Project 2 My important days-Part A&B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:300f6).zip

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A bunny is a baby rabbit.a bunny/ / Illustrated by Richard ScarryLook and ask Do you have any questions to ask this bunny?Look and ask NameAge(年龄)Hobbies(爱好)Address(地址)springsummerautumnwinterL( (听故事,圈出小兔子在春天的活动听故事,圈出小兔子在春天的活动) )A. Fly a kite.B. Pick flowers.C. Chase the butterflies.D. Go fishing.Q:What does the bunny do in spring?Listen and circles springringAnd I like to watch the frogs in the pond.And I like to watch the frogs in the pond.And I like to watch the frogs in the pond.And I like to watch the frogs in the pond.( (听故事,圈出小兔子在春天的活动听故事,圈出小兔子在春天的活动) ) A. Fly a kite. B. Pick flowers. C. Chase the butterflies.D. Go fishing.Q: What does the bunny do in spring?Listen and circles springringIn spring, I like to pick flowers.I chase the butterflies.And the butterflies chase me.1. Read the story from page 1 to page 9. 看故事第看故事第 1页至第页至第 9页。页。2. Stick the missing pictures on the correct pages. 将缺失的图片贴在正确的书将缺失的图片贴在正确的书 页页上。上。Read and make同桌讨论,制作自同桌讨论,制作自己的绘本故事书吧己的绘本故事书吧!Lets check6457Carefully reading45674In summer, I like to watch the birds.5And I like to watch the frogs in the pond.a.a.淋雨淋雨b.b.保持干燥保持干燥6When it rains, I keep dry under a mushroom.7When the rain stops, I walk on the beach.summersummerautumnautumnIn autumn,I like to watch the leaves falling from the trees.autumnautumnwinterwinterIf you were the bunny, what would you do in winter?( (想一想:如果你是这只小兔子,你会在冬季做些什么呢?想一想:如果你是这只小兔子,你会在冬季做些什么呢?) )Lets imagineI like to.When winter comes, I stay in my hollow tree and dream about spring( (小组内朗读,自选下列任务,带着感情读一读小组内朗读,自选下列任务,带着感情读一读!) )Choose your favorite season to read.选一个你喜欢的季节读一读。选一个你喜欢的季节读一读。 Lets readNow,its spring again. Tony is a big rabbit now. What will he do in this new year? Lets writes springringNow,its spring again. Tony is a big rabbit now. What will he do in this new year?( (长大后的小兔子会在新的一年不同的季节做些什么有趣的事情呢?长大后的小兔子会在新的一年不同的季节做些什么有趣的事情呢?展开想象,小组讨论一下吧展开想象,小组讨论一下吧!) )Hello, I am Tony. I am a big rabbit now.I live in a big hollow tree.1spring2summer3autumn4winterLets writeEnjoy the beauty of seasonsEnjoy your life1. Tell this story to your family and friends. . 把这个故事说给你的家人和朋友听把这个故事说给你的家人和朋友听。2. Finish your picture book after class. . 课后继续完成你的绘本课后继续完成你的绘本。Homework*I am a bunny 【教学目标教学目标】(一)知识目标(一)知识目标1. 通过阅读绘本,学生能听懂、会说、会读单词:bunny,hollow,pick,chase,flowers,frogs,dry,mushroom,beach,leaves,fall2. 通过绘本学习,学生能理解、运用以下句型:I like to.3. 学生能够理解绘本内容,自然流利地朗读故事,并能表达对生活的热爱。(二)能力目标(二)能力目标1. 能够在阅读过程中通过看图、结合上下文、小组合作等方式猜测课文中大量的生词。2. 培养学生的观察力、想象力,交流与合作的能力及口语表达能力;3. 在学习中培养学生学会倾听、预测、提问的能力。(三)情感目标(三)情感目标 1. 能够体会到对生活对自然美的乐趣。 2.了解要在生活中努力发现美,享受美。【教学重难点教学重难点】1. 通过绘本学习,能大方流利地表达自己的在四季中的活动。2. 根据给出的框架,能写下自己想要做的事情。【教学准备教学准备】PPT 课件;教学板书等。【教学过程教学过程】先先 学学 预预 设设后后 教教 策策 略略Step 1. Preparation1. Free talk:talk about animals.2. Teach a new word:bunny.Step 2. Presentation & Practice1.Read and ask.Watch and say T: What can you see on the cover?Listen and repeat. T: Do you have any questions to ask this bunny?2. Listen and circle.Listen to the tape and answer a question。 T: What does the bunny do in spring?Look and learn 通过与教师的对话,复习旧知“Do you like animals?What animals do you like?”并引出绘本中的主人公 bunny。让学生通过观察封面了解绘本的大概信息,例如作者,题目,主人公的特征。操练句型 What can you see? I can see.? 其中对于作者的介绍可以由教师提示。引导学生对 bunny 提出问题。了解 bunny 的基本信息,由 hobbies 引出四季。学生在听的过程中,可能有一些词组如“pick flowers ” “chase the butterflies” “ keep dry”不理解,通过老T: Lets enjoy the pictures.3. Read and make T: Read the story and stick the missing pictures on the correct pages. T:Enjoy the pictures.4. Watch and imagine Step 3. Production1.Read the story2.Write the activities of next spring.3.Enjoy the beauty of seasons .Enjoy your life. 师给出文字或图文表述来猜测其意思。通过观察图片来学习并操练“I like to ”的句型。让学生通过上下文的猜测,将书本上缺失的图片贴回。让学生通过观察树叶掉落的动画来体会“the leaves falling from the trees”的动感。猜测 tony 在冬天的活动引出“dream about”通过小组读故事来巩固本节课学到的词组与单词。让学生欣赏四季的美丽图片,引导他们要爱生活,爱自然,达到情感的升华。作业作业设计设计1. Tell this story to your family and friends. 2.Finish your picture book after class.
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