Unit 3 Asking the way-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:f0330).zip

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Unit 3 Asking the way(Cartoon time & Ticking time)1. I can ask and tell the way.2. I can read and act the Cartoon time fluently and emotionally.流利地有感情地I want to show you an interesting storybook . 我想给你们展示一本有趣的故事书。Play a gamePlay a gameTask 1Task 2Task 3游戏简介首先我们要完成三个 !task任务每完成一个任务将会得一个关于故事书的 Clue 1Clue 2Clue 3clue线索cinemahospitalzooget onget offturn rightturn left Task 1Look and sayLook and say Turn left at the traffic lights.Walk/go along the street.Turn right at the second traffic lights.bcTask 1Task 2Task 3线索1Clue 1线索1what a day!Its name is What a day.故事书的名字是真糟糕的一天!Show Yang Ling the way to Su Hais home Task 2 First, She gets on . at. Next, she gets offat. Then, shes on. Go along. and turn. Finally, shes on. Go along . Su Hais home is .Task 3Task 2Task 1what a day!Clue 2线索2The storybook is about Bobby and Tina.what a day!A: Excuse me, how do I get to the _?B: Go _ this street, and then turn _at the_ lights. The _ is on your_.A: Thank you.B: Thats all right.parkrightalongparkleftparkA Task 3Ask and answertrafficWork in pairsKey words:Excuse me .How can I.?/ Go along.Turn right/ left at .Thank you./ All right.zoosupermarkethospital I can ask and tell the way.Ive got _ stars. Ticking time请根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打Task 1Task 1Task 2Task 3Clue 3线索3They are very sad! 真棒!三条线索:Clue 1: Its name is What a day.Clue 2:The storybook is about Bobby and Tina. Clue 3:They are very sad! Whats wrong with them?-1-1-2- Chapter 1 第一节 Go to the cinema WhoListen and answer Q1:Q1: do they go to the do they go to the cinema?cinema? Q2:Q2: cinema do they go?cinema do they go? Because they want to see a new film. Why Which film film 电影电影 City Cinema. 市电影院市电影院 哪一个哪一个 Q3:Q3: do they want to get to the do they want to get to the cinema?cinema? HowBy bus.-1- WangBing is a good boy. He has many good habits.-1-2-Watch and answerDo they get to the cinema by bus at last 最后?Do they see the film at last 最后?Watch and answerDo they go to the cinema by bus at last 最后?Do they see the film at last 最后?Why?Read and answer Q1: Why dont they take the bus?Q2: Do they get to the cinema by taxi? Why?Q3: Why dont they see the film at last?Tips:自读课文,在文中划出相关的句子吧,同桌可以合作额。Why dont they take the bus?Read and answer full full 满的;饱的满的;饱的 stopstop 车站车站 Traffic jamTraffic jam 交通堵塞交通堵塞 Read and answer Do they get to the cinema by taxi? Why?Read and answer Do they see the film at last(最后)? Why? overover 结束了;完了结束了;完了Guess!What will Bobby say? 猜一猜!波比会说些什么 ?What a pity!What a pity!What a day!What a day! What can we do to stop the traffic What can we do to stop the traffic jam?(jam?(我们能做什么来减少交通堵塞?我们能做什么来减少交通堵塞?) )Think and discussA. Go to school on footA. Go to school on footB. Drive a car to work every day. B. Drive a car to work every day. C. Take a metro to a place far away. C. Take a metro to a place far away. D. Go to work by bike every day. D. Go to work by bike every day. 维护道路畅通,人人有责!Everyone is responsible for keeping the roads open!-1- WangBing is a good boy. He has many good habits.