Review Module-Unit 2-公开课ppt课件--(含公开课教案+视频+音频+素材)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:d0ad1).zip

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My Classmate服装:Shirt dress coat skirt sweater jacket school uniform trousers blouse fleece hoodie颜色:red green black pink yellow white blue purple grey brown orange运动:play table tennis play football ride a bike go swimming play basketball read a book乐器:play the violin play the erhu play the piano play the guitar 职业:teacher doctor nurse engineer chemist actor pilot dentist writer waiter banker policeman lawyer judge 法官 singer dancer milkman postmanReview Module Unit 2外研版(一年级起点)六年级下册Who do you want to Who do you want to write about?write about?What do you want to What do you want to write?write? My ClassmateXue Yuqi is my classmate. She is twelve. She is a girl. She has got big eyes with long hair.She is of medium height and medium build. Shes wearing a white sweater . She likes reading . And she likes singing and dancing. She wants to be a teacher in the future . She also wants to travel around the world. How to describe How to describe your classmate?your classmate? My ClassmateXue Yuqi is my classmate. She is twelve. She is a girl. She has got big eyes with long hair.She is of medium height and medium build. Shes wearing a white sweater . She likes reading . And she likes singing and dancing. She wants to be a teacher in the future . She also wants to travel around the world. pretty tallshylongfatthinshortcleverprettystronghandsomepretty tallshylongfatthinshortcleverprettystronghandsomeblousehoodieschool uniformclothesfleeceskirtdressshirtjacketsweater coattrousersblueblackyellowredorange whitewhitepinkgreygreybrownpurplegreen My ClassmateShes wearing a white sweater . Shes wearing a school uniform.Shes wearing a hoodie.Shes wearing a sweater and trousers.What are you wearing today?Im wearing a red sweater.人称 My ClassmateXue Yuqi is my classmate. She is twelve. She is a girl. She has got big eyes with long hair.She is of medium height and medium build. Shes wearing a white sweater . She likes reading . And she likes singing and dancing. She wants to be a teacher in the future . She also wants to travel around the world. -Whats your hobby?-Whats your hobby?-I like playing the piano.-I like playing the footballplay table tennisgo swimmingread a bookride a bikeplay basketballguitarerhuviolinpianoplay the Lets listen!Lets listen!teacher doctor nurse engineer chemist actor pilot dentist writer waiter banker policeman lawyer judge singerdancer milkman postman What do you want to be?I want to be a teacher doctor nurse engineer chemist actor pilot dentist writer waiter banker policeman lawyer judge法官 singerdancer milkman postman My ClassmateXue Yuqi is my classmate. She is twelve. She is a girl. She has got big eyes with long hair.She is of medium height and medium