Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:c1351).zip

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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor (Sound time , Culture time & Cartoon time) JennyJenny -5B 敬恩实验小学张永笑 Whats your English name?What fruit/colour/food/subject do you like?What do you usually do at weekends?Know meAbout me My English name is Jenny.I like green, and I have a green ch_.I like _ches very_ch.I eat ch_ at _.I usually ch_ on WeCh_.airpeamuicken lunat t chchchchChchchchatCharliebenchLook at the picture, try to finish the sentence.chickenEating _ for his _. Charlie is sitting on a _, benchchickenlunch长椅长椅;长凳长凳Know more about Charlie.He likes Chinese food very much.Hes going to China in March. 将要去What does he like?Where is he going in March?三月Charlie is sitting on a bench,Eating chicken for his lunch.He likes Chinese food very much.Hes going to China in March!A has a .Hes going to ./t/k/checkchildkitchenmatchwatchschoolheadacheChristmasCan you say any other words “ch” say / t / ?Do all the words with “ch” say / t / ?temperature温度温度Centigrade 摄氏温度摄氏温度。F: 。C:Fahrenheit 华氏温度华氏温度one hundred and two degrees Fahrenheitthirty-nine degrees Centigrade度数度数世界上大部分国家都使世界上大部分国家都使用用摄氏摄氏()温度温度,但美、英等少部分英语国家但美、英等少部分英语国家用用华氏华氏()温度。温度。 23 23231001001071071919 TemperatureTemperature39 CWho are they?hospitalLook and guessWhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith them?them?Maybe(也选 ) s . hurts. Watch and checkWhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith them?them?HurtsWhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith them?them?arm ear noseThe s . hurts. Watch and checkHe is happy to help them. Bobby is_.A. helpful 乐于助人的B. capable 有能力的What does Bobby do to help them?乐于做乐于做.I cant write now . I cant hear well now . I cant eat or drink now . Read and find: How do they feel now?Tips: 请快速浏览cartoon,找一找,划出来答案。Giraffeneck指向指向Giraffe points at his long neck.If you are Bobby, what will you say?Wow, you have a long neck ! Im too short.Sorry, I cant help you.Oh, my god!You should ask a doctor for help. Tips: 请注意模仿语音语调哦!Listen and imitateTips: 请注意模仿语音语调哦!Listen and imitate连读连读Tips: 请注意模仿语音语调哦!Listen and imitateTips: 请注意模仿语音语调哦!Listen and imitateTipsTips:6 6人一组人一组1.1. 带书表演带书表演。2.2.不带书表演不带书表演。3.3.不带书表演,不带书表演,加加入自己语言,动作和入自己语言,动作和表情表情,并且自然流畅,并且自然流畅。Act the cartoon.use a ladderstand on a chairsit downHe can What can he do to help Giraffe?HurtsCantThink and guess(想想猜猜)(想想猜猜)HowHow is is GiraffeGiraffe now?now?arm ear noseneck write wellhear welleat or drinkIf Bobby helps Giraffe, what will happen?如果Bobby帮助了Giraffe,会发生什么?I cant breathe(呼吸)(呼吸) now . I cant drink now . HurtsCantRetellarm ear noseneck writehear well eat or drink drink or breatheThe s . hurts. He cant.But is his treatment right? 波比做的对吗? Be happy to help.Help in a right way.Bobby is helpful.If you are Bobby, what should you do next? 如果你是波比,你接下来该怎么做? 1. I know the sound of “ch”.2. I know the culture about “ ” and “”.3. I can understand the cartoon and know how to help others.SummaryHomework:必做Share the cartoon to your parents.Preview Checkout time.选 做Make an ending for the story.选 卡通选选 一个选 尾。第第 3 3 课时课时一、教学目标一、教学目标: : 1.学生能够掌握字母组合 “ch”的发音,并能灵活运用。2.学生能掌握华氏温度和摄氏温度的知识。3.学生能理解卡通,知道如何帮助他人。二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点:1.学生能够掌握字母组合 “ch”的发音,并能灵活运用。2.学生能掌握华氏温度和摄氏温度的知识。3.学生能理解卡通,知道如何帮助他人。