Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:10295).zip

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Policeman, firefighter or a postman 警察,消防队员,或者是邮递员警察,消防队员,或者是邮递员 Why not something like your old man 为什么不能是像你父亲之类的人呢?为什么不能是像你父亲之类的人呢? You can be just the one you wanna be 只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人 Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师,还是歌手? Why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不能是当总统呢,要成为一个梦想家 You can be just the one you wanna be 只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人 I know that we all got one thing 我知道我们都有一样东西 That we all share together 我们都拥有的 We got that one nice dream we live for 我们都有一个美好的梦想我们为之存在 You never know what life could bring 因为没有什么东西能永恒存在 Coz nothing last for ever 你永远不会知道生活会带来什么 Just hold on to the team you play for 只要在你的团队中坚持扮演好你自己的角色 I know you could reach the top 我知道你是最棒的 Make sure that you wont stop确保你不会停下 Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师,还是歌手? Why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不能是当总统呢,要成为一个梦想家 You can be just the one you wanna be 只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人 be the one that you wanna be 做那个你一直都想成为的人now sing this with me 现在和我一起歌唱 Policeman, firefighter or a postman 警察,消防队员,或者是邮递员警察,消防队员,或者是邮递员 Why not something like your old man 为什么不能是像你父亲之类的人呢?为什么不能是像你父亲之类的人呢? Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师,还是歌手? Why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不能是当总统呢,要成为一个梦想家 You can be just the one you wanna be 只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人 we may have different ways to think 我们也许会从不同角度考虑问题我们也许会从不同角度考虑问题 but it doesnt really matter 但这没关系但这没关系 we all caught up in the steam of this life 我们都被人生的一些所征服我们都被人生的一些所征服 focus on every little thing 执著于每一件琐事执著于每一件琐事 thats what does really matter 这才是问题所在这才是问题所在 luxury cars and bling 金钱(奢华的车)和物金钱(奢华的车)和物质质 thats not real life 那都不是真正的生活那都不是真正的生活 I know you could reach the top 我知道你会达到顶峰make sure that you wont stop确定你不会停下来 be the one that you wanna be做那个你一直都想成为的人now sing this with me 现在和我一起歌唱 You can be just the one you wanna be 只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人 last year i used to dream about this day 去年我还在梦想着有这么一天去年我还在梦想着有这么一天 now Im here Im singing for you 现在这一切都实现,我将为你而唱现在这一切都实现,我将为你而唱 i hope i could inspire you 我希望我能鼓舞你的斗气我希望我能鼓舞你的斗气 Policeman, firefighter or a postman 警察,消防队员,或者是邮递员警察,消防队员,或者是邮递员 Why not something like your old man 为什么不能是像你父亲之类的人呢?为什么不能是像你父亲之类的人呢? Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师,还是歌手? Why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不能是当总统呢,要成为一个梦想家 You can be just the one you wanna be 只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人 coz Ive got all the love, 因为我得到了所有的爱,因为我得到了所有的爱,coz Ive got all love for you得到了你赐予我所有的爱得到了你赐予我所有的爱 You can be just the one you wanna be 只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人 译林版小学英语五下译林版小学英语五下To be a good