Module 8-Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads -公开课教案、教学设计-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(配套课件编号:72258).docx

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Module 8-Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads -公开课教案、教学设计-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(配套课件编号:72258).docx_第1页
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Module 8-Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads -公开课教案、教学设计-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(配套课件编号:72258).docx_第2页
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Module 8-Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads -公开课教案、教学设计-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(配套课件编号:72258).docx_第3页
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Module 8-Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads -公开课教案、教学设计-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(配套课件编号:72258).docx_第4页
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Module 8-Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads -公开课教案、教学设计-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(配套课件编号:72258).docx_第5页
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1、一起六下一起六下Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on yourheads?教学设计教学设计一起六下一起六下 Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads?教学设计教学设计课题课题Module 8 Unit 1Why do you have cups on your heads?课型课型NT教材分析教材分析Unit 1 的语言情境是 Sam 在教室里看到同学们头上戴着纸杯哈哈大笑的一幕,大明给 Sam 讲述了这个有趣的过程的故事。本课提供了通过一件搞笑的校园趣事创设了用“Why”和“Because”

2、询问原因的典型语境, 复现旧知识, 并用 Sam 的 Its easy to make mistakes with Englishwords.这样一句非常具有英语思维特点的话重现六上的典型句型 Its形容词 to do 句式。 这篇小故事很具有英语思维特点, 也体现了中外文化之间的碰撞,教师可以通过活动设计体现对学生的人文素养的培养和关注。学情分析学情分析11.12 岁的孩子,度过了儿童期,正走向青春期。他们有比较强烈的独立意识和满满的好奇心,对新的事物没有先入为主的主管价值判断, 也乐于接受新的信息, 本课以 baseball 为学生的兴趣切入点进行人文素养的培养,以两个典型句型进行知识点的

3、夯实和拓展,学生在已有的学习经验里通过教师的引导,会主动梳理好时态的架构,在活动中复习、巩固、拓展基本知识和基础技能。设计思路设计思路发觉教材内在逻辑,为学生设计相对真实的语境,通过活动的设计层层递进式训练学生的语言表达能力,为学生继续学习打好基础。教学目标教学目标语语言言知知识识目目标标功能询问和说明原因语法运用 Why do you have cups on your heads? / Its easy to 词汇100%的学生能理解:cup, classmate, baseball, bring , brought, more,mistake, word, planned, smile,

4、 with, said100%学生能运用: cup, classmate, baseball, bring , brought, more, mistake,90%以上学生能运用:easy, told, said语音感知特殊疑问句句尾使用降调,初步了解字母 a 在不同单词中的发音语语言言技技能能目目标标听100%的学生能够听懂 Why do you have cups on your heads? / Its easyto 说100%的学生能说 Why do you have cups on your heads? / Its easy to 读100%的学生能认读:cup, classmat

5、e, baseball, bring, brought, more,mistake, word,90%的学生能认读:planned, smile, with, said, easy, told, said100%的学生能有感情朗读课文写100%的学生能够规范、准确写出话题语句运用能够用 Why do you have cups on your heads? 询问原因/ Its easy to 学学习习策策略略目目标标习惯阅读的习惯、用英语思维的习惯交际能用“Why”询问原因,用“Because”回答原因,并能用 Its 形容词 to do表达个人观点、陈述事实。文化意识目文化意识目标标乐于了解

6、不同文化背景下的体育文化,并能够理解文化差异为生活带来的乐趣。情感态度目情感态度目标标团队意识,合作意思,乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语进行口语交际。教学重点教学重点通过形式多样的教学活动的设计和实施,不断鼓励学生说英语,用英语进行简单的询问和交流。教学难点教学难点Why 引导的特殊疑问句下各种时态的运用教学准备教学准备卡片,课件,点读笔教学流程教学流程教学环节教学环节及时间及时间教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图I5Warming-up1. Get to know eachother.2. Ilikesportsverymuch.Ilovefootball,basketballan

7、d volleyball. WhydoIlovethesegames?Becausethey are competitiveand they are teamworks. So, shall wehave team works inour class?3. Guessinggame.1. 1.Gettoknowtheteacher and say “hello”to the teacher.2.2. Make two teams inclass.3. 3. Guess the new words1. 用 学 生 熟 悉 的Angela Baby 与学生热场,并自然引入“Its easy to”

8、2. 和 学 生 进 行 关 于sports 的 Free talk,通过 free talk 讲述老师喜欢足球、篮球、排球比赛的原因,并顺理成章地将小组比赛引入课堂。3.用“猜词”游戏活Guess the new wordsin M8 U1.4. Leadtodosomepreview checking.5. Leadtodothreemore groups.4. Dosomepreviewcheckingonthework-sheet.5. Dothreemoreexercises.跃课堂气氛,也让学生情绪尽快投入英语课。4. 通过Previewchecking

9、对预学效果进行检测。5. 对预学反映的问题进行补充练习,扫清障碍。II12Lead-in&Text-learningLets move on the newtext, Module 8 Unit 1.Why do you have cupson your heads?1. Lead-ina.Sam was at home.Sam couldnt find hisbag. Why cant he findhis bag? Lets enjoy ashort video and find thereason.b. Leadtofindtheanswer.c.Circle the two words

10、“Why” and “Because”,then show the learningtask of this lesson.2. Text-leaningWhy did Sam want tofind his bag? Lets readthe new story and findBegin the new lessonwith the topic sentenceon the board.1. Lead-ina.Watch the video andfindout,“WhycantSam find his bag?”b. Studentsanswer:Because its under th

