Unit 5 Helping our parents-Sound time, Song time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:0020a).zip

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五下五下 Unit5 Helping our parents(Period3)Do a survey: 你和你的好朋友会帮父母做哪些家务呢?记得用好现在进行时噢!记得用好现在进行时噢!1、在表格第一栏中记录下自己做的家务2、在表格第二栏中记录下好朋友做的家务A:What are you doing in the morning/ afternoon/ evening?B: Im NameIn the morningIn the afternoonIn the eveningIHelping our parents勤劳的你和同学一定帮父母做过很多家务吧,赶紧记录下来吧,比一比谁做的家务活最多?记得用好现在进行时哦!记得用好现在进行时哦!Its . Our parents are busy. We are helping them. In the morning, We are , but so . clean the car/table make the bed sweep the floor wash clothes/the dishesmop the floor 拖地 dump the rubbish 倒垃圾 cook breakfast/lunch/dinnerclean the window 擦窗 feed the dog 喂狗 put things in order 把东西放整齐kitchen bedroom garden study 书房 garage 车库bathroom 卫生间 living room/sitting room 客厅 dining room 餐厅 Unit 5 Helping our parents(Sound time & Cartoon time) I can read, understand and act the cartoon .I know the sound of ing.I can use am/is/are doing to ask and answer. Rules:When you see the pictures, please say the phrases out and do the actions!请大声说出图片表示的词组并做出相应的动作哦!What are they doing? They areWhat is he/she doing? He/She is同桌同桌一起,讨论这一起,讨论这两幅图两幅图中的人中的人物物正在正在做的事情,注意做的事情,注意人称人称哦!哦! In the _, I like to _ And watch the flowers_. In the _, I like to sit And listen to the wind _. singgrowingmorningeveningblowinginginginginginging/i/grow 种植种植四人四人一组,选择你喜欢的方式朗读,一组,选择你喜欢的方式朗读,注意注意节奏节奏哦!哦!blow 吹吹注意节奏哦注意节奏哦!ing/i/Can you name some more words?你能想出更多你能想出更多类似的类似的单词吗?单词吗?四人四人一组讨论后一组讨论后写在卡片写在卡片上上。bring 带来带来你能根据发音规律读出下面的单词吗?你能根据发音规律读出下面的单词吗?In spring, the butterflies dance with wings.sting 蛰、叮蛰、叮ring 戒指戒指dumpling 饺子饺子Bobbys garden(果园果园)Listen and answer What is Bobby growing there? He is growing grapes in the garden.Cartoon TimeCartoon TimeAfter about three months, the grapes are ripe.Watch and answerWho comes to Bobbys garden?Then, come.birdlaFirst, come.dyte瓢虫Cartoon Timep害虫estrAre they good or bad? Why? Are the pests good or bad? Why?What are you doing here?Were eating your grapes.They are so sweet. What are the pests doing ?What are the ladybirds doing?Are the ladybirds good or bad? Why?What are you doing?Were eating your grapes.They are so sweet.Why do ladybirds eat grapes ?ThinkThink andand saysay ladybird是指瓢虫。瓢虫是一种体色鲜艳的小型昆是指瓢虫。瓢虫是一种体色鲜艳的小型昆虫,两鞘翅上有红、黑或黄的斑点。瓢虫的种类很多,虫,两鞘翅上有红、黑或黄的斑点。瓢虫的种类很多,不同种类的瓢虫习性也各有不同。不同种类的瓢虫习性也各有不同。 本单元里的本单元里的ladybird是十星瓢虫,十星瓢虫一植物是十星瓢虫,十星瓢虫一植物的嫩芽和叶子为食,尤其喜欢葡萄等植物,是害虫。的嫩芽和叶子为食,尤其喜欢葡萄等植物,是害虫。Bobby grows grapes in his garden.My grapes are big and .Cartoon TimeRead and imitate 模仿录音,比一比谁能读出模仿录音,比一比谁能读出Bobby在在故事中故事中变化曲折的心情和变化曲折的心情和语气。语气。sweetA. 糖果 B. 甜的There are some pests on the grapes.What are you doing here?Were eating your grapes. Theyre so sweet.Cartoon TimeRead and imitate 模仿录音,比一比谁能读出模仿录音,比一比谁能读出Bobby在在故事中故事中变化曲折的心情和变化曲折的心情和语气。语气。Then, some ladybirds come.We can help you!Thank you!Cartoon TimeRead and imitate 模仿录音,比一比谁能读出模仿录音,比一比谁能读出Bobby在在故事中故事中变化曲折的心情和变化曲折的心情和语气。语气。The pests go away, but the ladybirds do not.What are you doing?Were eating your grapes. Theyre so sweet.Cartoon TimeRead and imitate 模仿录音,比一比谁能读出模仿录音,比一比谁能读出Bobby在在故事中故事中变化曲折的心情和变化曲折的心情和语气。语气。Six students in a group, read in roles 六人一组,分角色朗读六人一组,分角色朗读挑选你喜欢的角色,给动画配音吧!挑选你喜欢的角色,给动画配音吧! My grapes are big and sweet(甜的甜的).What else can he say?.Im so happy.I can pick some for my parents.1342小小组组之之间间讨讨论论一一下下他他们们还还会会说说些些什什么么呢?呢?What else can they say?What else can they say?What are you doing here?Were eating your grapes.They are so sweet.Dont eat my grapes!Go away! Go away!No! We dont want to go.2We can help you!What else can they say?Thank you!Dont worry!You are so nice/good/kind!Go away! Go away!3What else can they say?What are you doing?Were eating your grapes.They are so sweet.angry /puzzled疑惑疑惑I dont need you.What should I do?4Im so happy.I can pick some grapes for my parents.Go away! Go away!Dont eat my grapes.What should I do?Go away! Go away!I dont need you!You are very nice.Dont worry. Go away! Go away!No. we dont want to go.