Reading for Pleasure-Fantastic Animals-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:401a3).docx

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Reading for Pleasure-Fantastic Animals-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:401a3).docx_第1页
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Reading for Pleasure-Fantastic Animals-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:401a3).docx_第2页
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Reading for Pleasure-Fantastic Animals-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:401a3).docx_第3页
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Reading for Pleasure-Fantastic Animals-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:401a3).docx_第4页
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Reading for Pleasure-Fantastic Animals-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(配套课件编号:401a3).docx_第5页
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1、The Mouse With No NameHuaihe Road Primary SchoolLiandi ZhangGrade: SixLesson type: ReadingAnalysis of teaching contents:The teaching material is a picture storybook about a mouse with no name. Thechildren will find just the right name for the new pet mouse in theclassroom after it has a lucky escape

2、. It includes controlled vocabulary and repetition of high frequency words. And its a story with familiar settings, traditionalanimal tales and humor.Analysis of the learners:Pupils in Grade 6 have known about the Simple Past Tense. And they could think, predict, infer ,make connections ,visualize o

3、r retell the story byusing what they have already known. The story is easier understood for them than other children.Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:The students may be able to use the following phrases and sentences to retell or introduce the story after reading the story:vocabulary: blew ,dropped, ra

4、n, chased, got, flew, hood .sentence: The wind blew and _ dropped the mouse.The mouse ran _, the _chased him.Ability aims:Students ability and quality of creative thinking, visualizing, predicting and inferring could be improved a little by reading the picture book ;Students are able to share the bo

5、ok with others by retelling or making a card,a mini book after reading.Emotional aims:Students can enjoy the reading and feel the humor and subtext of the book;Students can enjoy the lucky escape of the mouse and believe that every day is a lucky day.Key points:Ss can understand what they read in th

6、e book based on observing the pictures and enjoy the authors ideas in the book;Ss can know how to retell and summarize a story .Difficult points:Ss can visualize , predict and infer according to the pictures and context.Teaching methods:reading, listening, speaking ,classroom discussion, writing.Tea

7、ching aids:guided reading cards ,PPT, music.Teaching Procedures:ProceduresInteractionpatternsPPTTeaching activitiesPupils activitiesPurposesFree talkT-SFree talk with the students.1. Ask their names and sayhi to them one by one.2.Tell the students abouttheteachersschool.(playground,tree,dininghall,d

8、innerlady ,children.)1.Telltheteachertheirnames and greet with theteacher;2. Know something aboutthe teachers school. Andtell something about theirown school.拉近师生关系,用最简单的问题来提升学生张口说英语的信心,并为后面的呈现做铺垫。Presentation:T-S1.Show some photos of petsto the students and ask: Doyouhaveanypetslikethese?What is it

9、?Whats its name?2. Tell the students there isa school which have schoolpets. Have the Ss guesswhat the school pets are.1. Look at the photos.2.Thenanswerthequestions.3. Ss try to guess what theschool pets are.用贴近学生实际生活图片呈现给大家,唤醒学生对宠物的喜爱及回忆,并用最贴近实际的问题去激发学生的表达欲望;同时为绘本导读做好铺垫。Read Pages2-5T-SS-S1. Open

10、the book and readthe first part of the bookand have the students givea name to the little mousewith no name.2. Give the students somepossible names and havethe students guess or give aname for the mouse.3. Show them the mousehas no name and tell themthe name of the book.4. Make the students guesshow

11、 the mouse felt andread the sentence.1. Read the beginning andtry to give a name to themousewithnonameaccordingtotheirimagination or inferring.2. Read the name of thebook with the teacher andtry to guess what wouldhappen to the mouse.3. Suppose they were themouse with no name , tryto predict the fee

12、lings ofthe mouse.4. Try to be sad and readthe sentence.学生通过仔细观察图片,充分发挥想象力来推测小老鼠可能的名字;继而在了解小老鼠没有名字后来充分感受小老鼠的心情,并模仿语气朗读句子。Read Pages6-23T-SS-S1.Continue to read Pages6-7, tell the reason ofthe escape.Thewindblew,theteacherdroppedthemouse.2. Guide the students toobservethepicturesofPages 8-23 ,think,

13、predictand infer What happenednext.1.Read the story and try toguess the meanings of thenewwords,understand ,think ,predictand infer the steps of theescape.2.Try to enjoy the escapeof the mouse and how themouse felt when he waschased or got.3.Try to imitate and readtherepetitionofhighfrequencywordsor

14、sentences.教师通过不断设疑,让学生观察图片,发挥想象力,预测,推断接下来小老鼠可能会跑去哪里,会遇见谁,并有什么样的逃亡经历。Read Page24T-SS-S1. Continue to show the lastpage of the story.2. Have the students thinkand guess the name of themouse again.3. Help the students toknow why its name is Luckyby retelling the story on theblackboard.4. Have the stude

15、nts knowthe saying: Behind bad luckcomes good luck!1. Memorize the story anddiscusswiththeirpartners ,then give theirideas and tell the reason.2. Try to understand howthe mouse got the rightname for him after thelucky escape.3.Try to understand thesaying and believe it.通过思维导图的形式与学生一同回顾小老鼠的逃亡经历,并阐释为什

16、么小老鼠从没有名字到有了“Lucky”这样一个名字。并让学生思考他的经历是否 lucky?同时启发学生通过读小老鼠的故事来感受“bad luck” 并不总是跟随我们的,它有可能会带来好运!Wrap UpT-STell the students ,actuallywehavereadabook.Introduce the writer andthe illustrator to them. Thenhave the students give aname to the book.Try to give a name to thebook with their partnersaccording

17、to the escape ofthe mouse.让学生以给这本书取个名字的方式来回顾整个故事的脉络,达到整体理解的效果。AfterreadingT-SS-S1. Have the students rereadthe whole story by solve the3 problems of what, whoand where.2.Show the answers.3. Have the students retellthe story in their own wordsaccording to making a minibook for the story. Theressome p

18、ossible help for thestudents when necessary.1.Ss try to reread the storyand fill in the chart.Know how the mouse gotthe name.2.Check their answers.3.Read the book again andtry to retell the story intheir own words with theirpartners,andwritesomething on their minibooks.1.以填表格的形式让学生加深印象,并首尾呼应解决前面抛出的三

19、个问题。2.再让学生根据教师提供的迷你书上的图片试图将这个有趣的故事用自己的语言复述出来或小组表演出来,使学生的语言能力得到进一步提升。HomeworkT-SS-S1.Have the studentstry tomake a mini picture bookfor their own pets or arecommendationcardforthe book after class andshare it with their friends ortheir family.2.Give them a model.3.Encourage the students toread more p

20、icture booksafter class and give thewebsite.4. Tell them : Every day is alucky day.Ss look at the model andtry to know how make amini picture book like this.Ss try to read more picturebooks if they like.鼓励学生用课堂上老师发给的贴画和迷你书做一本自己喜欢的小绘本,将它分享给朋友或家人。介绍更多有趣的绘本,让学生能通过不断读绘本拓展自己的阅读视野并学会用一些阅读策略来提升自己的阅读能力。Write on the Bb:Lets write:The feedback of teaching results:


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