Unit 7 Know Our World-Lesson 38 The World Is a Big Place-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-省级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(编号:e0f9f).zip

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planetThe population of the world is increasing very quicklyIn the year2010,the worlds population was over 7 billion in totalsurfaceSeven.AsiaEuropeNorth AmericaAfricaAntarcticaAustraliaSouth Americathe Atlantic Oceanthe Indian OceanThe Arctic OceanThe Pacific Oceanthethe oceansoceans ofof thethe worldworldLets learn the new words :planet: n.行星行星 billion: n.十亿十亿;千兆千兆total: n.总数总计总数总计 adj. 总的;总计的总的;总计的increase: v.增加增大增加增大 surface: n.表面;表层表面;表层 Atlantic: n.adj.大西洋(的)大西洋(的)Arctic : adj. 北极的北极的Indian: adj. 印度的印度的 n. 印度人印度人The world I know.What problems does the earth face?ReadingdesertsSnow and iceHigh mountainsAn increasing population1.Read the lesson and match each paragraph with its main idea.Paragraph1. a. Six of the seven are good for people to live onParagraph 2. b. We should treat the earth wellParagraph 3. c. An increasing population is a big problem for the earthParagraph 4. d. Two thirds of the earth is covered with oceans.Paragraph 5 . e. People cannot live everywhere on the earth.1. There are _ continents in the world. They are _ _.2. There are _ oceans in the world. They are _ _ _.sevenfourAsia, Europe, Africa,North America, South America, AustraliaAntarcticathe Pacific Ocean, The Arctic Oceanthe Indian Oceanthe Atlantic Ocean1.In 2010, the worlds population was over _. By 2025, the world will have _ people.2. About _of the world is land. 3.Oceans cover about _ of the earths surface. 4. The coldest and the driest continent in the world is _. 7 billion8 billionone-thirdtwo thirdsAntarctica Retell the textProblemsContinentsOceans One third Two thirds Are calledIs covered withMust be treated To build up public awareness(意识)in loving the earthDo you know more problems our earth faces?What should we do about it?Homework .Finish exercises of lesson38.Preview next lesson and look for more information about the world冀冀教教版版八八年年级级下下册册U Un ni it t7 7 K Kn no ow w O Ou ur r W Wo or rl ld dL Le es ss so on n3 38 8 T Th he e W Wo or rl ld d I Is s a a B Bi ig g P Pl la ac ce e! ! 教教学学设设计计1 1. .设设计计理理念念: : 本节课教学内容和教学目标及教学重难点的设定都是以英语课程标准为准则,从学生的已有知识水平出发,并以交际法语言教学为理论依据。语言学习的过程是一种发现语言规则并创造性地活用这些规则的过程,任何人类语言的交际活动都离不开一定的语言环境。运用任务型语言教学模式,训练培养学生运用语言的能力。实现目标,感受成功。教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格.课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,教师起到“设计者,研究者,促进者,协调者”的作用.在实际教学中,突出交际性,注重读写的实用性,形成积极的参与形式,促进语言运用能力的提高。重视个体差异,倡导过程激励,重视评价。2 2. .学学情情分分析析:八年级是学习英语的关键期,这个阶段的学生活波,好奇心和求知欲望强。本课所学的话题以前没有接触过,因此他们渴望用英语来表达。 另外,八年级学生的心理特点反映在学习英语的能力上,他们模仿和记忆的能力特别强。学生的发音器官很灵敏,耳朵辨音的能力强,口舌也能灵活准确地模仿各种发音。八年级学生的记忆以具体形象记忆为主,并习惯于机械性记忆初中生理解和分析语言的能力相对来说较弱。