doctorUnit 4 ( Fun time 、sound time &cartoon time )Be what you want to be. doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师,还是歌手? why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不能是当总统呢,要成为一个梦想家 you can be just the one you wanna be 只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人 police man, fire fighter or a post man 警察,消防队员,或者是邮递员 why not something like your old man 为什么不能是像你父亲之类的人呢? you can be just the one you wanna be 只要你想,你就能成为你想做的人 CharlieTo be a doctor .To be a good doctor1、Know sth about the illnesses. 2、know how to help the patient (怎样看病) eat ice creamwatch TVhave a feverhave a headachehave a toothachedrink warm waterTips:大声大声读出你所看到的图片或词组读出你所看到的图片或词组have a coldhave a cough Read and judgeRules(游戏规则游戏规则): 如果你认为是如果你认为是对对的的,就,就说说Yeah, Yeah, Yeah . 如果你认为是如果你认为是错错的的,就,就说说 No, No, No . 1.You should drink warm water.2.You should eat many sweets.3.You should take some medicine .4.You shouldnt brush your teeth.5.You should have a rest and eat many ice creams.同桌对话同桌对话 A : Whats wrong with you ? B: I have a .What should I do, doctor?A: You shouldnt You should 加上动作哦!加上动作哦! Several years later, Charlie grows up,(长大以后)he becomes a good doctor.(他成了一名好医生。)Is he a good doctor?Watch and answerIs he a good doctor?giraffe a long neckListen and answer (听一听,答一答听一听,答一答)hurthurts受伤受伤Whats wrong with them?Who are they?Monkey cant .Elephant cant .Rabbit cant .Read and circle(读一读,圈一圈读一读,圈一圈)Giraffe cant想想象一下象一下Maybe Bobby is not a good doctor.But hes.a good boy!1.Lets read after tape.注意读出注意读出病人病人的语气的语气 !1.Lets read after tape.以五人小组为单位,表演对话。以五人小组为单位,表演对话。Try to actTips:1. 带书表演得带书表演得2. 不带书表演得不带书表演得3. 不带书表演,加入自己不带书表演,加入自己语言,并且表演自然流畅语言,并且表演自然流畅得得Tips:1.No Chinese.(不要说中文不要说中文) 2.No Chatting.(不要聊天)(不要聊天) 3.No Wasting time.(不要浪费时间)(不要浪费时间)A- MonkeyB-RabbitC-ElephantD-BobbyE-GiraffeOthers- narrator(其他人其他人) (旁白旁白)What do you want to say?You should You shouldntDoctor Charlie says: Dont watch TV too much. Dont drink too much. Dont eat chicken too much. Check your body every year.Checkchickenmuchwatch/t / 单词中都含有什么?单词中都含有什么? Charlie is sitting on a . Eating chicken for his lunch.He likes Chinese food very much. .Hes going to China in .benchMarchLearn to read chooserichTry to spell _ _ i p e a _ _ _ a_F r e n _ _hcccchhht薯片薯片相互相互法语法语聊天聊天You should drink water and do more exercise.Doctor Charlie says to you:You shouldnt read books like this.You should wash hands before meals.You shouldnt eat too many snacks.You can be more healthy!(健康)!(健康)1.Make a new dialogue between the doctor and you in the hospital2. Read Cartoon time 3 times.3. Try to recite Cartoon time. Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 第三课时(Fun time/Sound time/Cartoon time)教学内容:教学内容:Fun time Sound time Cartoon time教学目标:教学目标:1.学生了解 ch 的发音,会读含 ch 发音的单词,会读小诗,培养见词能读的能力。2. .听懂会读卡通部分单词 hurt, should, have a rest, point at。3. 根据发音,拼出带有 ch 字母的单词,培养学生听音能拼的能力。4 了解卡通大意,理解卡通要表达的人文思想。5.在理解卡通大意的基础上,试着表演卡通,体会其中的幽默诙谐之处。6.灵活运用第四单元的目标句型,对话交流培养学生的综合语言运用能力。