Module 4-Unit 2 I was very nervous.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:81884).zip

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Lets sing a song.I laugh when I am_.I cry when I am _.I frown when I am_.I jump up when I am_.feelingfeelinghappysadangrysurprisedM4U2 I was very .nervousTask presentation任务务呈现现After that, please try to share an experience of you. It can be about “What did you do?” , and “How did you feel?” 学习后请分享一个你过去的经历 ,以及感受。Lets learn M4U2 I was very nervous. Try to find: “What did Amy do?” and “How did Amy feel?”. 学习:Amy做了什么事?有什么感受?What is the text(文章) about?What is the text(文章) about?A. Amy played in a party.B.Amy played the piano in a concert.C.Amys nervous day.Read and underline the answers:1. When did Amy play?2. Where did Amy play?3. What did Amy play?4. How did Amy feel? In a concert.Last year.Amy played the piano.She was nervous before the concert. She was happy and proud in the end. If you are nervous, what can you do?Listen and imitate模仿注意:语音语调,连读,清浊音等Retell the text and be a little teacher.How to write about our past experiences and feelings?PracticePracticePracticePracticeWhat did they do?How did they feel?The boy looked after sheep everyday.He was very_Tily saw _She _The boy _People_bored.How did she feel?Lets read: Hello children. Im Fuyuanhui. I am a swimmer. I want to win honor(荣誉) to China. So I practiced(练习) everyday before the Rio Olympic games (里约奥运会) . It was bored. And I was very, very tired. During the match(比赛期间), I was very nervous. But I did my best, so I was satisfied(满意的), happy and proud of my efforts(努力).How did she feel?Before the match:_During the match:_After the match:_1. Why was she satisfied, happy and proud in the end?小组讨论Discuss in groups:2. What can you learn from her?Whatever you do. 无论论做什么Practice more. 多多练习练习Do your best. 尽力而为为Then you can be happy and proud.Do you want to publish your composition on the newspaper?想刊登你的小作文吗?Do you want to share your experience to more people?想把你的经历分享给更多人吗? 征稿征稿Share your experience When - last week Where - at school What - practiced playing Kongzhu How - tired , happy, proudLast week, I practiced playing Kongzhu at school. I was very tired at first. But after practicing again and again, I was able to play it well. So I was very happy and proud in the end.评价方式: 1. 要点全面 2. 逻辑清晰 3. 时态正确 4. 单词拼写、句式结构正确 5. 书写工整(大小写,标点,词间距)Tips: take part in 参加 match(体育类)竞技比赛competition竞赛,比赛exam考试 final exam期末考试Homework Finish the composition完成小作文(作业本)英语(新标准)(一年级起点)四年级下册Module4 Unit2 I was very nervous. 【教材分析】 本课是外研社新标准英语(一起)四年级下册 Module4Unit2 I was very nervous.本课的主题是谈谈自己过去的一次经历及感受。课文的情景是 Amy 在音乐会的经历。去年 Amy 在一场音乐会中演奏钢琴,开始她很紧张,演奏结束时大家为她热烈鼓掌,她感到非常高兴和自豪。本课的学习重点在讲述过去发生的事情以及感受,主要会用到一般过去时,本模块的任务则是请学生讲述自己过去的经历,并谈一谈自己的感受和心情。 【学情分析】对于四年级学生来说,他们已经比较系统地学习和使用过一般过去时以及部分表达心情的单词,所以对于他们来说本课的句型难度不是很大。针对四年级学生的年龄特点,插入一些与课文内容有关有趣的小视频吸引学生的兴趣,并帮助学生更好理解本课的任务如何完成。【教学目标】 1.语言技能 (1)听:全体学生能听懂“I was very nervous.”全体学生能够在图片的帮助下听懂课文内容。 (2)说:全体学生能说“I was very nervous.” (3)读:学生能认读:concert,nervous,end,proud。 2.语言知识 (1)功能:谈谈自己过去的一次经历及感受。 (2)语法:全体学生能运用:I was very nervous. (3)词汇:全体学生能理解本课单词:concert,nervous,end,proud;部分学生能运用 concert,nervous,end,proud。 (4)语音:进一步强化已学语音。 3、情感态度 激发学生的积极情感,养成尽力而为不放弃的坚韧品格。 4、学习策略 在教师的引领、任务的驱动下,通过提问、思考、讨论、小组合作等,积极地与他人交流与合作,共同完成学习任务。 5、文化意识 在学习和日常交际中,进一步注意到中外文化的异同。【教学重难点】1、重点:讲述过去发生的事情及感受。 2、难点:正确灵活运用一般过去时,语言运用符合逻辑。 【教学准备】 老师:课件,教材,CD-ROM,翻页笔。学生:教材,笔 【教学过程】 (一)热身导入 Warm-up and lead-in1. Greeting: Hello, boys and girls. Today, we will learn a new lesson together. Before that, lets listen to a song together.2. Please fill in the blanks with feeling words.3. T: What other feeling words do you know. Do and guess the feeling words. 