Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e0187).docx

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Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e0187).docx_第1页
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Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e0187).docx_第2页
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Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e0187).docx_第3页
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Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e0187).docx_第4页
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Unit 6 An interesting country-Grammar & Fun time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e0187).docx_第5页
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1、贴合学情的贴合学情的“接地气接地气”教学教学Unit 6An interesting countryPeriod 2Teaching contents教学内容教学内容新版译林英语(六年级下册)Unit 6 An interesting country?Culture time & Fun timeStudent analysis 学情分析:学情分析:学生通过 Story time, Grammar time 的学习已了解了本单元话题是关于南半球主要英语国家“澳大利亚”,讨论并掌握了相关这个国家特有动物、最受欢迎的体育运动及主要城市等方面的目标词句。本课设计融合 Culture time 和Fu

2、n time,旨在通过多种形式讨论多个国家信息,就如何了解介绍一个国家的话题建构完整的知识体系,继而促进语言的深度交流。生动的视频、优美的音乐、直观的图片,带领孩子尽情领略各国风情,学生学习兴趣浓厚、语言运用鲜活。Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标教学目标知识技能:知识技能:1. 学习掌握词汇:Oxford, for example, London, Big Ben, London Eye, TowerBridge, the Great Wall, Yellowstone National Park, Stonehenge, the Great

3、BarrierReef2. 复习巩固交际用语及句型: will There is/are We can seeThe weatheris了解世界名胜及作国家介绍过程方法:过程方法:围绕 “有趣的国家” 主题, 以 Story time 澳大利亚的介绍为基, 学习 Fun time英国介绍,融合 Culture time 作中国和美国介绍,让学生学习、运用、拓展更多知识而获得技能发展。情感态度和价值观:情感态度和价值观:了解世界名胜,领略各国风土人情,培养学生的世界意识,激发他们的爱国情怀及阳光的生活心态。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of dif

4、ficulty教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 学习掌握世界各国名胜的词汇2. 结合目标句型will叙述和介绍各国风土人情教学难点:1. 运用所学词汇、句型和交际用语全面了解并灵活介绍各个国家Teaching procedures教学过程教学过程一、贴合生活实际,营造和谐氛围一、贴合生活实际,营造和谐氛围Step 1 Warming-up1. Enjoy a film: 澳大利亚,尽是不同2. Greetings3. Free talkT: Before class, what did we do?S1: We watched a film.T: What is the film a

5、bout?S2: Its about Australia.T: How is Australia?S1/2: Its beautiful/interesting/wonderful T: Next, what will we do?S1/2: We will play a game/ read a story/ learn about Australia/ .【设计意图:看看、聊聊、说说,营造民主氛围、考查知技水平、揭示话题内容、点燃学习热情。 】二、贴补教材内容,厚积语言知识二、贴补教材内容,厚积语言知识Step 2 Revision1. Play a game: Quick respond

6、(承接 Free talk 最后一个问题)T: Next, we will play a game” Quick respond”. Look!(PPT出示游戏规则, 根据Storytime 中的图片及文字提示,两两快速问答)S: How will the children find out about Australia?Mike/Wang Bing/ will What animals will you love in Australia?We will Which sport will the sport-lover like in Australia?They will What ci

7、ty will you find in Australia? will find 2. Look and learn(承接 Play a game, PPT 出示澳大利亚著名景点)T: What places will you find?(教学 Sydney Tower,the Great Barrier Reef,SydneyOpera House,the Great Ocean Road)S:(提供音标重点学习 Sydney Tower,the Great Barrier Reef)3. Make and sayT:You know a lot about Australia. So ca

8、n you make a card about Australia?S:You will find/ love/ The weather is We can see(师生问答,完成填空)4. Fill and introduceT: You know clear, so I think you can introduce Australia like this.S: (完成首字母填空)Today,Ill t_ you a_ Australia. The w_ is often w_ andsunny. The people there love A_ football game. We can

