Module 3 Heroes-Unit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:a0610).zip

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ModuleModule 3 3 HeroesHeroes 【学习目标学习目标】1. 根据情境,能运用本模块所学词汇谈论并写文章介绍心中的英雄人物及其事迹。2. 掌握重点单词、短语和句子【重点难点重点难点】能运用本模块所学词汇谈论并写文章介绍心中的英雄人物及其事迹。【教具使用教具使用】多媒体课件、录音机【板书设计板书设计】. die for the Chinese people.v. realise . be dying 垂死的 . take care of= look after take good care of sb= look after sb wellinvent medical tools (n. invention)来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_Kat that time/ moment:【学习过程学习过程】一、1.教师首先以作业的形式让学生进行自主复习,背诵单词,读对话和课文,写出重点短语和句子(1 ) a Canadian doctor ( n. Canada 加拿大) (2) the sick adj: sick :ill (n. 疾病: sickness, illness) treat the sick(3) treat the wounded soldierstreat the wounded(4) during the war(5)die for the Chinese people(6) v. realise (7) be dying 垂死的 (8) take care of= look after take good care of sb= look after sb well(9) invent medical tools (n. invention)(10) at that time/ moment: 过去进行时态标志词(11) on ones own= alone, by oneself(12) be useful( n.v. use)(13) have a rest(14) himself, herself, itself, themselves(15) manage to do (16) an operation(17) continue to do sth.是做完一件事继续做另一件事的意思continue doing sth.是继续做刚才没做完的那件事 (18) die of the wound2.课前两人一组互查单词拼写,检查单词背诵情况。来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K二、合作探究1. 教师检查模块的重点短语,然后让学生快速记忆,为造句训练做好铺垫。来源:Zxxk.Com2. 学生四人一组运用 Module 3 重点短语进行造句训练 。三、反馈整合1.Jackie Chan was born _ 1950.2.Norman Bethune is still remembered _ both Canada and China.3.She is too little so you must look _ her.4._the First World War, he saved a lot of persons.5.He also wrote books so that doctors could learn _ new treatments.6.He is remembered _ his work as a doctor.四、巩固拓展We all know who Benjamin Franklin was. He was a very famous American statesman. He was also the first man to discover electricity. Franklin liked to study and to learn about new things. One day he heard from a friend that something black in colour holds the heat better than something white in colour. Franklin wanted to find out if this was true or not. There was snow on the ground at the time. So he put two large pieces of cloth over the snow. One piece of cloth was black in colour, the other piece was white. Then he waited until the sun began to shine. After several hours he looked under the pieces of cloth and saw that the snow under the black cloth melted much faster than the snow under the white cloth. This proved to him that the black cloth held the heat better than the white cloth. Soon after this, people began to wear white hats and white clothes during the summer because they were cooler.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F):1. Benjamin Franklin was only a scientist.2. One day a friend of his told him something about the relation(关系) between colour and heat.3. Something black in colour holds heat better than something white in colour.4. This story happened in summer.五、作业布置来源:Zxxk.ComFinish the reading practice. AB 层:4 篇 CD 层:2 篇教(学)反思:来源:Z.xx.k.Com2 2Unit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later./dgri:/ /nklu:d/medl/br:d/dkt/ 包含;包括包含;包括 prep.奖牌;奖章奖牌;奖章 n.上上(学学);出席,参加;出席,参加在国外;到国外在国外;到国外 adj.再一次再一次博士博士 n.课程,学位课程,学位 n.includingmedalattendabroadonce againdoctordegree/tend/smpli/wl/vktri/无论什么;无论什么;不管怎么样不管怎么样放弃放弃(努力努力)惊人的惊人的;(口口)极好的极好的 adj.意志;决心意志;决心 n.获胜;胜利获胜;胜利 n.实在,的确实在,的确 adv.whatevergive upamazingwillvictorysimply/mez/Words and expressionsincluding 包含,包括medal 奖牌,奖章attend 上(学)出席,参加abroad 在国外;到国外once again 再一次doctor 博士degree 课程、学位whatever 无论什么,不管什么give up 放弃(努力)amazing 惊人的、极好的will 意志、决心victory 成功、胜利simply 实在的,的确1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.1. Who is she?2. Why she is famous?1. The teams fight for the _ of the match.2. He had a strong _ and he won the first prize at last.3. Remember, Sally: _ happens, keep calm and quiet.4. My grandparents never travelled _ when they were children.5. This story is very _. I have never read it before.6. Jenny didnt _ the meeting yesterday because she was ill.7. Everyone is here, _ the students and the teachers.attendwillwhateverabroadamazingvictoryincludingwillwhatevervictoryabroadamazingattendincluding2.2. ListenListen