Unit 1 Cinderella-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:a0d3f).zip

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义务教育教科书义务教育教科书 英语英语 English(三年级起点(三年级起点 五年级下册)五年级下册)Unit 1 Cinderella (Period 4)Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容Checkout time & Ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 了解字母组合 dr 在单词中的发音。2. 能熟练运用“why”和“because”进行问答。3. 能够表演故事 Cinderella,体会故事里的人物情感变化。4. 能用英语续编故事。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:教学重点:教学重点:1.能熟练运用“why”和“because”进行问答。2.能正确理解、表演、续编 Cinderella。教学难点:教学难点:能熟练运用“why”和“because”进行问答。Teaching procedures 教学过程:教学过程:Step 1 Free talk T: Hello, may I know your name?S: Yes, my name isT: Whats your hobby?S: I likeT: Why do you like?S: BecauseT: Today is the last lesson of Unit 1. I have three aims to check you.I can understand “Cinderella”.I can use “why” and “because” to ask and answer questions.I know the sound of “dr”.(设计意图:教师通过复习第一单元已学知识,激活学生的知识储备,帮助学生形成第一单元的知识网。学生将知识再加工、再重组、再提升,逐渐形成知识聚类意识,达到对知识点的梳理和归类。 )Step 2 Review sound time1.T: How to pronounce “dr”?S: /dr/.2.T: Here I have a short passage for you. Can you circle the words pronouncing /dr/?3.T: Try to read.4.T: Do you know more words ? Please say it like a chant.(设计意图:教师试图培养学生“自然拼读”的意识和能力,学生试着在小语段中找到发/dr/音的单词,并能试着拼读出这些生词,达到学以致用的目标。此外,学生在 chant 节奏出生成更多单词,组成词组,兴趣十足。 )Step 3 Review story timeT: How about Cinderella?1. Who is she? Can she go to the party? Why?Ask more questions about Cinderella.(Work in groups)2. Act the story.(Work in six)3. Think and write(完成书上 15 页)4. Choose and write.5.Try to make a new ending for Cinderella.(设计意图:学生通过对“问故事”培养学生的批判性思维,进一步挖掘故事背后的育人价值;学生通过“演故事”体会故事中人物情感变化及培养小组间组员口语表达、沟通、合作能力;学生通过“写故事” ,完成书上练习,纠正三单及单词拼写等语法错误。学生通过“续故事” ,培养他们的想象力与创造力。学生在“说、演、写、续”的过程中充分锻炼了学生的听、说、读、写、看的能力。 )Step 4 Review “why” and “because”1. T: Cinderella is a character of fairy tales.There are many characters in fairy tales. See .Who is she?S:She is Goldilocks.T: Why is she afraid?S: Because there are three bears in front of her.2. Play a game: tell me why.Look, ask and answer about the pictures. 1 Billy cant get out. 2 The Ugly Duckling is so sad. 3 The king isnt wearing any clothes. 4 The Goldilocks is afraid.T: Please choose one to ask and answer.3.Look and write.(完成书上 14 页)4.Enjoy a video.Thinking makes our life funny.(设计意图:学生通过多本童话故事人物,复习本课重点句型“why” 、“because” 。学生在完成书上练习的同时帮助学生了解到:我们只有在生活中经常提问,保持一颗好奇心,才能有更多的发明创造,给我们的生活带来便捷。)Step 5 HomeworkReview Unit 1Make a new story about Cinderella.Blackboard design:Unit 1 Cinderella Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. One day there is a partyStepsisters: .Fairy: Why.?Cinderella: Because.Prince: .
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