4. T: Look, all the words are about feelings. And here we will learn a new word about feeling. (show the picture of Amy)Look at her face, can you guess the meaning of nervous? S:紧张的T: Thats right. You are so clever. And today we will learn M4U2 I was very nervous. Please show your hands. Lets write and read together.S: why was she very nervous. T: Yes, I want to know it, too. Lets watch and find, ok?【设计意图】以与心情单词有关的英文儿歌开头引出本课主题,做动作猜有关心情的词汇,激发旧知,让学生根据 Amy 的表情猜测词义,并引出课题。(2)任务呈现 Task presentationLearn M4U2 I was very nervous. And find what did Amy do? How did Amy feel?Then try to share an experience with us. It can be about what did you do , and how did you feel.【设计意图】交代本课学习任务和语言任务。(3)课文学习 Text learning 1. Listen and find: Q1:What is the text about? A. Amy played in a party.B. Amy played the piano in a concert. C.Amys nervous day. 2. Read and underline: where did Amy play? When did Amy play? What did Amy play? How did Amy feel?3. Listen and imitate.4. Retell the text and to be a little teacher.5. Q: If you are nervous, what can you do? How can we not be nervous?6. Micro class: How to write about our past experiences and feelings?【设计意图】通过回答问题理解课文和新词,学生自主回答细节问题,老师板书梳理课文结构,学生根据板书复述课文加深理解和记忆。提出发散思维的问题,让学生用语言做事情。插入微课总结课文结构,介绍如何写自己过去的经历及感受。(4)练习环节 Practice1. What did they do? How did they feel?(1)The boy looked after sheep everyday.He was _(2)Tily saw _She _(3)The boy _People_(4)_2. Play a video of Fuyuanhui.3. Reading comprehension: Hello children. Im Fuyuanhui. I am a swimmer. I want to win honor(荣誉) to China. So I practiced(练习) every day before the Rio Olympic games (里约奥运会) . It was bored. And I was very, very tired. During the match(比赛期间), I was very nervous. But I did my best, so I was satisfied(满意的), happy and proud of my efforts(努力).4. Fill in the blanks: what did she do before/during/after the match? How did she feel?5. Discuss in Groups: 1. Why was she satisfied, happy and proud in the end? 2.What can you learn from her?Summary: whatever you do. Please practice more. And do your best. Then you can be happy and proud.【设计意图】通过以前学习过的课文图片练习表达过去做某事的感受,让学生感知句子之间的逻辑性,播放傅园慧在里约奥运会预赛后的采访视频,让学生观察傅园慧在赛前赛中赛后的情绪变化,并拓展相应的课外阅读,引导学生思考,从视频中感知到无论做什么事情都要多多练习,尽力而为,最终才会为自己的努力结果而开心和自豪(德育)。(5)任务完成 Task completionBackground: the famous newspaper wants some good composition from pupils. Do you want to publish your composition on the newspaper? Do you want to share your experience to more people? Lets do it! To write a good composition about your experience. T: I believe everyone has your own experiences. For example ,learning a new thing, taking part in a competition, or even an exam. When we did different things. We had different feelings.Eg: where-at school, when- last week, what- practices playing Kongzhu, how- tired, happy, proud.Eg: Last week, I practiced playing Kongzhu at school. I was very tired at first. But after practicing again and again, I can play it well. And I was very happy and proud. 展示评价方式:five stars for: 1. 要点全面 2. 逻辑清晰 3. 时态正确 4. 单词拼写、句式结构正确 5. 书写工整(大小写,标点,词间距) S: talk about it in the groups. And show. Then, write it down.Show their work and analysis. 【设计意图】让学生分享一次学习一个新事物、参加一次比赛或考试的心路历程,教师给与语言支架提示以及例文,学生先在组内互助练习口头表达,再进行写作练习,教师给出评价方式,让学生尽力而为得到更多的星星,加以奖励,提高学生的积极性和参与度。(6)总结与作业 Summary and homeworkT: Please remember, whatever you do. Please practice more. And do your best. Then you can be happy and proud. Especially when you study at school. Ok?【设计意图】引导学生通过经验分享感受到努力的重要性,鼓励学生无论做什么,尤其是学习新的知识和技能,要多练习,要尽力而为去取得自己满意的成绩,达成情感态度目标。
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