Unit 6 In the kitchen-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:a2cab).zip

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Unit 6 In the kitchen Story time译林版小学英语五年级下册About meI am a . I like reading.I am a . I like cooking. I like coffee, I like tea.I like tomatoes, I like potatoes.This is me, Do you like me?Where can you see them?vegetablesAsk and answer你想了解故事的哪些情况?试着用What time, Who, What等提问吧!In the kitchenIt is six oclock in the evening. Liu Tao comes home from a football game. His parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen.Read and learnfootball game重音符号 读清楚、读响亮After the football game, Liu Tao is watch and order( )( )( )A.C.B.watch and order( )( )( )A.C.B.C.B.A.Cooking timeWaiting timeEating time1.2.3.Mum/Dad, are you cooking?Look and ask1.爸爸、妈妈正在做什么菜呢?试着问一问!Read and say : That smells nice, Mum. Are you cooking meat? : No, Im not. Im washing some vegetables. I want to cook some tomato soup. : Im cooking meat with potatoes, Taotao. : Great! I cant wait, Dad. is _. is _.cooking meat with potatoeswashing vegetables仔细朗读下文,找出关键的句子。Diet tip: 饮食建议 Eat more vegetables and less meat. 多吃蔬菜,少吃肉。Read and sayHow is the meat? Guess!Read and sayRead and say_cant : That smells nice, Mum. Are you cooking meat? : No, Im not. Im washing some vegetables. I want to cook some tomato soup. : Im cooking meat with potatoes, Taotao. : Great! I cant wait, Dad. Listen and imitateHe is . He canjuiceistheresanyLook and learnLiu Tao is looking for some _ in the fridge. : Mum, _ there _ apple juice in the fridge? : No, but _ some orange juice.2. 看图片,你能和同伴一起完成填空吗?(每空一词)Liu Tao is looking for some apple juice. But he cant _ it.find A. 寻找 B. 找到 Read and imitateLiu Tao is looking for some juice in the fridge. : Mum, is there any apple juice in the fridge? : No, but theres some orange juice. :Ok. Thank you. 仔细听,你能和电脑分角色读吗?Dinner is ready. Liu Tao is _eating the meat .Look and say3.Look and say他竖起大拇指的意思是想说?Discuss and share : Its yummy, Dad. I love it! Youre a great cook! : How is the meat, Taotao? : How is my soup, Taotao? : Its nice, Mum. I love it too! : _? : _.yummylove 能和同伴编对话吗?注意表情和动作哦!very nicelikevery muchTable manner: 餐桌礼仪 Praise when you eat the tasty dishes. 你在用餐时要赞美菜肴的味道好。Read and practice1. Read after the computer. 跟电脑朗读,模仿人物的语音语调。Listen and imitateRead and practice2. Read by yourself. 自己朗读故事,配上人物的表情和动作。Read and act 4人小组合作朗读 选择你们喜欢的任意一图 注意语音语调,演出表情和动作。1.2.3.Read and act 4人小组合作朗读 选择你们喜欢的任意一图 注意语音语调,演出表情和动作。1.2.3.Ask and answer Who is cooking/washing ? What is doing in picture? How is ? 2.3.1.考考你的同伴吧!问题越多越好! 答出4个问题:You are good! 4个以上问题:You are great!Homework1. Read the story and act in groups. 朗读故事并与小组成员合作表演。 2. Finish “Ask and answer” on p60 of the book. 完成书上60页的对话练习。Goodbye!THANK YOU!UnitUnit 6 6 InIn thethe kitchenkitchen评测练习评测练习课文回顾:课文回顾:A: Hi , Dad. Wheres Mum? B: _ in the kitchen. Shes _ dinner.A: Hello, Mum. I want to _ _ some eggs. _ are they?C: _ in the fridge.A: Thank you, Mum. _ you cooking meat _ potatoes ? C: Yes.A: It _nice. I_ wait.首字母填空:首字母填空:Its S_ today. The students are h_ a PE lesson in the p_. Mr Zhang is their teacher. He is t_ boys how to p_ basketball. Mike can play basketball very w_, but Liu Tao c_. The girls are r_ and j_. How h_ they are!课外拓展:课外拓展:现在是周日晚上,你和家人在干什么呢?请你用“现在进行时”来描绘一下吧。_- 1 -五年级下 Unit6 In the kitchen 第一课时一、教学内容:一、教学内容:Unit6 In the kitchen Story time二、教学目标:二、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)能听、说、读单词 game, smell, meat, vegetables, tomato, potato, look for, ready, yummy, love 等。(2)能正确理解和解读故事内容。2. 能力目标(1) 能正确、流利有感情地朗读故事。(2) 能根据板书复述并谈论故事。3. 情感目标(1) 能树立健康饮食的意识。 (2 ) 能学会欣赏、赞美别人。(2) 能主动参与活动,通过同伴互助学会合作学习。三、教学重点三、教学重点1. 在听故事的过程中理解词汇及句型: Are you doing ?、Yes, I am./No, Im not.、How is the meat/soup/?及正确回答。2. 能够从整体到局部理解故事内容。3. 能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。四、教学难点:四、教学难点: 1. 现在进行时态的一般疑问句。2. 体会人物语言的情感与体验。五、教学准备:五、教学准备: PPT、图片六、教学过程:六、教学过程:(一)热身活动:(一)热身活动:(1) About you and meT: Hello, Boys and girls. I am Miss Yao. Nice to meet you. S:T: Id like to be your friend. May I know your name? S1: I am T: Whats your hobby? S: I like playing football. T: Where do you usually play football? S1: At school. T: Oh! You can play with your classmates in the playground.