build. Shes wearing a white sweater . She likes reading . And she likes singing and dancing. She wants to be a teacher in the future . She also wants to travel around the world. Write about one of your classmate. My ClassmateXue Yuqi is my classmate. She is twelve. She is a girl. She has got big eyes with long hair.She is of medium height and medium build. Shes wearing a white sweater . She likes reading . And she likes singing and dancing. She wants to be a teacher in the future . She also wants to travel around the world. Our classmate are so important for us.We should treasure(珍惜) them because classmates are our friends for all our lives. 同学是我们一生的重要的朋友,我们要彼此珍惜。 新标准英语六年级下册新标准英语六年级下册Review Module Unit 2 MyMy classmateclassmate教学设计教学设计 ReviewReview ModuleModule UnitUnit 2My2My classmateclassmate教学设计教学设计一、一、 教学内容教学内容本教学设计是外研社本教学设计是外研社新标准英语新标准英语小学六年级复习模块第二小学六年级复习模块第二单元学生练习写的一篇英语小作文。用英语简要介绍自己的同学,单元学生练习写的一篇英语小作文。用英语简要介绍自己的同学,并结合同学外貌特征及生活实际谈谈同学的爱好和梦想。并结合同学外貌特征及生活实际谈谈同学的爱好和梦想。字数要求:字数要求:5 5 -10-10 句话句话 6060 词左右。词左右。二、教学目标二、教学目标1.1.知识与能力目标:知识与能力目标:培养学生初步的写作能力、学会叙述自己身边的事。培养学生初步的写作能力、学会叙述自己身边的事。培养学生基本的造句的能力,掌握一些固定的英语语言表达。培养学生基本的造句的能力,掌握一些固定的英语语言表达。2.2.学习策略目标:学习策略目标:学会小组合作学习,交流信息,提高英语写作能力。学会小组合作学习,交流信息,提高英语写作能力。掌握英语写作中组织语言的基本方法。掌握英语写作中组织语言的基本方法。 3.3.情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 通过这一写作,培养学生基本的英语写作能力,培养学生愿意通过这一写作,培养学生基本的英语写作能力,培养学生愿意用英语叙述身边的人或事物的习惯。用英语叙述身边的人或事物的习惯。三、教学重点与难点三、教学重点与难点1.1. 学会用英语表达自己的身边事物,用英语介绍同学的基本情学会用英语表达自己的身边事物,用英语介绍同学的基本情况。况。2.2.使段落和句子前后连贯,相互呼应,有一定的逻辑性。使段落和句子前后连贯,相互呼应,有一定的逻辑性。四、教学准备四、教学准备1 1一篇与人物介绍的有关例文。一篇与人物介绍的有关例文。2 2制作课件和教案。制作课件和教案。3 3准备实物投影仪、多媒体设备准备实物投影仪、多媒体设备五、教学过程五、教学过程StepStep 1 1、(快闪)、(快闪)T T:WhatWhat diddid youyou seesee onon thethe screen?Thescreen?The lastlast twotwo words.Nowwords.Now todaytoday wellwell learnlearn a a ReviewReview Module.Module.StepStep 2 2、(、(PPTPPT)TodayToday wellwell writewrite a a compositioncomposition aboutabout mymy classmate.Iclassmate.I wantwant toto knowknow you.Canyou.Can youyou introduceintroduce a a classmateclassmate toto meme ?Hello!How?Hello!How areare you?you? NiceNice toto meetmeet you.Niceyou.Nice toto meetmeet youyou again.again.StepStep 3 3、NowNow I I havehave anan normalnormal position. CanCan youyou read?read?(读(读范文)范文) MyMy ClassmateClassmateXueXue YuqiYuqi isis mymy classmate.classmate. SheShe isis twelve.twelve. SheShe isis a a girl.girl. SheShe hashas gotgot bigbig eyeseyes withwith longlong hair.Shehair.She isis ofof mediummedium heightheight andand mediummedium ShesShes wearingwearing a a whitewhite sweatersweater . . SheShe likeslikes readingreading . . AndAnd sheshe likeslikes singingsinging andand dancing.dancing. SheShe wantswants toto bebe a a teacherteacher inin thethe futurefuture . . SheShe alsoalso wantswants toto traveltravel aroundaround thethe StepStep 4 4、WhoWho dodo youyou wantwant toto describe?Whatdescribe?What dodo youyou wantwant toto writewrite about?Firstabout?First wewe shouldshould writewrite thethe personalpersonal information(nameinformation(name 、sexsex、ageage).Boys.Boys andand girls,letsgirls,lets havehave a a contest.Whocontest.Who isis quickly?quickly?StepStep 5 5、Contest:reviewContest:review thethe words.words.