Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:3098b).zip

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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor(Checkout time) Look and learnstomachstand, Christmas Look and learnthroatthree, boat咽喉咽喉Look and readThink and saySu Hai has a _ and a _.She should _at home.She should _ and _ too.1 Mike has a _.He cannot _.He should not _.He should _ in the morning and before bedtime.2headachetake some medicinehave a restfeverdrink warm watertoothacheeat anythingeat too many sweetsbrush his teethListen and choose Learning tips: 1.1. 仔细看图仔细看图。2.2. 主动推测主动推测。3.3.听关键听关键词词。Listen and choose Read and talk要求:要求: 同桌合作,从五个小朋友中选择同桌合作,从五个小朋友中选择1 1人进行谈论人进行谈论;举手汇报;举手汇报。 汇报汇报时时,其他人认真倾听,其他人认真倾听,判断判断谈论人物是谈论人物是谁谁。 汇报人物尽量汇报人物尽量不重复不重复,学会挑战自己,学会挑战自己。Think and sayHow can we look after ourselves well?如何照顾好我们自己?请给大家一些建议。When we feel , we should/ shouldnt coldthirstytiredillhungryhotWatch and choose ( ) What does the dentist do for Bob? A. He pulls out a bad tooth for him. B. He cleans the teeth for him.Watch and choose Watch and choose ( ) What does the dentist do for Bob? A. He pulls out a bad tooth for him. B. He cleans the teeth for him.BCulture time不同国家的牙文化不同国家的牙文化现代牙科医生源于法国现代牙科医生源于法国。1717世纪世纪9090年代,现代牙科之父年代,现代牙科之父“皮埃尔皮埃尔福福歇尔歇尔”( ( Father of Modern Dentistry: Pierre Fauchard) )创办创办了世界上第一家牙科诊所(了世界上第一家牙科诊所(dental clinic) ) ,最早确立了牙科技术,最早确立了牙科技术,使用使用“牙科医生牙科医生”( (dentist) )名称名称。FranceCulture time不同国家的牙文化不同国家的牙文化牙齿是文明的象征牙齿是文明的象征。美国人并非美国人并非牙齿有病、牙痛牙齿有病、牙痛( (toothache) )才才上牙科诊所(上牙科诊所(dental clinic) ),更多的是去找牙医做美容、洗牙更多的是去找牙医做美容、洗牙保健保健( (tooth cleaning) )、检查等、检查等。美国人半年洗一次牙是很普遍美国人半年洗一次牙是很普遍的事的事。AmericaCulture time不同国家的牙文化不同国家的牙文化绅士风度,从齿开始绅士风度,从齿开始。英国人每年英国人每年都要都要到到医院洁牙医院洁牙( (tooth cleaning) )两次,除了必备的牙膏两次,除了必备的牙膏( (toothpaste) )外,每人都必备漱口外,每人都必备漱口水水( (mouth rinse) ),一天至少刷牙,一天至少刷牙2 2次,出门社交先漱口次,出门社交先漱口。the UKRead and write要求:要求: 四人小组合作讨论诗歌蕴含的生活好习惯四人小组合作讨论诗歌蕴含的生活好习惯。 抛砖引玉,思考更多生活好习惯抛砖引玉,思考更多生活好习惯。 撰写撰写“健康生活健康生活”海报内容,并汇报海报内容,并汇报。Read and writeHaving a healthy life Good habits help us live a healthy life.(好习惯有助于我(好习惯有助于我们拥有健康的生活们拥有健康的生活。)We shouldWe shouldnt Culture time1.1.观看动画观看动画The animal hospital nurse例举袋鼠护士的工作内容例举袋鼠护士的工作内容。2.2.继续美化继续美化“健康生活健康生活 ”海报:附海报:附卡纸,添加图片等卡纸,添加图片等。3.3.上网了解更多关于上网了解更多关于“现代牙科之现代牙科之父父”的信息的信息。 HomeworkUnit 4 Seeing the doctor班级: 姓名: 学号: 一、看图,选择一位病人讨论并汇报。二、认真朗读下列诗歌,四人小组讨论其背后蕴含的生活好习惯。Unit 4 Seeing the doctor (Checkout time)Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to (1) understand, read and say more names of illness, such as: a stomachache, an earache, a sore throat;(2) talk about illness correctly and fluently with sentence structures: Whats wrong with him/her? He/She has a/an How does he/she feel? He/She feels What should he/she do? He/She should(3) know how to look after themselves well and have the common sense of dealing with different illness;(4) get the basic skill of listening and reading, such as predicting the contents with the help of pictures;(5) know the different culture of seeing the dentist in China and some western countries;(6) know more good habits which help people live healthyLearning situation analysis:This is the checkout time in this unit. Students have already learned the key words and sentences and they are able to talk about the illness and know what should do and what shouldnt do basically. Students learned “These mushrooms are bad for us.” in unit 1. And “cold, hot, thirsty, ill, hungry, tired, ill, cough, fever, headache” in book 4B. They can use the simple present to describe things. Important and difficult points:Whats wrong with him/her? She/He has a/ anHow does he/she feel?He/She feelsWhat should he/she do?He/She should Teaching aids:A computer, ppt, pictures, exercises papers, a projectorTeaching procedures:During the break, play the song “head, shoulder, knees and toes”.Step 1: GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Yang.T: Im very happy to be your English teacher today. I hope you can have fun in my English lesson. Step 2: Warming upListen, do and sayT: Stand up.T: Touch your head/nose/ ears/ mouth/ eyes/shoulder/neck.Ss: Do the action and say.Step 3: Presentation and practice(1)Learn the words: stomach, throatT: Now, look at the picture. Whats that?