教学重难点:教学重难点:1.学生了解 ch 的发音,会读含 ch 发音的单词,会读小诗,培养见词能读的能力。根据发音,拼出带有 ch 字母的单词,培养学生听音能拼的能力。2.灵活运用第四单元的目标句型,对话交流培养学生的综合语言运用能力。3. 听懂会读卡通部分单词 hurt, should, have a rest, point at。了解卡通大意,理解卡通要表达的人文思想。教学准备:教学准备:Ppt,动物头饰教学过程:教学过程:Step 1 Warming up 吸引注意,积累语言1、Enjoy an English song first. There are many jobs in the song, try to find out.What jobs can you hear in the song?Doctor/actor/singer/policeman/firefighter.2、What do you want to be?I want to be a teacher/doctor/nurse/cook 3I have a friend ,look ,hes Charlie, Charlie wantsto be a doctor ,because he wants to help sick people .But how to be a doctor?(通过流行歌曲 Be what you wanna be?来热身,进入轻松愉快的学习状态,引导学生说一说将来想要做什么?涉及到 5A 职业类单词的表达,复习之前所学是最好的课堂打开方式!接着,引出本节课的主人公 Charlie,为接下来的环节做好铺垫。)Step2 复习疾病类单词和目标句型,为 fun time 的学习打下基础。1、To be a doctor,we should know sth. about illnesses. Look, speak out the pictures and phrases loudly. Lets do with Charlie. Great! You have sharp eyes!2、Charlie knows the illnesses ,he can judge and give advice. Lets do with him. Read and judge. Say yeah ,yeah, yeah , or no .no .no . 1. You should drink warm water. 2 You should eat many sweets. 追问:What shouldnt we do?3、You should take some medicine .4、You shouldnt brush your teeth. 追问:What should we do?5. You should have a rest and eat many ice creams. 追问:What shouldnt we do?(运用两个游戏来复习上节课的知识点,疾病类的单词和看病时候给出的建议,在复习旧知的基础上引导学生开口说英语,独自思考,给出合适的建议。在这些环节,如果学生反应迅速正确的话,给予针对性的口头奖励,you have quick minds. You did a good job ! Well done!)3、To be a doctor, we should know how to help others.If you are a doctor, what can you do ?how to ask the patient?Whats wrong with you?/ Whats the matter with you?.(板书)Maybe the patient will say.I have a headache/toothache/fever/cold/cough/.(板书)The doctor will give advice, you can say“You should have a rest/drink water/brush your teeth/take medicine/”“You shouldnt drink cold water/eat many sweets/sleep too late/eat too much ice cream”(板书 You should You shouldnt)(主人公 Charlie 想当医生,思考如何成为一名好医生?从两方面来回答:1.认识疾病 。2,会看病。以游戏的方式复习疾病类单词和短语的表达,读一读 Charlie 给的建议,判断是否合理接着,模拟情景问答,如何看病?板书看病时医生使用的目标语言,从短语到句子,从句子到对话,依依复习,分层导入,为 Fun time 的口头输出做好充分的准备。)Step3.Fun time 情景操练,培养学生的综合语言运用能力Look ,there are 4 pictures, cough/toothache/headache/cold. Do a role-play. One is the doctor, the other is the patient.图 1:师生示范。 Picture 1 is about cough. Im the patient, who can be the doctor?Hello, doctor , nice to meet youNice to meet you, too.Whats wrong with you?I have a cough.Oh, you shouldnt eat ice cream. You should drink warm water and take some medicin-e.Oh, thank you, doctor.Boys and girls ,when you do the role-play, try to use your body language to make your play more vivid!分别完成剩下的三幅图画,鼓励跳出 fun time 的例子,自己创编对话。过渡语:You are good doctors!So is Charlie .Several years later, Charlie grows up, he becomes a good doctor!(鼓励学生运用各种语言来表达,口头语言和肢体语言并用,使得对话更加生动形象,有活力!学生可以结合实际情况,可以运用 earache/backache 等词来创编新对话,扩大Fun time 的操练范围。)Step4. Cartoon time 理解卡通大意,体会诙谐之处。1. Is Bobby a good doctor?