Module 1-Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:00264).zip

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新新标标准英语准英语一一年年级级起点六年起点六年级级下册下册Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.What food and drinks do you know?What food and drinks do you know?Chinese FoodWestern FoodWhat do you want? I want a hamburgerWhat do you want? I want a hot dog What do you want? I want a colaWhat do you want? I want some soup What do you want? I want CashierW Watchatch andand answeranswer 1 1. .W Whathat doesdoes D Damingaming want?want? 2 2. . W Whathat doesdoes S Simonimon want?want? 3 3. . W Whathat doesdoes daddad want?want?1 1. .W Whathat doesdoes D Damingaming want?want? HeHe wantswants a a hothot dogdog andand a a colacola. .2 2. .W Whathat doesdoes S Simonimon want?want? HeHe wantswants a a hamburgerhamburger andand a a colacola. .W Whathat doesdoes daddad want?want?HeHe wantswants a a hamburgerhamburger andand a a colacola, , too.too.I It ts s 1313 dollardollars s andand 2525 centcents s, , in in all.all.How much is the meal?Learn and saydollarLearn and saycentdollar cent 1 dollar = cents1 dollar = Yuan1006.58Learn and saymeal A Act ct it it outoutLearn and sayhamburger(3.75)cola(1.25)hot dog(2.00)(1) What do you want? I want(2) How much is it? ItsHomework1收集平时在市场和超市里看到的食物的名字及其价格。新新标标准英语准英语一一年年级级起点六年起点六年级级下册下册Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please.What food and drinks do you know?What food and drinks do you know?Chinese FoodWestern FoodWhat do you want? I want a hamburgerWhat do you want? I want a hot dog What do you want? I want a colaWhat do you want? I want some soup What do you want? I want CashierW Watchatch andand answeranswer 1 1. .W Whathat doesdoes D Damingaming want?want? 2 2. . W Whathat doesdoes S Simonimon want?want? 3 3. . W Whathat doesdoes daddad want?want?1 1. .W Whathat doesdoes D Damingaming want?want? HeHe wantswants a a hothot dogdog andand a a colacola. .2 2. .W Whathat doesdoes S Simonimon want?want? HeHe wantswants a a hamburgerhamburger andand a a colacola. .W Whathat doesdoes daddad want?want?HeHe wantswants a a hamburgerhamburger andand a a colacola, , too.too.I It ts s 1313 dollardollars s andand 2525 centcents s, , in in all.all.How much is the meal?Learn and saydollarLearn and saycentdollar cent 1 dollar = cents1 dollar = Yuan1006.58Learn and saymeal A Act ct it it outoutLearn and sayhamburger(3.75)cola(1.25)hot dog(2.00)(1) What do you want? I want(2) How much is it? ItsHomework1收集平时在市场和超市里看到的食物的名字及其价格。教学设计教学设计一一. . 教学课题:教学课题:选自新标准英语一年级起点第十二册的Module1 Unit1 I want a hot dog, please. 当中的“part4 Practice”。二二. . 教材分析:教材分析:新标准的每个单元都由课文和拓展练习这两个部分组成,也就是每个单元都需两个课时来完成,我所选取的是单元当中的“拓展练习”部分,这一部分的重点任务是让学生学会用“What do you want?/ I want a/ How much is it? / Its .”这四个主要的句型来编对话,所给的名词也有所增加,不仅仅局限于课文部分的几个有关食物的名词。三三. . 学请分析:学请分析:我们学校的六年级学生从五年级才开始学英语,但所用教材确是一年级起点的,因此学生的英语基本功不是很扎实,于是我在设计这堂课的时候,考虑使用一些简单的食物名词来作为拓展练习部分的内容,并且尽量将句型简单化。重要的不是教师这堂课向学生灌输了多少知识,而是学生在这堂课上收获了多少。四教学重点和难点:四教学重点和难点:What do you want? I want How much is it? Its五教学方法:五教学方法:听、说、读、写相结合六教学手段:六教学手段:多媒体、自制面具、小组合作、角色扮演七教学目标:七教学目标:语言技能目标:学生能利用这四个句型:What do you want? 编对话。I want How much is it? Its情感态度目标:通过模仿购物的情景,让学生对英语产生兴趣,并增加他们的自信。八教学过程:八教学过程:1. 教师和学生相互问候:T: Hello, boys and girls! How are you? S: Hello, teacher. I am fine.2. 热身活动:教师通过 PPT 展示几幅图,并用阴影挡住图片的一部分。让学生在热身的同时复习上节课所学的句型“What do you want?/ I want a/ How much is it? / Its .”T: Whats this, can you guess?S: Its a hamburger/ hot dog/ appleT: Ok, Its a hot dog. What do you want?S: I want a hot dog. .T: Whats the number can you guess?S: Its a five/ ten/ sixT: Ok, lets check the answer. Its a five.How much is it?S: Its five dollars.让学生在猜测的游戏中复习旧知识,可以增加孩子们的兴趣。3.阅读:教师通过 PPT 告知学生“Amy”和“ Simon”来到一家餐厅,他们正准备点餐,并让学生猜猜他们和收银员之间的对话内容。T: Amy and Simon are in a restaurant, they want to buy some food. First, what will the cashier say to them.S: What do you want? / Hello! / Can I help you?.T: Ok, lets check the answer Please read it fellow me.T: Who can be the little teacher?S: Let me try, please.T: Can you guess what will Amy say?S: I want a hot dog / cola / hamburgerT: Ok, lets check it.这个环节主要是教授学生一个教师自己新编的对话,并让学生在这个基础上进行拓展,运用到实际生活中。4.以小组为单位练习对话:T: If you were Amy or Simon, what kind of food do you want to choose?听到教师发出这样的信息,学生积极地加入到讨论当中。通过这个环节可以培养孩子们合作的能力,分角色扮演更能激发学生们对这个新对话的兴趣,提高效率。5.表演学生自己编的对话:T:Which group want to perform your new dialogue?S: Let us try, please.让学生戴上面具上台表演,可以激发孩子对英语的兴趣,大胆的表演也可以让他们自信满满。并且让孩子们在轻松的表演中结束这堂课。九板书设计九板书设计Module1 Unit1 I want a hot dog, please. What do you want? I want hot dog cola hamburger colaHow much is it?Its
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