Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:d15b0).docx

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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:d15b0).docx_第1页
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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:d15b0).docx_第2页
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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:d15b0).docx_第3页
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1、1五下五下 Unit4SeeingUnit4Seeing thethe doctor(Story&Culturedoctor(Story&Culture time)time)教案教案Teaching aims1. 能听懂、 会读、 会说 check, dentist, anything, bedtime, brush ones teeth, drink water,eat sweets, have a rest, take medicine, fever, headache, toothache。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 Whats wrong with ?/ have/has a /

2、Whatshould do?/ should 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语询问病情,给不同的病症提出建议。5. 能了解 Centigrade 和 Fahrenheit 的不同,从而了解中西方文化的差异。Learning important points and difficult points1. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。2. 能初步用句型 Whats wrong with ? / have/has a / What should do? / should 询问病情,给不同

3、的病症提出建议。3. 能了解 Centigrade 和 Fahrenheit 的不同,从而了解中西方文化的差异。Teaching preparation自主学习单、PPT、Culture time 华氏度与摄氏度相关微视频Teaching proceduresStep 1 Free talk & lead-in1. T: Boys and girls, today Im your new English teacher, you can call me MissSun. Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: ( Good morning, Miss Sun! )T:

4、 Do you like playing games, boys and girls?Ss: ( Yes! )T: OK. Lets play a guessing game.( PPT 出示相应拼图、图片及描述,指名猜词 hospital, doctor ,dentist 。 )2. Lead in the title:PPT 呈现 Su Hai 与 Mike 缺席的图片,T: Miss Li and her students are having an English lesson, too. But who are notat school today?2( Ss: Mike and S

5、u Hai.)T: Why arent they at school?( Because they are ill. They are seeing the doctor. )T: Today we will learn Unit4 Seeing the doctor.(引出课题,张贴课题并朗读。)Step 2 Talk about Su Hais illness1. T: Su Hai and Mike are seeing the doctor. Lets go to see Su Hai first.Whatsthe matter with her?( PPT 呈现 Whats wron

6、g with Su Hai? 提示句意与 Whats the matter with SuHai? 相同,然后观看课文前半部分动画,并回答刚刚所提问题。)2. Lets learn more.(当学生回答出 She has a headache.时,引申出与 ache 组合的其它单词,鼓励学生尝试拼读与学习。)3. Read , underline and answer.Q1: How does she feel?( S: She feels)Q2: Why does she have a headache?( S: Because she)Q3: What should she do?( S

7、: She should)( 引导学生快速跳读课文,找出问题的关键信息并划下来,然后回答问题。期间 PPT 出示 should 用法提示。回答完第二个问题 Because she has a fever.后师因势利导询问苏海的体温 Whats Su Hais temperature?引出Culture time华氏度与摄氏度相关微视频的观看与学习,最后由学生做出正确选择。)4. Read after the tape.( Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.)Step3 Talk about Mikes illness1.

8、 Self-study.T: Can you ask some questions about Mike ?( 引导学生根据 Part1 的学习方法,自学 Part2,自主利用刚刚所学句型提问并由学生指名回答。)eg. S1: Whats wrong with Mike?( S: He has a)3S2: Why does he have a toothache?( S: Because he)S3: What should he do?( S: He should)2. Read after the tape.( Pay attention to the pronunciation and

9、 the intonation.)Step 4 Consolidation1. Read and try to retell the story.(According to the mind map on the blackboard and the sentences on the screen.)2. Choose one part to act in pairs.( 同桌任选一个人物进行表演,鼓励学生不带书、正确、有感情并加上表情动作表演。先是师生利用道具师范表演,再到生生表演,循序渐进。)Step 5 Extension: Free clinicT: Look, theyre my s

10、tudents in Grade 6. They dont feel well. Can you help them?( 人机对话根据今天所学知识, 试着询问别人情况 Whats wrong with you?尝试给别人正确的建议 You should/You shouldnt,从而学会帮助别人。)Step 6 Summary & have an emotional education( PPT 出示本节课学习内容,师给出建议和祝福,提示学生不但要照顾好自己, 还要懂得帮助别人, 能够给别人提供有用的建议。 边说边完善思维导图式板书。 )Step 7 Homework1. Read the text fluently.2. Design a mind map about Su Hai or Mike, then according to the mind map, tryto retell Story time.附:附:Blackboard writing


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