9、 see many cutea_, for example(例如例如), k_, k_ and sheep. There aresome interesting c_ in the country, for example S_ and Melbourne.Youll find interesting places like( 像像 ) the G_ B_ R_, SydneyOpera House and Sydney T_.T/S:(相机跟读教学) for example,like【设计意图:以 Story 为范本,结合多样任务,提炼复习主要词语和句式,并结合其他版块,适当补充内容,使得话

10、题讨论模板更完整、清楚,帮助学生夯实语言知识,以备后面的输出。 】三三、贴紧学习规律贴紧学习规律,锤炼语言技能锤炼语言技能Step3 PresentationCulture timeT:You see,Australia is an interesting country. There are many other interestingcountries. We can see many interesting places in them. Lets enjoy.S: (欣赏四国著名景点图片,内含 Culture time 景点) the Great Wall, MountHuangsha

11、n, the White House, 1. Read and learnT: They are so beautiful. Lets know them.S:(背景介绍、音标拼读、多元跟读等学习) the Great Wall, Yellowstone NationalPark, Stonehenge, the Great Barrier Reef2. Look and sayT:Good,you know them. So you can sayS1/2: (PPT 出示图片,引导说话)You will find _ in _.Fun timeT: Different interestin

12、g places, different interesting countries. Lets make cards aboutthese interesting countries. How to make?1. Lets make.(the UK)S:(1)Read and make(细读 P62 短文,找到相应句子,完成介绍卡)(2)Check and learn(师生问答校对,图片展示教学 Oxford,Big Ben,LondonEye,Tower Bridge)(3)Read together2. Lets say. (China)T: Can you introduce our

13、country like this?S:(1) Discuss in pairs(同桌两两讨论)(2) Check and say (学生根据小标题自由说, 鼓励不同的句式, 适当拓展Chinesefestival,Chinese food, Chinese people,animals 等)(3)Introduce(综合各方面信息,全面完整介绍 China)3. Lets write.(the US)T:Can you introduce the US?S:(1) Enjoy some picture(图片关于 NBA,Hollywood, Disneyland,)(2) Read and

14、know(教师提供介绍卡信息)(3) Talk and write(根据提供的信息和自己的阅历,合作介绍美国。注意成文条理和配以图画说明更好哦!)【设计意图:遵循学生由易到难的学习规律、早渗透勤反复教学原则和单元整体教学理念,将 Fun time 和 Culture time 整合,结合学生对各国的阅历水平,采用Read and make,Talk and say,Enjoy and write,全面锤炼听说读写技能,促进全面发展。】四四、贴切单元主旨贴切单元主旨,真挚抒发情意,真挚抒发情意Step4 Summary& productionT: Today, we learn a lot ab

15、out interesting countries, for example, interesting animals,interesting weather, interesting sport,Which country do you like best? Why?S: I like China. Because we are Chinese.T: Great! Our country is colourful, our world is colourful too.(PPT 出示世界其他国家的风景图)T:Lets go and see the world and enjoy our li

16、fe. How to see the world?S1/2: We can read/ ask/ surf the Interest/ travelT: Good idea! Lets read more, travel more and know more.【设计意图:开放性 Which country do you like best? Why?进行课堂讨论交流,既呼应了学习主题和语言内容,又激发了学生的爱国情怀和世界视野,且自然引发To travel our world,what can we do?的自我思考。 】Homework 家庭作业家庭作业1. Review Unit6 (Cu

17、lture time & Fun time).2.Please go to the library ,the bookshop orsurf the Internet to find more informationabout different countries and make cards for them【设计意图:通过布置多种形式的作业,进一步巩固和运用词汇和句型,实现对单元主题课内课外合力巩固语言知识,全面发展语言技能。】Teaching aids教学准备教学准备教学准备:PPT、板书板书设计板书设计:【设计意图:随教学的进展,生成“表格式”板书,纲目分明、条理分明,易于学生构建知识体系,理清学习思路。 】


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