Unit 1 Cinderella-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:d0c98).zip

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A Hats Trip苏州工业园区星湾学苏州工业园区星湾学校校 谈珣谈珣foodcoloranimalsportlive inhobbyKnow you know mefocuspartyCheeseCheese is the focus of the party.Why is the hat wet?Maybe.TripAHatats stripain shA. 长度 B. 距离C. 旅行titletitle 题目题目Tips: Read the cover.Its windy day. Cheese wears a nice orange hat. She walks fast to a party.Oh, no! The wind blows her hat off!GuessWhere does the hat go?Read P6-P17 Where does the hat go?StartEndontoDraw the route( 路线路线).pondstumpopjWhoooosh! Then comes another gust of wind. Then down the hat falls, .justWhoooosh! Then comes another gust of wind. Then down the hat falls,_ onto a farmWho does the hat see on the farm?doing a jigIt sees a pig doing a jig.doing a jigspecialRead P8- P17Find out more special things.Tips: Circle the key words.into a gardenWhoooosh! Then comes another gust of wind. Then down the hat falls,_ In the garden,it sees_.a tiger sniffing a flowerspecialinto a parkWhoooosh! Then comes another gust of wind. Then down the hat falls,_ In the park,it sees_.a mouse painting a houseinto a schoolWhoooosh! Then comes another gust of wind. Then down the hat falls,_ In the school,it sees_.a cook reading a bookinto a pondWhoooosh! Then comes another gust of wind. Then down the hat falls,_ In the pond,it sees_.a fish eating his dishPig, pig, doing a jig.Mouse, mouse, painting a house.Cook, cook, reading a book.Fish, fish, eating his dish.Lets rhymeaHow does Cheese feel? On the stump,it sees a cat NOT wearing a hat.Read P19-P20Who is speaking?The hat spins round and round in the wind. Whirrrrrrrrrrrrrr- It comes right here, onto Cheese head.Cheese goes to the party with her special hat.Cheese is the focus of the party.Is the party for the cats or for the hats?The endShow TimeS1: Whoooosh!S2: Then comes another gust of wind. Then down the hat falls, . S4: Acting. S3: It sees a. Write your storyA hats trip Cherry主编主编 星湾学校出版社星湾学校出版社全球限量全球限量 The wind blows Puppys hat off ! Then down the hat falls, into a zoo. It sees a woof looking at the moon. Whoooosh!Then comes another gust of wind.Then down the hat falls,into the garden. It sees a bee drinking his tea. Whoooosh!Then comes another gust of wind.Then down the hat falls,onto the hill. It sees a bear washing his hair .1课堂实录:A hats trip一、一、教学目标:1,通过整体阅读绘本图片和文字,学生理解故事内容,并能在分段阅读中抓住关键信息。2,通过图文对照,归纳提炼,信息定位,情景体验等方式,理解故事细节,体验阅读乐趣。3,通过押韵的语句体验绘本韵律之美。4,学习自己制作绘本,在乐趣中学以致用,发挥想象。二、二、教学重点重点:分层从地点到时间的发展理解故事三、三、教学难点难点:对于较难的重复语句的体会和掌握运用。四、教学过程T: Good morning every one. Hello, boys and girls, Im your new English teacher. My name is Cherry. You can call me Cherry.T: Do you want to know something about me? You can ask me some questions. Ss: What color do you like? What fruit do you like? What do you like doing?2T: Now you know me. I want to know something about you. Whats your hobby? What do you like doing? What do you like doing at weekends? I often go to the party at weekends. I am often the focus of the party. Ss: read foucs with action. T: Look! Who is the focus of this party? Ss: the girl is the focus. T: Who is the focus in this picture? Ss: The woman is.T: Look at these lovely cats. They are having a party too. Who is the 3focus of their party? Yes, his name is Cheese. Ss:read Cheese, (lead students to read: Cheese is the focus of the party) T: Look at Cheeses hat. Its wet. Why is his hat wet? Because his hat has a trip. (tr+ip read trip) What does it mean? Thats right! Today we will read a picture book. A hats trip. (place the title on Bb)(运用倒叙的方法导入故事:从单词 focus 引到绘本最后一页小猫聚会时小猫 cheese 是焦点。