在知识积累方面,学生已经掌握了一定的词汇和句型,对语言学习的热情也逐步增加。他们更感兴趣的是如何用英语来表述与现实生活息息相关的话题并寻求合理的解决办法。学生对今天所要学习的内容有了一定的了解,再加上网络的快捷方便,很大部分学生已经掌握了世界最基本的知识.结合学生的实际情况,激发学生学习的兴趣。让学生主动学习,学有所获。3 3. .教教材材分分析析:(1 1)根据)根据课程标准课程标准,分析本课教学的基本要求,分析本课教学的基本要求(2 2)分析本课内容的知识体系(地位和作用)分析本课内容的知识体系(地位和作用)(3 3)分析本课内容与相关知识的区别和联系)分析本课内容与相关知识的区别和联系(4 4)说明教学内容的调整、整合、解构和补充)说明教学内容的调整、整合、解构和补充本单元是让学生通过学习世界和不同地理位置了解地理的重要性。学习对象为八年级生。根据课程标准的四级目标,能引出话题并进行几个回合的交谈,探讨他们各自所找到的地理知识。以及与主题有关的一些新概念,词汇和结构。并学习如何描述不同的地理位置。同时考虑到文化,人口,语言,自然地理位置,气候和景观。这个单元的语法重点是现在完成时和被动语态。学生将学习什么时候和如何使用现在完成时态。能在教师的指导下参与课堂活动,并视学生自己水平进行适当扩充,使其更贴近实际,让学生有更多发挥的空间,创造口语练习的条件。4.4.教学目标设计:教学目标设计:用具体、明确、可操作的行为语言,描述本课的知识、技能、能力、方法、情用具体、明确、可操作的行为语言,描述本课的知识、技能、能力、方法、情感、态度、价值观等方面的教学目标。感、态度、价值观等方面的教学目标。1. Knowledge Objectives:1) Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the names of world :planet, total, increase, surface, Indian, billion, Atlantic, Arctic2) Be able to learn the phrases :in total, one third, be covered with.,3) Be able to talk about the geography “why do you think that an increasing population is a big problem? Why must we take care of the earth?”2. Ability Objectives: Be able to talk about the knowledge of the world.3. Moral Objectives: Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and brainstorm.5.5.重点难点设计:本课的教学重点和教学难点及依据重点难点设计:本课的教学重点和教学难点及依据TheThe teachingteaching FocusFocus1. Master the names of world: planet, total, increase, surface, Indian, billion, Atlantic, Arctic2. Master the expressions of geography: “why do you think that an increasing population is a big problem? Why must we take care of the earth?”TheThe TeachingTeaching DifficultiesDifficulties1. Students may find it difficult to remember all the target new words in the class;2. master the passive voice and take about the geography of the world.6.6.教学策略与手段:本课教学中所运用的教学模式、教学策略和教学手段,教学策略与手段:本课教学中所运用的教学模式、教学策略和教学手段,包括课前准备:(包括课前准备:(1 1)学生的学习准备;)学生的学习准备;2 2教师的教学准备;教师的教学准备;3 3教学环境教学环境的设计与布置;的设计与布置;4 4教学用具的设计和准备。教学用具的设计和准备。7.7. 教学过程:这是教学设计的主体部分。分几个环节具体说明教学活动的教学过程:这是教学设计的主体部分。分几个环节具体说明教学活动的安排,包括学生学习活动、教师指导活动、师生交互活动。安排,包括学生学习活动、教师指导活动、师生交互活动。教学内容分析:Step1Step1 WarmingWarming upup设计说明:通过师生间的问候,拉近彼此的距离,使学生快速融入英语课堂。设计说明:通过师生间的问候,拉近彼此的距离,使学生快速融入英语课堂。S St te ep p1 1: :lead in T:Good morning, class! How are you today?Ss: Good morning!T:Sit down , please , which part do we live in the world? what do you know about the world? How many continents are they in the world? What are they? Today we will learn more about the world.S St te ep p2 2: : Teaching words:设计说明:老师在课堂上出示幻灯片,能充分唤起学生的好奇心,设计说明:老师在课堂上出示幻灯片,能充分唤起学生的好奇心,使其积极地参与到教学活动中。通过地图,自然地引出有关地理名词的单词。使其积极地参与到教学活动中。通过地图,自然地引出有关地理名词的单词。这种教学单词的方式简单而且直观,更易被学生接受。八年级学生喜欢猜测的这种教学单词的方式简单而且直观,更易被学生接受。八年级学生喜欢猜测的活动,所以,运用半遮图片可以让学生巩固所学的单词。活动,所以,运用半遮图片可以让学生巩固所学的单词。What do you know the world? How many continents are they in the world? What are they? Write continents on the blackboard. What else? Four oceans.