11、ebed.c. Readthewordswhich were circled.Then think them overand find out how touse them.2. Text-leaning学生朗读课题并学习Sunday 和 on Sundays的意义。1. Lead-ina. 听、看小课文录像,并带着问题思考。b. 回答问题并点明本 课 学 习 重 点“why”和“because”c. 认读why和because, 并了解使用方法:当我们要询问原因时,用why 提 问 , 用because 回答2. Text-leaningthe reason.Samcameintothecl

12、assroomandsawsome classmates there.They had cups on theirheads. So Sam asked,“Why do you have cupson your heads? Why areyou laughing?”A. General question:Why did the classmateshavecupsontheirheads? Why were theylaughing?BRead for details.Arouse students to readfor details and underlinethe answer.Q1:

13、Whatdidtheclassmates plan to do?Showamicro-videoabout baseball.Q2: What did Amy askLingling to bring?Q3:Whathappenedthen?A. General question:Read the text quicklyand find out the reason.“Because Linging madea mistake with Englishwords.”B. Read for details.Readfordetailsandunderline the answers.1. Th

14、ey planned to playa baseball game.Enjoyamicro-videoabout baseball.2. She asked Linglingto bring some caps forthe baseball game.3. They laughed. And theyput the cups on theirheads and laughed more.A. General question:快速阅读课文,抓整篇文档主旨。学生有可能会将整个故事读出来,引导学生找到问题的本质,用一句话总结。B. Read for details.总意图:引导学生默读,并圈划答

15、案,注意掌握文本的细节。对学生进行人文素养的培养,观看关于棒球和棒球历史的微课。细节阅读过程中追问How do you know?确认学生了解阅读问题的答案在哪里找到追问:What does Sam thinkaboutLinglingsmistake?3. Read the text.a. Listen and read thetext by Epen.b. Leadtoreadandjudge by themselves.c. Lead to read one byone and correct thewords by the Epen.4. Retell the text by them

16、ind mapon theboard.5. Can you act it out?Sam smiled, “Its easy tomakemistakeswithEnglish words. I makelotsofmistakeswithChinese words, too.4. Read the text.a. Listen and read thetext by Epen.b. Leadtoreadandjudge by themselvesc. Lead to read one byone and correct thewords by the Epen.4. Retell the t

17、ext by themindmapontheboard.5. Act the story out.的。追问让学生对文本有深入的思考和发掘,在这个追问中,学生也可以发现目标语句可以很容易表达自己的观点。3. Read the text.通过点读笔,引导学生试听、跟读、模仿,在自读过程中,根据朗读评价表进行自我评价,最后一个一个读的过程中,发现读音的问题,并利用点读笔纠正发音。4. Retell the text bythe mind map onthe board.5. 把故事分角色表演出来,将文本转化为课本剧。III3Practiceand groupwork1. Arouse the stu

18、dentstolistentosomesentencesandrepeatthem.2. Pay attention to thewordswhichwerecircled and discuss ingroup, then try to findthe rules.3. Practice in pairs.1. 1. Listen and repeat.2. 2. Read words circledand discuss in groups.Find out how to usethese words.3. Watch the PPT, andtalkaboutreasonsinpairs

19、. Pay attention to1. 听音、重复,训练听力的同时,也培养英语语感和用英语思考的能力。2. 小组合作讨论课件全出的词,总结出使用的方法。3. 利用 PPT 课件提示,同桌进行原因的询问和解释,特别注4. Leadtoplaythechallenge game.5. Lead the students todo more exercises.thetense. Then makesentenceswiththepattern “Its adj. to do”4. Play the games.5. Do more exercises.意时态的使用要规范。用 Its 形容词 to

20、do 造句。4. 在挑战游戏中, 培养学生的学习兴趣和竞争意识,在用语言游戏的过程中训练英语思维的能力。5. 利用练习,检验practice 的练习效果。IV5Production1. Provide the studentsa piece of materiel aboutbaseball to read.2. Give them some tipsof learning English.1. Read a passage aboutthe baseball at school inthe US.2. Get the informationabout learning Englishbett

21、er from the teacher.1. 经过新授与操练,以及微课的 baseball背景介绍,进一步提供更多关于 baseball的文本作为拓展阅读。2. 为学生提供学好英语的建议。V.5Summary、homework&Test1. Give the students ademoofchanting.Then lead to chanttogether.2. Homework.3. Lead to do a test andcheck the answers.1. Chant the text withthe teacher.2. Homework.3. Do a test.1. 用

22、chant 总结本课的关键内容,在节奏感强烈的歌谣中复现本课的要点。2. 作业分为选作、必做,学生根据自己的能力和兴趣选作老师布置的作业。3. 通过随堂检测,检验教学和学习的效果。板书设计板书设计NSE 一起六上一起六上 Module 8 Unit 1 随堂检测随堂检测 (满分(满分 10 分)分)一、语音。语音。判断每题中划线单词的发音有几种,A:一种,B: 两种,C:三种。(共 2 小题,每小题 1 分,共 2 分)()1. buscupcap()2. planplaneeasy二、单选。单选。选出可以填入横线内的最佳选择,将序号填入题前括号内。(共 4 小题,每小题 1 分,共 4 分)

23、()1. I walked into our classroom and _ a new student there yesterday moring.A. lookedB. sawC. watched()2. -_ are you late for school? -Because I missed the bus. Sorry, Ms. Lin.A. WhyB. WhenC. Where()3. It is _ to read the story about baseball game.A. interestingB. sadC. enjoy()4. Look! There are baseball _ in my bags.A. capB. capsC. cups三、三、补全句子。补全句子。看图,读句子,填入所缺的单词将句子补充完整。 (共 4 空,每空 1 分,共 4 分)_ do you have _ on your heads?Its easy _ _mistakes with English words.


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