-1-2-Happy reading注意模仿语音语调哦!-1-4-3-Happy reading-1- WangBing is a good boy. He has many good habits.-5-6-They get in a taxi.Happy reading-4-5- At home, WangBing always puts his things in order. He usually finishes his homework before dinner. LiuTao is a good boy too. He listens to his teachers at school. He also does well at home. He keeps his room clean and tidy. He also helps his parents.-8-7-8-Happy reading-1-9-10-9-Happy readingRead by yourselves.自读课文Act in roles. 角色扮演 I can ask and tell the way.Ive got _ stars. Ticking time I can read and act the Cartoon time fluently and emotionly. 请根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打We can.We can. The film is over. The film is over. What can we do next?What can we do next?Give them some advice.给他们一些建议。They can . Homework 1. Read and recite 1. Read and recite the story the story of Cartoon Time of Cartoon Time. .2.Show your friends the way to some places.2.Show your friends the way to some places.Unit 3 Asking the wayCartoon time & Ticking timeTeaching contents 教学内容教学内容Cartoon time & Ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 能够理解 Cartoon time 故事内容。2. 能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事。3. 能根据地图用英语简单、正确地描述出行方式和路线。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能生动地朗读和表演 Cartoon time,体会故事的幽默之处。2. 能以纯正、优美的语音语调朗读故事,生动地合作表演故事。3. 通过整合 Story time 和 Cartoon time 的学习,能够正确、流利地用英语指路与表达出行方式。教学难点: 1. 能够正确理解故事并整合本单元知识,进行实际语言上的交流与运用。2. 能生动地朗读和表演 Cartoon time。3. 能根据地图用英语简单、正确地描述出行方式和路线。Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. Greeting2. 呈现 Learning aims (让学生初步了解本节课的学习目标)3.T:First,I want to show you an interesting storybook. Do you like storybooks? Would you like to know it? Ss: Yes! T: Lets play a game. Game rules: You should finish three tasks and then youll get three clues about the storybook. Understand? Lets go to Task1.【设计意图:通过游戏帮助学生热身,同时以旧带新,激发学生的兴趣,营造英语学习的氛围。 】Task 1: Look and say Look at the pictures and say the words or the phrases out.Ss: hospital/ cinema/ zoo/ get on/ get off/ turn right/ turn left.Look at the pictures and say the sentences out. Ss: Turn right at the traffic lights./ Walk along the street/.T:Well done ! You can finish Task 1 and then you can get the first clue.Clue 1 : Its name is What a day. ( 教读 What a day! )【设计意图:通过 Task 1 内容的设计帮助学生复习了第三单元的重点单词、短语和句型,为后文的展开做铺垫】Task 2: Show Yang Ling the way to Su Hais new home.(教师 PPT 中呈现 杨玲去苏海家的地图,并呈现关键的信息帮助学生回忆并复述课文。老师首先边画路线边请学生起来指路,之后学生根据地图提示和文本提示同桌互相复述杨玲的路线,最后全班集体看地图复述一遍)First, She gets on . at. Next, she gets offat. Then, shes on. Go along. and turn. Finally, shes on. Go along . Su Hais home is .T:You can get the second clue.Clue2 : Its about Bobby and Tina.(贴出头像)【设计意图:通过 Task 2 内容的设计帮助学生复习第三单元课文的复述,为后文的展开做铺垫】Task 3:Ask and answerT: Here is a map and a dialogue for you. Can you fill in blanks? A: Excuse me, how do I get to the_? B: Go _ this street, and then turn _at the_ lights. The _ is on your_.park(教师请两个学生来表演对话并核对答案)Work in pairs : Choose one picture and work with your partners.(呈现三幅有关问路的地图,同桌合作,综合刚才上面的对话来指一指路)T:Good job!You can get the last clues. Clue 3 : They are very sad!