Unit 1 Cinderella-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:81435).zip

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Unit 1 Cinderella(Checkout time & Ticking time)执教:江苏省启东市新执教:江苏省启东市新安安小学小学 张银花张银花Whos the girl?Can she go to the party?Why?你能提出其他问题吗?你能提出其他问题吗?(Tips:四人小组配上表情与动作,接龙讲述故事。比一比,哪组的讲述最棒!)Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. One day there is a partyThere is a at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any clothes or shoes.The fairy Cinderella. Cinderella has beautiful and . She can go to the party now.Cinderella has a time at the party. The prince her very much.Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock. She leaves a behind.The prince visits every . Many girls on the shoe, but it does not . Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits well.There is a at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any clothes or shoes.The fairy Cinderella. Cinderella has beautiful and . She can go to the party now.Cinderella has a time at the party. The prince her very much.Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock. She leaves a behind.The prince visits every . Many girls on the shoe, but it does not . Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits well.partynicehelpsclothesshoesgoodlikesshoehousetryfit(Tips:请在书P15上独立完成吧!)There is a party at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any nice clothes or shoes.The fairy helps Cinderella. Cinderella puts on beautiful clothes and shoes. She can go to the party now.Cinderella has a good time at the party. The prince likes her very much.Cinderella has to go home at 12 oclock. She leaves a shoe behind.The prince visits every house. Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits well.(Tips:请选择正确的词或词组填空。)has to, have a good time, try on, fits, puts on, takes off 1. This dress you well. You look so pretty!2. Its late for school. Mary run and catch the bus.3. This T-shirt is very nice. You can them .4. We always on summer holiday.5. Its time for swimming. Mike his clothes and his swimming suit. (泳衣)1. This dress you well. You look so pretty!2. Its late for school. Mary run and catch the bus.3. This T-shirt is very nice. You can them .4. We always on summer holiday.5. Its time for swimming. Mike his clothes and his swimming suit. (泳衣)has to, have a good time, try on, fits, puts on, takes off (Tips:请选择正确的词或词组填空。)1. This dress you well. You look so pretty!2. Its late for school. Mary run and catch the bus.3. This T-shirt is very nice. You can them .4. We always on summer holiday.5. Its time for swimming. Mike his clothes and his swimming suit. fitshas totryonhave a good timetakes offputs on(泳衣)has to, have a good time, try on, fits, puts on, takes off (Tips:请选择正确的词或词组填空。)你理解你理解灰姑娘灰姑娘这个故事吗?请根据自己这个故事吗?请根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打的情况在相应的空格内打 “ ” 吧!吧!Why is Liu Tao so happy?Because 和同桌一起以对话的形式核对答案吧!(Tips:请独立完成书P14上的练习。)