Unit 6 In the kitchen-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:e0064).zip

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Unit 6 In the kitchen (Period 2)Grammar time & Check out time (Period 2)义务教育教科书 英语五年级下册RepeatLiu Tao wants to help his parents. He wants to cook dinner for his family. Try your best to help your parents.尽可能地多帮助父母,Youll be happy!你会获得快乐!Step1: Shopping timeStep2: Cooking timeStep3: Sharing timeTasksStep1: Shopping timeGame 1Game 1Game 1Buy in the supermarket小提示:快速地说出你看到并想要的食物。Food, Meat & SnacksFruit & VegetablesDrinkscountableuncountablePut in the fridge小提示:快速地将食物分类。(注意不可数和数量的表达)some _ _breadthree eggsleftrightThere is some. in the fridge.There are . in the fridge.There is some bread in the fridge.There is some meat in the fridge.There is some juice in the fridge.There is some milk in the fridge.There are three potatoes in the fridge.There are five tomatoes in the fridge.Thereissomearethreefivebreadmeatjuicemilkpotatoestomatoesin the fridge .GrammarCan you say?谈一谈there be句型的用法。不可数 复数*potato-potatoes ,tomatotomatoes, mango-mangoesThere is some. in the fridge.There are . in the fridge.Exercise1.There is meat in the fridge.2.There is fish in the fridge.3.There are bananas in the fridge.4.There are oranges in the fridge.5.There in the fridge.6.There in the fridge.7.There in the fridge.8.There in the fridge.9.There in the fridge.someafour/somefive/someis some breadare four applesare twelve eggsis some milkis some orange juiceCheckare two cartons of milkare three bottles of orange juiceDo you know? some 既可以修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰可数名词。Eg: some water一些水 some apples一些苹果Step1: Shopping timeStep2: Cooking timeStep3: Sharing timeStep2: Cooking timeGame 1what to cookNow, the children are all helping in the kitchen.小提示:认真观察图片,在30秒内记住每个人在做的事,要回答问题哦!Judgecleaning the table.washing the dishes.No, he isnt.Yes, she is.No, he isnt.Yes,they are.Q1:Iscooking meat?Q2:Iscooking some vegetables?Q3:Iscooking fish?making salad?Q4:AreS1: Is ? S2: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.S2: Are ? S1: Yes, they are. No, they arent.Ask & answerhow to look forwhich to chooseTaotao, are you looking for some? 什么水果? 什么蔬菜?Are you looking for some potatoes? No, Im not.Are you looking for some tomatoes? Yes, I am.GrammarAreyouIstheytheytheyheheheshesheshecookinglooking formeat with potatoesdinnersome juicesome tomatoes?,YesIIm notamarearentNoisisnt. Be主语 v.ing ?Can you say?谈一谈现在进行时一般疑问句的结构。Step1: Shopping timeStep2: Cooking timeStep3: Sharing timeStep3: Sharing timeNice!I cant wait!Yummy! Mum ,Dad, come here. Look at the nice food . There is some fish. There are two pizzas. Look! My friend Wang Bing is still(仍然)cooking now. Is he cooking fish?No, he isnt. Is he cooking meat?Yes, he is.It smells nice. Dialogue Mum ,Dad, come here. Look at the nice food . There is some . There are . Look! My friend Wang Bing is still(仍然)cooking now. Is he ?No, . Is he ?Yes, .It smells nice. /I cant wait!/Its yummy!Have a tryStep1: Shopping timeStep2: Cooking timeStep3: Sharing timeShare with your family and friends,与家人和朋友分享,Youll be happy!你会获得快乐!Homework2*. Try to help your parents with the housework.1*. Ask and answer “Yes/No” questions about actions.Judgecleaning the table.washing the dishes.No, he isnt.Yes, she is.No, he isnt.Yes,they are.Q1:Iscooking meat?Q2:Iscooking some vegetables?Q3:Iscooking fish?making salad?Q4:AreShare with your family and friends,与家人和朋友分享,Youll be happy!你会获得快乐!Try your best to help your parents.尽可能地多帮助父母,Youll be happy!你会获得快乐!Goodbye!Goodbye!UnitUnit 6 6 InIn thethe kitchenkitchen (Period(Period 2)2) 教学内容:Grammar time and Check out time教学目标:1. Students can communicate with “Yes/No” questions.2. The students can know more about countable nouns and uncountable nouns.教学重难点:Students can coumunicate with “Yes/No” questions.教学准备:Smart教学过程:StepStep 1 1 GreetingsGreetingsStepStep 2 2 RevisionRevisionLiu Taos parents love him so much.They cook nice food for Liu Tao.Do you remember?Ss try to retell the story.(点击图片,呈现 PPS 超链接)StepStep 3 3 GrammarGrammar timetime ,Fun,Fun timetime andand CheckCheck outout timetimeLiu Taos parents cook nice food for him.Liu Tao is so happy!Today Liu Taos parents want to have a party at home.But theyre so busy today!So Liu Tao wants to help his parents with his friends. Look!They have a lot of things to do.First,they should do some shopping.Next,they should do some cooking.Finally,they can share together!1.Shopping time1)Talk about something in the supermarket.Now,lets go to the supermarket and buy some things,OK?What would you like?OK,lets go home and put them in the fridge.Can you put them in order?(Ss work in pairs)2)Show the sentences of Grammar time,and learn them together.Now,lets close the fridge. What is in the fridge?Do you remember ?(Talk with “There is/are”)Look at the sentences of Grammar time.Look at the words,what can you find?(不可数名词,和 is 搭配使用;可数名词复数,和 are 搭配使用。 )3)Show the picture at Page 67,students try to work in pairs.Students talk about the picture and then try to finish the exercise.(Give students a tip:some 既可以用于可数名词,也可以用于不可数名词。)OK,I think you all did a good job during Shopping time.2.Cooking time1)Game 1 Talk about the picture at Page 66.Now,its cooking time.Look,all the children are helping in the kitechen.What are they doing?Can you guess?(Students ask with“Is heshe ?” ) (点击图片下方,呈现提问句型)Listen!You have only 30 seconds,try to remember what they are doing.(点击图片,链接 PPS)Liu Tao wants to make a pizza,he needs a lot of things.Can you ask with“Are you looking for some?”2)Learn the sentences of Grammar time.Look at the sentences,what can you find?(一般疑问句结构:be 动词+主语+V.ing+?) (结合板书,再次巩固。)OK,I think you all did a good job during Cooking time too.3.Sharing time1)Enjoy the nice food.2)Fun timeBut Liu Taos parents arent at home.We should wait for them.What can we do now?Look the children are playing a game.Lets join them,OK? (T-S)(S-S)2)Parents are coming back.Listen,the doorbell is ringing.Look,Liu Taos parents are back.What are they talking ?Lets listen!(点击右下图案,听对话)Can you make a new dialogue?Try to act ,OK?OK,I think you all did a good job during Sharing time.StepStep 4 4 HomeworkHomework:1. Ask and answer “Yes/No” questions about actions.2. Try to cook at home. Unit 6 In the kitchen There is There are Are you looking for some? be 动词 主语 V-ing ?
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