【设计意图:通过 Task3 内容的设计帮助学生把单词、短语和句子综合结合起来,使学生掌握问路和指路的英语用语,学以致用,为后文的展开做铺垫。 】T: Lets tick.I can ask and tell the way. (three stars、two stars、one star)Step 2 Presentation: Cartoon time1. Leading in T: We have got three clues. Theyre very sad . Whats wrong with them?(揭开这本故事书,引出本堂课的中心-卡通课文)Chapter 1: Go to the cinema T:Who goes to the cinema?(上面的任务 2 已经告诉学生 Bobby 和 Tina 去电影院,并为下面的特殊疑问句的问答做铺垫)T:The title: Go to the cinema. Do you have any questions?(引导学生用特殊疑问句来问问题。 )S1:Why do they go to the cinema? S2:When do they go to the cinema?S3: How do they go to the cinema? S4: Where do they go?(板书贴出特殊疑问词:where/ why/ when/ how.)【设计意图:培养学生理解课文的能力,尝试用特殊疑问句来问问题,理解课文。 】2. Listen and answerT:I have three questions for you.Q1: Why do they go to the cinema ? Q2:Which cinema do they go?Q3: How do they want to do to the cinema ?Listen and answer.(听录音片段,回答问题)(在核对答案时,教学词汇:film 、 which )3. Watch and answerT: Do they go to the cinema by bus at last?Do they see the film at last?Lets watch and answer. Ss: No , they dont.T: Why? Read all the story by yourselves. Then, find the answers.Q1: Why don t they take the bus? Q2: Do they get to the cinema by taxi? Why?Q3:Do they see the film at last ?Check the answers and understand the story. (教学新词汇:over、full、stop)T:Finally, they are very sad. If you are Bobby, what will you say ?Ss: 引导学生回答: What a pity! What a day!(和故事名称相呼应)【设计意图:引导学生带着问题自主阅读,体会动画人物的情感,在解决问题的过程中读懂故事传递的信息,理解掌握新单词】4. They dont see the film at last because of cars. There are so many cars in the street. We call it “Traffic jam”. Look at some pictures. (请学生观看交通堵塞的图片,让学生体会交通堵塞的严重性)T:What can we do to stop the traffic jams?A. Go to school on foot. B. Drive a car to work everyday.C Take the metro to some places. (德育升华:Everyone is responsible to keeping the roads open.)【设计意图:引导学生在理解课文的基础上,体会文章的意义,在德育上升华】5. Listen and repeat6. Read in roles【设计意图:在理解故事的基础上,跟读课文对话,注意语音语调的变化,有感情地模仿人物对话。 】7. Act Cartoon time(师生手持手偶示范表演后,四人一组分角色表演,一人扮演 Bobby,一人扮演 Tina,另两人为旁白。鼓励 Bobby 和 Tina 尽量脱稿表演)【设计意图:有目标地进行表演,培养学生的表演和朗读能力。 】8. Ticking time.I can read and act the Cartoon time fluently and emotionally.T:How many stars can you get?Step 3 : Tell the way Discussion in groups of fourT: Bobby and Tina miss the film because they spend too much time on the road. Can you give them some good suggestions?(PPT 出示 Bobby 家到影院的地图,标出路线,请学生根据地图所示描述路线)You can go to the cinema by You can get on the metro at and get off at Then, go along Turn at the traffic lights. Walk along The cinema is on your (四人为一组,组内讨论后每组选一位代表说一说出行方式和路线)【设计意图:创设平台,调动学生注意力,刺激学生的语言思维,将新旧语言进行综合性输出,让学生的综合语言运用能力和创新思维都能得到锻炼。 】Step 4. Homework 1. Read and recite the story of Cartoon Time.2.Show your friends the way to some places.U3 课堂练习纸班级:_ 姓名:_A: Excuse me, how do I get to the _?B: Go _ this street, and then turn _at the_ lights. The _ is on your_.A: Thank you.B: Thats all right.2. Listen and answerQ1: Why do they go to the cinema?Q2: Which cinema do they go?Q3: How do they want to get to the cinema?3. Read and answer Q1: Why dont they take the bus?parkQ2: Do they get to the cinema by taxi? Why?Q3: Why dont they see the film at last?
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