完成 lets do it 2S St te ep p3 3: : Listen and write 设设计计说说明明:英英语语学学习习强强调调听听说说读读写写,让让学学生生在在听听的的过过程程中中填填完完所所缺缺单单词词及及短短语语。再再一一次次加加深深学学生生对对本本课课单单词词及及短短语语的的记记忆忆。(stop here, have you finished it? Lets check answers now)S St te ep p4 4: : Fast Reading 设设计计说说明明:让让学学生生通通过过大大声声的的朗朗读读课课文文,纠纠正正课课文文单单词词的的发发音音,并并且且再再次次感感知知课课文文内内容容,S St te ep p5 5: : 精精读读课课文文,完完成成所所布布置置的的任任务务。并并且且能能够够通通过过小小组组合合作作总总结结段段落落大大意意。 Open page100 read lesson 38 silently and quickly and then fill in the blanks.(stop here, have you finish it? Lets check answers now.)1.whats the population?The main idea of paragraph1: An increasing population is a big problem for the earth.2.What are the seven continents?The main idea of paragraph2: people cant live everywhere on the earth. Paragraph3:six of the seven continents are good for people to live on. Paragraph4: two thirds of the earth is covered with oceans. Paragraph5: we should treat the earth well.S St te ep p5 5: : Discuss ( make a poster)设设计计说说明明:八年级学生的表演欲望强,所以,在结对活动中,激发学生的参与八年级学生的表演欲望强,所以,在结对活动中,激发学生的参与性,扩大参与面,使更多的学生开口说英语性,扩大参与面,使更多的学生开口说英语, ,并将并将 posterposter 粘贴黑板。粘贴黑板。We know more about the world todays homework is to search on the Internet to find the things about the worlds geography.S St to op p6 6: : 情情感感目目标标:brainstorm:设计说明:向学生展现有关水污染,人口,及环保的视频,这样不仅可以设计说明:向学生展现有关水污染,人口,及环保的视频,这样不仅可以帮助学生复习新知,而且还可以自然地引入新的话题爱护地球。然后,通过帮助学生复习新知,而且还可以自然地引入新的话题爱护地球。然后,通过brainstormbrainstorm,激发学生的参与热情,并巩固句型。同时,使学生增长相关常识,激发学生的参与热情,并巩固句型。同时,使学生增长相关常识,加强环保意识。加强环保意识。The deserts are not good for people. the deserts cover twenty percent of the earth. And the population is growing faster and faster. People need more land. What should people do to protect our earth?S St te ep p6 6: : summary 1.Seven continents and four oceans 2.And remember to do as many things as we can to protect the environment.So that we can make the world a better place to live in.S St te ep p7 7: homework亮点与反思:亮点与反思:英语课程改革的重点是改变英语课程过分强调语言运用能力的培养的倾向,强调课程以学生的学习爱好、生活经验和熟悉水平出发,使语言学习过程成为学生积极的情感体验,主动思维和大胆实践,形成自主学习能力的过程。学英语不仅要用脑子去思考,而且要用自己的眼睛去看英语情境,用自己的耳朵去听英语的语音,听对方讲的话,用自己的嘴去说英语,以姿势助说话,用英语跟别人交流,用英语做事情,用自己的心灵去亲自感悟英语,感悟文化,培养语感,培养用英语交际的能力。因此在本节课的设计中,我们以任务型教学模式为指导,创设各种情境,让学生在体验中获得成功。板书设计:板书设计: LessonLesson 38:38: TheThe WorldWorld IsIs a a BigBig PlacePlaceKeyKey words:words: planetplanet increaseincrease surfacesurface keykey phrases:phrases: inin total/total/ inin allallContinents:Continents: AsiaAsia AfricaAfrica oneone thirdthird twotwo thirdsthirds NorthNorth AmericaAmerica SouthSouth America,America, isis coveredcovered mustmust bebe treatedtreatedAustraliaAustralia AntarcticaAntarcticaOceans:Oceans: thethe PacificPacific OceanOcean thethe IndiaIndia OceanOcean TheThe AtlanticAtlantic OceanOcean thethe ArcticArctic OceanOcean
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