Module 10-Unit 2 I'm going to Lake Middle School.-公开课ppt课件--(含教案)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:d001e).zip

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NSE Module 10 Unit 2 1.What is Sam going to study? Hes going to study History, Science Chemistry, Maths and Geography. Listen and answer Talk about your middle schools TaskWatch and answerWhat are they talking about?Watch and answerWhat are they talking about?Theyre talking about Middle School. 1、Which Middle School is Lingling going to? Park Middle School Shes going to _.Read and answer自读回答自读回答2、What is Lingling going to study? Shes going to study Physics, Chemistry, Chinese, History and Geograghy._.Tips:默读课文,画出答案默读课文,画出答案 3、Which Middle School is Amy going to? Lake Middle School . Shes going to _._.Ask and answer问答问答 4 、What is Amy going to study? Shes going to study History, Science, Geography and French.Tips:找出答案,小组问答找出答案,小组问答IT 信息技术课信息技术课 In England, There are some selected course (选修课选修课).What is Amy going to study?Cooking烹饪课烹饪课The drama course戏剧课戏剧课Listen and repeat听音跟读听音跟读 Read and act 角色扮演角色扮演 Which middle school?Im going to What are you? Im going to study1 minuteA: Which middle school are you going to ?B: Im going to A: What are you going to study?B: Im going to study Ask and answerhave a Sports Dayplay footballdo long jumphave a military traininghave a Art DayN Ten methods of readingsing songshave partiesmake fruit bowlsay poemsN do a playdo long jumpsing songsstudy hardplay football do a playhave a partyAsk and answerA: Which middle school are you going to ?B: Im going to A: What are you going to do?B: Im going to Listen and tick, T or F.( )1、She is going to Yuwen Middle School. ( )2、She is going to study Chinese,English, French and Japanese. Dear friends, Im Bob. Im going to No.18 Middle School this September. Its a beautiful school. Im going to study Chinese, English, Maths in Grade 7. Im also going to study Physics in Grade 8 and study Chemistry in Grade 9. Im going to meet new friends . Im very excited!From Bob Read and answer Read and answer 1、Which Middle School is Bob going to? _ 2、What is Bob going to study in Grade 8? _Hes going to No.18 Middle School. Hes going to study Chinese ,English ,Maths and Physics. Dear friends, Im Bob. Im going to No.18 Middle School this September. Its a beautiful school. Im going to study Chinese, English, Maths in Grade 7. Im also going to study Physics in Grade 8 and study Chemistry in Grade 9. Im going to meet new friends . Im very excited!From Bob Summary Dear friend, Im _. Im going to _Middle School this September. Im going to study_and so on . Im going to_. Im going to_. I m going to_._.From_ 提提示示短短语语:study Chinese Maths Physics English play football sing songs say the poems have a Military training meet new friendsWrite1.Continue to write your middle school.2.Share your works on your own homepage/ blog. If you like, you will send your emails to me. LTalk about your new middle school.middle schoolWhoWhatHowexcitedby/onWhichstudyIWhenthis September新标准英语一起新标准英语一起 Book12Book12 Module10Module10 Unit2Unit2 I Im m goinggoing toto LakeLake MiddleMiddle School.School. 教学设计教学设计学校学校 一、一、 教材分析教材分析本课是本模块的第二篇课文,本模块主要内容是谈论未来的中学生活。在第一篇课文的基础上,本课 Lingling 和 Amy 谈论以后上中学的情况。她们互相询问对方会去哪所中学,并介绍自己中学要学习的科目。两人对中学生活充满期待。本课的任务是描述自己心目中的中学生活。二、学情分析二、学情分析六年级学生经过多年的英语学习,在听、说、读、写各个方面都有了一定的能力。学生已经初步掌握了一般将来时 Im going to 句式,并能运用这一句式叙述自己的打算。但少部分学生依然没有找到适合自己的学习方法,因而在学习过程中信心不足,参与语言活动的积极性不高。为此,教师要在课堂上创设有梯度的问题情境和任务,启发学生的思维,激活学生的语言,培养学生综合语言运用能力。三、设计理念三、设计理念小学英语教学的总体目标是发展学生的综合语用能力,本课采用情景化、生活化、问题化、任务化的教学设计理念,让学生在任务的驱动下在真实的情景中,积极进行语言活动。四、教学目标四、教学目标(一)语言知识(一)语言知识1.全体学生能理解,运用 chemistry physics 。2.全体学生能理解,运用目标语句:Im going to Lake Middle School. (二)语言技能(二)语言技能1.全体学生能朗读课文。2.全体学生能写出 4-5 个语句(40 词左右)介绍未来的中学及中学生活。(三)情感态度(三)情感态度在学习过程中,能注意到中外学习课程的差异。能积极使用英语进行交流,对中学生活有美好的憧憬。