Module 2-Unit 1 It’s cheap.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:50004).doc

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Module 2-Unit 1 It’s cheap.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:50004).doc_第1页
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Module 2-Unit 1 It’s cheap.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:50004).doc_第2页
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Module 2-Unit 1 It’s cheap.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:50004).doc_第3页
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Module 2-Unit 1 It’s cheap.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:50004).doc_第4页
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Module 2-Unit 1 It’s cheap.-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:50004).doc_第5页
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1、第1页 共 5 页课题课题: 英语 (新标准) (一年级起点)四年级下册Module 2 Unit 1 Its cheap.教材分析教材分析Amy 在电话中高兴的告诉奶奶,爸爸昨天给她买了一台新电脑,奶奶问这台电脑价格是否昂贵,什么颜色。在 Amy 回答后,奶奶说自己去年也买了一台电脑,Amy 也询问了这台电脑是否昂贵,奶奶简单的介绍了自己的电脑特点,并告诉 Amy,现在她们可以用电脑发送邮件。本课时通过对话课教学,学生学习 Amy 和奶奶在电话中交流各自电脑特点的这个文本, 能运用核心语言 Its(形容词).和核心词汇 cheap, expensive 相互交流自己电脑的特征,梳理物品的优缺

2、点,强调物品的价格是贵还是便宜,为第二课时的价格描述做铺垫,实现描述物品特点的这一语用功能。教学目标教学目标语言知识语言知识1. 全班学生能听说、读写并在情境中运用词汇:beautiful,expensive, cheap, big, small, helpful, pink2. 全班学生能朗读对话, 听说认读: What color is it? Its pink.Is it beautiful? Its not beautiful, but its helpful.语言技能语言技能1. 全班学生能理解对话大意,并能正确朗读模仿和表演对话。2. 大多数学生能在思维导图的帮助下进行小组活动,进

3、行拓展阅读,以及介绍某种物品的特点。情感态度情感态度学生能够通过交流、征询别人对某种物品的看法,梳理物品相对的优缺点,乐于表达自己的看法,培养善于观察的意识。学习策略学习策略尝试借助照片来描述朋友的特征。文化意识文化意识了解英国的白金汉宫等标志性的建筑。教学重、难点教学重、难点教学重点教学重点词汇expensive, cheap, helpful的音、义、形。对物品的特征描述。教学难点教学难点正确掌握expensive的读音。能正确描述物品特征。教学准备教学准备PPT、互动教学系统、单词卡片环节与环节与时间时间教学过程教学过程资源应用说明资源应用说明热身热身/复习复习导入导入1. Enjoy

4、a song.PPT 1第2页 共 5 页(5 分钟)分钟)Sing the2. Talk about the colours.3.T:I have got a new hat. What colour is it?Guess?Ss:.设计意图:用歌曲导入,欢快的歌曲很容易抓住学生的注意力。训练学生通过听力捕捉信息的能力。借助歌曲的语境,激活旧知,复习颜色,引导学生开始观察并用学过的语言简单描述物品的一个特点。任务呈现任务呈现(3 分钟)分钟)1.T:I have got a new hat. What colour is it?Guess?Ss:.2. Show the picture of

5、 Activity 1 in Unit 1. Ask thestudents: What has the sheep got?Ss look at the picture and answer: She has got a hat.3. Let the students ask some questions about the hat.Ss ask questions, e.g. What color is the hat? Is it red?4. Sum up the little story.设计意图:简单的描述图意后,让学生思考关于图中hat 的样子能问出什么问题,如果学生没有考虑到颜

6、色,教师可以提示 What color is it? Can you guess? 帮助学生提取他们之前学过的知识:Is it.? 并将此核心语言板书在黑板上,引导构建话题语言框架,而后让学生带着问题看视频。既培养学生提问的意识,吸引他们关注故事发展,又通过问题了解他们对旧知的熟悉程度,为核心语言在文本中的学习做好铺垫。PPT2PPT3互 动 教 学 系 统M2U1A1 动画PPT4-6课文学习课文学习(12 分钟)分钟)1.Show the pictures of computers(闪过),Then ask Whatare they? the two computers,one

7、 is big and expensive ,theother is small and cheap .teach: expensive and cheap.PPT7-PPT11第3页 共 5 页1. Look and say: Show the pictures of Amy andGrandma. Ask the students: What has Amy got?S1: Amy has got a computer.S2: No. They are talking on the phone.2. T: Amy is talking about her new computer with

8、 hergrandma. Can she see her grandma? Can Grandmasee Amy? So Grandma asks some questions aboutAmys computer. Watch and find out Grandmasquestions.Teach the word expensive.Show some pictures with price tag, let the studentscompare with them and choose which one is expensive.Teach the word cheap.Ask t

9、he students: Is Amys computer expensive? Teachthe word cheap-it means not expensive.Ss watch the cartoon of Activity 2, get grandmasquestion, then learn the word expensive, cheap.3. Stick the key words around the picture of Amyscomputer on the blackboard.Ss sum up the features of Amys computer accor

10、ding tothe key words.4. Teach the word helpful.T: What does Amy ask about grandmas computer? Canyou guess? You can ask more questions, now letswatch and check.Play the cartoon again.T: Why grandmas computer is helpful?S: She can send emails. So its helpful.T: What other things can they do on the com

11、puters?PPT 第 5 页;互动教学系统M2U1A2 动画PPT12-PPT14互动教学系统M2U1A2 动画第4页 共 5 页Show some pictures about the use of the computer.T: Maybe they can see each other on their computers. Itsreally helpful.Ss raise some questions. Look at the pictures and say:They can talk on QQ. They can buy books, clothes on thecomp

12、uter. They can read books on the computer. Itshelpful.Watch the cartoon again, get Amys questions: Is it big?Is it beautiful?5.Ask students make a new information map.According to grandmas answer, sum up the features ofher computer. Then make a new information mind mapabout Grandmas computer in pair

13、s.训练巩固训练巩固(10 分钟)分钟)1. Let the students imitate, underline the adjectives.SS read and underline the words: expensive, cheap andother adjectives.2. T: They talked about: When? What about the price?Whats it like? What color? What can it do? So theycan get to know others computer.Ss introduce the thing

14、s your toys .S1:设计意图:通过介绍自己新年买的东西,培养学生的逻辑思维能力,同时为学生提供话题的内容框架,为后面自己进行语篇输出做好铺垫。通过学习如何进行对话和陈述,发展认知策略。互动教学系统M2U1A2 动画PPT15第5页 共 5 页任务完成任务完成(8 分钟)分钟)1. Ss guess the features of the other things on the PPT.T: We know a lot about their computers. Now lets get toknow some other things.Show some pictures; as

15、k the students guess if they areexpensive or cheap.Ss look at the pictures of Teddy bears, answer theteachers questions, think and guess which one isexpensive. Look at the picture of the watch and guesswhat it is like.2. Ss write the adjectives as they know then show us.PPT16-17小结小结与与布置作业布置作业(2 分钟)分钟)Sum up: What have you learnt today?Homework:1. Read the dialogue.2. Draw and describe other things you have got.PPT18板书板书设计设计


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