(由此进入 cartoon time 的教学)Lets watch and answer.T: Yes, he is./No ,he isnt. May be you are right. After a while, you can get the right answer. (教师此时不忙于揭示答案,留下一个悬念,吸引学生再读课文)2Boys and girls, in the cartoon, you can see some sick animals, yes? Who are they? Do you remember them? Monkey ,rabbit ,elephant , the tallest one is a giraffe.学习 giraffe. 3、Whats wrong with them? Listen and answer(注意模仿小动物的语气)Monkeys arm hurts. Rabbits ear hurts.Elephants nose hurts.Giraffes neck hurts. 学习 hurt,hurt,hurt,hurts.演一演,板书总结小动物的情况。Oh ,Im the monkey, my arm hurts. How about the rabbit/elephant/giraffe?(鼓励学生模仿老师的语气和动作,演一演。)4.The animals are poor, so Bobby helps them, but after a while ,how are they now?(Read and circle)读一读,圈一圈,圈出关键词。The monkey cant write.The rabbit cant hear well. The elephant cant eat or drink. Maybe Bobby isnt a good doctor. But he is a good boy! Do you agree with me? (挖掘卡通板块的人文素养,虽然在 Bobby 帮助之后,小动物们没有好转,但是 Bobby 乐于助人,他是一个热心的男孩!同样值得我们赞扬!)5、Reading time. Read after the tape. Read together. Read by yourselves.6、Acting time. Please try to act the story with5 and follow the rules : No Chinese, No chatting, No wasting time !I can act first. Im Bobby. Who can be the monkey, rabbit, elephant ?7、If you are the doctor now, what do you want to say to the poor animals? Have a rest, drink warm water(卡通板块从看动画了解大意,到听录音,读对话,了解细节之处。读演并重,课堂上学生精彩的语音模仿,生动活泼的对话表演有效地避免了卡通部分教学中容易出现的分析卡通的弊端,把卡通演绎的活灵活现, 幽默诙谐之处体现的淋漓精致!)Step5.语音板块,感知 ch 的发音,积累提高拼读能力。1、But Doctor Charlie says: Dont watch TV too much.Dont drink too much.Dont eat chicken too much.Check your body every year. Watch Check chicken much ch / t /2、Learn to read. March, bench, rich, choose3、Try to read the poem in the sound time. 4、Read with the music5. Read in roles.6. Try to spellchip 薯片 each 相互 French 法语 chat 聊天(从 Doctor Charlie 给的四条建议来引出四个含有 ch 字母的单词,从情境中引出来,可以帮学生加深 ch 发音的理解。然后,学一学,试着读一读, March, bench, rich, choose,略有难度的新词,在教师的半扶半放中展开学习,学生掌握见词能读的能力。紧接着,在韵律感十足的小诗中再次操练语音板块,起到巩固的目的,最后检验 ch 发音学得效果如何?听老师读,学生自主拼出来。整个环节设计依托情景展开,从扶到放,阶梯式的任务难度,学生通过不断的尝试,挑战,培养着学生见词能读,听音能拼的能力,在日常的教学中,做个会积累的有心人,逐渐培养孩子的拼读能力。)Doctor Charlie says to you: You should wash hands before meals. You shouldnt eat too many snacks. You should drink water and do more exercise. You shouldnt read books like this. You can be more healthy!(健康)Step6.Write and shareGive some advice to your classmates,write down and share。(本节课的人文思想得到了进一步的升华,帮助别人,提出好的建议贯穿始末。由 Doctor Charlie 给生病的小动物提出建议,再给同学们提出宝贵的建议,最后鼓励学生,相互之间分享一些健康生活的好建议,课堂中的德育部分在静悄悄地进行着!)Step7.Homework1. Make a new dialogue between the doctor and you in the hospital2. Read Cartoon time 3 times.3. Try to recite Cartoon time. 板书设计板书设计Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 第三课时How to see the doctor: Who Whats wrong? How?Whats wrong with you? Monkey arm hurts cant writeWhats the matter? Rabbit ear hurts cant hear well Elephant nose hurts cant eat or drinkI have a headache/toothache/cold/ feverGiraffe neck hurts cantYou shouldYou shouldn,t.
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