(四)学习策略(四)学习策略感知、体验、自主、合作、探究(五)文化意识(五)文化意识了解小学和初中的不同学习生活,了解不同国家初中学习生活。五、教学重点五、教学重点能运用 Which middle school are you going to in September? What are you going to study? Im going to 句式进行问答。六、教学难点六、教学难点部分有关学科的单词发音,正确使用 be going to 句式表达自己的打算。七、教学准备七、教学准备教师准备:学生用书、各科教科书、课件 、点读笔、练习单学生准备:学生用书、八、教学过程八、教学过程(一)Warming-up1. Greetings: T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: Im going to study English with you.Look, this is my English book. There are some books in my bag.(show other books. ) 复习学习过的有关学科的单词,教授新单词 chemistry physics.2. Listen and chant: T:You are goingto study these in middle school. Sam is going to middle school ,too. What is Sam going to study? Lets listen and chant.Ss: Listen and chant (学生用书 P59-1)3.Ask and answerT:What is Sam going to study?S:Hes going to study historyT:Hes going to study these in Lake Middle School.Today ,well learn M10U2 Im going to Lake Middle School.(师板书课题)(设计意图:师生问候,提示英语课的开始,出示中学课本复习有关学科的单词,情景真实。听 chant,为本课教学内容作铺垫,并调节课堂气氛.) (二)Task PresentationMy students Bob and Helen are going to middle school ,too.They want to know your middle schools. 描述自己心目中的中学生活。(设计意图:开宗明义,了解本课学习任务,使学习有目标。) (三)Text learning1.Listen 初听,整体感知T: 播放 CD-ROM,呈现课文,学生边听边看,整体感知课文人物和内容。思考:What are Lingling and Amy talking about?Ss:They re talking about middle school.(设计意图:调动学生多种感官,通过观察、倾听、思考,增强学生探究新知的意识。 )2.Read 再读,深入理解T : Here are two questions.1 教师整体出示两个问题,学生带着问题自主阅读,适当批画。Question1: Which middle school is Lingling going to ?Question2:What is Lingling going to study ? 2 逐步解决两个问题Question1: Which middle school is Lingling going to ?Shes going to Park Middle School.T:课文中是用第一人称进行回答,而本题需要转换成第三人称回答,相应的 be 动词也需要进行变化,如果有学生直接用课文中的句子回答,教师要引导学生变换人称及相应的 be 动词。Question2: What is Lingling going to study?Shes going to study Physics, Chemistry ,History, Geograghy and Chinese.T: 本题中有本课的生词 physics chemistry,教师关注学生发音.并且本题答案是来自两个句子,提醒学生注意句子的整合。3Ask and answer 追问,全面理解T:What about Amy?Question3: Which middle school is Amy going to ?Shes going to lake Middle School.Question4: What is Amy going to study?Shes going to study History,Science,Geography and French.(设计意图:给学生提供阅读的时间,问题牵动,引导学生批画或者在书中记录核心语词,逐步培养学生自主阅读的能力。 )4.Ask and answer T:What is Amy going to study?拓展练习有关英国学校的选修课程,体会中外课程的差异。5. Listen and repeat6.Read and act in pairs(四)Practice1Ask and answer1)T:Which middle school are you going to ?S:Im going to T: What are you going to study?S:Im going to study2)学生自己在班级中找朋友问答3)学生小组内问答(设计意图:这是一个基础性的练习,不同形式的问答,互相检查本课所涉及的词句是否理解,并能根据自己实际情况进行语言输出。)2. Enjoy and talk more about middle school lifeT:Some of you are going to Hongwen Middle can do lots of things in middle school.Lets enjoy.3.Ask and answer in groupsWhich middle school are you going to ?Im going to What are you going to study?Im going to study(设计意图:除了学习之外,中学生活丰富多彩。教师为学生提供一些中学学习生活的图片,丰富学生的词汇量,拓展学生的思维。 )4.Listen and answerMy student Helen is going to middle school.Lets listen.播放 Helen 介绍中学的录音,请学生回答两个问题。5Read and answerMy student Bob is going to middle school,too.Lets read.阅读 bob 介绍中学的短文,请学生回答两个问题。6Little summaryT:When we talk about middle schools life ,what shoule we say?和学生一起总结,教师板书整理。(五)Task completion1.Try to be a writer:T: You are going to go to different middle schools, please write out your middle school.My Middle SchoolDear friend, Im _. Im going to _Middle School .Im going to study_Im going to_. Im going to_.Im going to _._.From_提示短语:study Chinese Maths Physics English play football sing songs say the poems have a Military training meet new friendsSs : write out their middle school(Listen to “Auld Lang Syne” when they write.)(设计意图:通过写作检验学生的语言运用能力。情感渗透,珍惜同学间的友谊。 )(六)Homework 1.Continue to write your middle school.2.Share your works on your own homepage/ blog. If you like, you will send your emails to me. L九、板书设计九、板书设计Module10 Unit2Im going to Lake Middle School.Im going to study
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