Unit 8 Birthdays-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:325b1).zip

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Unit 8 Birthdays Grammar time and Fun time BrainstormJune firstMothers DayCan you say more?(说同类词)(说同类词)NameBirthdayActivities 活动活动the eleventh of Maythe eighth of AprilWhen is Su Hais/Mikes birthday?birthday is on usually Lets review Lets find on the序数词序数词of 月份月份.birthday is on the of May.birthday is on the of April.eleven theighth小组内读一读句子,你能发现如何表达生日日期吗?小组内读一读句子,你能发现如何表达生日日期吗?firstsecondthirdone 一个一个two 两个两个three 三个三个four 四个四个five 五个五个six 六个六个seven 七个七个eight 八个八个nine 九个九个ten 十个十个fourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtenth基数词(表示个数个数的词)序数词(表示顺序顺序的词) Lets summary你能写一写以下基数词的序数词吗?你能写一写以下基数词的序数词吗?第一第一第二第二第三第三第四第四第五第五第六第六第七第七第八第八第九第九第十第十ve要用要用f f替替八去八去t,九去九去e小组讨论,总结以下基变序的规则。小组讨论,总结以下基变序的规则。eleventwelvefifteeneighteennineteeneleventhtwelfthfifteentheighteenthnineteenth Lets trytwentytwentieth基数词(表示个数个数的词)序数词(表示顺序顺序的词)根据之前的规则,说一说下列词的序数词!根据之前的规则,说一说下列词的序数词!以以y结尾变结尾变ie再加再加thtwenty-onetwenty-firsttwenty-twotwenty-secondtwenty-threetwenty-thirdtwenty-ninetwenty-ninth Lets find 小组讨论,说一说下列基数词是如何变成序数词的。小组讨论,说一说下列基数词是如何变成序数词的。基数词(表示个数个数的词)序数词(表示顺序顺序的词)Tips:Tips:若是几十几,若是几十几, 前基后序前基后序 别忘记别忘记 ! !有时候,为了方便,会把序数词写成缩写形式!有时候,为了方便,会把序数词写成缩写形式!TipsTips:序数词的缩写就是在阿拉伯数字的后面加上序:序数词的缩写就是在阿拉伯数字的后面加上序数词的数词的最后两个字母。读音不变哦!最后两个字母。读音不变哦! Lets learnLets say8 月26 月121 月219 月2010 月195月3两人一组,读一读下列日期,看谁读得两人一组,读一读下列日期,看谁读得又快又准哦!又快又准哦!the 序数词序数词 of 月份月份. Ask and answerWhens your birthday?My birthday is on the. 同桌两人相互问一问对方的生日。同桌两人相互问一问对方的生日。Its on the 6人一组调查组员的生日及做的事情!人一组调查组员的生日及做的事情!When is your birthday? Do a survey Do a reportIn our group,. students have their birthdays in . Xx students have their birthdays in .在日历上圈出父母的生日并想一想你可在日历上圈出父母的生日并想一想你可以为父母做什么呢?同桌说一说!以为父母做什么呢?同桌说一说!Look, this is my mothers/ fathers birthday. Its on _. She/He usually_ on the birthday. I usually _.the seventh of Juneeats a cakehelp her do housework.Work in pairs选词填空。1.1. AprilApril isis thethe _(four,_(four, fourth)fourth) monthmonth ofof thethe year.year.2.2. _(Sunday,_(Sunday, Monday)Monday) isis thethe firstfirst dayday ofof thethe week.week.3.3. A:A: WhatWhat _(day,_(day, date)date) isis itit today?today? B:B: ItIts s Saturday.Saturday.4.4. MyMy birthdaybirthday isis _(in,_(in, on)on) June.June.5.5. SuSu YangYangs s birthdaybirthday isis _(in,_(in, on)on) thethe eleventheleventh ofof May.May. fourthSundaydayinon写出下列单词的缩写形式。写出下列单词的缩写形式。First_First_ second_second_ third_third_ fourth_fourth_Twenty-first_Twenty-first_ twenty-eighth_twenty-eighth_ 1st2nd3rd4th21st28th 根据句意及首字母提示,补全句子。1.The first month(月) of the year isJ_J_._.2. Id like some storybooks as(作为) my birthday p_p_.3. Womens Day is on the e_e_ of M_.M_.4. There are only 28 or 29 days in the month. This month is F_.F_. 5.Tree Planting Day is on the t_t_of March.anuaryresentsightharcharchebruaryebruarywelfthwelfth写出下列日期写出下列日期1.九月二十一日 2.七月十二日 3.三月三十日 4.四月五日 5.在五月八日 6.在六月九日 7.在十二月十一日 8.在八月二日 the twenty-first of Septemberthe twelfth of Julythe thirtieth of Marchthe fifth of Aprilon the eighth of Mayon the ninth of Juneon the eleventh of Decemberon the second of AugustHomework1.1.