Unit 2 How do you come to school -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:91d4f).zip

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UnitUnit 2 2丹阳市正则小学 薛艳梅 自我评价自我评价(圈出你得到的圈出你得到的 哦哦) 1. I can understand and read the story. 我能够理解并朗读故事。2. I can try to retell the story. 我能尝试复述课文。1.离离.远远 2.在在.附近附近 3.乘(汽车)乘(汽车)_ _ _ 4.汽车汽车 5.步行步行 6. 地铁地铁_ _ _7. 出租车出租车 8.自行车自行车 9.飞机飞机 10.轮船轮船 11.火车火车 12.City library_ _ _ _ _预习交流预习交流far fromnearbybuson footmetrotaxibikeplaneshiptrain市图书馆市图书馆 by plane by ship by metro by train by bus by bike on footLets read! by taxi1.离离.远远 2.在在.附近附近 3.乘(汽车)乘(汽车)_ _ _ 4.汽车汽车 5.步行步行 6. 地铁地铁_ _ _7. 出租车出租车 8.自行车自行车 9.飞机飞机 10.轮船轮船 11.火车火车 12.City library_ _ _ _ _同桌互读同桌互读far fromnearbybuson footmetrotaxibikeplaneshiptrain市图书馆市图书馆Ask and answer I I comecome toto schoolschool onon footfoot. .How do you come to school?I live near school.在在附近附近 by bus by bike on footHow do they come to school?Watch and matchHow do they come to school?完成书本完成书本18页连线。页连线。How do they come to school?How does xxx come to school?comes to school让我们一起来说一说吧!让我们一起来说一说吧!Ask and answeron footby busby taxiby metroHow does xxx come to school?comes to school让我们一起来说一说吧!让我们一起来说一说吧!Read and answer自读第自读第16面,寻找答案,面,寻找答案,将关键词句划出来哦!将关键词句划出来哦!far from schoolnear City Libraryfar from schoolnear City Libraryon Moon Street 街道街道Its very big. I like it very much, but its far from school.I live on nearI come to schoolWho wants to be Su Hai?Moon Street,.City Library.by bus.Try to actTask 3:A:How do you come to school? B:I come to school.Read page17,find Yang Ling,Mike and Liu Taos home.(浏览课文并找出他们的家浏览课文并找出他们的家,ABC分别代表谁的家分别代表谁的家。)Read and findSchoolPark StreetSunshine Town Who Where Su Hai Yang Ling Liu Tao MikeWhere do they live?(细读第细读第17面面,别别忘了将关键字词划出来哦忘了将关键字词划出来哦!)Try to answeron Moon Streetnear schoolon Park Streetin Sunshine Town 城镇城镇 Who Where How Why Su Hai Yang Ling Liu Tao MikeHow do they come to school?Why?(细读第细读第17面划出关键词面划出关键词)Her home is far from school.She lives near school.His father is a taxi driver.Try to answeron Moon Streetnear schoolon Park Streetin Sunshine Townby taxion footby metroby busTime to read 自我评价自我评价1. I can understand and read the story. 我能够理解并朗读故事。1.朗读正确、流利、有感情:朗读正确、流利、有感情:2.有一些小错或不太流利:有一些小错或不太流利:3.仍然需要好好努力:仍然需要好好努力: Who Where How Why Su Hai Yang Ling Liu Tao MikeHer home is far from school.She lives near school.His father is a taxi driver.on Moon Streetnear schoolon Park Streetin Sunshine Townby taxion footby metroby busTalk in two(同桌讨论同桌讨论):Each one can say one sentence or say it together.(一人说一句或一起说一人说一句或一起说)Su Hai lives She comes to schoolBecauseYang Ling She Mike Liu Tao 自我评价自我评价2. I can try to retell the story. 我能尝试复述课文。1.能复述文中四个人情况:能复述文中四个人情况:2.能复述两到三个人情况:能复述两到三个人情况:3.能复述一个人情况:能复述一个人情况:Act Mike and his friend to make a dialogue about why he comes to school by metro.(扮演扮演Mike和他其中一位朋友,讨论为什么他乘地铁来学校)和他其中一位朋友,讨论为什么他乘地铁来学校) Where .? How.? Why.? What about you?Good morning./Hello. I live. I come. Because.Work in pairsHomework:1.Read the story fluently, try to retell the whole story. 熟练朗读课文,复述整个故事。熟练朗读课文,复述整个故事。2.2. Collect the names of public transport.3.收集更多的公共交通方式的名称。(选做)收集更多的公共交通方式的名称。(选做)Goodbye!T TH HA ANNK K Y YO OU U! !1U2U2 HowHow dodo youyou comecome toto school?school?一、单元教材分析:本单元谈论如何来学校,学习 bike,bus, plane, ship 等交通工具和特殊疑问句型帮助学生在情境中理解,感知并掌握。二、单元目标要求:1. 能听懂,会读,会说,会用 Where do /does live?及其回答live/lives on/in和 How do/ does come to school? 及回答:I by/ on foot.2、能听懂、会说、会读 bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro 等交通工具类单词及词汇 far from,ride,show,young,basket,moon,street,near,city,by,on foot.3、通过学习 Story time 和 Cartoon time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能创编对话。4、能唱The wheels on the bus 。5、能了解并掌握 tr 在单词中的发音。三、单元设计意图:本单元话题是谈论家庭地址和上学所用的交通方式,呈现本单元重点 Where do /does live?及其回答live/lives on/in和 How do/ does ?的询问及by/ on 的回答。在充分利用书本材料进行教学与操练的基础上,学生们自然交流,培养学生快速捕捉和获取文章大意的能力。培养学生对语法及句型的掌控能力,善于表达的良好习惯。Unit 2 How do you come to school?第 一 课时(Story time)教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读 bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro等交通工具类单词和一些虚拟地名及街道名称。2、能初步运用句型 Where do /does live?及其回答live/lives on/in和 How do/ does come to school? 及回答 I by/ on foot.3、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事。4、学生能在理解的基础上合作表演故事。教学重点与难点:1、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事2、能初步运用所学的单词和句型交流.教学准备:课件教学过程:StepStep 1 1 leadlead inin 1、Greeting,出示学习目标。2、Listen and respond(复习交通工具) 初步感知 metro、taxi 等新单词。T:How do you come to school?S:揭示课题2Step2 PresentationT:You come to school How do they come to school?1、Watch and matchNow,lets watch and match.Ss:Watch and match.Q: How doescome to school?新授:taxi、metro、on foot3、Think and talkSs:comes to school4、Read and answerT: Why does Su Hai come to school by bus?S:新授:far from school、 near City LibraryT: Where does Su Hai live?S新授:on Moon Street T: Su Hais new home is far from school,but she still likes it,why?S5、Try to actS1:S2:I live onnearI come to school6、Find and answerWhere do Su Hais friends live ? Lets read and find.Ss: ReadT: Whos A?Whos B?Whos C?7、Try to answerT: Where do they live?Q: Where does live?S:新授:near school 、on Park Street 、in Sunshine Town8、Think and sayT: How do they come to school? Why?Q: How does come to school? Why? 拓展:How does Mike come to school? Why? 让孩子们发挥想象力。Work in pairsAct Mike and his friend to make a dialogue about why he comes to school by metro.3可提供例句:Good morning./Hello.Where .? I live.How.? I come.Why.? Because.What about you? .9、Listen and repeat10、Retell the storyStep3 Evaluation自我评价Step4 Homework板书设计:UnitUnit 2 2 HowHow dodo youyou comecome toto school?school? Who Where How.? Why? YangLing Su Yang Mike Liu Tao教学后记:
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