六人六人一组,表演对话一组,表演对话1、If you can act this cartoon, you can get 能够能够初步初步表演对话得一颗星表演对话得一颗星2、If you can act vividly, you can get 能够能够生动有趣生动有趣地表演得两颗星地表演得两颗星3、If you can add more sentences, you can get 能够能够加入更多加入更多的语言,并的语言,并生动有趣生动有趣地表演得三颗星地表演得三颗星I can use am/is/are doing to ask and answer.I know the sound of ing.I can read, understand and act the cartoon.How many stars can you get?Cartoon Timehappyangrysurprised(惊讶的)happyThe grapes are . Some _ are eating grapes.pestsSome _ come.ladybirdsThe pests go away(离开)The ladybirds are . big and sweetCartoon Timeeating grapesTo be continued 未完待续Cartoon TimeCartoon TimeEnjoy more books!根据中文,补全句子。根据中文,补全句子。1.我的葡萄又大又甜。我的葡萄又大又甜。 My grapes_big and_.2.害虫走了,但是瓢虫没有走。害虫走了,但是瓢虫没有走。 The pests_ _, but the ladybirds_.3.我们正在吃你的葡萄。我们正在吃你的葡萄。 We_ _ your grapes.4.你能帮助我们。你能帮助我们。 You can _ _.5.她正在干什么?她正在干什么? What_ she_?aresweetgoawaydontareeatinghelpusisdoingRoses given, fragrance in hand. 赠赠人玫瑰,手留余香!人玫瑰,手留余香!1、 Preview Song time and Checkout time ;2、 Stick the cards on the wall and read the words ;3、 Act Cartoon time with your friends after class.Unit 5 Helping our parents (Period 3) 一、教学内容 :Cartoon time& Sound time二、教学目标:1.掌握单词 grow , garden ,sweet ,pest ,ladybird , go away2.理解短文大意,大致了解昆虫的知识。3.能有感情的表演故事,语音语调正确、自然。4.能续编故事。5.能通过情景交流能熟练运用现在进行时来描述正在发生的动作。6.能正确理解、朗读 Sound time 中的句子。7.学生能了解 ing 在单词中的发音。三、教学重点:1.掌握单词 grow , garden ,sweet ,pest ,ladybird , go away2.理解短文大意,大致了解昆虫的知识。3.能正确理解、朗读 Sound time 中的句子。7.学生能了解 ing 在单词中的发音。四、教学难点:1.能通过情景交流能熟练运用现在进行时来描述正在发生的动作。2.能续编故事。3. 能有感情的表演故事,语音语调正确、自然。五、课前准备1.教具准备:多媒体课件,单词卡片等。2.板书准备:预先写好课题 Unit 5 教学过程课前 Sing a song: Monkey monkey, what are you doing?Step 1 warming up 1.Play a game: Yes or No.2. Play a game: I say, you say.配上动作说Step 2 Sound time1.PPT 出示图片部分 T: Look, what is the girl doing? Sing Look at the sun. in the morning or in the afternoon? Morning Which season? Spring How do you know? Flower Yes, spring brings us flowers. Bring The flowers are growing growing 换场景 in the evening evening听 The windy is blowing blowing2.T: Can you choose the right words to finish the sentences. Sing Morning Spring Flower Bring evening blowingIn the _, I like to _ And watch the flowers_. In the _, I like to sit And listen to the wing _.3.Listen and read 4. Think and sayT: Can you find the same pronunciation? (1)-ing /i/(2)Read morning, sing , growing , evening , blowing .(3)Do you know some other words that contain(包含) -ing? (4)Can you read these words that contain the letter “-ing? 老师说前面的部分Run swim study look read eat eatingStep 3 Cartoon time 1. PPT 出示图 T: Look,What is Bobby doing?S: He is eating grapes.T: Bobby grows grapes in his garden. 教授 grows grapes, garden.用 grow 组词。 T: How are his grapes? S:T: His grapes are big and sweet. So he is happy.what is he saying?S: Listen and read2. Watch and answer:T: Bobby is eating the grapes in his garden. Who are in his garden too? First, the pests come. Then, the ladybirds come.教授 pest(desk), ladybird (late, study) 3.PPT 出示图 T: The pests are eating grapes .How about Bobby now?S: He is angry.S: What are you doing here?T: Who wants to be the pests?S: We are eating grapes . They are so sweet .Listen and read 4.T: The pests are eating the grapes in Bobbys garden. Who can help him? S; Ladybirds. T: The ladybirds says: S: We can help you. T: How is Bobby now? S: He happy again. T: He says:. S: Thank you.5.看图 T: Look, the pests go away. 教授 go awayT: the pests go away. But the ladybirds do not. What are they doing in the garden?PPT 出示图 T: They are eating grapes, too. How is Bobby now? S: Angry and confused. T: Who wants to be Bobby/ ladybirds? S:6.T: Can you say something about the story? Happy angry happy angry7.Imitate pay attention the emotion8. Read in roles9 分角色 Narrator, Bobby, ladybirds, pest T: Bobby is angry ,But the story isnt finished.To be continued Can you imagine what will happened then? 10. T: Its your turn to make your ending. discuss in groups. 11. T: Act out your story . Add the actions. Step4 Homework1.Continue writing the story ,try to make a picture album(制作画册) .2. Helping your parents do some housework
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