复习复习GrammarGrammar timetime并完成学案并完成学案08020802【课后巩【课后巩固与拓展】。固与拓展】。2.2.预习预习CartoonCartoon timetime并完成并完成08030803的预习自测。的预习自测。 1Unit 8 Birthdays 单元总备【单元教材分析单元教材分析】 本单元围绕过生日这一话题,通过询问生日的具体日期及在生日里谈论所做的事情展开对话。本单元话题贴近学生的生活实际,教师可通过展开丰富多彩的活动,如“班级生日会”“我的生日我做主”等形式,让学生在真实的情境中理解并掌握本单元的语言知识。 本单元通过 Su Hai 和 Mike 谈论过生日,意在让学生了解中西方文化中不同的生日风俗习惯。学生也可调查自己家人朋友的生日,了解更多的生日活动。学生也可准备自己或家人过生日的照片,课上与大家分享。本单元生日的话题涉及到日期表达法,学生除了要掌握月份还要掌握序数词的用法和构成,为了方便教学,可准备日历。【单元教学单元教学目标目标】1.能听懂、会说、会读单词 eleventh, eighth, hero, together, number, password, fourth, start, fight.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 birthday, April, March, game, July, August, December, play, answer.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 whens your birthday? Its on what do you do on your birthday? I usually4.能知道字母 th 在单词中的读音。【教学重、难点教学重、难点】1. 能听懂,会读,会说,会用 Whens your birthday? 及回答 Its on?;What do you do on your birthday? 及回答 I usually。 能正确理解语篇内容,并能熟练朗读、背诵和表演。2. 能听懂、会说、会读序数词的用法及构成。3. 能理解并掌握序数词的读音和字母 th 的发音规律,熟记例词。4.语音:字母组合 th 在单词中的读音。【课时安排课时安排】4】4 课时课时 第 1 课时:Story time第 2 课时:Grammar time&Fun time 第 3 课时:Cartoon time&,Culture time第 4 课时:Sound time&Checkout time&Ticking time一、一、【词汇词汇】 2四会:四会:1.eleventh 第十一 2.eighth 第八 3.hero 英雄 4.together 一起 5.number 数字 6.password 通关密码 7.fourth 第四 8.start 开始 9.fight.打仗 打架三会:三会:1.birthday 生日 2. hero 英雄 3. play 戏,戏剧 5. answer 答案 6. west 西方的 7. as soon as 一就 8. receive 收到二、二、 【短语短语】四会:四会:1. on the eleventh of May 在五月十一日 2. eat some noodles 吃面条3. have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents 与爷爷奶奶,爸爸妈妈一起吃顿大餐4. play with Kitty the cat 和小猫 Kitty 一起玩 5. have a great time/ have a lot of fun玩得开心6. on the eighth of April 在四月八日 7. have a party 举办一个聚会8. at home 在家里 9. buy a birthday cake 买一个生日蛋糕10. eat the birthday cake together 一起吃生日蛋糕11. play some games 玩游戏 12. in January 在一月13. work in the city 在城里工作 14. tall and pretty 又高又漂亮15. a hero/ many heroes 一个英雄/很多英雄 16. in a play 在一部戏剧里 17. on the door 在门上 18. be good at擅长于19. go in 进入 20. run away 跑走了21. come out from a room 从房间里出来 22. on the sixth of March 在三月六日 23. the first number 第一个数字 三会:三会:1. people in the west 西方国家的人们 2. open their presents 打开他们的礼物3. as soon as 一就 4. see some numbers 看见一些数字5. have the answers 有答案 6. start fighting 开始战斗 7. run away 跑走了 8. after that 那以后9. be easy for me 对我来说很容易 10 Thank you so much! 太感谢你了三、三、 【句子句子】四会:四会:1. When is your birthday?你的生日在什么时候?2. My birthday is on the eleventh of May.我的生日在五月十一日。3. What do you do on your birthday?你在生日时做什么?4. How can I open the door?我怎样才能开门呢?5. Is this the password?这是密码吗?6. Its on the eleventh of May.在五月十一号。7. What a play! 什么情况!三会:三会: 31. Its also Su Yangs birthday.也是苏阳的生日。2. We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents. 我们通常和爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈一起吃一顿大餐。3. People in the West usually open their presents as soon as they receive them.4. Bobby is a hero in a play. Bobby 在一出戏里扮演一个英雄。5. Thats easy for me.那对我来说很容易了。6. Bobby has the answers. Bobby 有答案了。7. They start fighting. 他们开始打了起来。