Unit 8 Birthdays-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:3127b).zip

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(Cartoon time)What day is it today?Its.What date is it today? (日期日期) Its the_ of_.May29th6月1日 8月12日 10月31日 3月8日the first of Junethe twelfth of Augustthe thirty-first of Octoberthe eighth of MarchLets talk about Su Yangs /Mikesbirthday.Whens? Its on theWhat does she/he do on her/his birthday?Lets talk about our birthday.Whens? Its on theWhat do you do on your birthday? Rules:1. When you see the numbers or the words, read them.2. When you see , please say “ What a play!”Lets playLovely numbers fifty-fourth 3rd 10th twentieth twenty-second11th 9th 1st seventy-sixth 5th twenty-third7th 6th fifteenth8th eighteenthTask 1 :Lets watch and answer. Who runs away ? A. The pig. B. Bobby. Yes ,he can. Is Bobby a hero in a play? Can Bobby open the door ? Whos in the room ? A. A dog B. A cat 英雄英雄Yes, he is.Task 2:Watch and order Bobby sees some numbers on the door. The door opens. Bobby goes in.There is a pig in the house. Bobby has the answers. The pig runs away. Then, a cat comes out from a room. Bobby is a hero in a play.Watch and order Bobby sees some numbers on the door. The door opens. Bobby goes in.There is a pig in the house. Bobby has the answers. The pig runs away. Then, a cat comes out from a room. Bobby is a hero in a play.12345 Task 3: Watch and answer .1.Is this the password? 密码密码 2. Does Bobby have the answers?答案答案 2. Does Bobby have the answers.The first number is six. The second number is three. The third number is also six. The fourth number is two.4+2=9-6=2x3=84=6362?答案答案Yes, he does . The door opens. Bobby goes in. There is a pig in the house. 开始开始战斗战斗Yes, they do .3.Do they start fighting?What is the password?Who does Bobby save(救救)?Task 4:Read and answer Does Bobby win the fighting? 打赢了6362.Yes, he does.Sam.Is Bobby good at Maths?Yes, he is.1. Read together.小组齐读。小组齐读。2. Read by yourself.自己自由朗读。自己自由朗读。 Reading time3 Read in roles.(分角色读分角色读)Choose one way to read the text.Homework:1.听录音,熟读卡通,并表演。2.预习sound time和checkout time。五年级下册译林英语Unit 8 Birthdays教学内容教学内容: :Unit 8 Birthdays(Cartoon time)教学目标:教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:hero, play, number, password, answer, start, fight.2. 能够流利地朗读卡通部分。3. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话教学重难点:教学重难点:学生能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。教学准备教学准备:1.教具准备:多媒体课件等。2.板书准备:预先写好课题 Unit 8。教学过程教学过程:Teaching procedures Step1 Warming up1. Greeting 2. Free talkT:What day is it today? Its.T:What date is it today? Its the_ of_.3.Can you read?6 月 1 日 8 月 12 日 10 月 31 日 3 月 8 日Step2 Revision1.Have a dictation 2. Lets talk about Su Yangs /Mikes birthday.What does she/he do on her/his birthday?3.Lets talk about our birthday.T: Whens your birthday? S1: My birthday is on .T: Whens your birthday? S2: My birthday is on . Step3 Presentation 1.Revision 复习序数词基数词:one two two three four five .序数词:first second third fourth fifth .3. Lets play .Rules: When you see the numbers or the words, read them.When you see , please say “ What a play!”2.教师出示图 1 中的城堡。T: There are some floors in the castle, if Bobby wants to go in, he should do some math, l 出示几道算术题让学生抢答,训练数字的正确朗读和思维发散。3.T: You are really good at Math, I think you can help him. Talk about the pictures阅读故事,理解大意。教师安排学生阅读故事4.Task 1 :Lets watch and answer.Is Bobby a hero in a play? Can Bobby open the door ? Whos in the room ?Who runs away? 5.Task 2:Watch and order6.Task 3: Watch and answer .Is this the password? Does Bobby have the answers?The first number is six. The second number is three. The third number is also six. The fourth number is two.Do they start fighting?4.Task 4: Read and answer:教师设计问题,进一步来检测学生的理解情况How can Bobby open the door? Is Bobby good at Math?Does Bobby open the door How many floors are there?Who does Bobby meet? Who comes from the a room?4. Imitate and remember1)T: This time, lets read the story after the tape. 2)T: Please read loudly by yourselves. 3) Read in roles. 5. Act in groupsStep4.Homework: Read and act Cartoon time板书设计:板书设计: Unit 8 Birthdays (Cartoon time) a hero sees the password Bobby has the answers is good at Maths The pig start fighting The cat Sam教学反思:教学反思:这节课是五年级下册第八单元话题 Birthdays ,我教授的是 Cartoon time 部分。新授前首先做了 3 分钟自由谈(Free Talk) ,增强师生情感,训炼学生听说能力。学生刚上课时心理处于紧张状态,我通过用英语与学生打招呼活跃了课堂气氛,消除了紧张,使学生的注意力很集中,激发了学习兴趣,使学生很自然地进入了良好的学习状态,并且为下面的教学环节作好铺垫。 接着我设计了 Magic eyes。小学生对新事物总是充满着好奇,简单的单词认读形式已经很难保持他们注意力和高涨的情绪,用 Magic eyes 方法呈现,让学生巩固单词,激发了学生的好奇心,学生兴致高昂。很自然的链接到课文,于是进行课文 Watch and say。以 Story time 为契机运用到 Cartoon time 中。有了前面的铺垫,接着我创造了生活情境图,给学生提供了一个有趣、轻松、活泼、竞争的氛围去操练单词,在这里学生的听说读写得到了操练。
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