Why is Yang Ling not at school today?Because _ .she is sick/illWhy is Liu Tao so happy?Because .today is his birthday Why does Nancy take off her coat?Because .she feels very hotWhy does Mike put on his jacket?Because .he feels very coldWhat questions does Lily ask?Can we go home now, Lily?Why do we go home?Because you have a dancing lesson.Why?Lets buy some milk, dear!Why do we buy some milk?Lily is a cute girl. But her father cant bear(忍受)(忍受) her.Why? Because Lily always asks “Why?”When Lilys father asks her to put on the trousers.When they go shopping together.Put on your trousers, Lily!Why do I put on the trousers?Why?Written by: KempWhen they play in the sand. What questions does Lily ask?Can we go home now, Lily?Why do we go home?Because you have a dancing lesson.Why?Lets buy some milk, dear!Why do we buy some milk?Lily is a cute girl. But her father cant bear(忍受)(忍受) her.Why? Because Lily always asks “Why?”When Lilys father asks her to put on the trousers.When they go shopping together.Put on your trousers, Lily!Why do I put on the trousers?Why?Written by: KempWhen they play in the sand. ?When they play in the sand. One day, Lily goes out to play. And she meets Cinderella.Can we go home now, Lily?Why do we go home?Because you have a dancing lesson.Why?And then, she comes to our school. After visiting our school, Lily goes home happily. And she sees an alien near her house.Oh! Who is that? ?Lily的奇幻之旅中发生了怎样的故的奇幻之旅中发生了怎样的故事呢?事呢?四人小组选择你们喜欢的一四人小组选择你们喜欢的一个场景,把人物的对话写一写吧!个场景,把人物的对话写一写吧! ?你们能把编写的故事表演出来吗你们能把编写的故事表演出来吗?试一试吧!别忘了加上表情和?试一试吧!别忘了加上表情和动作哦!动作哦!Lily的奇幻之旅中发生了怎样的故的奇幻之旅中发生了怎样的故事呢?事呢?四人小组选择信封中的一个四人小组选择信封中的一个场景,把人物的对话写一写吧!场景,把人物的对话写一写吧! ?你能用你能用“why”和和“because”问答吗?请根据自问答吗?请根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打己的情况在相应的空格内打 “ ” 吧!吧!1. 复习复习Unit1的内容的内容;2.Lily的奇幻之旅中还会有发生怎样的精彩的奇幻之旅中还会有发生怎样的精彩故事呢?请续编故事,完成绘本的创编吧!故事呢?请续编故事,完成绘本的创编吧!Written by: Kemp一、Think and write二、Choose and write1 单元:Unit1 课题:Cinderella 课时:4 课型:复习 【教学内容教学内容】Ticking time & checkout time 【教学目标教学目标】(一)知识目标(一)知识目标1.能够正确、流利、生动地讲故事 Cinderella2.掌握字母组合 dr 在单词中的发音。3.能正确并熟练地运用“Why”和“Because”(二)能力目标(二)能力目标1.能熟练运用“why”和“because”进行问答。2. 综合运用 unit1 的知识。(三)情感目标(三)情感目标 在英语学习中学会互相帮助相互合作。【教学重点教学重点】 1.能够正确、流利、生动地讲故事 Cinderella【教学难点教学难点】 能熟练运用“why”和“because”进行问答。【教学准备教学准备】PPT 课件、图片等。【课前先学课前先学】综合复习 unit1【教学过程教学过程】先先 学学 预预 设设后后 教教 策策 略略二次调整二次调整Step 1. PreparationTicking timeTask1:Ask and answer出示 Cinderella 的图片1) Whos the girl?2) Can she go to the party?Step 2. Presentation and practiceCinderella is a beautiful girl. She lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. One day there is a partyTask2:Whos the best story teller?出示挂图,根据图片描述故事情节。Task3:Think and write(Tips:请在书 P15 上独立完成吧!)Task4Choose and writehas to, have a good time, try on, fits, puts on, takes off 根据课文内容自由提问,四大组进行 pk,比一比哪一组提得问题越多,不得重复,提出的问题其他人进行抢答。在学生讲故事时,注意三单形式的正确运用。可以小组内校正答案。21. This dress you well. You look so pretty!2. Its late for school. Mary run and catch the bus.3. This T-shirt is very nice. You can them .4. We always on summer holiday.5. Its time for swimming. Mike his clothes and his swimming suit. 自行对照 ticking time 第一列打勾。Ticking time 21)出示一幅刘涛图片T: Why is Liu Tao so happy?Because 2)Finish P14 checkout time.对照 tickingtime2 自行打勾。Ticking time 3出示一些单词Draw,dry,drink,driver,drug,读一读体会发音。自行打星。Step3. ProgressDo some exercise.学生错得较多的进行重点讲解。完成后和同组以对话形式核对答案。只能说出 dr 组合发/dr/加一星。能读出写出音标的的加二星。除了以上两种能读出生词的加三星。作业作业设计设计1.Read an English story2. Finish the exercise in workbook.教后教后反思反思
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