四、四、 【语音语音】th 发/ brother, father, mother, these, they, this发音方式:/ 舌尖轻抵上齿,再送出气流,但须振动声带,并使舌齿互相摩擦。五、五、 【语法总结语法总结】1.本单元生日话题涉及到日期的表达法,学生除了需要掌握月份词汇,还要掌握序数词的构成和用法。关于序数词的教学,5A unit 2 已经学过 first, second, third. 在本单元将引入更多的序数词。首先要学会区分基数词和序数词。表示数目和顺序的词叫做数词。数词又分基数词和序数词,基数词表示数量,序数词表示顺序。 one-first (1st) two-second (2nd) three-third (3rd)four-fourth (4th) five-fifth (5th) six-sixth (6th)seven-seventh (7th) eight-eighth (8th) nine-ninth (9th)ten-tenth (10th) eleven-eleventh (11th) twelve-twelfth (12th)thirteen- thirteenth(13th) fourteen-fourteenth (14th)fifteen-fifteenth (15th) six-sixteenth (16th)seventeen-seventeenth (17th) eighteen-eighteenth (18th)nineteen-nineteenth (19th) twenty-twentieth (20th)twenty-one- twenty-first (21st) twenty-two-twenty-second (22nd) twenty-three-twenty-third (23rd) thirty-one-thirty-first (31st) thirty-two-thirty-second (32nd) thirty-three-thirty-third (33rd)由基数词变为序数词,下面的口诀可以帮助同学们有效记忆。一、二、三,单独记; 4八去 t,九除 e,ve 要用 f 替,整十基数变序数,先把 ty 变成 tie;要是遇到两位数,十位基数个位序。在使用序数词,需要注意以下几点:(1)序数词在使用时,一般加上定冠词 the。 如:the first book / the second floor/ the third floor/ the fourth day(2)序数词之前可以使用形容词性物主代词,但是不能和定冠词连用。如:This is his first time to play football. He is the first student to own a computer in his town.(3)序数词的前面可以加上不定冠词 a/ an, 表示“再一”,“又一”。如:Dont worry, you can have a second try. He needs a third one.(4)请注意编号的表示方法。如:Lesson 1= the first lesson Group 2= the second group Team 3= the third team2. Its also Su Yangs birthday.also 和 too 的意思差不多,都表示“也”。also 多放在主要动词前面,或系动词 be 的后面,有时也可以放在其它位置。too 多用于句尾。注意:在否定句中,不能用 too,需要用 either。如: I am also a student.= I am a student, too. 我也是一名学生。She likes running, too= She also likes running. 她也喜欢跑步。We dont like eating grapes, either. 我们也不喜欢吃葡萄。3. Its on the eleventh of May.用序数词表示日期的时候,需要注意使用正确的介词,并需要关注日期的读法。如:Spring Festival is in January or February. 春节在一月或者二月。(表示一段时间)Halloween is on October 31st. 万圣节在 10 月 31 日。(表示在某一天) 5the thirty-first of October= October the thirsty-first 10 月 31 日the tenth of September= September the tenth 9 月 10 日4. We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents.我们通常和爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈一起吃一顿大餐。介词 with 用法和搭配都比较多,下面总结一下我们已经学过的三点:(1) 和一起,如:I usually draw in the park with my cousin Tim. 我通常和我的堂兄在公园里画画。Liu Tao usually plays football with his friends in the park.刘涛通常与他的朋友在公园里踢足球。(2) 有,带着,如:Our English teacher comes in with a book in her hand.我们英语老师带着英语书走进教室。This is a house with a beautiful garden.这是一个有漂亮花园的房子。(3)使用(有形工具),如:I eat with chopsticks. 我用筷子吃饭。I eat with a knife and fork. 我用刀叉吃饭。5. We have a great time. 我们玩得很开心。have a good time= have a great time= have a wonderful time= have a lot of fun= be happy都可以表示为“玩得开心,过得愉快”,如:We have a good time playing games. = We have a lot of fun playing games.我们玩游戏玩得很开心。6. Bobby is a hero in a play. Bobby 在一出戏里扮演一个英雄。在英语中,不少单词是以 o 结尾的。单词以 o 结尾,变复数有两种变化方法,一部分加 s,一部分加 es。一般来说,以 o 结尾,表示有生命的物体加 es。下面一个小口诀帮助同学们巧记这些词。一个 Negro(黑人),种了 potato(土豆),喜欢 tomato(番茄),爱吃 mango(芒果),是个 hero(英雄)。7. Thats easy for me.那对我来说很容易了。 6Sth. is easy for sb.某事对于某人来说很容易了。如:The Maths homework is easy for me. 数学作业对我来说太简单了。类似的结构: be bad for sb. 对某人有害 be good for sb. 对某人有益8. Bobby has the answers. Bobby 有答案了。