Module 6-Unit 1 I’ll draw the pictures.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:f0d1e).zip

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do playcutwritemakedrawgoDamingwill draw the pictures.Amywrite the reports.Samcut the paper.Linglingstick the pictures. Illdraw the pictures.write the reports.cut the paper.stick the pictures. draw the picturesWill you write the reports cut the paper ? stick the newspaperYes, I will / No, I wont. What will you do? draw the pictures. write the reports. Ill cut the paper. stick the pictures.fantasticLets talk about our school. draw the pictures write the reports. cut the paper. stick the newspaper take the photos 小组成员用:小组成员用:What will you do? Will you?讨论制作英语报纸的分工并汇报讨论过程。讨论制作英语报纸的分工并汇报讨论过程。 英语 (一年级起点) 四年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 Ill draw the pictures教学设计一 学生分析:通过三年的英语学习,四年级的学生能够听懂基本的课堂指令,并且做出正确的反应,他们对英语学习的兴趣浓厚,有一定的模仿能力。但他们集中注意力的时间不长,对一些游戏,直观图片等形式比较感兴趣。二 教材分析:本课是新标准小学英语一起四年级下册,Module 6 Unit 1 Ill draw the pictures 本课以 Daming、Amy、lingling、Sam 共同制作一份英语小报过程为话题来设计的,重点学习运用一般将来时的表达:What will you do? Ill.三 教学目标:1.知识目标:词汇:能够理解和听说单词:report, stick, fantastic句型:学生能在课文语境下初步理解和使用句型:What will you do? Ill 2.能力目标:学会如何计划和表达将要做的事。能够听、说、理解重点单词 report, stick, fantastic能在课文语境下初步理解和使用句型 What will you do ? Ill 3.情感目标:1)通过形式多样的活动树立学生的自信心,培养学生之间的合作意识。2)鼓励学生大胆说英语,把知识点融入生活,描述生活,亲近英语。四教学重难点:1.能够在故事教学的同时,对学生进行对话教学和简单语篇教学,培养学生语言交际能力。2.能在课文语境下初步理解和使用句型. What will you do? Ill五教学方法:整体教学、情景创设、讲解六教学准备:PPT 演示文稿、教学光碟、卡片。教学过程:一 Warming up:Say chant together:Lets buy a computer. Its time to choose.Which one is good? For you to choose. Big ones and small ones?Beautiful ones too?Do you like this one?Ill buy it for you .儿歌起到调动学生积极性的作用。2.Play a game: (出示气球图片)在气球中动词消失前,用气球中所含单词说出相关动词短语:do ,play, write, draw, go, cut, make.设计意图:这些单词都是与课文密切相关的,复习这些动词可以让学生熟练运用动词展开句型的教学。二Presentation:T: Can you say one subject?S: Maths, Chinese, English, Art, PE. Music, Science.S: Im good atT: Which subject are the sheep good at?Lets watch Part 1.Then follow this part.设计意图:由谈论学生擅长的科目到活动一中小羊擅长的科目,导入自然。三Text learning:T: Lingling , Amy , Daming and Sam will make an English newspaper.1. Lets watch the story and answer my question: What is the newspaper about? (整体感知故事) S: Its about their school. (出示 PPT) T: This is our school, our class will make an English newspaper about our school too. Do you want to make it?2. Watch again: Then answer my questions:1) What will they do ? 四个小朋友做报纸的分工是什么?1) S1: Daming will draw the pictures.S2: Amy will write the reports.S3: Sam will cut the paper.S4: Lingling will stick the newspaper.(出示 ppt)Damingdraw the pictures.Amywrite the reports.Samcut the paper.Linglingwillstick the pictures.T: 1.will 表示将要 2.观察 will 后动词用什么形式?will+动词原形 表示将要做的事, 含有 will 这种句子结构叫做一般将来时的句子。3. He will, She will, I will=Ill (on Bb) 齐读课题 Ill draw the pictures.(出示 ppt):draw the pictures.write the reports.Illcut the paper.stick the pictures.(出示 ppt) Learn: reports, stick 释义,指名读,齐读。 stick the photos, stick the stampsIll stick the photos. Ill stick the stamps .Let the pupils read the four sentences.T: Ill stick the pictures for our class. What about you?S: Ill Im good at设计意图:一般将来时的肯定句 Ill 的学习,并通过表达自己班级做报纸活动进一步巩固肯定句的用法。2) T: You are good at English.Will you write the reports ? You are good at Art. Will you draw the pictures? S: Yes, I will./No, I wont. S:Will you write the reports ? T: No, I wont. Ill stick the pictures.(ask 4 , 齐问 1,齐问 T)T: Will you? (on Bb) 我们用这样的句子询问你将要做的事。T : Yes, I will. / No, I wont. (on Bb)(出示 ppt)These are four steps for an English newspaper. Act in pairs.Act one group.设计意图:一般将来时一般疑问句的学习,通过句型的操练把重点单词带入新句型中,一举两得。在活动中学生既学习了新知,又锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,也培养了学生的综合语言运用能力。3)如上一问题有孩子做否定回答,顺势问,如没有再找生回答。T: What will you do ? Ill T: What will you do ? (on the Bb) 我们用这个句子来询问你将要做什么? Act in pairs.摸物游戏:我们以摸物的形式确定几个小组的分工,箱子中有胶水、彩笔,碳素笔,剪刀。S1:What will you do ? S2: Ill. (ask two groups)设计意图:由一般将来时特殊疑问句的学习,把本课的重点短语与单词又重新以游戏的形式巩固操练,教师始终做到:词不离句,把本课重点句型与新授单词紧密结合,让学生充分操练句型。3.Follow the text.4Act the text四 Practice:1. 小组成员用:What will you do? Will you?讨论制作英语报纸的分工并汇报讨论过程。此活动让小组活动落到实处,巩固本课重点知识。2.介绍剪纸的制作过程:T:These are paper-cutting works.First Ill, then Ill and , at last Ill .(整体设计:本课作为对话教学,从语篇层面我是这样考虑的:分解教材文本,分布呈现:首先引出本课重点词汇和语言结构:report, stick, fantastic ;一般将来时:Ill , Will you? , What will you do? 词汇的学习在句型中,在语境中做到词不离句,句型操练做到贴近学生生活,创设情境:放学后做什么?班级做报纸你将做哪一部分,操练形式多样:对话,游戏,充分练习学生语言表达能力。高年级为了培养学生语篇意识设计了两个活动:讨论做报纸的分工,介绍剪纸,培养了学生的综合语言运用能力。 )五Homework: Make your English newspaper.六: 板书:Design: Module 6 Unit 1 Ill draw the pictures. Will you? What will you do? Yes, I will. / No I wont. Ill
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