Unit 5 Helping our parents-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:653c2).zip

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Lets sing and danceLets sing and danceLets learnWhats the picture book about?Read and coverRead and findGuess the meaning of the new wordsfrom the picture.结合课本猜测生词意思 ? ? ? ? ?Dear mother!Read and find animal mothers.快速读并找到绘本中提及的动物妈妈们Read and findGuess the meaning of the new wordsfrom the picture.结合课本猜测生词意思 ? ? ? ? ?Dear mother!Read and find animal mothers.快速读并找到绘本中提及的动物妈妈们Read and findFind the key words.(再读,找出表示“妈 妈们”特点的关键词或词组)Mother! Dear mother!Guess the meaning fromwhat you know.根据已知经验猜测生词意思Help each other. 或者互相帮助Read and findFind the key words.(再读,找出表示“妈 妈们”特点的关键词或词组)Mother! Dear mother!Guess the meaning fromwhat you know.根据已知经验猜测生词意思Help each other. 或者互相帮助Read and findfunny tall jump farRead and findstern & kind beautiful & elegant swim fast & smartgiant & gentle fashionable Her babies dont like her.Her babies want to be like her.Lets act This is my mother.She looks stern.But she is kind to me.Lets act This is my mother.She looks stern.But she is kind to me.Lets act This is my mother.She looks stern.But she is kind to me.Lets read 161718192021222324252627试着再读,关注反复出现的句子并按照你的想法回答最后一句问题Lets read Whats your mother like? Does a have mother too?Sure./Of course./Yes./Right.Ahas a mother too.Just like you and me.She And my mother (Because)She(And/But)I know she loves me.Think and say.1. Read the picture book with your parents.2. Make a poem for your parentsHomeworkThankThank you you!连云港师专二附小教育集团 吴敏1Mother! Dear Mother! Teaching material analysis 教材分析教材分析这是一节阅读教学课,选自小学英语分级绘本跟上兔子五年级第 1 季。本节课的教学内容是关于学生们喜欢的各种动物,话题是 The animals mothers(动物的妈妈们) ,通过阅读激发学生学习的兴趣,进行阅读技能和策略的指导,突出信息的交流和互动,促进听说技能,发展读写技能,在教学中以旧引新,降低学习难度,不断循环复现,帮助学生积累巩固,提高学生的综合运用语言的能力。Design concept 设计理念设计理念在教学中,主要采用任务型教学和情景式教学相结合。 “任务型”课堂教学模式是将英语的教学目标整合到一个或多个具体的活动任务当中,使学生在使用英语完成任务的同时,在不知不觉中学会英语,更主要的是培养学生在完成任务的过程中提高运用英语的学习的能力。另外,通过让学生跟读模仿,猜测人物话语,体会卡通中不同人物的心情感受,为学生创设较为真实的语言情景,让学生运用所学的知识,激起学生用语言表达的欲望。Students analysis 学情分析学情分析本课时主要是介绍学生们喜欢的各种动物,因此在教学中教师应尽量为学生创设真实情境,这样学生对于本节课的话题才有兴趣,并且能够培养学生的语感和学习习惯。Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容小学英语分级绘本五年级第 1 季 Mother!Dear Mother!Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 能够听说读写本课重点词汇和句型,并能在实际生活中灵活运用。22. 能理解课文大意,从文本中获取信息,增强对文本的理解、分析的能力,促进学生思维的发展。3. 能够掌握一定的阅读方法和阅读策略,初步养成按意群阅读的习惯。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:教学重点:教学重点:1.能正确理解阅读文本内容,能够听,说,读,写句型: Does a have mother too? Sure./Of course./Yes./Right. Ahas a mother too. Just like you and me. She 2.能读懂相当难度的文章,并尝试用重难点句型进行类似描述。教学难点:教学难点:1.能正确理解阅读文本内容,能够听,说,读,写句型: Does a have mother too? Sure./Of course./Yes./Right. Ahas a mother too. Just like you and me. She Teaching aids 教学准备教学准备PPT,板书,卡纸,表演头饰Teaching procedures 教学过程:教学过程: (一一)Warming upStep 1 GreetingStep 2 Enjoy a song: Try everything【设计意图:简单亲切的问候和歌曲的吟唱,不仅帮助学生迅速地进入英语学习状态,而且拉近了师生间的距离,营造了轻松愉快的教学氛围让学生站3起来,运用 TPR,使学生动起来,有效地组织英语课堂学习,活跃课堂气氛。 】(二)(二)Pre-readingStep 1: Lets talkT:Which animal do you like best? WhyS: Step 2: Read and coverT: Please guess what is this picture book about?S: 【设计意图:通过讨论学生在动画中喜欢的动物活跃了课堂气氛,发散了学生思维,唤起学生已有的知识经验,在情感交流中了解学生对知识的掌握,为后面的阅读预设问题做好铺垫。 】(三)(三)While-readingStep 1: Read and findT: Please read and find animal mothers. If you dont understand the words, you can guess according to the pictures.【设计意图:本环节让学生找出文中的动物妈妈们,指导学生快速阅读(skimming) ,在阅读的过程中整体把握课文脉络,了解本课内容梗概。激发学生的阅读兴趣,引起学生探究的欲望。 】Step 2: Read and findT: Please read and find the key words for each of their mothers. (三分钟阅读)4T: The key words for the penguins mother. What is it?S1: Funny.T: Why?S:【设计意图:学生带着更深一步的问题阅读文本(Scanning) ,发挥学生的自主学习和探究意识,引导学生思考,进一步搜集并获取具体信息,并划出关键词,回答相关问题,将阅读推向深入。 】Step 3: Lets actT: I want you to act. Im the lions mother. Who want to be my baby?(表演)T: So You can choose one kind of animal and act. One baby and one mother.【设计意图:小组合作,表演故事。引导学生发挥想象,加上动作,创造性地表演自己喜欢的动物特征,培养学生运用语言的能力。 】Step 4: Lets read【设计意图:本环节通过听录音模仿朗读,感受文中动物妈妈们对孩子们的爱,激发学生们的亲情感,也增强语感。 】Step 5: Lets read againT:This time,lets read it again and pay attention to the repeating sentences. Then think about your mother and try to answer the last question according to what you think.【设计意图:再次阅读文本,让学生带着对自己妈妈的感受去阅读文本,学生的情感得到了升华,更加激发孩子们的亲情感。 】5(四)(四)Post-readingPost-readingStep 1: Think and sayT: Boys and girls, whats your mother like? Think about your mother and try to say like a poem. You can talk with your friends. 【设计意图:通过前面的阅读和讨论,丰富了学生的语言,教师为学生提供了基本的创作框架,逐步提高,降低了难度。通过自我描述妈妈在生活中对自己的爱,渗透德育,培养学生关心家人的优良品质。 】(五)(五)HomeworkHomework1.Read the picture book with your parents.2.Make a poem for your parents板书设计:Mother! Dear mother!penguingiraffekangaroolionswandolphinelephantfoxfrogbutterfly
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