answer 既可以作名词也可以作动词。(1)名词 一个答案 an answer 的答案 the answer to (2)动词 回复,答复 回答问题 answer the question 接电话 answer the call9. What a play! 什么情况! What a play!不同的语境,意思不一样。在此 cartoon time 中,当 Bobby 看到从楼里走出一只肥猫时,让他大吃一惊,也非常失望,所以他说了句What a play!表示惊讶的意思,意为“什么情况”。 如果我们对某人的演出表示赞许的话,也可以说 What a play! 意为“多棒的演出啊!”,play 在此是名词,意为“戏剧”。类似的句型有:What a pity! 真可怜!10. They start fighting. 他们开始打了起来。 start doing sth 意为“开始做某事”。表示开始某一动作时,start to do 与 start doing 所表达的意思相同。但 start doing 多用于表示开始一项较长时间或经常性的活动,如:He starts playing piano. 他开始学习钢琴。下列情况下常接不定式,不接动名词(1)主语是无生命的事物,而不是人时。如: The ice starts to melt. 病开始融化了。(2)当 start 用于进行时态时。如:The train is starting to move. 火车开始移动了。(3)当 start 后接表示心理状态或精神活动的动词时。如:Mary started to guess what is in the bag. 玛丽开始猜包里有什么东西了。 7译林版小学英语五年级下册第八单元检测卷译林版小学英语五年级下册第八单元检测卷班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_ 听力部分(听力部分(30 分)分)一、根据你所听到的内容,选出正确的选项。一、根据你所听到的内容,选出正确的选项。 (10 分)分) ( )1 A. birthday B. Friday C. Febuary( )2 A. hero B. here C. there( )3 A. August B. apple C. April ( )4 A. big B. bag C. dog( )5 A. please B. parent C. present ( )6 A. class B. grass C.glass ( )7 A. answer B. ask C. circle( )8 A. fifth B. fifteenth C.five( )9 A.5 月 1 日 B.2 月 10 日 C.2 月 11 日 ( )10A. wait B. kite C. white二、听录音,选出正确的应答。二、听录音,选出正确的应答。 (共(共 5 分)分)( ) 1. A. Its Sunday. B. Its sunny today. C. Its the first of May.( ) 2. A. His birthdays on the Second of November. B. My birthdays on the first of June.C. Her birthdays on the fifth of March.( )3. . Theyre purple. . Theyre red. . Its purple.( ) 4. A. I like a cake. B. Id like an egg, please. C. Yes, Id like a cake.( ) 5. A. Yes, she does B. Yes, he can. C. Yes ,he does.三、听录音,根据所听内容用数字给下列句子排序。三、听录音,根据所听内容用数字给下列句子排序。 (听两遍)(听两遍) (7 分)分)( )Tom usually goes to school with Ben.( )My uncles son is my cousin.( )Do you like Dragon Boat Festival?( )The boy with short hair is my brother.( )Its time for breakfast.( )There are a lot of animals in the zoo. 8( )There are some cakes on the table .四、听录音,补全对话。四、听录音,补全对话。 (8 分)分)Nancy:This is Nancy speaking. that?Liu Tao:This is Liu Tao speaking.Nancy:Oh, Liu Tao . your birthday?Liu Tao: Its the of November. Its coming soon.Nancy:Do you have a birthday ?Liu Tao: Yes, I do.Nancy:What would you like a birthday present?Liu Tao: Two ,please.笔试部分(70 分)五、选择与其余两项不同的读音。五、选择与其余两项不同的读音。 (3 分)分)( )1. A. tea B. teacher C. sweater( )2. A. hear B. pear C. ear ( )3. A. my B. baby C. fly ( )4. A. now B.snow C. show ( )5. A. use B.uncle C.usually ( )6. A. here B. there C.near 六、英汉互译。六、英汉互译。 (5 分)分)1.在星期二 2.吃一些面条 3. 去公园 4. 一件生日礼物 5.七月十日 6. a swimming match 7. some flowers and trees 8.play with the dog 9. tall and pretty 10.have a party 七、七、单项选择。单项选择。 (10 分)分) ( )1. Helens birthday is the 19th of November.A. at B. in C.on ( )2. What would you like a birthday present?A. as B. about C.of ( )3. -What is it today? -Its Monday.A.lesson B. day C. time ( )4. Mrs Black and his family are China now. A. in B. on C. of 9( )5. Mr Wang usually skating on Sundays. A. goes B. goC.going ( )6. -Happy birthday to you! - . A. Nice to see you. B. Thank you.C. All right.