Module 4-Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs!-公开课ppt课件--(含教案)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:e1a2b).zip

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Module 4 Unit 2外研社外研社 英语英语 (一年级起点)六年级下(一年级起点)六年级下 A: My books are falling. Who can help me?B: Sorry , I cant . I m on the phone. C: I can help you.A :My newspaper is flying away. Who can help me? . A: My kite is flying away. Who can help me? . A: The apples are falling. Who can help me? .1. Is a panda falling down?2.Whats falling down?No, it isnt.A panda kite is falling down.The apples are falling down the stairs. Listen with the question.Whats happening? Listen with the question.Whats happening?The woman cant carry all these things. Everything is falling. Read with the questions.1. What are eggs like?2. What are apples like?3. What is cola like?They are broken. They are falling down the stairs. It is falling.I can pick up the apples. And I will clean the stairs. I will wash the apples. fall down fall broken help carry Choose the words and fill in the blanks with its right forms. (选词填空,把单词的正确形式填在横线上。)(选词填空,把单词的正确形式填在横线上。) Oh dear! I cant_ all these things. Everything is falling! The eggs are _.And the apples are _the stairs. Oh on! Now the cola is falling, too What a mess! Who can _me? carry broken falling down help1234What is he doing?抽签游戏:抽签游戏:以以4 4人一小组为单位编排连环画游戏人一小组为单位编排连环画游戏。Write a task that you cant do alone. Ask your friend for help.(以小组单位,写一个自己无法独立完成的任务,并请同伴与自己一起完成这项任务。(以小组单位,写一个自己无法独立完成的任务,并请同伴与自己一起完成这项任务。 )Im putting my hands on my head and eating an apple.Who can help me?I can help you. A: Im putting my hands on my head and eating an apple.Who can help me? B:I can help you .(1)全班完成全班完成 a.17作业网站上的作业网站上的Module4Unit2作业。作业。 b.完成微信群中的朗读作业。完成微信群中的朗读作业。 c.抄写本课的重点词汇和语句抄写本课的重点词汇和语句,并写出并写出4-5个个语句介绍自己喜欢的互助任务。语句介绍自己喜欢的互助任务。 d. 预习预习Module5Unit1.(2)个别完成个别完成 a.背诵背诵Module4 Unit2课文。课文。 b.向家人和同伴展示所学歌曲。向家人和同伴展示所学歌曲。Homework1课题:课题:英语英语 (新标准)(新标准) (一年级起点)六年级下册(一年级起点)六年级下册 Module4 Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs!教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析本课是外研社新标准英语(一起)六年级下册 Module4 Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs!本课的话题是说明原因,寻求帮助。课文情境是一位女士在请求帮助。她拿不了所有的东西,鸡蛋碎了,苹果和可乐也滚下了楼梯,谁能帮帮她呢?本节课的学习重点是进一步强化复习现在进行时,巩固“can”的用法,并学会如何寻求帮助。教师要重点帮助学生加深对“can”的理解,帮助学生掌握“can”表示天生的或学到的能力的用法。教师注意给有困难的学生更多练习和巩固的机会,并帮助基础较好的学生有所拓展。本模块的任务是设计自己无法独立完成的任务,并请同伴帮忙共同完成。提醒学生每个人都会遇到自己一个人无法完成的事情,所以我们应该学会合理地向他人寻求帮助,并学会善意地、不图回报地帮助他人。二、学情分析二、学情分析六年级学生经过上节课的学习,已能基本掌握运用目标语句描述正在发生的事情;向他人求助;根据客观情况说明自己能否向他人提供帮助。本课主要是在学生已有的基础上做进一步的落实、巩固与扩展。本课还要让学生在听说目标语句的基础上进行读写的迁移,落实高年级写的要求,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。三、教学目标三、教学目标1.1.语言技能语言技能(1)全体学生能听懂:The apples are falling down the stairs.(2)全体学生能说:The apples are falling down the stairs.(3)全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。(4)全体学生能写出 4-5 个语句寻求帮助。2.2.语言知识语言知识(1)全体学生能理解:stairs;(2)全体学生运用:help;(3)部分学生能运用:stairs;(4)全体学生能运用:The apples are falling down the stairs.23.3.情感态度情感态度能体会到英语学习的乐趣,养成乐于助人的好品质。4.4.学习策略学习策略积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务(寻求帮助) 。5.5.文化意识文化意识对请求做出适当的反应。四、课时目标四、课时目标能听懂会说目标语句,并能熟练运用目标语句描述正在发生的事情;向他人求助;根据客观情况说明自己能否向他人提供帮助。能读懂课文,完成相应练习。五、教学重、难点五、教学重、难点1.重点能熟练运用目标语句进行问答,并能在实际情景中运用。2.难点stairs 的发音。六、教学资源六、教学资源PPT 教学课件、Flash 教学资源、微课、单词卡片、课堂检测卷。七、教学过程七、教学过程 (一)导入(一)导入 Warm-up and lead in( 3 3 分钟)分钟)1. Greetings.2. Lets review.T:Last lesson we have learnt Module4 Unit1.Now Ill show you some pictures. Lets make the dialogues and at them out.S1: My books are falling. Who can help me? S2: Sorry, I cant. Im on the phone S3:I can help you. 3. Lead in. (书的 20 页 SB Module4 Unit1 活动 1 活动 1Look,listen and say.)T:Lets look, listen and say.T: Is panda falling down?S: No, it isnt.3T: What is falling down?Ss: A panda.4.Listen and repeat. 5.Look and say .T:Show a picture and describe.Ss: The apples are falling down the stairs.在这里学习“stairs”,并且加以操练。【设计意图】首先,以旧带新的形式复习了上节课学习的知识,从而引出“falling down”这个短语,借助这个短语激活学生已有的知识,为进行新课教学做好铺垫。