- 2 -T: What food do you like? S: Hamburgers.T: Hamburgers are nice. But dont eat too many.T: I know something about you. What about me? Listen to my chant!I am a teacher. I like reading. I am a mother. I like cooking. I like coffee. I like tea.I like tomatoes. I like potatoes.This is me! Do you like me?T: What do I like doing? S: You like reading and cooking.T: What drinks do I like? S: You like T: Look, whats this?S: Its a tomato.T: Good! You know the new word. Follow me! To ma totomato some tomatoesT: What about this one? S: Potato T: po ta topotato some potatoesT: Tomatoes and potatoes are vegetables. Here are a lot of vegetables.T: How to read this word? S: tableT: But here we say table. Ve-ge-table-vegetable vegetablesT: Where can we see them?S1: We can see them in the supermarket. T: We always buy some vegetables there.S2: We can see them in the kitchen. T: We cook nice food in the kitchen every day.(二二) 阅读活动阅读活动1. Prereading (1) Ask and answerT: Look, heres a story for you. It happens Ss: In the kitchen.T: This lesson, we are going to learn the story. “ In the kitchen”(读题)What do you want to know about the story. Try to ask with the key words, just like what time, who, what.S: When is it now? ( You want to the time)S: Who are in the kitchen? ( the person)S: Whats in the kitchen? (I guess there are a lot of food)S: What are they doing now?- 3 -T: Oh, you have so many good questions. Listen carefully and try to catch the key words.S: Its six oclock in the evening. (板书 6:00)Liu Tao and his parents are in the kitchen.Liu Taos parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen.(2) Read and enjoyT: Good job! You catch the key words so quickly. When we meet them, we should read clearly and loudly. That is the stress. Can you read? Lets have a try.T: Do you know football game? S: 足球比赛/足球游戏T: Really? Lets enjoy a video first. Look, what are they doing? They are having . S1: They are having a football game. T: We also can say they are having a football match.T: After having a football game, how is Liu Tao? S: He is hungry and thirsty. 2. While-reading (1) 整体阅读T: Absolutely, he is very hungry and thirsty. Whats going on? Lets watch the story and put pictures in order. S: _ _ _T: Thats it. What are they doing in different pictures? They are cooking in p1, so I think it is the cooking time. What about P2 and P3?S: P2 is waiting time/P3 is the eating time.T: Well done. You know the pictures. (2)分步阅读Cooking timeT: Lets start from picture 1. Mum and Dad are cooking now. What are they cooking? Lets ask. Let me ask! Mum, are you cooking fish? More questions?S1: Are you cooking eggs/tomatoes/mushrooms? T: Maybe./Perhaps./I hope so./ I think you like the fish/ I dont think so./ Really?/Lets wait and seeT: What are Dad and Mum cooking now? Read the dialogue carefully and try to catch the key sentence.T: What is Mum doing now? S: She is washing some vegetables.T: How do you know that? Because Mum says Ss: Im washing some vegetables.T: What does she want to do with the vegetables? S: She wants to cook tomato soup.- 4 -T: Look, this is the tomato soup. Now, lets read. Mum, are you cooking meat? Ss: No, Im not. I am washing some vegetables. I want to cook tomato soup.T: Good! Boys, can you ask? Girls answer. Ready? Go! (男女生对话) Now, exchange!T: What is Dad cooking now?Ss: Dad is cooking meat with potatoes.T: Thats it. Dad says Ss: I am cooking meat with potatoes, Taotao. T: This is the meat with potatoes. 