(有人会,则请学生教学生,没有则说: No one knows, you can ask Miss Yang: Whats that in English? )T: stand, Christmas, stomach. We call it stomach in English. Wheres the stomach? Its inside our body. On the left! Please point to it and say “stomach”. T: Lets look at another picture. Please try to guess the meaning and the sound. Who can read it? What does it mean in Chinese? (简单词,引导学生通过 three, boat 自学)(2)Think and say: a stomachache, an earache, a sore throatT: You are a good learner. Are you a good thinker? Lets have a look. Here are some questions for you.a.Show the pictures to studentsb. Ask questions to students: Look at the man. His head hurts. Whats wrong with him? How do you spell?(教师读题,请学生回答答案;板书单词引导学生发现 ache 后缀;介绍英语中ache 和 sore 都有疼痛的意思,但咽喉痛我们用 a sore throat。)(3)Look and readT: You did a good job. A game for you Look and say, please say it clearly and loudly.Show different pictures of illness and ask students to tell the pictures and read them.(4)Think and sayT: In the story time, Su Hai and Mike dont feel well. Whats wrong with Su Hai? And whats wrong with Mike? Who can report?Ask students to recall the contents in story time.Step 4: Listen and chooseT: Mikes brother, little Tim doesnt feel well, either. Whats wrong with him? Please look at the pictures and guess.(1)Talk about pictures together and predict the key words.(2)Listen and choose(3)Check the answerStep 5: Read and talkT: Tim has a headache. How about these children? Please look at the picture and talk about them.(1)Talk about the first picture as an example.(2)Ask students to choose one patient to talk about.(3)Choose several pairs to report the dialogues and others judge which patient they talk about and give evaluation to them.Step 6: Think and say T: Good job, boys and girls. Do you want to be ill and go to see the doctor?Ss: No.T: Of course not. Healthy is important for us. We should look after ourselves well. But how can we look after ourselves? Please think it over.(1)Students choose any of the feelings to report.(2)When one student reports, others should listen and judge whether his/her suggestion is right or wrong. If it is right, clap hands twice, if it is wrong, say “no, no”.Step 7: Think and writeT: Good job. I think you can look after yourselves well and help children in our book. Please take out your book. Lets do “Think and write”.(1)Look at the pictures and read the words carefully.(2)Write the answers.(3)Check the answers.Step 8: Culture timeT: Its time to have some fun. A prize for you. Lets watch a short cartoon: Little Bob goes to the dentist. But please remember the following question:What does the dentist do for little Bob? (1)Watch the cartoon.(2)Check the answer.(3)Introduce more information about seeing the dentists in France, America and the UK.Step 9: Read, discuss and writeT: Seeing the dentist is a good habit. Its good for our teeth. Miss Yang hope we all have a healthy life. Here are five rhymes for you. (1)Discuss the meaning in groups of four.(2)Check the meaning of the rhymes.(3)Write the poster.(4)Show the poster.(5)Enjoy the MV: Keep healthy.Step 10: Homework1. Watch the cartoon: The animal hospital nurse and list what the nurse does. 2. Beautify the poster.3. Surf the internet and know more about “Father of Modern Dentistry”.附:板书Unit 4 Seeing the doctora headachea toothachea stomachachean earache1. Whats wrong with him/ her?He/She has a/an2. How does he/she feel?He/ She feels3. What should he/she do?He/She should Keep healthyStick the posterHaving a healthy lifeGood habits help us live a healthy life.(好习惯有助于我们拥有健康的生活。 )We should We shouldnt
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