Ocean Park(3)London(4)Taipei3.Try to introduceT:Look at the picture. Can you say like this? You will find Tiananmen Square in Beijing.S: talks.Step3: While-readingT:Just now, we saw some famous cities. I want to travel in the holiday. Listen , there are some children talking. What plans are they talking about?S: They are talking about their summer holiday plans.(揭题:Summer holiday plans)T:OK.First,lets watch the cartoon and choose. Who are talking about their plans for the holiday?(Watch the cartoon.)通过猜城市,拓展学生视野,让学生了解四个城市的著名景点,同时也为本单元学习做好文化意识渗透。并解决掉部分新单词。让学生了解各个城市的著名景点后,用一句话介绍一下,加深印象。通过听力,引导学生了解本单元的主题,训练学生安静倾听的能力及捕获信息的能力。 学生带着问题看故事动画,通过强烈的画面感,快速7/73.Watch, match and say.4. Guess.5.Look and say6.Read and judge.S: Theyre Mike, Yang Ling, Liu Tao and Su Hai.T:Where will they go for the holiday?S1: Mike will go back to London.S2: Yang Ling will go to Beijing.S3: Liu Tao will go to TaipeiS4: Su Hai will go to Hong Kong. T: How will they go there? Guess!(教授 Willgo toby?及其回答)S1: Will Mike go to London by train?T: Yes, he will.T: What will they do there?S1: Mike will visit his grandparents in London.S2: Yang Ling will visit her aunt and uncle in Beijing.S3: Su Hai will go to Disneyland and Ocean Park in Hong Kong.S4: Liu Tao will take photos in Taipei.1. Mike will stay in London for two months.( )得出答案。通过看动画,问题由易到难,让学生从 Who 到Where 的进行深层回答和学习。利用猜测交通工具,教授一般将来时的一般疑问句,把枯燥的语法学习加入了趣味性。培养学生看图说话的能力,更深层次的挖掘文本,从Who 到 Where 再到 What 的逐层深入学习文本。1/77.Lets read.8.Happy reading.教授句型:How long will Mike stay in London? 2. Yang Ling will go to Beijing by train.( )3. Su Hai will go to Hong Kong with her sister.( )4. Liu Tao will go to Taipei with his parents.( )5. Liu Tao will take some photos after the holiday.( )跟读课文,完成两段填空Try to sayMike will go back to _ for the holiday. He will stay there for _. Yang Lings _ and _ live in Beijing. She will visit them this summer holiday. Shewill go there by _ .Su Hai and her _ will visit _ and _ in Hong Kong. Liu Tao will go to _ with his _. He will take some _ and show them _ the holiday.1. 选择一种喜欢的方式读。让学生自己通过精读在文中找寻答案,并且在学生容易混淆的难点上设置判断障碍,让学生进行改错,加深印象。此外,在改错中顺其自然地进行了新句型的教学,符合学生学习的需要。根据课文时,纠正、引导学生读课文的语音语调和感情,并根据课文理解进行第三人称复述填空,进一步提高学生对文本的理解。1/7Step 3 PracticeStep4.ConsolidationStep4 AssignmentTasks.2. 齐读3. 分角色读。1.Retell the text.(见 PPT)2.Read and write.3.Talk about your holiday plans.4.Writing.5.Remember.Ticking time.1.Read story time fluently. 2.预习 P7172.3.Talk about your plans with your classmates for the summer holiday.学生根据自己水平,选择适合自己不同形式的朗读,同时也给予他们不同的评价。通过这种民主性的选择朗读,既是对不同层次学生的尊重,也训练学生良好的语音语调,同时再次加深对故事的理解。给学生充分的时间,让孩子享受朗读的乐趣。在这一环节中,从简单的复述课文到写,然后再拓展,一步一步引导学生,从文本拓展到生活中。然后进行情感教育,主题升华。通过自我评价这一环节,提升学生自我学习评价的机制。Notes1/7板书设计:板书设计:Unit7 Summer holiday plansWhoWhereHowHow longWhatMikeLondonby planeone monthvisit grandparentsYang LingBeijingby trainvisit aunt and uncleSu HaiHong Kongby planego to Disneyland and Ocean ParkLiu TaoTaipeiby planetake photos
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