(DrawDraw thethe bodybody ofof thethe boyboy andand girlgirl)服装:服装:ShirtShirt dressdress coatcoat skirtskirt sweatersweater jacketjacket schoolschool uniformuniform trouserstrousers blouseblouse fleecefleece hoodiehoodieWhatWhat areare youyou wearing?wearing? ImIm wearingwearing a a whitewhite sweater.sweater.(CanCan youyou saysay moremore words?words?(模特展示老师问:学生答穿的(模特展示老师问:学生答穿的衣服后摆造型当模特)衣服后摆造型当模特)颜色:颜色:redred greengreen blackblack pinkpink yellowyellow whitewhite blueblue purplepurple greygrey brownbrown orangeorange WhatWhat colorcolor isis it?Itsit?Its _.(_.(一起打气球)一起打气球)运动:运动:playplay tabletable tennistennis playplay footballfootball rideride a a bikebike gogo swimmingswimming playplay basketballbasketball readread a a bookbook WhatsWhats youryour hobby?hobby? I I likelike playingplaying逐一问同(逐一问同学你的爱好是什么?)学你的爱好是什么?)乐器:乐器:playplay thethe violinviolin playplay thethe erhuerhu playplay thethe pianopiano playplay thethe guitarguitar WhatsWhats youryour hobby?hobby? I I likelike _._.职业:职业:teacherteacher doctordoctor nursenurse engineerengineer chemistchemist actoractor pilotpilot dentistdentist writerwriter waiterwaiter bankerbanker policemanpoliceman lawyerlawyer judgejudge 法官法官 singersinger dancerdancer milkmanmilkman postmanpostman WhatWhat dodo youyou wantwant toto do?do? I I wantwant toto bebe a a _._. 同桌之间互相问,小组讨论同桌之间互相问,小组讨论 3 3 分钟,互问互答。分钟,互问互答。StepStep 6 6、WhoseWhose teamteam isis thethe winner?winner?StepStep 7 7、LetsLets writewrite a a composition.(composition.( pptppt 呈现范文)呈现范文)StepStep 8 8、WhoWho cancan readread youryour composition?composition?(找学生读写的作文,(找学生读写的作文,不说名字,让学生之间互相猜写的是谁)不说名字,让学生之间互相猜写的是谁)StepStep 9.Homework:9.Homework: HandHand inin . .交上一篇自己修改好的短文。交上一篇自己修改好的短文。 六、课后自我反思(六、课后自我反思(self-self- reflectoinreflectoin)本节课主要通过讲评学生的习作使学生掌握了小作文的方法和本节课主要通过讲评学生的习作使学生掌握了小作文的方法和步骤,培养了遣词造句的能力,同时也提高了学生的合作学习的能步骤,培养了遣词造句的能力,同时也提高了学生的合作学习的能力。充分体现了合作学习的理念。另外,这堂课的素材是来自学生力。充分体现了合作学习的理念。另外,这堂课的素材是来自学生的作品,所以针对性比较强,学生的兴趣很高涨,对文中内容有很的作品,所以针对性比较强,学生的兴趣很高涨,对文中内容有很深的体会。深的体会。通过修改和讨论学生对与英语作文会有更深一步的了解与认识。但通过修改和讨论学生对与英语作文会有更深一步的了解与认识。但是写作水平的提高需要经过一段时间的适应与实践才会得到真正的是写作水平的提高需要经过一段时间的适应与实践才会得到真正的提高。可能学生会不适应,句子错误很多,但是这不要紧,只要学提高。可能学生会不适应,句子错误很多,但是这不要紧,只要学生敢写就要表扬,然后跟学生一起分析文章中有什么不符合应用习生敢写就要表扬,然后跟学生一起分析文章中有什么不符合应用习惯的问题。也可以用改名字,改职业的方法来解决个别学生的句子惯的问题。也可以用改名字,改职业的方法来解决个别学生的句子组织问题,水平太差就可让他试着把例文中的人与职业岁数改一下。组织问题,水平太差就可让他试着把例文中的人与职业岁数改一下。就成了自己的小作文。就成了自己的小作文。板书设计:板书设计: MyMy ClassmateClassmateMyMy classmateclassmate personalpersonal informationinformation LooksLooks HobbyHobby dreamdream
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