三、教学准备:三、教学准备:课件四、教学设计:四、教学设计: StepStep 1 1 Warming-upWarming-up(1)Free talk:T: Im your English teacher.Do you want to know something about me?You can ask like this:Whats your English name? What food/colour/fruit.do you like?What do you usually do at weekends?Step2Step2 PresentationPresentation1.Grammar1.Grammar timetime 的教学的教学(1)RhymeT: Heres a rhyme about me,listen:My name is Jenny.I like blue and I have a blue chair.I like eating sandwiches very much.I often eat a chicken leg at lunch.I usually chat on WeChat.T:Here, “ch” says t (2)Look and sayT: Look, the boy likes chicken too.Do you know who is he? Look at the picture,what is he eating for his lunch? What is he sitting on?教授:Charlie chicken bench(长椅,长凳)“Bench” means a long seat. T: So can you finish this sentence?_ is sitting on a _,Eating _ for his _.(3)Watch and answerT: Lets watch a video to know more about Charlie.播放视频T: Here are two questions for you.Q1: What food does he like?S: He likes Chinese food very much.Q2: Where is he going in March?教授 March:the third month of a year(出现日历)T: be going to means 将要。T: Now, lets watch again and try to read it.(4) Game:T: Lets play a game: I say you say.(加动作) I say chch you say t I say chch you say t chch t chch t I say chch you say t ChangeChange(5)ExercisesT: Do you know any other words with “ch” saying t ?学生举例:kitchen child check watch match.T: Do all the words with “ch” saying t ? S: No.T: Give me some words.S: Christmas headache schoolT: Here “ch” says ?S: k T: Right. Lets read these words.T: Can you choose some words to finish the sentence?从上面单词中选择补全句子。A _ has a _ .Hes going to _. 2.Culture2.Culture timetime 的教学的教学 (1)T: Whos this child? Whats wrong with him? Lets watch Culture time.T:Whats wrong with him?A. cold B. feverT: temperatureF means Fahrenheit 华氏度C means Centigrade 摄氏度1F :one degree Fahrenheit2F :two degrees Fahrenheit102:one hundred and two(2) Watch and judge看微课视频,给出沸水,洗澡水,冰淇淋相应的温度,让学生判断是华氏度还是摄氏度。3.Culture3.Culture timetime 的教学的教学(1)梳理文本T: Liu Tao is ill, and he goes to the hospital. Bobby helps in the hospital too.Look, who are they?S: They are Monkey, Rabbit and Elephant.T: Whats wrong with them? Look at the pictures and guess.观察图片并猜测S: May .s . hurts.Watch and check the answersWhoWhereMonkeyarmRabbitearElephantnoseT: What do they sound like? Lets listen and repeat.T: How is Bobby?S: He is very happy to help them.乐于做某事. So Bobby isA. Bobby is helpful.B. Bobby is capable(有能力的).T: What does Bobby do to help them? You can say it in Chinese.S: 缠绷带。T: How do they feel now? Read and underline.whowherefeelMonkeyarmcant writeRabbitearcant hear wellElephantnosecant eat or drink T: They feel bad or good?S: Bad. T: Lets listen and repeat.T: Look, another patient comes. Who is he? (阴影)S: Giraffe.(长颈鹿)T: Hes ill too. What can he say?S: Can you help me?T: Bobby is helpful, so he says” Sure, whats wrong with you?” Who can be Bobby, try to be helpful.S: T: Whats wrong with Giraffe?S: His neck hurts.T: Yes, he points at 指 his long neck.(动作)。My neck hurts.Who can be Giraffe?S: T: Now, lets be Bobby together.S: Oh, no!(2)Watch the cartoon.(3)Read after it.(4)Try to act.(5)思考续编T: Why does Bobby say no?S: Because Giraffe is too tall/very high/has a long neck.T: Try to think, what can he do to help?S: Use a ladder/chair/Let Giraffe sit down.T: How is Giraffe now?S: He can only eat but cant drink. He cant breathe now. T: Does Bobbys treatment is right?S: No.T: Try to help others, and help in a right way. What can Bobby do next?S: Ask experienced doctors for help; Study hard and then help others. .T: You did a good job today.Step3Step3 TickingTicking time(Howtime(How manymany starsstars cancan youyou get?)get?)1. I know the sound of “ch”.2. I know the differences between F and C.3. I can understand the cartoon and know how to help others in a right way.Step4Step4 HomeworkHomework必做1. Share the cartoon to your parents.2. Preview Checkout time.选做1. Write down the story you make up.把你编写的故事写下来。板书设计板书设计:
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