教 meat 和 meat with potatoesT: Dad, Dad! what are you doing? Ss: I am cooking meat with potatoes.T: Dad, Dad, (请一位学生) Ss: What are you doing?S1: I am cooking meat with potatoes.T:So nice! Who likes meat?Ss: Me!T: And me. Meat is very delicious, but in a healthy diet, we should eat more vegetables and less meat every day.T: By the way. Dad is cooking the meat. How is the meat? S: Its very nice. T: Are you sure?T: Maybe! Lets listen to Liu Tao. That smells nice.T: This is the meat. Lets smell the meat together. Smell (表情+动作) sm ell-smellSs: SmellT: How is the meat, Taotao?Ss: That smells nice, Mum. T: Very good! I am sure you will love it.T: How is the meat? S1: That smells nice. Mum.T: Well done. The meat smells nice, Taotao. Come and have a look!S: Great! I cant wait. Dad. T: Wow! You read very well. Who can read better? Dont forget your body language? T: But you have to wait. Because it is cooking time now. T: Boys and girls, this is the picure1 , the cooking time. Can you read? When we meet the stress, Please read clearly and loudly. (学生跟读 cooking time)T: As we know, Dad and Mum are busy in the kitchen. Mum is Dad is(贴板书)分步阅读Drinking time- 5 -T: But Liu Tao is very hungry! What can he do? I guess he is hungry, he can eat some cakes.S: He can eat/drinkT: Maybe./Good idea/ You have a nice idea. T: What is he doing at the waiting time? Lets go to P2. Can you fill in the blanks with your partner, one blank for one word.Liu Tao is looking for some juice in the fridge.LT: Mum, is there any apple juice in the fridge?Mum: No, but theres some orange juice.LT: OK, thank you.T: Have you got it? T: Do you agree? Yeah. So easy for you. T: Excellent! Taotao is looking for some juice in the fridge. But he cant _ it. Look for meansA. 寻找 B. 找到S: A. 寻找 T: Thats correct. Next, lets ask and answer with the computer. Listen and answer.(人机对话) 板书第二板块分步阅读Eating timeT: After drinking the juice. What is Liu Tao doing now? Lets go on reading. (图)S1: Hes eating the meat/dinner.T: Yes. So dinner is ready. Liu Tao is eating the meat. (领读 ready)T: Look at Taotao. He thumbs- up. What does he say?S1: Its nice, Dad. T: Thank you. Taotao. I am very happy to hear that.S: I love it. T: Oh, thank you! You are so cute.T: Taotao says:Liu Tao: Its yummy, I love it! You re a great cook! T: yummy means nice. Love means like very much. (领读加动作)T: Who can read clearly and loudly. Dont forget your body language.S: Its yummy, I love it! You re a great cook! T: Excellent! You really love the meat. Who can read better? - 6 -S: Its yummy, I love it! You re a great cook! T: Thanks, Taotao. I can teach you how to be a great cook.T: What about the tomato soup? Can you make the dialogue with your partner? Discuss and share.S1: How is my soup?/How about my soup? S2: Its yummy, Mum. I love it too! You are great cook!S1: You really did a very good job.T: Wow! How nice! Listen to the dialogue, please.T: How is my soup, Taotao?S: Its nice, Mum. I love it too!T: I like Taotao very much. Because he is a very good boy. He praises Dad and Mum. Boys and girls. We can learn from Taotao. When you eat the tasty dishes, dont forget to praise and say thank you.T: At the eating time, they enjoy a lot. The meat is yummy and the soup is nice. (第三板块的板书)What a nice dinner! Do you like the story? Me too. Next, reading time! Lets read after the computer. Pay more attention to the intonation and body language.T: Good job! Next, read by yourself.T: In the story, I like P2, because I like orange juice and its so easy. What about you? Work in four, choose one to practice and act out the story.T: Good job. Thanks for your performance. I think you can remember the story now. Let me test you! There are some questions for you. When is it now? Who are in the kitchen? What are they doing now? What is Mum/Dad doing in Picuter1? What is Liu Tao looking for in P2?Who is eating the meat in p3? Does Liu Tao like the meat? (总结板书)T: You know the story very well. Now, its your turn. You can test your partners. Three questions pass, four questions good, five questions very good! T: Excellent! Thank you so much! Thanks for your cooperation. Dont forget the Homework:1. Read and try to act out the story; - 7 -2. Finish the work on p60.七、板书设计:Unit6 In the kitchenCooking timeMum is washing vegetables.Dad is cook meat with potatoes Drinking timeLook forApple juiceorange juiceEating time meat: yummysoup: nice
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