Unit 1 Cinderella-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:40f7c).zip

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Work sheetClass Name Score_一、单词辨音,选出下列每组单词划线部分字母发音与其余两个不同的选项。( ) 1. A. dress B. try C. draw( ) 2. A. party B. why C. fairy( ) 3. A. cold B. clothes C. song( ) 4. A. dear B. their C. hair( ) 5. A. prince B. nice C. pick二、词组英汉互译。1. 那么伤心_ 2. have a drink _3. 试穿 _ 4. a big red mushroom _5. 玩得开心_ 6. fairy tales _7. 回来 _ 8. put on _9. 不得不、必须_ 10. leave it behind _三、单项选择。( )1. Please come and help _.A. I B. my C. me( )2. There is a party _ the princes house. A. in B. on C. at( )3. I dont have _ nice clothes _ shoes. A. some, and B. any, and C. any, or( )4. He _ every house. A. visit B. visits C. visits to( )5. Its nine oclock. I _ go to bed now. A. can B. do C. have to( )6. Why are you in bed now? _. A. I want to play football B. Because I am ill C. After I have supper( )7. Cinderellas sisters _ not happy. A. is B. are C. am( )8. Its very hot today. You can_ the coat. A. take off B. put on C. try on四、用所给词的正确形式填空。1.Cinderella _(try) on the shoe, and it _(fit). 2.I like_(sing), but my sister doesnt, she _(like)_ (dance). 3. Why _ ( can ) you go to the party? Because I dont have any nice clothes.4. A fairy _(help) the girl.5. The little boy is so hungry, he has to_(eat) something first.Unit1 Cinderella(Grammar time& Fun time& Sound Time) 【教学目标教学目标】1. 能熟练运用“why”和“because”进行问答;2. 能够运用准确运用动词第三人称单数复述 Story time 的故事;3. 能理解并掌握运用 Grammar time 中以 wh 开头的特殊疑问词的用法及规则;4. 能完成 Fun time 中的任务,与同学合作完成童话故事表演。5. 了解字母组合 dr 在单词中的发音。【活动方案活动方案】Activity one Review1. Read the story.2. How do you think of Cinderella and the other characters?Activity two Sound Time1. Ask and answer:Q1: What is she doing ?Q2: What is he doing? 2. Overcome difficultiesa.Read and find the rulesb. Read the rhyme beautifullyc.Make friends with the animals dropDrydreamdrunkdragdrydrillActivity three Grammar time &Fun time1. Answer the questionsQ1:Why are you here?Q2:Why can you see the prince?Q3:Why do you have the shoe?2. Help the prince solve the problemsBilly cant get out. Mr. Turkey is angry.Bobby is sad. Goldilocks runs away.3. What happened to Cinderella.4. Help the prince and Cinderella make s short play a.Give each picture a naration Cinderella cant go to the party. A fairy _ CinderellaShe _ no nice clothes or shoes. Cinderella _ a good time at the party. Many girls try on the shoe, it _ fit.She _ home before 12 oclock. b.Try to make more dialogues.c.Group showActivity four Homework1.Share your story to your family and friends2.Try to ask more and answer more.There is a party at the_, but I cannot go. A fairy _ me. But I _come back _ 12 oclock. I have a _at the party. But I lose(丢了) one shoe.After the party, many girls _ the shoe. But it _ fit. Because this is my shoe.princes househelpshave tobeforegood timetry ondoes notTip:站在角色的角度读读故事,会更加深刻体验验角色。Set pieces(番外篇)For her friend For her friend CinderellaCinderella. .Andrea is drawing a dress.Andrea is drawing a dress.AndreaAndreaSound time我要再去见到王子!AndreaAndreaAndrewAndrewAndrew is having a drink.For her friend Cinderella.Its cold and blue.Andrea is drawing a dress.Sound timeTask1Task1:小组在一分钟:小组在一分钟内正确读出单词内正确读出单词,并找,并找出出规律,规律,才能才能过关。过关。Andrew is having a drink.For her friend Cinderella.Its cold and blue.Andrea is drawing a dress.AnAndrdrewewdrdrinkinkAnAndrdreaeadrdrawawdrdresess sSound time过关啦过关啦!Task2Task2:组内用自己:组内用自己喜欢的方式读出诗歌喜欢的方式读出诗歌,表现优秀,才能过,表现优秀,才能过关。关。AndreaAndreaAndrewAndrewAndrew is having a drink.For her friend Cinderella.Its cold and blue.Andrea is drawing a dress.Sound time过关啦过关啦!Task3Task3:动物们守护着裙:动物们守护着裙子,子,小组小组 连续不断连续不断 得得正正确确读出它们的读出它们的名字,和名字,和它它们们交朋友,才能拿到裙交朋友,才能拿到裙子。子。dropdragdreamdrilldrunkstopeatbybagilldryfun通关啦通关啦!Grammar timeWhyWhyWhyare you here?can you see the prince?do you have the shoe?Because I want to see the prince.Because I have the shoe.Because a fairy helps me.can you see the prince?do you have the shoe?are you here?卫兵有一些问题问灰姑娘,你能帮她回答吗?一般疑问句一般疑问句Why+cant也可引导一般疑问句哦!Grammar time卫兵想要灰姑娘帮忙解决难题,去看看王子的朋友到底怎么了。Billy cant go to school. Why ?(后面要使用一般疑问句哦)Because Bobby is sad. Goldilocks runs. Grammar timeWhy is Bobby sad?Why does Goldilocks run?Why cant Billy go to school?Prince 和Cinderella 想要把他们的故事编写成一个小剧本,你能帮助他们吗?A fairy _ Cinderella.Cinderella _ a good time at the party.She _ home before 12 oclock. Many girls try on the shoe, it _ fit.helpshasgoesdoesnt1342Cinderella cant go to the party. She _ no nice clothes or shoes. hasTip:给这些画面配上旁白吧!Fun timeLearning tip:当主语是第三人称单数时,_动词要使用三单式。Fun timeWheres the party?Who comes to the party?What can we do in the party?Whens the party?Whose party is it?1Why cant I go to the party? Because Learning Tip:一个好的剧本需要更多精彩的对话,你还能问出哪些问题?Fun time1Why cant I go to the party? Because Scene OneScene One( (场景场景1)1)There is a party at the princes house. But Cinderella cannot go.Wheres the party?Its at the princes house.Who comes to the party?Many girls come to the party.Can I go with you?No, you cant!Why cant I go to the party?Because you dont have any nice clothes or shoes.Learning Tip:小组为单位进行表演(发挥想象,结合旁白和对话,注意语气和神态,让故事语言更丰富、精彩哦)。Fun time3412Why cant I go to the party? Because I have to go now.Why?Because Youre sad, dear. Why? Because Why cant you go to the party? Because Oh, my foot hurts!Why?Because Learning Tip:小组为单位进行表演(发挥想象,结合旁白和对话,注意语气和神态,让故事语言更丰富、精彩哦)。Fun time3412Why cant I go to the party? Because I have to go now.Why?Because Youre sad, dear. Why? Because Why cant you go to the party? Because Oh, my foot hurts!Why?Because By _Thinking can make our life interesting. (思考能让生活更有趣)Why can the bird fly?Why can the fish swim?When does the sun sleep?Why is the sky blue?Where are the stars?Where am I from?Try to ask more and answer more. 试着问出更多的问题并尝试解答。Write down your story and share to your family and friends. 写下自己编的故事并分享给自己的家人和朋友。Homework
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