Unit 1 The lion and the mouse-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:05241).doc

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Unit 1 The lion and the mouse-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:05241).doc_第1页
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Unit 1 The lion and the mouse-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:05241).doc_第4页
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1、1Unit 1The lion and the mouse (Period 4)Teaching content教学内容教学内容Checkout time & ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标教学目标1. 能正确完成 checkout time 中的练习;2. 能对照 ticking time 中的三个目标进行客观的自我评价;3. 能复习巩固并尝试综合运用前三课时所学的词汇和语法重点;4. 能在阅读、讨论、分享故事的过程中体会人与人之间的小善意带来的大不同;Focus of the lesson and predicte

2、d area of difficulty教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:教学重点:教学重点:1. 能正确完成 checkout time 中的练习;2. 能对照 ticking time 中的三个目标进行客观的自我评价;教学难点:教学难点:1. 能复习巩固并尝试综合运用前三课时所学的词汇和语法重点;(说明说明: 以人与人之间的善意,互相帮助为情感主线,以故事为关键词, 将本课分为三个主要层次展开,首先是讨论书本上的寓言故事,然后是阅读欣赏身边的故事,最后是写出并分享自己的故事。最后以短片收尾,短片由由本单元,本课出现的一个个小故事改编综合而成。)Teaching procedures 教学过程

3、:教学过程:Step 1 Free talkThe teacher and students have a talk. This is the last lesson of this unit. Wehave learned a lot. What did we do before this class?The teacher elicits the plan of this lesson: stories from the bookstoriesaround mestories about me(说明: 本课是第四课时, 所以开始上课时, 首先带领学生一起简要回忆前三课时学习了什么, 并提出

4、本单元最让人感兴趣的地方是因为它由一个又一个的故事构成。在此基础上,引出本课结构: 讨论书本上的寓言故事-阅读欣赏身边的故事-写出并分享自己的故事)Step 2 Stories from the book21. Guessing gameProvide the students different covers of the same story which are titled indifferent languages and have the students say the name in English. (说明:展现狮子和老鼠不同语言的版本,请学生说出英文版)2. Have a t

5、alkThe story The lion and the mouse means different things to different people.The students have a talk about what the story means to them.( 说明:狮子和老鼠这一寓言故事对于不同的人意味着不同的道理,如:一切皆有可能; 不要以貌取人; 善有善报等等。 请学生思考, 对于老师列举的道理,自己最赞同哪一点,为什么)3. Have a practiceWe not only learn life experience from this story, but a

6、lso a lot about thelanguage. Students list the adverbs both from and out of the story and have apractice with these words.E.g. Im the lion. I shout excitedly.(说明:我们不仅能从这个故事学到人生道理,而且也能学到英语知识,比如故事中的副词。在列举更多副词的基础上,教师引导,森林里的动物为庆祝狮子的自由,举办了一个派对。你们现在是其中的一员,你是谁,会做什么,模仿例句,用上副词。 )Step 3 Stories around me1. Li

7、sten and thinkThe teacher makes a story with the 6 pictures presented in the book andreads it to the students.(说明:森林里的动物之间友善,互相帮助,我们身边的人也是如此。接下来展开的是本课的第二个层次, 将书上第一个练习里的本来没有关系的 6 副图片编成一个故事读给学生听。 )2. Think and writeStudents think and finish the story.3. Read and checkStudents read in pairs. One reads

8、the first part, the other the second part.3(说明:学生完成故事并结对朗读故事,同时进行一个小交流:是否喜欢这个故事。不喜欢?因为不是 happy ending。 谁能帮助那个受伤的人?Anyone.由此引出本课第三个层次)Step 4 Stories about me1. Think and writePresent students the picture from the e-mail and have them talk about thepicture.Then students finish and read Su Hais e-mail

9、and list more verbs in theirpast forms.(说明:首先引导学生观察书上图片,猜测苏海在做什么,并完成邮件,关注动词过去式。接着学生讨论自己是否喜欢这个故事,并得知帮助别人是件快乐的事。 )2. Read and enjoyHelping people makes us happy and feel good.Students read two more similar stories The Batkid and the Whole City,Ariana and Her Hair and have a small talk.Who helped Batki

10、d? Who did Ariana help? What do you think of these twostories?(说明:选取了两个感人而且有趣的故事和学生共同欣赏。一个说的是举全城之力, 帮助一个小男孩实现当蝙蝠侠的梦想,另一个讲的是一个 3 岁的小女孩将自己的头发捐赠给别人的故事。 )2. Think and write: One Nice ThingStudents write down one nice thing they have done for the other people orthe other people have done for them by mode

11、ling the Batkids orArianas story.(说明:以这两个故事为例,启发学生你们有没有帮助过别人,或者接受过别人的帮助,请围绕这一主题写 One nice thing,并以上述两个小故事为例指导学生可以从哪几个方面来写,同时告诉他们如果能用上副词会更棒)3. Read and shareStudents come to the front of the class and read their stories one by one,while the rest of the class listen and have a talk about the story the

12、y like.4(说明:全班分享自己的故事,互相交流欣赏)Step 4 Ticking time1. Free talkHave the students recall what they did in this lesson.2. Ticking timeHow well did you do in these activities? Check the three items presented inthe table one by one, while the students are doing a self-evaluation.(说明: 开始 ticking time 之前, 请学

13、生回忆, 我们这节课做了什么。 下面是 tickingtime,看看自己完成的怎样。同时逐条呈现 ticking time 的内容,以互相检测,自我评价的方式完成对评价。在评价时,强调的是将评价内容和本节课的具体教学环节结合起来)4. Watch a videoStudents take turns to share their favourite part of this lesson. After that, theteacher plays a video which includes the main parts of this unit and elicits thetheme of this lesson.(说明:全班分享自己今天最喜欢的一个活动。接着引导学生,本节课的故事告诉我们人与人之间的善意,真诚才是最宝贵的。并和学生一起欣赏短片,短片的内容是由本单元,本课出现的一个个小故事改编综合而成,升华情感主题。 )Homework:1. Read more stories;2. Send an e-mail to your e-friend about your story.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计) :板书设计 (说明: 两棵树上分别写上副词和动词, 心形卡片上学生写自己的故事)Unit 1 The lion and the mouse


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