(二)任务呈现(二)任务呈现 Task presentation( 1111 分钟)分钟)1.T:Today, well learn Module4 Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs. When everyone cant do things alone. You can do them with a partner to complete, please. Through this lesson, you write a task that you cant do alone. Ask your friend for help.2.Watch the CD-ROM and answer.(1) Task1: Listen and answer the question.Listen with the question. T:Whats happening?Answer the question. Ss: The woman cant carry all these things. Everything is falling. (2) Task2:Read by yourself and answer the questions. T:a. What are eggs like? b. What are apples like? c. What is cola like? Answer the questions.a. The eggs are broken. b. The apples are falling down the stairs.(对这句话进行练习。 ) c. The cola is falling.在这里引出“What a mess! Who can help me?”这句话,引导学生说“I can help 4you.【设计意图】通过第一遍听音回答问题,让学生理解文章的大意。通过第二遍自读课文,进一步理解文章的大意。并且对重点的目标语句进行练习,让抓住时机对学生进行德育渗透:当别人需要帮助的时候,我们应该学会善意地、不图回报第帮助他人。(三)练习巩固(三)练习巩固 Practice( 1212 分钟)分钟)1.Lsten ,match and write the answers. (书的 24 页 SB Module4 Unit2 活动 3) Who can help the woman?. 2.Listen and repeat. 【设计意图】教师利用电脑播放课文的视频,让学生跟读课文并强化学生们的语音和语调。3.Read the text in groups and act.【设计意图】让学生在小组内读课文,然后以小组为单位展示读。为后面的复述课文做铺垫4. Fill in the blanks. 选词语填空,将词语的适当形式填入横线上。 Oh dear! I cant_ all these things. Everything is falling! The eggs are _.And the apples are _the stairs. Oh on! Now the cola is falling, too What a mess! Who can _me?【设计意图】通过选词填空对课文的重点知识进行练习,让学生通过练习对文本有更进一步的掌握。T:Lets check(订正答案) Read together. 5.Retell the text in the group and act the dialogue. (以小组为单位练习复述课文。)【设计意图】通过小组的形式检查学生对课文的掌握情况,体现小组合作。6.Listen and say .Then sing. (书的 24 页 SB Module4 Unit2 活动 4)Listen to the song “Who can help me?”on Page24播放录音,跟唱。加上相应的动作,边唱边表演。(四)语言运用(四)语言运用 ProductionProduction( 7 7 分钟)分钟) fall down fall broken help carry 5 1.Do and say. (书的 24 页 SB Module4 Unit2 活动 5) Look and say. (书的 24 页 SB Module4 Unit2 活动 5 的图片) T:What is he doing ?Ss: This is Li Ming. Hes sitting down. Hes stand up. Hes walking to the blackboard. Now he writing this name. 抽签游戏。以 4 人一小组为单位编排连环画游戏。理解活动要求:根据抽到的连环画,说出对应的句子,然后组长指挥,组员展示。先组内表演出来。最后部分小组展示。2.Read ,write and do. (书的 24 页 SB Module4 Unit2 活动 6 图片)Write a task that you cant do alone. Ask your friend for help.Write a task and act in the group.T: Im putting my hands on my head and eating an apple. Who can help me? I can help you. Write a task that you cant do alone. Ask your friend for help. Then act it.【设计意图】在完成任务的过程中,学生们充分运用了他们所学的语言,达到了学以致用的目的,提高了实际语言运用的能力,而且激发了他们的兴趣,增强了他们的合作意识,为日后更好地学习英语树立了信心。同时培养学生的爱心和助人。(五)课堂检测(五)课堂检测 : : Test( 5 5 钟)钟). 判断下列单词中划线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“” ,不同的写“” 。( )1.stairs pair ( ) enjoy ( )3.fall call ( )4.need meetII.单项选择( )1._-I can help you.A. Can I help you ? B. Who can help me? C. What can I do for you?( )2. The apples are falling down the _. A. stair B. stairs C. staires( )3. The box is _. I cant carry it. A. heavy B. dry C. high6III.阅读短文,根据短文内容选词填空,每个单词只能使用一次。 Today is Damings birthday. Simons mum is at the_. Shes _ things for his birthday party. She cant _all these things. Everything is _. The eggs are broken. What a _! Who can help me?(六)小结与布置作业(六)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework( 2 2 分钟)分钟)1. SummaryT: What have we learnt this class?Ss: 学会 1 单词描述某人正在做某事,听懂 The apples are falling down the stairs.这句话,you write a task that you cant do alone. Ask your friend for help.2. Homework(1)全班完成:a.17 作业网站上的 Module4Unit2 作业。b.完成微信群中的朗读作业。c.抄写本课的重点词汇和语句,并写出 4-5 个语句介绍自己喜欢的互助任务。d. 预习 Module5Unit1.(2)个别完成:a.背诵 Module4 Unit2 课文。b.向家人和同伴展示所学歌曲。 ( (七七) ) 板书设计板书设计Module4 Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs. Everything is falling. The eggs are broken. The apples are falling down the stairs. The cola is falling. 【设计意图】板书的设计是在上课过程中,教师根据学生回答的问题而抓住的目标语句,最后让学生通过板书知道了本节课学习了什么,并且可以根据这些目标语句提示一起复述课文,达到精炼的目的。buying falling mess supermarket carrycant Who can help me?
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