Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends-Lesson 17 Save the Tigers-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e003b).docx

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Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends-Lesson 17 Save the Tigers-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e003b).docx_第1页
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Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends-Lesson 17 Save the Tigers-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e003b).docx_第2页
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Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends-Lesson 17 Save the Tigers-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e003b).docx_第3页
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Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends-Lesson 17 Save the Tigers-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e003b).docx_第4页
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Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends-Lesson 17 Save the Tigers-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-冀教版八年级下册英语(配套课件编号:e003b).docx_第5页
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1、冀教版初中英语冀教版初中英语学设计学设计单元UnitUnit 3 3 AnimalsAnimalsareare ourour friendsfriends课题LessonLesson1717SaveSave thethe TigersTigersTeachingTeachingmaterialmaterialanalysisanalysisInIn thisthis unit,unit, SsSsneedneed toto learnlearn aboutabout animalsanimals andand cancan talktalk aboutaboutanimalsanimals .

2、Let.Let themthem knowknow thethe importanceimportance ofof thethe animals.animals. ThisThis lessonlesson playsplaysanan importantimportantrolerole inin thethe wholewhole unit.unit. AfterAfter learninglearning thisthis lessonlesson .They.Theyshouldshould bebe ableable toto talktalk aboutabout animals

3、animals andand writewrite a a shortshort passagepassage aboutabout howhowtoto protectprotect thethe animals.animals.StudentsStudentsanalysisanalysisThroughThrough thethe firstfirst fewfew lessons,lessons, thethe SsSs havehave learnedlearned howhow toto describedescribe somesomeanimalsanimals ,and,an

4、d learnlearn somesome wordswords andand expressionsexpressions aboutabout thethe animals.Butanimals.Butititstillstill difficultdifficult forfor thethe SsSs toto writewrite a a passagepassage aboutabout protectingprotecting thetheanimals.Whenanimals.When theythey areare discussingdiscussing oror crea

5、tingcreating theirtheir ownown dialogues,dialogues, thetheSsSswillwillprobablyprobablyhavehavenothingnothingtotosaysayororfailfailtotoexpressexpressthemselvesthemselves .Teacher.Teacher shouldshould developdevelop thethe SsSssensesense ofofthinkingthinking andandinnovation,encourageinnovation,encour

6、age theirtheir goodgood ideasideas andand increaseincrease thethe accumulationaccumulationTeachingTeaching aimsaimsI I LanguageLanguage goals:goals:a. NewNew wordswords:Master the words:centuryfursymbolcouragebravechainbalance reasondisappear kill actdecreaseb.b. LanguageLanguage pointspoints: : Gra

7、sp the main idea of the article and be able totalk about how to protect the tigers.IIII AbilityAbility goalsgoals: Enable students to talk about the importance of animalsand how to protect the tigers(animals). Improve the Ss reading and writingabilities.IIIIII MoralMoral goals:goals: To understand t

8、he importance of wild animals and lovethe animals and thenprotect the animals .ImportantImportantpointspointsI I wordswords andand phrasesphrases.IILearn to talk about the importance of wild animals.DifficultDifficultHow to write a short passage about saving and protecting the wild animals.pointspoi

9、ntsTeachingTeachingmethodsmethodsLanguage Teaching Method , Direct Viewing Demonstration, Reading .WritingTeachingTeaching aidsaidsPPT.A radioTeachingTeaching proceduresproceduresTeacherTeachers s activitiesactivitiesStudentsStudents activitiesactivitiesPurposePurpose ofof DesignDesignStepStep 1.1.