andand choosechoose thethe correctcorrect answeranswer1.1.WhoWho areare thethe speakers?speakers? a)a) A A studentstudent andand a a teacherteacher b)b) TwoTwo studentsstudents c) c) A A personperson onon thethe radioradio andand guestguest2.2.WhereWhere areare thethe speakers?speakers? a)a) AtAt a a radioradio stationstation b)b) InIn a a classroomclassroom c) c) AtAt homehome3.3.WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? a)a) A A famousfamous personperson b)b) A A teacherteacher c) c) A A friendfriend Presenter:Presenter: Hello!Hello! YouYou areare listeninglistening toto OurOur HerosHeros. . TodayToday I I havehave TangTang YanYan 1. . _ me,me, andand werewere talkingtalking aboutabout DengDeng YapingYaping. . Welcome,Welcome, TangTang YanYan. . WhyWhy diddid youyou 2.2. _to_to talktalk aboutabout DengDeng YapingYaping? ? TangTang YanYan: : Well,Well, I I lovelove tabletable tennistennis andand DengDeng YapingYaping is is mymy favoritefavorite tabletable tennistennis playerplayer in in China,China, soso I I 3.3. _her._her. Presenter:Presenter: WhatWhat cancan youyou telltell usus aboutabout herher life?life? TangTang YanYan: : Well,Well, sheshe waswas bornborn in in 4.4. _ andand sheshe waswas onlyonly 5.5. _when_when sheshe 6.6. _her_her firstfirst nationalnational petition. ShesShes notnot tall,tall, butbut herher 7.7. _ mademade everyoneeveryone in in ChinaChina veryvery 8._.8._.withwithchosechose197319731313wonwonsuccesssuccesschoosechoose proudproud3.3. ListenListen andand answeranswer1.1. WhosWhos DamingsDamings hero?hero? A.A. DengDeng YapengYapeng B.B. YaoYao MingMing C.C. GuoGuo JingingJinging2.2. WhatWhat diddid thethe herohero dodo atat thethe ageage ofof five?five? A.A. wentwent toto schoolschoolB.B. startedstarted playingplaying tabletable tennistennis C.C. startedstarted learninglearning EnglishEnglish3.3. HowHow manymany goldgold medalsmedals diddid thethe herohero win?win?1.1. A.A. fivefiveB.B. threethreeC.C. fourfour2.2. HowHow waswas thethe herosheros EnglishEnglish whenwhen he/shehe/she beganbegan toto attendattend UniversityUniversity abroadabroad3.3. A.A. veryvery goodgood B.B. notnot goodgood enoughenoughC.C. veryvery badbadWhereWhere diddid thethe herohero completedcompleted thethe doctorsdoctors degree?degree? A.A. BeijingBeijing UniversityUniversity B.B. OxfordOxford UniversityUniversity C.C. CambridgeCambridge UniversityUniversityReadRead andand completecomplete thethe tabletableFacts about Deng YapingWhen she was fiveshe_When she was twenty-four,she _After she stopped playingshe began to _ _ in BeijingAfter seven years study abroadShe _started playing table tennisstopped playing table tennis study at Tsinghua Universitycompleted her doctors degree at Cambridge UnversityLets read the dialogue Module 3 Unit 1 知识点1.1.heroheroeses 以O结尾加es 变名词复数的有:黑人(negro)英雄(hero)hero)爱吃土豆(potato )和西红柿(tomato)2.2.ShesShes mymy herohero becausebecause shesshes oneone ofof thethe bestbest tabletable tennistennis playerplayer in in thethe because 引导原因状语从句 one of +最高级+名词复数 最之一 playing love/like/enjoy + V.+ing喜爱4.start playing 开始打(乒乓球) start +v.+ing5.She started playing table tennis when she was five. when引导时间状语从句(持续或短暂动作)16.6.SheShe trainedtrained hard,hard, soso sheshe becamebecame a a greatgreat playerplayer later.later. SoSo 因此因此 引导结果状语从句引导结果状语从句7.7.includingincluding ( (介介) )+ + 名名/ /代词;代词;名名/ /代代 + + includedincluded( (形形) ) ; include( (动动) ) 作谓语作谓语6.stop playing 开始打(乒乓球) stop +v.+ing7.7.afterafter thatthat 从从哪以后哪以后8.begin to study 开始学习 begin to do 开始做9.9. goodgood enoughenough 足够好足够好 enoughenough 作后置作后置定语修定语修饰形容词饰形容词或副词或副词10.10. onceonce againagain 又一次、再一次又一次、再一次(=once(=once more)more)Module 3 Unit 1 知识点2Module 3 Unit 1 知识点312.12. whateverwhatever 无论什么无论什么 疑问词疑问词+ever+ever 无论无论13.13. givegive upup 放弃放弃 givegive upup + + 名名/ /动名词动名词14.14. givegive in in 屈服屈服 givegive awayaway 赠送赠送 givegive outout 分分发发15.15. anyoneanyone elseelse ( (任何任何) )其他人其他人 anyoneanyone elseselses16.16. a a veryvery strongstrong willwill 非常坚强的意志非常坚强的意志17.17. asas wellwell asas 和和一样一样,也,也18.18. helpedhelped makemake thethe BeijingBeijing helphelp dodo sthsth. . 