Project 2 A travel book-Part B & C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1644).doc

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Project 2 A travel book-Part B & C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1644).doc_第1页
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Project 2 A travel book-Part B & C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1644).doc_第2页
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Project 2 A travel book-Part B & C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1644).doc_第3页
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1、My primary school life一、教学内容:六年级总复习二、教学目标:1. 通过对小学学习生活的回顾交流,复习相关话题的语言知识和语法现象,如There be 句型、一般过去时等。2. 通过阅读学校故事、分享表达学校生活,制作毕业纪念册等活动,激发学生对母校、对老师、对同学的怀念、感激之情。3. 通过阅读、写作指导,提高学生“话题类”文章的写作能力。三、教学重、难点:1. 一般过去时的复习与灵活运用。2. 短文 My primary school life 的完成。四、教学用具:PPT、学生课前预习练习、信纸五、教学过程:Step1. Warming up1.Enjoy the

2、song: My happy schoolStep2. Talk about our school1. 过渡:T: You have studied in our school-Yanshan Primary School for sixyears. Do you know our school well? Whats in our school?S: There is/ There are2. Brain storming:What did you do at school?T: There are so many places in our school. What did you do

3、in these places?S: I ed in/on3. Summary: When we talked about the things we did before, we should usethe simple past tense.4. Magic eyesStep3. Davids school life1.Watch the cartoon and try to find out what David did at school?S:HeT: Did he follow the school rules? Should we follow the school rules?

4、Why?2. What do you think of his school life? Why?Busy? Happy? Interesting? uneasy? unhappy? Tired? boring? Sad?3. Read Davids diary and try to give a title to it.May 12thThursdaySunnyMyschool lifeI was late for school today. So I ran to school. Teacher said : “No running.” Ididnt listen in class, te

5、acher said: “Dont look out of the window!” I playedfootball with my friend in the playground. I shouted: “Kick it to me! ”but hekicked it too hard and it flew away. I said: “What a pity!” I drew some pictureson the desk, teacher asked me to clean it. I cleaned it. Teacher said: “You cango home now.”

6、 I went home.School life is not easy. But I like to go to school. I like to play with myfriends.4. Modify the diary(1)T: The Next day, his English teacher read the diary and helped David modifyit. Can you help his English teacher?I was late for school today. So I ran fast to school. Teacher said lou

7、dly: “Norunning.” I didnt listen carefully in class, teacher said angrily: “Dont look out ofthe window!” I played football with my friend in the playground. I shoutedexcitedly: “Kick it to me! ”but he kicked it too hard and it flew away. I said sadly:“What a pity!” I drew some pictures on the desk,

8、teacher asked me to clean it. Icleaned it quickly. Teacher said kindly: “You can go home now.” I went homehappily.School life is not easy. But I like to go to school. I like to play with myfriends.(2) T: Which diary do you like better? Why?T: You see, we can use adverbs to describe verbs to make our

9、 passagemore vivid.Step4. Our school life1.过渡:Boys and girls, Knowing Davids school life, maybe you cant wait totalk about your school life. I have some photos for you. Lets enjoy.T: What do you think of your school life?2.Talk about your most unforgettable things.T: I have three topics here. You ca

10、n choose one of them to talk.3.Show Amys writing about her primary school.T: How did she write her primary school life?She introduced her primary school in paragraph 1.She wrote her most impressive thing in paragraph 2.She gave the best wishes to her primary school.4. Students write their own passag

11、es.Tips: 1. Use the simple past tense well.2. Try to use adverbs to describe the verbs.5. Share students stories together.Topic1: We did a lot of interesting things at primary school. We had aparty/ went on an outing/ put on a play/had a sports meeting It wascloudy/hot/cool II wasIt was great fun!To

12、pic2: XXis my favourite teacher at primary school. He/She is.He/She is good at/does well in.He/She alwaysOne time he/she I willnever forget my teacher.Topic3: I have many friends at primary school. XX is my best friend.He/She isHe/She is good at We often help each other. One day I willremember my best friend forever(永远).Step5. Homework: Make a class book.1.T: Draw a picture or stick a photo about your story on the paper.2.Try to modify your passage, decorate your paper, lets make a class book.


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