Module 8 Sports life-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:e0165).doc

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Module 8 Sports life-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:e0165).doc_第1页
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Module 8 Sports life-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:e0165).doc_第2页
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Module 8 Sports life-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:e0165).doc_第3页
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Module 8 Sports life-Unit 3 Language in use.-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(配套课件编号:e0165).doc_第4页
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1、快快乐乐学学习习安安全全回回家家1课题:课题:9A Module 8 Sports lifeUnit 3 Language in use.科目科目英语英语课型课型综合综合语言语言运用运用课时课时1 1备课人备课人授课授课时间时间Nov.21st教教材材分分析析教材教材内容内容本模块以谈论体育比赛和介绍体育明星为题材,通过学习,要求学生掌握一般过去时被动语态的结构和用法,并学会描述体育明星的成长经历。教学过程中,教师对语法的处理应该采用归纳式的教学方式,同时配以有效的交际性活动。在学习本模块的同时,教师要注意引导学生热爱体育、积极参加体育活动,并学习运动员不畏艰险、刻苦锻炼、顽强拼搏的精神。教学

2、教学目标目标1. To summarise and consolidate the past simple passive voice(一般过去时的被动语态).2. To be able to know something about Olympic Games and ParalympicGames.3. To be able to know some about the sports spirit(精神);4. To be able to do a class sports survey.教学教学重点重点To be able to master the usage of the past

3、simple passive voice教学教学难点难点To be able to do a class sports survey.学情分析学情分析1. 学生们对于奥运会和残奥会不太熟悉;2.2. 上一模块学习了一般现在时的被动语态, 为这一模块一般过去时被动语态的学习做了很好的铺垫, 但是学生对于主被动的区分和理解还存在问题。学法指导学法指导观察-感知-理解-总结-运用教学方法教学方法教学用具教学用具PPT板书设计板书设计Sports lifeLanguage in use主语+was/were+p.p+ by.主语+wasnt/werent+p.p+ by.Was/Were+主语+p.p

4、+ by.?Olympic GamesParalympic GamesSports heroSports spiritClass sports survey快快乐乐学学习习安安全全回回家家2教学流程及内容教学流程及内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图Step1 Reviewand presentationStep2 Practice1. Let Ss read thelearning aims together.2. Let Ss reviewsomething about LiuXiang and fill in theblanks.3. Check answers.4. M

5、ake Ss find outthe similarities anddifferences between thesentences and concludethe usage of the pastsimple passive voice.Play a song for studentsand let them guesswhich theme song it is.What do you knowabout 2008 OlympicGames?Show Ss someinformation about 2008Olympic Games.Let Ss finish Activity1an

6、d Activity2.Check answers.Lead Ss to tell a storyof 1908 LondonOlympic Games.What can you learnfrom Dorando Pietri?Read the aimstogether.Fill in the blanks aboutLiu Xiang.Find out thesimilarities anddifferences betweenthe sentences andconclude the usage ofthe past simple passivevoice.Listen and gues

7、s.Answer Teachersquestions.Listen and learnsomething about2008Olympic Games.Finish Activity1 andActivity2.Tell the answers andexplain.Look at the pictures ofActivity3 and tell astory.Read the story togetherand learn some sportsspirits from DorandoPietri.明确学习目标利用学生学过的刘翔的信息总结学习一般过去时被动语态的用法。歌曲导入奥运会激发学生

8、学习兴趣激活学生已有背景知识补充奥运会相关信息, 为下面的活动做话题上的铺垫。学以致用,在对话,语篇和故事中运用一般过去时的被动语态并区分主被动。培养学生看图说话的能力,训练学生根据要求正确选择使用主动语态与被动语态的技巧。快快乐乐学学习习安安全全回回家家3Step3 ListeningA6,7Step4 ReadingStep5 SpeakingPlay the recording andask students to checkthe true sentences.Check answers.Play the recordingagain and ask studentsto choose

9、 the correctanswer.Check answers.What can we learnfrom Chen Zhong?Let Ss read the passageabout the ParalympicGames.Let Ss do a class sportssurvey.Keep doing sports nomatter how busy youare and pay attention tothe safety.Listen and check thetrue sentences.Correct the wrongsentences.Listen and choose.

10、Answer and learnsome sports spirits.Read and answer:1. Which paragraphtells us the origin ofthe Paralympic games?2. When was themodern Paralympicgames born?3. Which Paralympicgames is the best one?Work in groups. Writequestions in the tableto find out about thesports that yourclassmates like towatch or do.Show the result ofyour survey.培养学生听并获取细节信息的能力听力训练获取对话内容的细节信息语言输入完成模块任务语言输出,提高学生语言综合运用能力升华主题快快乐乐学学习习安安全全回回家家4作作业业布布置置1. Go on doing the survey and make a report.2.Finish the exercises of unit3.(任选一)课课后后反反思思


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