帮助帮助做做 19.19. simplysimply 实在实在的,的,的确的确 simplesimple 简单的简单的4. Complete the sentences so that they are true for Deng Yanping1.She says she is not _2.She has a very _3.She helped _4.Whatever she does, she _cleverer than anyone elsestrong willmake Beijing Olypics a vicory for world sportnever give up.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words for Deng Yaping Deng Yaping is Damings hero. At first, she was a table player. Later, she (1)_Tsinghua University and then went to study (2)_. She says she is not (3)_ than anyone else, but she has a very strong (4) _. She also helped make the Beijing Olympics a(n) (5)_ for world sport. She is true hero. attended abroad attend clever victory will abroad clevererwillvictory原因、时间、结果状语从句 Shes my hero because shes one of the best table tennis players in the world. She trained hard, so she became a great player later. She started playing table tennis when she was five.Exercises一、选择填空1.She worked very hard, _ she became a top student. A. because B. so that C. so D. and 2.I like apples best, _ they are delicious A. so B. because C. and D. so that3.Deng Yaping stopped _ table tennis when she was twenty-four. A. to play B. played C. plays D. playing4.She said she wasnt clever than _. A. someone else B. else someone C. else anyone D. anyone else5.They told us a piece of _ news, we all felt _.A. amazing, amazed B. amazed, amazingC. amazing, amazing D. amazed, amazed二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.There are many _(hero) in our history2.They like playing sports, _(include) soccer.3.I cant believe it, this news is so _(amaze)4.She thinks Deng Yaping is _(simple) the best player in the world.5.Who have you _(choose) to tell us about?heroesincludingamazingchosenModule 3 HeroesUnit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later. Teaching modelListening and speaking.Teaching methodCommunicative approach. Teaching aimsa. Key words: including, medal, attend, abroad, doctor, degree, whatever, amazing, will, victory, simplyb. Key Phrases: once again, give up, attend university, a very strong willc. Everyday English: 1. She started playing table tennis when she was five.2.She trained hard, so she became a great player later.3. Her English wasnt good enough when she began.4. Whatever she does, she never gives up.5. I think shes a good student as well as a good player.6. Shes simply the best.Teaching aidsTape recorder, OHP, ppt.Teaching StepsStep1 Warming-up and listening 1. Look at the pictures and talk something about heroes.2. Say something about Deng Yaping.3. Listen and check the correct answers in Activity 2.Step 2 Listen and read1. Listen to the tape carefully.2. Ask the students to read through the conversation individually.3. Deal with the exercises in Activity III and IV. 4. Play the tape and have them read and follow.5. Act it out.5.Deal with the important sentences in the dialogue. Step 3 Do ExerciseComplete the passage in Activity 5.Step 5 Explain the important and difficult points 1. She trained hard, so she became a great player later. so 引导的结果状语从句。 = She trained so hard that she became a great player later.2. Her English wasnt good enough when she began. a. The boy wasnt old enough to go to school by himself. b. The boy wasnt old enough, so he couldnt go to school by himself. c. The boy was so young that he couldnt go to school by himself. d. The boy was too young to go to school by himself.3. Whatever she does, she never gives up. 让步状语从句 Wherever she goes, she wont forget her motherland.4. I think shes a good student as well as a good player. as well as 不但而且 A as well as B 不但不但 B 而且而且 A / not only A but also B 不但 A 而且 B 如上:我认为她不但是一位优秀的运动员,而且是一位优秀的学生。Step 6 Pronunciation and speaking1. Listen and repeat. Make sure you pause between each sense group in Activity 6. 2. Say the sentence in Activity 6.3. Work in pairs. Talk about your favourite hero.HomeworkFinish the exercises in Module3 Unit 1( 导学 )
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