Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1351).docx

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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1351).docx_第1页
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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1351).docx_第2页
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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1351).docx_第3页
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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(配套课件编号:c1351).docx_第4页
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1、第第 3 3 课时课时一、教学目标一、教学目标: :1.学生能够掌握字母组合 “ch”的发音,并能灵活运用。2.学生能掌握华氏温度和摄氏温度的知识。3.学生能理解卡通,知道如何帮助他人。二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点:1.学生能够掌握字母组合 “ch”的发音,并能灵活运用。2.学生能掌握华氏温度和摄氏温度的知识。3.学生能理解卡通,知道如何帮助他人。三、教学准备:三、教学准备:课件四、教学设计:四、教学设计:StepStep 1 1 Warming-upWarming-up(1)Free talk:T: Im your English teacher.Do you want to know s

2、omething about me?You can ask like this:Whats your English name?What food/colour/fruit.do you like?What do you usually do at weekends?Step2Step2 PresentationPresentation1.Grammar1.Grammar timetime 的教学的教学(1)RhymeT: Heres a rhyme about me,listen:My name is Jenny.I like blue and I have a blue chair.I l

3、ike eating sandwiches very much.I often eat a chicken leg at lunch.I usually chat on WeChat.T:Here, “ch” says t(2)Look and sayT: Look, the boy likes chicken too.Do you know who is he?Look at the picture,what is he eating for his lunch?What is he sitting on?教授:Charlie chicken bench(长椅,长凳)“Bench” mean

4、s a long seat.T: So can you finish this sentence?_ is sitting on a _,Eating _ for his _.(3)Watch and answerT: Lets watch a video to know more about Charlie.播放视频T: Here are two questions for you.Q1: What food does he like?S: He likes Chinese food very much.Q2: Where is he going in March?教授 March:the

5、third month of a year(出现日历)T: be going to means 将要。T: Now, lets watch again and try to read it.(4) Game:T: Lets play a game: I say you say.(加动作)I saychchyou say tI saychchyou say tchch tchch tI saychchyou say tChangeChange(5)ExercisesT: Do you know any other words with “ch” saying t?学生举例:kitchen chi

6、ld check watch match.T: Do all the words with “ch” saying t?S: No.T: Give me some words.S: Christmas headache schoolT: Here “ch” says ?S: kT: Right. Lets read these words.T: Can you choose some words to finish the sentence?从上面单词中选择补全句子。A_ has a_ .Hes going to_.2 2. .CultureCulture timetime 的教学的教学(1)

7、T: Whos this child? Whats wrong with him? Lets watch Culture time.T:Whats wrong with him?A. coldB. feverT: temperatureF means Fahrenheit 华氏度C means Centigrade 摄氏度1F :one degree Fahrenheit2F :two degrees Fahrenheit102:one hundred and two(2) Watch and judge看微课视频,给出沸水,洗澡水,冰淇淋相应的温度,让学生判断是华氏度还是摄氏度。3.Cult

8、ure3.Culture timetime 的教学的教学(1)梳理文本T: Liu Tao is ill, and he goes to the hospital. Bobby helps in the hospital too.Look, who are they?S: They are Monkey, Rabbit and Elephant.T: Whats wrong with them? Look at the pictures and guess.观察图片并猜测S: May .s .hurts.Watch and check the answersWhoWhereMonkeyarmR

9、abbitearElephantnoseT: What do they sound like? Lets listen and repeat.T: How is Bobby?S: He is very happy to help them.乐于做某事. So Bobby isA. Bobby is helpful.B. Bobby is capable(有能力的).T: What does Bobby do to help them? You can say it in Chinese.S: 缠绷带。T: How do they feel now? Read and underline.who

10、wherefeelMonkeyarmcant writeRabbitearcant hear wellElephantnosecant eat or drinkT: They feel bad or good?S: Bad.T: Lets listen and repeat.T: Look, another patient comes. Who is he? (阴影)S: Giraffe.(长颈鹿)T: Hes ill too. What can he say?S: Can you help me?T: Bobby is helpful, so he says” Sure, whats wro

11、ng with you?”Who can be Bobby, try to be helpful.S: T: Whats wrong with Giraffe?S: His neck hurts.T: Yes, he points at 指 his long neck.(动作)。My neck hurts.Who can be Giraffe?S: T: Now, lets be Bobby together.S: Oh, no!(2)Watch the cartoon.(3)Read after it.(4)Try to act.(5)思考续编T: Why does Bobby say no

12、?S: Because Giraffe is too tall/very high/has a long neck.T: Try to think, what can he do to help?S: Use a ladder/chair/Let Giraffe sit down.T: How is Giraffe now?S: He can only eat but cant drink.He cant breathe now.T: Does Bobbys treatment is right?S: No.T: Try to help others, and help in a right

13、way.What can Bobby do next?S: Ask experienced doctors for help;Study hard and then help others.T: You did a good job today.Step3Step3 TickingTicking time(Howtime(How manymany starsstars cancan youyou get?)get?)1. I know the sound of “ch”.2. I know the differences between F and C.3. I can understand the cartoon and know how to help others in a right way.StepStep4 4 HomeworkHomework必做1. Share the cartoon to your parents.2. Preview Checkout time.选做1. Write down the story you make up.把你编写的故事写下来。板书设计板书设计:


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