Why the hat is wet? Guess where does it go? 回到绘本的封面,带领学生理解帽子湿了是因为有一次特别的旅行。)T: When we are reading a picture book, we should first read its cover. Whats the title? Look over there, its from a seire of books. These books are very interesting. You can read them after class. Now lets go into the story.4(引导学生观察封面,并对故事情节进行猜测:引导学生观察绘本的封面上的信息。指出在阅读绘本时要先必须观察的部分。)T: (Ss listen to the first 2 pages of the story) oh no! My hat! Where does the hat go? Guess! Now read from P6-P17 and find out where does the hat go. Please draw the route in the right order. (play the music) first, where does the hat go? Ss: It goes to the farm. (Ss answer the questions and put the phrazes cards on the Bb to make the route)5T: Next, where does the hat go? Ss: It goes to the garden.(Ss answer the questions and put the phrazes cards on the Bb to make the route)T: Then, where does the hat go? Ss: It goes to the park.(Ss answer the questions and put the phrazes cards on the Bb to make the route)T: Then, where does the hat go? Ss: It goes to the school.(Ss answer the questions and put the phrazes cards on the Bb to make the route)T: Then, where does the hat go? Ss: It goes to the school.(Ss answer the questions and put the phrazes cards on the Bb to make the route) Finally, where does the hat go? (Ss answer the questions and put the phrazes cards on the Bb to make the route) teach two new words during their answers.(pond: a small lake. What lives in the pond? Stump: st+ump, the bottom part of the tree)(进行第一遍阅读,目的是找出帽子旅行经过的地点:让学生听故事的前两页了解故事起因,然后猜测帽子去了哪里。进而阅读第六到第十七页。为帽子的旅行绘制旅行路线。在学生汇报过程中图文结合教授新词 pond stump。利用让学生上黑板贴板书的方法加强互动性。)6Wow! The hat goes to so many places. How does it go on a trip? Guess! Ss: By wind.T: Listen! Yes, by wind. How does the wind blow? Can you blow like the wind? Listen to me. Whoooosh! (with the action) Who want to try? You have.o. How many oes? Ss blow: Whooosh.T: Then comes another gust of wind.(act like the wind) j+ust=just g+ust=gust a gust of wind(read by girls and boys) Then down the hat falls.(lead Ss to act several times) (突破难点文中的描述风吹的反复句子:先让学生模仿风声,再学习 whoooosh 这个单词,结合动作牢固掌握。后面的句子在多形式模仿中逐渐掌握。同时这段话将成为下面学习中串起每个部分的主线。学生每到一个地点都会先说一遍,扮演风的角色,吹着帽子去不同地方旅行。)T: Wind ready? Blow! (PPT cartoon: wind blows in the sky to 7different places) Who does the hat see on the farm? What does the pig often do on the farm? Ss: It sees a pig. T: Just the lazy pig. Look! What is this pig going on the farm? Ss: Its doing a jig. (read the card and put on Bb) Who can read. Ss: It sees a pig doing a jig on the farm. I circle the key words: a pig doing a jig.T: What are they doing? Ss: Yes, they are doing a jig. This pig is not like other pigs. Its doing a jig. It is very special. Guess! What is thinking? Ss: I am good at dancing./I can dance well. Listen to its heart now. T: Next read P8-P17 find out more special things in the trip. Circle the key word when you are reading. 8T: Wind, wind, are you ready? Blow! Boys stand up and read. Ss: Then comes another gust of wind.