Project 1 Around our city-Part A&B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:f17a1).zip

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SingSing a a songsongJuegang Town 506班英语小导游招聘开始啦!如果你能通过三关的考验, 就能成为小导游哦! Come on!Guide 导游Where? How?What?地标位置方式、路线What? 地标Task1Task1 ReadRead andand guessguess 小组讨论猜谜NSWE?Fuchunjiang RoadZhujiang RoadJianghai RoadTaishan RoadRenmin RoadTaihangshan RoadZhongshan RoadTonghai RoadTask1Task1 ReadRead andand guessguess 小组讨论猜谜bankbankpostpost officeofficemuseumrestaurantWhat?地标Where? 位置 506班英语小导游招聘开始啦!如果你能通过三关的考验, 就能成为小导游哦! Come on!Guide 导游 How?Where?位置方式、路线What? 地标NSWE?Task2Task2 DiscussDiscuss andand markmark 20s秒内迅速记8个地标的位置 Taihangshan RoadZhongshan RoadFuchunjiang RoadTaishan RoadZhujiang RoadRenmin RoadJianghai RoadTonghai RoadNSWE?Task2Task2 DiscussDiscuss andand markmark 同桌对话,贴好图标。Taihangshan RoadZhongshan RoadFuchunjiang RoadTaishan RoadZhujiang RoadRenmin RoadJianghai RoadTonghai Road?A:Wheres.?B:Its on/near/next to.A:Is it far from.?B:Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Task2Task2 DiscussDiscuss andand markmark 每组标记2个地点。NSWE?Taihangshan RoadZhongshan RoadFuchunjiang RoadTaishan RoadZhujiang RoadRenmin RoadJianghai RoadTonghai Road?What?地标Where? 位置 506班英语小导游招聘开始啦!如果你能通过三关的考验, 就能成为小导游哦! Come on!Guide 导游 How?方式、路线What? 地标 How?方式、路线NSWE?Task3Task3 ThinkThink andand talktalk 听录音,猜猜我将要去哪儿?Taihangshan RoadZhongshan RoadFuchunjiang RoadTaishan RoadZhujiang RoadRenmin RoadJianghai RoadTonghai RoadTask3Task3 ThinkThink andand talktalk 同桌讨论1.游客会怎么问路呢?2.你在指路时 ,会用到哪些句型呢?3.你可以用 _ 这些词来帮助自己表达得更有条理。First, Next, Then, FinallyNSWE?Task3Task3 ThinkThink andand talktalkTaihangshan RoadZhongshan RoadFuchunjiang RoadTaishan RoadZhujiang RoadRenmin RoadJianghai RoadTonghai RoadNSWE?Task3Task3 ThinkThink andand talktalkTaihangshan RoadZhongshan RoadFuchunjiang RoadTaishan RoadZhujiang RoadRenmin RoadJianghai RoadTonghai Road同桌对话, A:游客 , B:导游 ,导游一 边指路 ,一边在地 图上画出路线。A:Excuse me,how do I get to.?/ Wheres.?/Can you tell me the way to.?B:You can get cantake. First,.A:Thank you.B:Youre welcome. Congratulations!What?地标Where? 位置Guide 导游What? 地标 How?方式、路线 Route出游路线 Introduction景点介绍ScenicScenic spotspot 今日热推To be guidesOne-dayOne-day TourTourinin RudongRudong如东一日游To be guidesschoolYangkou HarbourResortQianshuiwan Park度假胜地洋口港To be guidesYou can see.You can.Qianshuiwan ParkResortYou can see.You can.To be guidesYou can see.You can.Yangkou HarbourTo be guidesYangkou HarbourschoolQianshuiwan ParkResortJudong RoadHuangshan RoadLinhai RoadZhujiang RoadFuchunjiang RoadZhongshan RoadTaihangshan RoadTo be guides1大组1处景点 ,4人小组讨论解说词,1人记录并汇报。 Hello,ImHello,Im youryour littlelittle guide_.Thisguide_.This is is_._. It It is_.is_. YouYou cancan getget therethere byby/ /onon_._. First,_First,_YouYou cancan see_see_YouYou can_can_ WishWish youyou havehave a a goodgood time!time! WelcomeWelcome toto RudongRudong again!again!GuideGuide CommentaryCommentaryBeautiulBeautiul andand fertile.fertile.We We lovelove Rudong!Rudong!RudongRudong is is ourour hometown.hometown.Its like a bright pearl.Shining on the seaside.HomeworkHomework1.Collect more sentences about asking and telling the way. 收集更多的问路和指路用语。2.Try to show others around our town. 带领游客参观我们的城镇。五下 Project1 Around our city 第 2 课时教学设计教学内容教学内容Project1 Around our city教学板块教学板块Part A、B、C&D执教者执教者教学课时教学课时第 2 课时教学目标教学目标1.知识目标(1)学生能通过各种活动,进一步巩固复习 Unit2&Unit3 的重点词汇:cinema, hospital, bookshop, supermarket 等,学习新词汇:bank, post office, museum, restaurant.(2)学生能在任务中,综合复习重点句型:Excuse me, how do I get to? You can takeGet on/off Walk/Go along Turn right/left2.能力目标 学生能用所学知识,带领游客参观城镇,介绍交通方式及路线。3.情感目标 激发学生热爱家乡的思想感情。教学重点教学重点1.学生能通过各种活动,进一步巩固复习 Unit2&Unit3 的重点词汇和句型。2.学生能用所学知识,带领游客参观城镇,介绍交通方式及路线。3.学生能在合作交流中,训练自己的听、说、读、写的能力。教学难点教学难点学生能根据不同的情境,选择不同的交通方式及路线。教学准备教学准备Smart, map, icons教学过程教学过程Step1 Showing time1. Sing a song The wheels on the bus.2. Free talkDo you like this song? Whats this song about? Do you come to school by bus? Step 2 Talking timeTask1 Read and guessa. Read the riddles and discuss in groups.b. Try to say something about the places.Task2 Discuss and marka. Play a gameb. Make a dialogue and stick the icons.Task3 Think and talka. Listen and guessb. Make a summaryc. Show me the wayd. Show the visitors the wayStep3 Creating timeTo be guidesa. Show the scenic spots: Qianshuiwan park, Resort, Yangkou Harbour.b. Watch a videoc. Look and sayd. Write a guide commentaryStep 4 Homework1. Collect more sentences about asking and telling the way.2. Try to show others around our town.板书设计板书设计Project1 Around our city What Where How Excuse me,how do I get to? Wheres? Can you tell me the way to? You can get toby/on You can take 教学思路教学思路本课以学生当小导游,带领游客们参观掘港镇为主线,将学习任务分为三个层次。首先,学生通过谜语,了解八个地标建筑,并加以描述,解决 What 这一层面。其次,学生在速记游戏、同桌合作谈论、贴图标的活动中,确定八个地标建筑的具体位置,解决 Where 这一层面。然后,教师鼓励学生用所学语言知识,帮助游客到达目标建筑,解决 How 这一层面。在拓展运用环节,教师出示了如东另外三个景点,学生展开小组合作,讨论并写下解说词,在介绍景点的过程中,表达自己对家乡的热爱之情。整节课,学生始终在真实的情境中巩固、内化、提炼并输出目标语言,在对游客进行指路时,教师鼓励学生用尽可能多的词汇和句型,来丰富自己的语言表达,从而进一步提高综合语言的运用能力。
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