( )7.Wang Bing his friends are talking their birthdays. A. to; about B. and; about C.with; about ( )8. - your birthday? - Its on the 1st of January.A. Whens B. How is C. Wheres ( )9.We dont have lessons today. A.some B.any C.a ( )10.Tom,there some juice for you. A. hasB. areC. is八、用所给单词的适当形式填空。八、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (12 分)分)1. Sunday is the (one) day of a week.2. My father (play) basketball every afternoon.3. It is the (five) of October.4. (Jim) birthday is on the first of May.5. Does he (run fast)? Yes, he (do).6. Are there (some ) apples for me?7.Helen like (watch) films?8. The children (have) a running race.9.He (get) up at 6:00 every day,10.Can your father (swim)? 九、按要求完成句子。九、按要求完成句子。(11 分分)1. Yang Ling is visiting Jim. (改为否定句) Yang Ling _ Jim.2. Tom and Jack usually go home together . (改成一般疑问句) Tom and Jack usually home together?3. Her birthdays on the fifth of May .(对画线部分提问) is birthday ?4. Liu Tao is playing the piano . (对画线部分提问) is Liu Tao ? 105. Id like a toy car as a present. (对划线部分提问) would like a present?十、根据中文提示,完成句子,每空一词。十、根据中文提示,完成句子,每空一词。 (14 分)分)1. Tim 在他的生日时候会举行一个聚会。Tim always a his birthday.2. 他们正在讨论本的生日。They Bens birthday.3. 桌上有一只大的生日蛋糕。Theres a on the .4. 迈克,今天星期几? 今天星期五。What today, Mike? Friday.十一、阅读理解(十一、阅读理解(10 分)分)(一)阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写(T) ,错误的写(F) 。 Linda and Ann are classmates.They are American girls . Linda is tall . She has black hair , brown eyes and dark (深色的) skin . Ann is not tall .She has blonde(金色的) hair , blue eyes and fair(白皙的) skin. They both speak English . Linda is twelve years old . She likes dancing . She dances well. Ann is thirteen . She can sing many Chinese songs . They go to school together in the morning,and go home together after school . Lindas birthday is in January . Anns birthday is in September.( )1.Linda and Ann are twins .( )2.Ann has fair skin .( )3.Linda is short . Ann is tall .( )4.Lindas birthday is in September .( )5.Linda likes singing .(二)阅读短文,选择正确答案。Dad: What date is it today, Ben?Ben: Its 10th of September. Oh, tomorrow is my birthday.Dad: Would you like a big cake for your birthday?Ben: Yes, please. Can I have a cake with lots of strawberries?Dad: Sure. Lets put “Happy Birthday, Ben!” on the cake.Ben: Great! Thank you, Dad.Mum: What would you like as a birthday present, dear?Ben: Id like some fish, please. 11Mum: What colour fish would you like?Ben: Id like a blue one and a yellow one, please.Ron: A blue fish! Can I have one too, Mum?Mum: OK, Ron. Ill buy one for you, too.Ron: Thank you, Mum.( )1. Bens birthday is on .A. September 9B. September 10C. September 11( )2. Ben would like a cake with on it.A. applesB. strawberriesC. grapes( )3. Mother wants to give Ben .A. a big cakeB. some fish C. some strawberries ( )4. What colour fish does Ben like?A. Blue and yellow.B. Red and yellow.C. Blue and red.( )5. Ron can have , too.A. a big cakeB. a blue fishC. a yellow fish十二、书面表达十二、书面表达 (5 分)分) 以“My birthday ”为题写一篇作文。要求:描述自己的生日,不少于 5 句话,无语法错误。不要写成对话形式。 _ _ 12参考答案:第八单元达标检测卷参考答案:第八单元达标检测卷听力部分听力部分一、1. Friday
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