10、W Warming-uparming-up 9(5mins)9(5mins)Playavideoaboutprotecting the animals.Ask: Whats the topic of thevideo?Show some pictures of to helpthestudentslearnthenewwords .T: Do you know the meaning ofP1?T: Can you read it ?Then let the students read thewords.Watch the video .Answer : The animals are ind

11、anger .We should protect them.Students: Yes .Students: Yes.Talk about the other picturesin the same way.Learn the new words through the picture. Make sure the students can read them correctly.StepStep 2.2. LeadingLeading InIn (2(2 mins)mins)T: 1.Have you seen a tigerbefore?2. Where can you usually s

12、ee atiger?3. Do you think tigers need ourhelp?Why?Ss: Yes/NoSs: In the zoo .Ss: Yes/No.S1. Yes. The number of tigersis small.S2. NO. Because they are verybig andstrong.Improve the Ss thinking ability.Lead into the new text.StepStep 3.3. ReadingReading (8(8 mins)mins)1.1. Pre-readingPre-readingLet th

13、e students do Ex.1 ofThe students read the text andknow about the meaning. Thenfind out the main idea of eachGrasp the main idea of the text for the first time. Arouse the Ssinterest in Englishreading.page 43. Let them read thesentences first.paragraph.Do Ex1.2.2.WhileWhile readingreadingLet thestud

14、ents read the text bythemselves and answer thequestions in Ex.2 of page 43.The students read the text andget the topic.Then check theanswers.The students read the text fastand got the answers. Try tounderstand the text andunderlined the based sentences.To improve the students reading ability.Grasp t

15、he text in detail.3.3.Post-readingPost-reading1.Repeating and thinkingCan you tell me the importanceof the tigers?Can you tell me why the tigersare in danger of disappearing?List some important words andexpressions of this lesson tohelp them.At the beginning of the 20thcenturyDropto .Symbols of stre

16、ngth andcourage.Keep .in balance.Ss:At the beginning of the 20thcenturyDropto .Symbols of strength andcourage.Keep .in balance.Let the Students try repeatingthe main sentences in the text.Understand the text in detail and pay attention to the key words . Get ready for retellingthe story and writingS

17、tepStep 5.5. ListenListen andandreadread afterafter thethe tapetapeListen and follow the tape . Try to graspthe correct pronunciations and tones.Make the students get familiar of the correct pronunciations and tones to get preparedfor the practicing of the dialogue.StepStep 6.6.WorkWork inin pairspa

18、irsLet them talk abouthow to protect thewild animalsinpairs and asked themto think about how towrite a passageaccording to thesentences in thislesson.Talk about their own ideas in pairs.Then write down the details of thepassage . Then get to know what they cansay about the topic.To prepare for the w

19、riting.StepStep 7.7.WritingWriting timetimeAsk the students towrite a passage about“ save the tigers”.Try to finish a passage.Write a shortpassage in their exercise book.To improve their writing ability through practicing.StepStep 8.8. SummarySummaryLet the studentsconclude theimportant words andexp

20、ressions in thislessonAt the beginning of the 20thcenturyDropto .Symbols of strength and courage.Keep .in balance.Have been in danger of disappearingHunt and killtigersfor money.Cut down a lot of trees as well.Let the students know what they have learned clearly.StepStep 9.Homework9.HomeworkRecite t

21、he words andcan repeat the text ofLesson 17. Finish offthe exercises in theworkbook.Strengthen what theyve learnedBlackboardBlackboarddesigndesignLessonLesson 1717SaveSave thethe TigersTigersTeachingreflectionSs have learned more words and expressions and get the ability of organizing their ownpassa

22、ge . However, due to their limited vocabulary and reading quantity, they cant enrich theirwriting content both in vocabulary and structure. Whats more , their reading speed needsimproving. As a teacher, I should enlarge their reading and vocabulary in my class as possible as Ican .And design more ef

23、ficient teaching steps.一The number of the tigers are quicklydecreasing .At the beginning of the 20thcentury , thenumbe of tigers is . ,but now .drop to .Tigersaresymbolsofstrengthandcourage .They are at the top of the food chainThey are important to the environment.SaveThetigers三Tigers are in danger of disappearing .Some people hunt and kill animals formoney.Some people have cut down a lot oftrees as well.As . Lose .


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