(act like the wind) Then down the hat falls. T: Listen! What is in the garden? What does the hat see? (read the card:sniffying the flower. Use a flower to teach. Read the phraze by doing the action one by one) T: Look at this tiger. Is it biting? Is it scary? Its in love and peace. This tiger is special. What is it thinking? Ss: I like this flower./ It semlls nice. T: Guess! Lets listen to its heart.T: Wind, wind, are you ready? Blow! Girls stand up and read. Ss: Then comes another gust of wind.(act like the wind) Then down the hat falls. T: What does it see in the park? (read the card: a mouse drawing a house) mouse, mouse, drawing a house.(lead Ss to clap and read to feel the rhyme) 9T: Wind, wind, are you ready? Blow! Who want to read. Ss: Then comes another gust of wind.(act like the wind) Then down the hat falls. T: What does it see in the school? (read the card: a cook reading a book) cook, cook, reading a book.(lead Ss to clap and read to feel the rhyme) what book is he reading? Yes, its a cooking book.T: Wind, wind, are you ready? Blow! Who wants to read. Ss: Then comes another gust of wind.(act like the wind) Then down the hat falls. What does it see in the pond? (read the card: a fish eating his dish) fish, fish, eating his dish.(lead Ss to clap and read to feel the rhyme) Look at the hat. Now do you know why the hat is wet?Ss: Because it falls into to pond. T: Yes, it falls into the pond and gets wet.T: All right. All right. Lets rhyme. Pig, pig, doing a jig. Mouse, mouse, paiting a house. Cook, cook, reading a book. Fish, fish, eating his dish.10(进行第二遍阅读,详细找出帽子在不同地方所见到的奇特事物:在这个部分进行了详略处理。小猪和老虎详细处理。展现二者的与众不同之处让学生体会。并且挖掘其深层次的内心活动,让学生来说说他们的心里话。体现旅行所见之物的独特,激发学生兴趣。小猪部分是老师带领学生阅读,做一个示范。后面的几个地点都是学生仿照前面的是否自行圈关键词阅读。简略处理的段落是鱼儿,厨师,老鼠,猫的部分。这几个部分凸显语句押韵的魅力。让学生在朗读中体会绘本的韵律之美。)T: Cat, cat, not wearing his hat. Who can read this sentence? Look! The word NOT. Read it with your stress. How does Cheese feel? Ss: It feels sad. T: Can she go to the party? Ss: No, she cant.T: Listen! Who is speaking to Cheese? (dont worry Cheese!) Read P19-P 20 and find out. Ss: Maybe its the tree. / Maybe its the hat./Maybe its the wind. T: Yes, its the wind. The wind blows the hat back to Cheese.(继续阅读剩下的部分,回归对小猫聚会的理解:在旅程的重点帽子回到了小猫头上。在这里设置了一个思考的问题,是谁让帽子回11来了。学生带着问题阅读完剩下的部分,得出答案是风吹回了帽子。小猫高高兴兴地带着帽子去聚会了。)T: Lets read the last page together. Is the party for the cats or for the hats? T: Whats your opinion? Ss: Its for the cats. Because they are all having a drink./ Its for the hats. Because there are a lot of hats. T:Thats the end of the story.T: Which part of the story do you like best? Choose one part to act. Its show time. You are the focus of the show. (选择喜欢的部分进行表演:学生选择绘本中出现的场景进行分角色生动表演,加深学习。)T: Then comes another gust of wind. Then down the hat falls. Where does it go? Lets write your own story. Pay attention to the structure: see somebody doing something.12T: Then you can make a picture book like me.(对故事进行续写,了解如何制作自己的一本绘本:老师给出写作框架,鼓励学生仿照绘本的格式进行创作。并展示以及做好的绘本书让学生欣赏,让学生回家去制作一本绘本书。)教学反思:本节课是我第一次上绘本类的公开课。在经过前期的绘本专题观摩学习之后我认识到,绘本课要抓住一个“趣”字。在情境中让学生充分体会故事人物的内心,在反复的重复语言操练下让学生融入有趣的故事中,这样才能让学生喜欢上绘本的学习。所以在本节课的设计中我通过一次次的修改,让教学流程变得简单,灵动,具有趣味性。我把握住了这本绘本的一个主线,也就是风吹的描述语言,来带动整节课的走向。从“帽子去了哪里”-“帽子靠什么来旅行”-“帽子在旅行中的见闻”这样的过程来引导学13生进行学习。并且在处理类似篇章的时候运用详略有序的方法,让学生不会觉得枯燥。此外也让学生体会了绘本的音律美,带领学生朗读后面几个篇章的押韵句子。 我觉得本课稍有遗憾的是后面在让学生仿写,制作自己的绘本的时候没有充分的时间。我本来计划是要让孩子们用押韵的词来写一写的,但是时间有限没来得及用上押韵的词。
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